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Unidad 2. Design and modelling. Segunda parte. P.

12, 13
P12. Language spot. Grammar

Vocabulary. Translate

verbs. Form negation character

Have Have to/ has to don’t have to/ doesn’t have to…. (duty, obligation)

Need Need to/ Needs to don’t need to/ doesn’t need to (necessity)

Must must (by law or rule) mustn’t (prohibition/de ley)

Permited/not Permited

1. Look at the sentences complete the rules with the words in the list.
St. The inhaler has to fit properly in the hand. (Inhaler-3rd p. singular)
Verb have + infinitive or base form (fit)

hier conjugate v. have.

How does the inhaler have to fit? Observe: se conjuga do. Demás verbos en infinitivo

Aux. main verb Aux. do 3rd p. singular=does

Q. does the inhaler have to fit properly? Yes, of course it has to. We need to design an
ergonomic form that is easy to hold and comfortable even for children.

Q. What has to fit properly in the hand? The inhaler has to.

Q. Where does it have to fit properly? It has to fit properly in the hand

Q. How do you think the inhaler have to fit? I think it has to fit properly in the hand

Tomar los demas ejemplos y manipular cada ejemplo en forma de

 Pregunta
 Respuestas/positivas /negativas/ Respuesta corta y extensa.
 Singular I, you, he, she , it.
 Plural: we, you, they

2. It needs to be easy to operate


3.We must complete the next prototype in 3 weeks (continuar)

Ir a Grammar Reference pag. 118,

U2. Permission and necessity continuar con los ejemplos.


Ex. (They)The workers must listen to the briefing

Q. Do

Yes, they… (continuar)

3. Possibility and probability.

Can/can’t, may/may not might/might not could/couldn’t
Ex. None of the other screws fit, so this must be the correct one.

This can’t be the right part, you can see it’s too big . (can+not=can’t)

Some problems might

Nota: ampliar ejemplos con ayuda de la web.

Unidad 2. P.13. Tercera parte. Lectura/ Reading.
Computers in design and modelling. Oil platform design
1. vocabulary
2. reading/Lectura
3. Ex. 3 and 4.

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