Test 3

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ForumlAS (General Studies Paper 3 - Open Test Instructions : Answer the below questions your words. Each question carries equal marks (12.5x20 = 250 marks ). Quatity of the answer is more important than the length of the answer. 1. Trace the history of demonetization in India, Discuss the challenges and opportunities it offers. How far do you think can it help fight the menace of black money and corruption? are 3 Ruger a sitet St caren wt | Raparer & aetfeat stk sreent Ft ae wth faa fe ge aR are Or Se serene & Paarw aes A eg HT WHAT BP 2. Ease of doing business is critical to attracting foreign investment, generating employment, and promoting growth. In this contest, discuss the recent initiatives taken by government to improve ease of doing business in the country. Sarat ees A arraht faaehy Hae ar arefter Hee, Wore ter He, HT faery a agra 2a & fa Hea Sl oa deat A ae a aren ea oral & QU F fae AGN GaN Saw aT Ee A set FT 3) What do you understand by ‘National Security Doctrine’? What issues do you think exist in India's national security? Elaborate how a doctrine will address the same, ‘uedha quan PBaier ne ear Banga EA ater WAR set HY ager yea a waar wea Er weer srl] aregher ara FBaier ser at at Bee er a mT A? 4) Itis often said that the job creation in India has been exclusionary in natare. What social, economic, and public policy factors, in your opinion, have caused this? Suggest policy measures needed to overcome the same. ag eee wer ser FB are A aware quae aePS A sroaciencres Bi ser ara, ania the arate ae sareat, areaht oa A, gah aoe a BP gat ag ae Re AR sore Gar 5) The Make In India’ campaign has largely overlooked the key role SEZs could play in boosting manufacturing in India, Why have SEZs failed to do'so? Suggest measures that can be undertaken for the revival of SEZs. ‘aay ger Sfbar arenet at amet ee mer a BROT aot A A RCP ara at gee fear Rl gah saree fr Car ae A rare Ww Fe Wagers (SEZ) F Grea F fae Ysa aI 6) ISRO can be a considered as a flagbearer of India’s low cost Make in India Program. How can the excellence achieved in arena of space be spread over sectors of economy ? a0 A Ne A BH ae HT Ae ga Zar Arh A Cao TSH APT oT HTT EI araRer F Oa A aT Sepa Ft apleraen & sty ast a ay thera or aerate? 1 J oeurmia ForumlAS Visit nttp://for een ee 7) The development of the Blue Economy holds immense promise for the Indian Ocean region. What do you understand by the term Blue Economy? How it, if promoted, help achieve sustainability? Is Blue economy a wider concept than Green Economy? Explain. ater srdeerneen amt Rewer Ee aera abe a fore stay eeraeTe ater i alte srteaaeer BT Fa TAT 2 38 ager &F 8 onthe at caterer Peat aa Be A AT Ae Pet weet wer aq aetertear ea arteaaean & Gwar A ww cares sur B '8) What do you understand by the term DNA profiling? What are its objectives? Critically examine the requirement for a law on DNA profiling. ‘Siete sieprgfatr & ag sear HareS EP FAT Far FeeT EP sea Mele TT GH HET fa aaa GT aaratiarana after at) 9) What do you understand by Bioprospecting? Discuss the benefits and challenges of bioprospecting. What measures can be taken to protect the rights of indigenous people on the inherent genetic diversity in Nature and prevent biopiracy? ae faashedRéer & war aaa Ee Reattedier omar athe epittat we met wth sepia A Mater angen fafaerar oe cater atait a arfteett Ar cer ote arateretteh tat a fae sa Sarr RA oT eH &? 10) What reasons can be attributed to the sudden increase in incidents of urban flooding in recent times? Explain with examples. Bret & feat A eet ae A const A arora gfe & fore war arer fora gd aT Bea KP sere A ArT FART 11) The story of India's economic growth remains incomplete unless the goals of financial inclusion are met. Write a short note on how the following mechanisms/ institutions can play a role in promoting financial inclusion in the country. a) India Post Payment Banks b) Regional Rural Banks c) Priority Sector Lending aaer &t anfehar fe At wert fee Recta wander & weet Ar nfs gw ae & 1 eafatea da) dears ae 7 faeeter ward, a aeren Qt A sar ayferar fre waa & 2 efter Peat ere a) aRdte sre aystany at a) atta ator dq a) oreaftemar ate RCT 12) Agricultural reforms must begin with reforms in subsidy regime in the fertilizer segment, What is ailing India’s fertilizer subsidy regime? Suggest reforms, ph guy sata a A wienst creer A qurt & are ew star anf @ ate a deafear ane & shew aferd coeen at afta art & quet a ype Zi Visit hit ForumlAS 13) What explains the anomaly between India's successful eradication of Polio, but failure to even contain vector borne diseases? Critically examine India's preparedness for fighting Vector Borne diseases in the light of outbreak of Dengue and Chikungunya, seer rate ay oe Says Mey eee safer eth ay raat at aware Paine era | Sa a 2 ey ate Rerparaftar a wate A deat a dace ate tet a age a Fe oer AY tanta A aerate Toh wt 14) The health of banking sector is a barometer of the health of a nation's economy, Discuss the challenges faced by Banking Sector in India today. What reforms, in your opinion, can bring banking sector back on track? aPbar ety ar rarer er A) arleaaear & saree ar ww are B1 aot ae A ART ae cart ater at getieat 2 aah et 1 ear ore ae A, ae ae BT are sett ve ary # fae far Yur A araeapaT 15) What do you understand by the term 'Fourth Industrial Revolution’? Discuss the opportunities and challenges thatit offers. ong ‘ate staat safer & Far watt & seh arent sie gateet A career FT 16) Write short notes on (a) Gravitational Waves (c) Scramjet Engine (&) aprarator set (a7) Scramjet Saar oe ay Ate: FR] 17) Discuss the anthropogenic and natural causes behind the recent increase in air pollution in North India that has. been in news recently. Also suggest remedial measures to tackle them. Sea Te A are waOT a fe AR ea AT aT Mo Ar ate orp aU oy eh at Fe aaTAT ae8 Pues & fae sree sora ar Ae é1 18) Augmented Reality is going to shape the world in ways beyond the human civilization of today can imagine. What do you understand by Augmented Reality? List some of its applications. What challenges do you think augmented reality ean pose ? Bafta areaiteren airat At arere sewer AM ata a ay ath a afta st ae sree aA oT er Bl waft ‘areata & any ar warp SSR sar soar 7 seh wer A aaftler areafwer war gated Fer ae Rd 19) What is ‘Market Economy Status’ under WTO? Discuss the possible impact of China being granted Market Economy Status, on India. Also examine the arguments against China being granted the same, fara cam ainent & aga “atone ateaaeer an aot sar bP ht & aoe siteaean wr aah Be wR Fur sara og wea E? sew Hera et HUE aot few ory F ars fav ae set A crea FH with © by ForumiAScom - The Knows isc Mit /fotumas itp //forumias academy - Prelim ForumlAS +20) Recently, Indian finance minister has urged BRICS nations to develop an arbitration mechanism amongst themselves. What is the need for such a mechanism? What steps can India take to evolve itself into an International Arbitration hub. Bret & A areca faea aa at fra ( BRICSA) Ae S anew A eH Aeaeear da aa ae H Fae ore fear & | ht caren aa sera BP ane Ue slosh tare Fe S eT A ae A ete ae * fae a Fran wea Sor AT BP with © by ForumiAScom - The com | N Uisit http 7 Whip /forumias.acadierny ForumlAS

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