Script Roleplay Konseling

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Disusun Oleh

1. Kiki Berliana R (P27824418001)

2. Vella Meryta P (P27824418002)
3. Risanti Putri R (P27824418003)
4. Namira Salma S (P27824418004)
5. Ervina Dwi Anggraeni (P27824418005)


TAHUN 2021/2022

Casts :

1. Midwife I (Mrs.Emi) : Vella Meryta Puspitasari (P27824418002)

2. Midwife II (Mrs.Mira) : Ervina dwi Anggraini (P27824418005)

3. Patient (Ani) : Risanti Putri Rahmandar (P27824418003)

4. Tetangga 1 (Mrs.Tini) : Kiki Berliana Ramadhani (P27824418001)

5. Tetangga 2 (Mrs.Imah ) : Namira Salma Salsabila (P27824418004)

. One day, on the street, Ani met Mrs. Tini and Mrs. Imah who were chatting loudly.

1. Ani : Assalamualaikum
2. Mrs Tini dan Mrs.Imah : Waalaikumussalam
3. Ani : I want to ask ma'am yesterday at the village hall, what meeting was
4. Mrs.Tini : oh that yesterday morning?
5. Ani : Yes, ma'am, because yesterday I forgot so I didn't come. Maybe there is
important information
6. Mrs.Imah : Yesterday there was counseling from the public health center
7. Mrs.Tini : Coincidentally, we are also talking about the counseling
8. Ani : what is the counseling about ma’am?
9. Mrs.Imah : about all kinds of contraception
10. Mrs.Tini : Yes, I also just found out that there are many kinds of contraception that
are long term too
11. Ani : is there anything ma’am, I know it's just an injection with a pill
12. Mrs.Imah : if pills and injections are short term, if long term there are IUD and
implants the period is 3 to 5 years, there is also Kontap or usually called sterilization
13. Ani : oh yes ma'am thanks for the information
14. Mrs.Tini : By the way, after receiving the counseling yesterday I plan to change my
method, because when I take pills I often forget to take the pills
15. Mrs.Imah : Yes, ma'am, it's better to just replace it than later conceding again, after
all there are many kinds
16. Mrs. Tini : I plan to go to a midwife but I'm afraid to be alone hehehe
17. Ani : how about now we go to the midwife together?
18. Mrs.Tini : Do you want to go to the midwife too, sis? Who is sick
19. Ani : no one is sick ma'am, just want to check
20. Mrs. Imah : check what sis, don't tell me you're pregnant again hehehe
21. Mrs.Tini : are you serious sis?
22. Ani : After I gave birth yesterday, I tried injectable contraception, ma'am,
because my period has started to run smoothly again. Well, a few months after the routine
injection of family planning, my periods have been little by little, even for the past 2
months, I haven't had my periods at all
23. Mrs.Tini : Is it possible to be pregnant again, have you tested yet?
24. Ani : already ma’am, but the result is negative
25. Mrs.Imah : but why don't you have your period, check it out right away sis
26. Mrs. Tini : how about we go to the midwife together now, miss ani check and I also
consult about long-term contraception, and ma'am imah let's add information
27. Mrs. Tini : Yes, ma'am, I'm coming to increase knowledge
28. Ani : yes ma'am let's go

Ani, Mrs. Tini and Mrs. Imah rushed to the nearest midwife
29. Mrs.Imah : Assalamualaikum, is there Mrs.Emi?
30. Mrs.Mira : Waalaikumussalam, there ma'am. Please have a seat
31. Mrs. Emi : oh Mrs.Imah, can I help you ?
32. Mrs.Imah : Mrs. Ani wants to check her condition and Mrs. Tini wants to ask
questions about long-term contraception
33. Mrs. Emi : okay, I'll check Mrs. Ani first, Mira please help me
34. Mrs. Mira : okey mam
35. Mrs.Emi : what's your complaint, ma'am?
36. Ani : I'm using injectable contraception for the last 2 months, I haven't had a
period at all. My test was also negative. I am afraid is there any disturbance?
37. Mrs. Mira : Is that the only complaint, Mrs. Ani, no stomach pain or anything else?
38. Ani : no ma'am that's all
39. Mrs. Emi : Don’t worry, it's a side effect of using injectable contraception, ma'am?
40. Mrs. Mira : Yes, ma'am, the side effects of injectable contraceptives are weight gain,
only blood spots on menstruation, breast pain and what you feel like you don't have
menstruation for a few months or what can be called amenorrhoea
41. Ani : isn't it dangerous ma’am?
42. Mrs. Emi : No, ma'am, after the mother's hormones are balanced, you will definitely
have regular menstruation again
43. Mrs.Tini : ma'am I also use birth control pills but always menstruate!
44. Mrs.Mira : Yes ma'am, what you feel is the side effect of injectable contraception
45. Mrs.emi : It's that true ma'am, for the pill there are also side effects
46. Ani : does this mean I don't need to take drugs or anything else, ma'am?
47. Mrs.Emi : no need ma'am as long as the only complaint is amenorrhea
48. Mrs.Mira : The most important thing is that the mother maintains food intake with
balanced nutrition, takes regular breaks and manages stress well
49. Ani : ok ma'am I will do it, thank you for the information, I don't worry
50. Mrs.Emi : It's true, hopefully there are no other complaints from the use of
51. Ani : yes ma'am hopefully, we go home first, ma'am. assalamualaikum
52. Mrs. Emi n Mira : waalaikumussulam

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