CRIME - Punishment VocabExam

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VOCABULARY EXAM – Crime and Punishment

Name:_______________________________ Class: II.A___ Date: 22.10.2021. SCORE:_________________

I. Complete the sentences with the missing word. The first letter of the word is
given. (12 points)
0. Why didn't you report_ the crime to the police, sir?
1. It was a horrible crime so nobody was surprised when the judge sentenced him to
2. Some criminals go to r________________ programme instead of going to prison.
3. You won't believe this! Martin had to pay a f________ for dropping l___________ in the park.
4. The w_____________ of the crime was asked to clearly explain everything he saw.
5. A v_____________is injured or hurt in the crime.
6. We believe the husband could be our prime s_____________. He doesn't have an alibi.
7. My neghbour is under h_________a__________- he isn't in prison but, he cannot leave his home.
8. When the j____________walked into courtroom, everyone stopped talking and stood up.
9. Teens often damage and destroy public property so v_____________ is often a problem in this
10.Some kids can be really horrible to each other and b_____________ ocassionally happens in

II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. Check
the example. Example: The criminals got a suitable punishment (PUNISH) (10 points)

1. Driving without a seatbelt is _________________. You can be fined for it. (LEGAL)
2. The _____________________ of being arrested is enough to discourage many people from
commiting crimes. (HUMILIATE)
3. The two ___________________ stole a computer from the house. (BURGLE)
4. Nowadays ____________________crimes are increasing. (VIOLENCE)
5. What kind of ___________________did they commit? (OFFEND)
6. The police took a ____________________ from the witness. (STATE)
7. Even though he claimed he wasn't __________________, he was accused of a crime. (GUILT)
8. There has been a lot of ________________in the streets of Chicago these days. (RIOT)
9. She killed him by __________________his tea. (POISON)
10.„Hands up! This is a ___________________!“ (ROB)
III. Fill in the blanks with the words missing. The first letter is given. ( 9 points)

Thieves have been around for centuries, probably for as long as the humans, but armed (1)
r____________ is a more recent phenomenon. Unfortunately women have always been the victim of
rape and (2) d______________violence. (3) F____________ has been around since printing has been used
to make money and produce documents. Rich people or their childern are sometimes (4)
k______________ and are not (5)s_______ free until ransom has been paid. The 20th century has been the
appearance of many organised (6) c___________ such as hijicking or drug (7)s______________. Perhaps
one of the most recent crimes is (7) h_____________ into computers to access valuable (9) i_____________.
IV. Complete the sentences with an appropriate word. 4 words are extra. (11 points)
innocent, arrested, blaickmailer, accused, charges, plead, trial, shoplifting, threaten,
judge, arsonist, mugger, jury, appear, sentence.

1. A _____________threatened to tell his wife about the love affair.

2. When the members of the ______________return from their 3 hour long session we will
finally find out if he is _________________or not.
3. He didn't ______________ in court yesterday for his ________________.
4. A _________________attacked him in the street and and stole his wallet and a mobile
5. John was ________________for murdering his wife. He will face serious ____________ when
he goes before the judge.
6. If you ______________guilty, the judge will probably reduce your _________________.
7. The police are still investigating who is the______________ of all the fires in the city.
V. Complete the crossword with the clues below. DOWN =okomito ACROSS=
VODORAVNO (10 points)


2. breaks into your house and steals goods

5. person who takes somebody's life
6. decides if you are guilty or not guilty
9. steals from the store, markets, shops
10. person who defends you in court
1. when you break shops and smash windows
3. takes control of a plane or boat by force
4. illegally brings some goods into the country
7. smaller crime of stealing something
8. nuisance crime of being very loud and disturbing the public

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