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Unit 8 Worksheets

1st Floor
1. Look at the pictures. Which of these places would you
choose for a vacation?

2. Read the two postcard messages. Which places in 1 are they




1st Floor
3. Read the postcards again and mark the statements T[true] or
a. Mike stayed in a modern hotel.
b. Mike is interested in the history and culture of the
c. Kev and Sue aren't going to visit St. Lucia.
d. Mike doesn't want to return to Eastern Europe in the
e. Kev and Sue don't need any money on the ship.
f. Kev and Sue don't want to go home.

4. Find words in the postcards to match with the definitions.

a. a journey in an airplane (line 3).

b. a short trip, usually made by a group of people to
different places in an area (line 6).
c. a trip around a city or building with an expert (line 13).
d. traveling with a backpack (line 15).
e. a vacation on a large boat (line 20).
f. a vacation that includes the cost of food, entertainment
and journeys (line 23).
g. a trip to visit famous or interesting places (line 27).
h. a planned vacation arranged by a travel company (line

1st Floor

8. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

a. Mary (be going/organize) a tour of Europe
next spring.
b. Ben and Erica (hope/stay) at a hotel by
the beach.
c. Sue and Fred (plan/go) on a Caribbean
cruise for their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.
d. One day, Tom (hope/go) on a backpacking
vacation in the Andes.
e. George (think about/take) a sightseeing
trip around Hollywood if he has enough time.
f. Kelly (not be going to/book) her flight to
London next week. She doesn't have enough money.

2nd Floor
1. Which of these are most important to you on vacation?
accommodations weather scenery
people you go with sightseeing/culture
2. Listen to Max and Michelle's conversation about a vacation.
Which type of accommodation in the photos do they talk

3. Listen again. Complete the table with information about the

vacation Max found on the net.

2nd Floor
4. Match the verbs with the nouns to make phrases about
booking vacations.

a. to check 1. with a credit card

b. to serve 2. room service
c. to set off 3. a booking
d. to book 4. breakfast
e. to cancel 5. for the airport
f. to order 6. a vacation
g. to pay 7. into a hotel

2nd Floor
8. Listen and circle the verb form you hear.

a. I'll get up / I get up early.

b. We'll take / We take the early train.

c. I'll book / I book the tickets.

d. We'll go / We go to Barbados.

9. Underline the correct form of the verb.

1.We decided last night that we'll / we're going to catch an
earlier flight.
2. A: Where's the taxi?
B: I'm not sure. I'll / I'm going to call them now.
3. A: What did you decide? Will you / Are you going to
pay for the vacation by check?
B: No, I'll / I'm going to pay with my credit card.
4. A: Oh no! The flight's delayed.
B: In that case, I'll / I'm going to get a coffee.
5. A: Would you like some lunch?
B: No, I don't think I will / I'm going to, thanks. I only had
breakfast an hour ago.
6. A: Will you / Are you going to book the cruise?
B: No, I'm not / I won't, I found a better deal yesterday.

3rd Floor
1. What is your dream vacation? Look at the advertisements.
Which of the vacations would you like to go on?

2. Listen to the conversation between Andy and a travel agent.

Which vacation does he choose?

3rd Floor
3. Listen again and mark the statements T[true] or F[false].

a. Andy wants to go on vacation for ten days.

b. Andy didn't like L.A.
c. Andy wants an exciting vacation.
d. The cruise is too expensive for Andy.
e. The vacation in Bolivia includes the price of
international flights.
f. Andy decide to go on a tour of the Amazon
rain forest.

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