GE Fluorescent Trimline T8 Lamps Brochure 4-88

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Fluonescent t"
ttt -Y'i
)' -. '
foq design flegbllity, "
high sysl_ep efficiericy
an1 excellent color,
TRIMLINE T8 lamps help you
shape up your lighdng sysiems.
GE TRIMI.INE T8 lirmps arc an 12 diffelent lamp t]'pes to Using propcrly desigrccl fi xturc/
excellent choice u,here desigt choose fiom. ballasr combinations.
fl exibiliry higir system eflicieno.l TRINILINE T8 lanps guar-antec
Add 1rl this their smaller bulb
excellent color rcnclering ancl Iouel' anrnral opcrating ro-rb, up to
dianctcr. cxccllcnt color rencli
long Lifc are ilrpor-tant 206/a loller, uhilc providing thc
tion capabilities and high efE-
considerations. same amount ofuselul licht as a
cienc,v and vou have a familv of
conparablc T12 systcn.
Thcir slirn si.e, onfi l" in dia l:rnrps thal olle$ extrptio]|al
rn"la; prolides tlre opportunin'to rksign fuibi)i]1, and srill srrys And. r,hen used r,ith irn electto
-fRlN{LlNE offer
create clualin, lighting systerls within budget consiclentions. nic ballast. l'8s
for t uid? urriety of (WlicatiotLr. In acldition. all TRIN,ILINE T8 m addirional 710% increase in
efficiencv over standard ballast
Smaller, trimmer size lanps arc rvcll suited to applica
systerns. In a tlpiciil 2 x.1'lcuscd
tions rvhere climming is required.
ofiers design flexibility. trofl'er: that rleans a 22%
High system efEciency increase in encr.qv cost saringsl
\Mrelher you use them for dir-
ect or indirect lighting insralla- trims a-s much a-s 20V" off
tious. the trinrner size annual enersr' costs.
TRI\ILINE T8 larnps proride
you need to ctcaLe \!'hen it cones to system cffi-
thc ?rrrriall1.i4
ciency; TRIN{l.INF. T8 larnps
tour orvn innovative fluorescent
oI1'er outstanding perfonlancc 8I,'K\\TI
lighting designs. Tlreir l" dia
and econonrli
nleter nreans you catf' Ltc trimm?.r
rvhile rlair)tainine proper 'lake the four--foot TRI\{LII\E.
light fevels, and ueale ?kz-sing for exarnple. Clompalrd 1rl a
design; where spart is tiglt. sLandarcl F,10 it uses 20%t fnuer
zuallr. So, you could satt as muclt
TRIN{l.INII T8 Ianrps are av:rila-
at $12.80 pu in ener et'
ble in 2-, 3-, .1- and 5-foot
costs over the life of drc lanrp.'
lcngtlrs. Cornbined rvith our
It even uscs 6% lewer watts
three popular color- options, this
than rypical enerpry efiicient
sizc range nreans voLr have
F.10 larnps.

Cost and Iife Comparison

Four-Lamp Lensed 2 x 4 troller syslem


Bated tamp Life 20 000 20,000

Nom. Lamp Wans 40 '3t

Fixture Lumens per Watt 42 52

Belative Annual Energy Cost 10 !.7 8

Belative Annual Enerqy Cost

For Equal Maintained Footcandles 10 0.8 3

Relative Cost Per Million

Lumen Hrs. r0 l].B B

Annual 0perating Cost Savings* s1,680

lnitial Cost Payback in Yrs. t4

Percent Beturn 0n lnvestment

'Bas|d0nirrprasl;iemdeslnedromanrafl00lollmrde:01 qhr 0!n an arearf l0 000 sq ler

Arrua r Lres mal ury orh 1ulc dfl tr. rpp r;rots i d rir r0nmNnra iord lors F ilue L mms !t r eratud Li us
Excellent color for a Thcsc rar e' elnh triphosphors Tlrcir lorg life i so nukcs the
better appearance. :rlsoplolirle iigi ra airiainttl light TRINILIN.-ll T8 ari cxcellenl
dllp?rl thoughout lili. Al .101i of c hoicc tbr hiucl to r-each ercas
Because all TRI\{l.INE T8 ratcd life. I RIN{LINE T8 larrps ancl applications r cclrriring long
lamps contain thc s:unc ral-c sdll provi.ic 9i)% of theil initial burrring horrt_s.
eanh tliphosphol coating thrl lrurrens letting lou nrairitair tlrc
has macle CL Spccification light lo cls vou neecl.
Selies llurps il stllndllr d in thc -l
iDclusnr. theY pr-olicle ai tl^\ I att di n g Lr acklition. the RlNlLlNE TS
aior rttubrirtg. All TllIN,ll.l \F. lnmp firmih'is arailablc irt tht-ee
lanrps hru e a (lolol Rencler-irrg poprrlar' c olor_ lenrper-atur_cs
hrclcr ((illl) of75. So, r)o nuttcr r'lnging lionr cool to rvlrrtrr.
rr'here vou use lhen, rrlrri:l giviug rou the (pponunin to
appnr rtcho; ntnt ntLtural. choose the sourrc tllat creltes
fur_rrishings :rncl ciecor ilre nlore -just drc r ight atnrosphele for
appcaling^ arrd invitirrg. vour application.

Long lamp life

keeps maintenance costs
fit and trim"
lRl\lLINE T8 larrps h:r'c thc
same lcrrrg 2fl 000Jaur lifi.ts
standrrd F.10 lanrps. So, you
keep thc saurc lori larlp
r'cpllcen rent cost-s you'\'e conle
to expect lronl fluorcsccrrl
TRIMLINE T8 Fluorescent Lamps

Lamp Performance Data

0rderinq Lumens CBl,/Color Lamp Length Iamp
Description Code lnitial Mean Temperature Life (2) (lnches) Watts

F]7I8lSP3O/RS r7033 1350 t2t5 75 @ 300!K 2 0,000

F]7TBlSP35/RS 17035 1350 t2t5 75 @ 350!( 2 0,0 00 24 1l
F]7Tl1/SP4]/BS 17036 141n 1215 75 @ 4m0K 20,000

I25TB/SP3O/BS 15!43 2r5! 1935 75 @ 3000K 2 0,0 !0

F25T8/SP35/BS 15944 2r50 rg35 75 @ 3s!0K 2 0,! 00 36 25

F25T8/SP4]/BS 15945 ?25t ?t75 75 @ 4100K 2 0,! 00

F3218/SP31]/FS 15946 2900 26 t0 75 @ 30!0l( 2 0,0 00

F32T8/SP35/FS r5947 2900 26 r0 75 @ 3500K 2 !,0 t0 4B 3?

F32IB/SP4 ]/BS 1594! 3050 2745 75 @ 4too( 2 0,0 00

F4(]TB/SP3!/BS r5950 3650 32 85 75 @ 3000( 2lr,r u0

F40T8/SP35/BS 1535l 3650 32 85 75 @ 3500K 2 0,l] 00 60 40
F4I]TB/SP4r/FS 15952 3800 3420 75 @ 4100K 2 0,l] 00

Nl it A r_!xs!5ir rcd!rhtn
lr A 4ll il/FGj! lr qd t'! !i 2i lrl]- ir! j
2, A,30, _!,r r0,r 0er lnn l: l0: h0 n m Flpd ldrl,:. i lb00,i 0!ti_ ' s r i
i S a r r I : : r I

Sample Specification The corelatecl colorten\)etlrlulF olr (lurenetic lapid

Fluorescent larrps sh:rll bc of thc lurnp shall be stltll higlr frequcuol instant
(;t_ -fl{IN .INF. T8 (S(XX)K 3500K .1100K), ritl a stan) b:illast.s specif icirlJv clesi gnccl
(Fl7 F25, Ir32. Ir,10) npe haring a color reuclcrirrg incicx ((il{I) of fcrr ?65rna, T,3 fltrolescent lan4rs.
rlecliun bipirr basc and T8 bLrlb. 75. The lurps r,ill be operatecl

:01E[4b 4i81]l

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