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Social Institution

Presented by: Group 2

Agencies and types of Socialization

● In the process of socialization, every social experience affects

the individual in one way or another. This social experience
may come from social institutions like the family, school,
church/religion, and government/politics. Likewise, peer
group, mass media and health services made available to
individuals are also influential factors in socialization.
Social Institution

Presented by: Group 2

The Family ● It has a greatest impact on the
● Most influential agent of
● Plays a pivotal role in shaping the
personality of children
● Primary educators– parents–
● True children of God = virtues,
habits of excellence, correct, true
conscience, productive, righteous
living, worthy
● Teach their children: how to love,
be morally good and understand
● Task of personality formation–
values+ role modeling.
Social Institution

Presented by: Group 2

The School
● The school is the second home of children where teachers, by principle of
“loco parentis”, are their second parents
● Schooling broadens the children’s social milieu and expands their interactions
with others.
● In school, they learn how to adjust with people of different personality traits
and learned the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes expected as an
imperfect society, the school is there to reinforce what is missing in the
● In this sense, a function home -school collaborations is the necessity in
educating the young
Social Institution

Presented by: Group 2

The Church/Religion
● Social philosophers recognized the church as the conscience formators of people.
● The church is a social institution and trusted with the task of teaching morality to
individual and groups.
● In the church, individuals reach out to others and learned their obligations towards self,
family, church, society and God.
● In a democratic society, there is freedom of religion
● Ecuminism is encourage, that is, different religion strongly encourage to be friendly and
tolerant with one another for they share the same task of directing people towards God
and others in the society
● Religion refers to a set of beliefs concerning the cause nature and purpose of the
Social Institution

Presented by: Group 2

● Government and politics exist in all human organizations groups or societies, but in
form, both have different dimensions
● Politics refer to the processes in society; the way people manage their affairs and
activities in society
● Government, on the other hand, is the organizations through which the state
expresses and enforces its bill.
● A government exists for the good of its constituent. It is there to protect its people
from harm, and sure safety and security, as well as promote their economic,
cultural, moral and social well being.
Social Institution

Presented by: Group 2

Mass Media
● Mass media, either print or broadcast, also plays an important role in the
socialization process.
● It is defined by Maciones as an impersonal communication aimed at vast audience.
● The term media comes from the latin word middle, suggesting that media serves
to link or connect people of different races and religious affiliations.
● In the information age, a wide array of information brought about by
communications technology as made available for individual to select.
● The information either positively or negatively influence the way people think and
Social Institution

Presented by: Group 2

Peer Group

● The peer group is a social group whose members have common interests,
social position and age.
● The peer group has a unique understanding of how to behave and trying to
escape direct supervisions from adults.
● Peer pressure exists such that a child or a teenager must conform his/her
behavior with the behavior of his/her peers in order to belong and be
accepted in the peer group
Social Institution

Presented by: Group 2

Health Sector
● The adage “health is wealth” maybe cliched, but it is true nonetheless
● Health affects the way a person behaves and interacts with others .
● That is why, the health sector providing health services also affects the
socialization process of the individual.
● A person suffering from illness limits his/her social functions and social
● A healthy person, on the other hand, as the vigor to join social functions
and civic activities
Social Institution

Presented by: Group 2

Community Organizations and Development

● Government Organizations (GO’s)

● Non Government Organizations (NGO’s)
● People’s Organizations (PO’s)
● Community Organized themselves — developmental activities for common
● Aspire for development BUT is still to be achieved
● Community Development seems to be an elusive term
● Attainment = effort + political will + work ethics + networking
Non Government Organizations (NGO’s)
People’s Organizations (PO’s)

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