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Casts :

1. Midwife I (Mrs.Emi) : Vella Meryta Puspitasari (P27824418002)

2. Midwife II (Mrs.Mira) : Ervina dwi Anggraini (P27824418005)

3. Wife (.Ani) : Risanti Putri Rahmandar (P27824418003)

4. Husband (Adi) : Kiki Berliana Ramadhani (P27824418001)

5. Ani’s Mother (Mrs.Ina) : Namira Salma Salsabila (P27824418004)

One day, At 04.00 AM in the morning. Mrs Ina has a contraction. Mr adi worries about
her. So he decides to take her to the hospital immedietly.

Mrs Ani : Ouch, Allah, it hurts. Babe! ( shouting to mr adi)

Mr.Adi : What is going on babe ?

Mrs.Ani : I dont know, my stomach hurts, it feels like contraction again.

Mr. Adi : Hold on babe, i will take you to the hospital!

Mrs. Ani : Can you please wake mom up? I want her to accompany me too!

Mrs. Ina : Sweety im here, i already wake up, lets go to the hospital, i will prepare the
baby’s stuff, Adi! Take your wife to the car!

A few moments later, the three of them go to the hospital. And they meet Ms.Emi and

Ms. Emi : What is wrong? How may i help?

Mrs. Ani : My stomach hurts mam, it maybe a contraction!

Mrs. Ina : Yes she’s been having contraction and its getting stronger!

Ms. Emi : Alright, since when?

Mrs. Ani : Since yesterday, ms!

Ms. Emi : Ok, i got you. Alright mam. You may lay down on the bed. I will do some check
up on you. Mira, over here! Help me, plese!

Ms.Mira : Im coming.

Ms. Emi : So, i will take care of her. And the family can wait in the waiting room

Mr. Adi : Please! Take care of her!

Ms. Emi : Mam, when is the date?

Mrs. Ani : It still four days later, mam!

Ms. Emi : Have you got your covid-19 test?

Mrs Ani : Yes i have. It negative

Ms. Emi : Okey then, Mira please meassure the bleedpressure, leopold, and check up on
baby’s rate. And dont forget about VT!

Ms. Mira : Already mam!

Ms. Emi : After that, let me know!

Ms. Mira : Mam in my opinion it is too early to give a birth! The VT result is still on 2 cm

Ms. Emi : What about others?

Ms. Mira : Everything is under control. The bleedpressure is 120/180. The leopold is on
38cm and the baby’s rate is 148x/minutes.

Ms Emi : Alright then. I will let her know. Follow me!

( Ms. Emi talk to the family)

Ms Emi : Mam,sir. The VT result is on 2 cm. It means that you are still in process to give a
birth. But dont worry, everything is fine. Your baby’s is fine. So does you.

Mrs. Ani : So, what i have to do know?

Ms. Emi : We will send you home. You can take a walk in home. It helps for dilatation
Mr. Adi : Thank you so much!

Ms. Mira : And, if the are the signs like a small bloodstained discharge, the contraction is
getting stronger, you have to immediately go to the hospital!

Mrs. Ina : Ok mam. I understand that. Thank you!

Ms. Mira : Yes! Be save!

The day After tomorrow. Mrs. Ani comes again with her family and hshe say that the contraction
is getting stronger and she has a backache too!

Mrs. Ina nd Mr.Adi : Mam! Help! I think this is the right time!

Ms. Mira : Ok, i got her. Please wait on the outside and we will do the rest.

Ms. Mira : Emi, help me! Please check up on her bloodpressure, the cervical
dilatation and the baby’s heart rate!

Ms. Emi : Already mam!

Ms. Mira : I will prepare the stuff!

Ms. Emi : Mam, the cervical dilatation is on 9cm. I think this is the right time to
gaive birth. I will give her a sodium chloride IV and the oxygen mask!

Ms. Mira : Yes! Thats good. Thanks mira. I will let her family know about it!

(On the waiting room)

(Ms. Mira calls Mr. Adi and Mrs. Ina)

Ms Mira : I think this is the right time Sir,Mam!

Mr. Adi : Can i accompany my wife, mam?

Ms. Mira : Im so sorry sir. Due to covid-19 you cant accompany her. Its the hospital
protocol! You can accompany her if she already move in to inpation rooms!
Mrs. Ina : Ya Allah, may the labpur is fine. Please protect my daughter ya Allah!
Give her strength!

Ms. Mira : Dont worry! We will take care of your daughter. She saves with us!

( Inside Of PONEK Room. The Birth Process)

Ms.Mira : Okey. Emi, what is the patient condition?

Ms. Emi : The cervical dilatation is already 10cm Mam, we’re ready now!

Ms. Mira : Ok, mrs.ina i want you tot ake a deep breath and when you exhale it push
the baby!

Mrs. Ani : Ok mam

Ms Mira : Ok, are you ready? One two three gp. Push!


Ms. Emi : Once again. Lets try again! You can do it!

Ms. Mira : 1,2,3 push!


Ms. Mira : Thats good. Thats good. Enough. Lets have some rest.

Mrs. Ani : Thats okay mam. Im ready. Im fine. Lets do this again!

Ms. Mira : Okey then. 1,2,3. Push! Come on! A little bit more again!

Mrs. Ani : HMMPPPHHHHH (oek oek oek)

Ms. Mira : Alhamdulillah. Congrats. The baby is boy. You are doing a great job.
Emi. Please take care of the baby. I’ll do the rest

Ms. Emi : Alright, mam. Alhamdulillah

Mrs. Ina : Alhamdulillah. Thanks to Allah


Mrs. Ina : Alhamdulillah ya Allah.

After The midwives takes care of Mrs. Ani and her baby. Mr.Adi pray for his newborn baby.
The end.

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