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What is the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)?

The PPST, is the revised National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS), It give the teacher
professional competencies in seven domains, 37 strands and 148 performance indicators for four career

The PPST aims to:

• A. Set out clear expectations of teachers along well-defined career stages of professional
development from beginning to distinguished practice.

• B. Engage teachers to actively embrace a continuing effort in attaining proficiency; and

• C. Apply a uniform measure to assess teacher performance, identify needs, and provide support for
professional development.

The PPST shall be used as a basis for all learning and development programs for teachers to ensure that
teachers are properly equipped. The aim of PPST is to produce better teachers in our country by improving
their qualifications skills and by increasing their levels of knowledge, practice, and professional

7 Domains of PPST

According to PPST, quality Teachers in the Philippines need to possess the following characteristics.

Domain 1: Content Knowledge, and Pedagogy

Teacher should recognize the importance of mastery of content knowledge its interconnectedness
within and across curriculum areas, coupled with a sound and critical understanding of the
application of theories and principles of teaching and learning. They apply developmentally appropriate
and meaningful pedagogy grounded on content knowledge and current research. They display proficiency in
Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate the teaching and learning process, as well as exhibit the
needed skills in the use of communication strategies, teaching strategies and technologies to promote high-
quality learning outcomes.

 Techers should have mastery of their subject matter or field of expertise. We need to master the
content, the topic and we should be knowledgeable about it.
 It’s not just about a teacher knowing all of the topics in a certain subject. But how can he/she
implement these subjects through activities, projects, and different assessment tools to ensure that the
students are really learning. After all, you do not teach the subject. You teach the learner.
 We need to adapt to this change in order to facilitate learning.
 There are teachers who are struggling because they are not knowledgeable in terms of using the
technology. BUT they need to comply. Specially in this time of pandemic, almost everything is done
through internet.
 That’s why it’s important that as a teacher, we need to be adaptable in this ever-changing world.

Domain 2: Learning Environment

Teacher should provide learning environments that are safe, secure, fair, and supportive in order to
promote learner responsibility and achievement. They create an environment that is learning- focused
and they efficiently manage learner behavior in a physical and virtual space. They utilize a range of
resources and provide intellectually challenging and stimulating activities to encourage constructive
classroom interactions geared towards the attainment of high standards of learning.

 The domain 2 is focus on creating the learning environment that is conducive for the students.
 Teacher should create an environment that is learning focus and they efficiently manage learner
behavior in a physical and virtual space.
 Good Classroom Management skills - even if you are the most intelligent teacher, if you don’t know
how to manage the class, if you don’t know how to handle the class THAT’S nothing. Your
intelligence is nothing.
 A good classroom manager is considered as effective teacher rather than intelligent teacher.
 Aside sa mga activities, dapat as a teacher you must learn more strategies or variety of strategies. As
a teacher, you need to make sure na you are not only using one strategy, dapat marami kang strategy
because you need to consider the needs of every student.
 Because if you done the wrong strategy, your student will never learn from you, and you will never
be an effective teacher.

Domain 3: Diversity of Learners

Establish learning environments that are responsive to learner diversity. They respect learners'
diverse characteristics and experiences as inputs to the planning and design of learning opportunities.
They encourage the celebration of diversity in the classroom and the need for teaching practices that are
differentiated to encourage all learners to be successful citizens in a changing local and global environment.

 Domain 3 is connected to domain 2. In order to create a conducive learning environment you need to
accept what we call Diversity of Learners.
 It is not applicable, and it is unethical to humiliate the students just because of their differences in the
class. We need to be considerate enough to all our students.
 A teacher should respect the learner background, ethnicity, and the totality of the student.
 A teacher should accept all the learners.
 We have to understand them and help them.
 Same level of treatment must be seen. No favoritism. Treatment should be impartial to all the student
no matter what kind of learner they may be.
 We should look at the needs of every student. That’s why it is important that we learn something
about them. Particularly their Multiple Intelligence, because if you know their strength and
weaknesses, their talents, and skills. It will not be hard for you to create activities, projects and etc.
 Learners are diverse and each learner have different needs. As a teacher we must not only look in
one aspect but in different aspect if the child. BECAUSE every learner is different.

Domain 4: Curriculum and Planning

Interact with the national and local curriculum requirements. They translate curriculum content into
learning activities that are relevant to learners and based on the principles of effective teaching and
learning. They apply their professional knowledge to plan and design, individually or in collaboration with
colleagues, well-structured and sequenced lessons that are contextually relevant, responsive to learners'
needs and incorporate a range of teaching and learning resources. They communicate learning goals to
support learner participation, understanding and achievement.

Domain 5: Assessment and Reporting

Apply a variety of assessment tools and strategies in monitoring, evaluating, documenting, and
reporting learners' needs, progress, and achievement. They use assessment data in a variety of ways to
inform and enhance the teaching and learning process and programs. They provide learners with the
necessary feedback about learning outcomes that inform the reporting cycle and enables teachers to select,
organize and use sound assessment processes.

 Teacher should use assessment tools in a variety of ways to inform and enhance the teaching and
learning process.
 It is important that the teaching learning process is to be partnered with an assessment.
 The assessment will determine the effectiveness and the efficiency of the teaching learning process.

Domain 6: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

Establish school-community partnerships aimed at enriching the learning environment, as well as the
community's engagement in the educative process. They identify and respond to opportunities that link
teaching and learning in the classroom to the experiences, interests and aspirations of the wider school
community and other key stakeholders. They understand and fulfill their obligations in upholding
professional ethics, accountability and transparency to promote professional and harmonious relationships
with learners, parents, schools and the wider community.

 They identify and respond to opportunities that link teaching and learning in the classroom to the
experiences, interests and aspirations of the wider school community and other key stakeholders.
Ofcourse with the cooperation of the stake holders. Kung may project and activities that requires the
help of the community, we can communicate to the barangay and talk to them with our plans.
 We do this partnership with the community because they are outside factors in a way that they
influence and affects the student’s behavior and performance.
 We need to use the community to enhance their skills and to make them more competent. Dapat
ineexpose yung mga students in real world. Hindi lang yung nasa classroom lang sila.
 EXAMPLE – OJT and IMMERSION – Community Service – Seminars – Different Organizations

Domain 7: Personal Growth and Professional Development

Teachers should value personal growth and professional development and exhibit high personal
regard for the profession by maintaining qualities that uphold the dignity of teaching such as caring
attitude, respect, and integrity. They value personal and professional reflection and learning to improve
their practice. They assume responsibility for personal growth and professional development for lifelong

The Code of Ethics for Public School Teachers adopted in Section 7 of RA 4670 explains professional

It behooves every teacher to assume and maintain professional attitude to his work and in dealing with his
associates in the profession. It should be his self-imposed duty to constantly improve himself professionally.

Criticism, when necessary, should clearly reflect friendly motivation and a sincere desire to uphold the
standard and dignity of the profession.

In dealing with his pupils or students, the teacher should ever strive to be professionally correct, friendly,
and sympathetic.

Professionalism: The Hallmark of a Professional

 No bouts, society expect the teacher as a professional to demonstrate professionalism in all that he
 Professionalism is both a professional and a personal trait.
 Because professionalism include a variety of personal qualities and behavior that demonstrate
commitment to effective performance in a given job.
 It’s not the job you do. It’s how you do the Job.

Teachers Obligations enumerated in Section 16 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 known as the Education
Act of 1982.

1. Perform his duties to the school by discharging his responsibilities in accordance with the philosophy,
goals and objectives of the school.

2. Be accountable for the efficient and effective attainment of specified learning objectives in pursuance of
national development goals, within the limits of available school resources.

3. Render regular reports on performance of each student to the latter's parents or guardians with specific
suggestions for improvement.

4. Assume the responsibility to maintain and sustain his professional growth and advancement and maintain
professionalism in his behavior at all times.

5. Refrain from making deductions in students' scholastic ratings for acts that are clearly not manifestations
of poor scholarship.

6. Participate as an agent of constructive, social, economic, moral, intellectual, cultural, and political change
in his school and the community within the context of national policies.


The Filipino teacher is a professional. This means that he/she demonstrates technical, ethical and moral
competence as a result of his/her long years of initial professional education which led him/her to the
earning of a college university degree and passing the licensure examinations.

This professional competence is demonstrated in his/her professionalism, professional knowledge, in

creating a favorable learning environment, in excellent instructional planning, instructional delivery and
assessment practices. It goes without saying that as a professional he/she has mastery of subject matter.
Being a teacher carries a lot of responsibility. It takes a big heart and a lot of patience. The society demands
a lot from them for they are responsible of our many youths and to prepare them to become skilled,
professional, and well-mannered adults in the future.
Since teachers have the power to influence their students, the society clearly expects more from them
because if a child is misbehaving or does something wrong, they often blame teachers for the parents would
think that the child acquired such behavior by attending school.

To teach is to do all of these and more! To teach is to influence every child entrusted in your care to become
better and happier because life becomes more meaningful. To teach is to help the child become more human.

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