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Topic Bibliography

Modern Theology

Topic: What are the key contributions to the Jewish thought of the Kingdom of God from
Reimarus, Johannas Weiss, Schweitzer, and Ritschl?

Baldwin, John T. “Reimarus and the Return of Christ Revisited: Reflections on Luke 21:24b and
Its Phrase ‘Times of the Gentiles’ in Historicist Perspective.” Journal of the Adventist
Theological Society 11 (2000).

Berkhof, L. “Christ in the Light of Eschatology.” The Princeton Theological Review 25 (1927).

Bingham, D. Jeffery. “Development and Diversity in Early Christianity.” Journal of the

Evangelical Theological Society 49 (2006).

Bolt, John. “Just What Do You Mean--Kingdom of God?: Lessons from a Century (and More) of
Christian Social Thought.” Calvin Theological Journal 51 (2016).

Breech, Earl. “Kingdom of God and the Parables of Jesus.” Semeia 12 (1978).

Burkitt, F. Crawford. “Johannes Weiss: In Memoriam.” The Harvard Theological Review 8


Caragounis, Chrys C. “Kingdom of God, Son of Man, and Jesus’ Self-Understanding.” Tyndale
Bulletin 40 (1989).

Chapman, Mark. The Coming Crisis: The Impact of Eschatology on Theology in Edwardian
England. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001.

Deegan, Daniel Lee. “Albrecht Ritschl on the Historical Jesus.” Scottish Journal of Theology 15

Ellis, E Earle. “Albrecht Ritschl and the Problem of the Historical Jesus: A Study in the
Relationship Between Historical-Critical Research Into the Canonical Gospels and
Christian Theology with Special Reference to the Theological Method of Albrecht
Ritschl.” Southwestern Journal of Theology 40 (1998).

Foster, Frank Hugh. “Albrecht Ritschl.” The Presbyterian and Reformed Review 8 (1897).

Galloway, George. “The Theology of Ritschl.” The Presbyterian Review 10 (1889).

Goppelt, L. Theology of the New Testament. Translated by John Alsup. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,
Gulley, Norman R. “The Battle for Biblical Eschatology in the End Time.” Journal of the
Adventist Theological Society 1 (1990).

Harris, Ruth. “Albert Schweitzer in Thought and Action: A Life in Parts.” The Journal of
Ecclesiastical History 69 (2018).

Hawkin, David J. “Albert Schweitzer and the Interpretation of the New Testament.” The
Churchman 125 (2011).

Helm, Paul. “A Taproot of Radicalism.” Themelios 11 (1985).

Ladd, George E. “The Kingdom of God in the Jewish Apocrypal Literature.” Bibliotheca
Sacra 109 (1952).

Livingston, James C., and Francis Schüssler Fiorenza. Modern Christian Thought, Volume 1: The
Enlightenment and the Nineteenth Century. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1997.

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Fortress, 2000.

Lotz, David W. “Albrecht Ritschl and the Unfinished Reformation.” Harvard Theological
Review 73 (1980).

MacDonald, Nathan. “Hermann Samuel Reimarus (1694-1768): Classicist, Hebraist,

Enlightenment Radical in Disguise.” The Journal of Theological Studies 68 (2017).

Metzler, Norman. “Kingdom of God: A Basic Building Block of Contemporary Theology.”

Currents in Theology and Mission 2 (1975).

Morey, Robert A. “The Coming of the Kingdom.” Journal of Biblical Apologetics 11 (2008).

Morgan, Robert. “Reimarus, Schweitzer, and Modern Theology.” The Expository Times 129

Mueller, David L. “Albrecht Ritschl (1822-89): Prophet of a New Christianity.” Review and
Expositor 67 (1970).

Otto, Randall E. “The Eschatological Nature of Moltmann’s Theology.” Westminster Theological

Journal 54 (1992).

Paget, James Carleton. “Albert Schweitzer.” The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 62 (2011).

__________. “‘That Most Difficult of Theologians’ (Karl Barth): The Place of Theology in
Albert Schweitzer’s Life.” The Expository Times 128 (2016).
Reimarus, Hermann Samuel. Fragments from Reimarus: Consisting of Brief Critical Remarks on
the Object of Jesus and His Disciples as Seen in the New Testament. London: Williams
and Norgate, 1879.

Riches, John. “Lessing as Editor of Reimarus.” The Expository Times 129 (2018).

Ritschl, Albrecht. The Christian Doctrine of Justification and Reconciliation. Edinburgh: T&T
Clark, 1902.

Ryan, M. Desmond. “An Introduction to the Theology of Albrecht Ritschl.” Journal of the
American Academy of Religion 39 (1971).

Saucy, Mark R. “Miracles and Jesus’ Proclamation of the Kingdom of God.” Bibliotheca
Sacra 153 (1996).

Schafer, Thomas A. “The Last Judgment: In Protestant Theology from Orthodoxy to Ritschl.”
Interpretation 18 (1964).

Schweitzer, Albert. The Mystery of the Kingdom of God: The Secret of Jesus’ Messiahship and
Passion. New York: Dodd, Mead, and Company, 1914.

__________. The Quest of the Historical Jesus: A Critical Study of Its Progress from Reimarus
to Wrede. London: A & C Black, 1911.

Sell, Alan P.F. “Ritschl Appraised, Then and Now.” The Reformed Theological Review 38 (1979).

Silberman, Lou H. “Apocalyptic Revisited: Reflections on the Thought of Albert Schweitzer.”

Journal of the American Academy of Religion 44 (1976).

Sparks, H.F.D. “Reimarus: Fragments. (Lives of Jesus Series.) Charles H. Talbert Ralph S.
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Stuckenberg, J.H.W. “The Theology of Albrecht Ritschl.” The American Journal of Theology 2

Swing, Albert Temple. “The Theological Situation in Germany.” Bibliotheca Sacra 67 (1910).

Thate, Michael J. “Albert Schweitzer: A Biography.” Church History 87 (2018).

Venema, Cornelis P. “Christ’s Person and Life-Work in the Theology of Albrecht Ritschl with
Special Attention to Munus Triplex.” Calvin Theological Journal 29 (1994).

Viviano, Benedict T. The Kingdom of God in History. Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 1988.
Walvoord, John F. “The Kingdom of Heaven.” Bibliotheca Sacra 124 (1967).

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Weiss, Johannes. Christ: The Beginnings of Dogma. Boston: American Unitarian Association,

__________. Jesus’ Proclamation of the Kingdom of God. Mifflintown: Sigler Press, 1999.

__________. Paul and Jesus. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1909.

Willis, Wendel. The Kingdom of God in 20th Century Interpretation. Peabody: Hendrickson,

Witmer, Stephen E. “Keeping Eschatology and Ethics Together: The Teaching of Jesus, the Work
of Albert Schweitzer, and the Task of Evangelical Pastor-Theologians.” Themelios 39

Wright, G. Frederick, Wm. G. Ballantine, and Frank H. Foster. “German Periodical Literature.”
Bibliotheca Sacra 44 (1887).

Wright, G. Fredrick. “The Kingdom of God in the Light of Jewish Literature.” Bibliotheca
Sacra 66 (1909).

Zahn, A. “The Drift of Dogmatic Thought in Germany During the Last Decade.” The
Presbyterian and Reformed Review 2 (1891).

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