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B-School Resume Writing Tips


© 2009, B-School Resume Tips : Resume
Presentation Overview
 Importance of B-School Resume
 General Guidelines
 Resume Components
– Personal information
– Education
– Employment experience
– Community Service and/or Entrepreneurial Experience
– Other possible sections
 Final Check

© 2009, B-School Resume Tips : Resume
Importance of B-School Resume
 Resume provides B-School committee a quick overview about you!
 What B-School Committee will remember from your resume:
 Educational background
 Professional Experience, career progression and accomplishments
 Entrepreneurship Experiences - involvement, achievement and current status
 Community Service Brief - involvement, title and achievements

© 2009, B-School Resume Tips : Resume
General Guideline
 Length: It is best to limit B-school resume to one page.
 Font: Avoid fonts smaller than 10 point and larger than 12 point.
 Paper: Use 8 1/2” x 11” 20 lb paper. Print your resume with a laser or high quality
ink-jet printer.
 Your resume should be easy to read and eye-catching (without bring flashy).
 Person with <2 years experience should list Educational details first.
 Person with 2+ years of experience should list Professional Experience first.
 Use action phrases to highlight any action or any achievement.
 Try not to use same action word/phrase over and over.
 Be as concise as possible in stating information in each section of your resume.
 You want to create impact with each bullet in the resume.
 Read general guideline from the B-School website to ensure that you tweak your
generic resume to be in-line with specific B-school suggestions.

© 2009, B-School Resume Tips : Resume
Resume Components - Personal Information
 Put your name, address, phone numbers, and email address prominently at the
top of your resume.
 Above info can be center or left aligned.
 Name should be biggest item on the page.
 Avoid using a nickname to identify yourself.
 Prefer writing cell number rather than home number to ensure that you pick up the
phone if somebody trying you reach you from the Admission Committee.
 Email is a must but phone number is optional in case you do not feel comfortable.
 Consider including your URL address of your home page, if you have one.
 A typical Example:

Ram Lakhan
1805 Lalkila Road, New Delhi, India Pin Code 123456
Email:, Phone: (91)- 943 078 8118

© 2009, B-School Resume Tips : Resume
Resume Components - Education
 Beginning with the highest level of educational achievement, include information such
as university attended, degrees earned, major, minors, grade point average, date of
program completion, and so forth.
 Do not put list of classes that you took.
 Include your major GPA if it is really good. Otherwise, just put overall GPA.
 Always state the grade point scale your school is using.
 A typical example:

XYZ University New Delhi, India

B Tech in Electrical Engineering May 2005
GPA: 8.5/10.0
Major GPA: 9.8/10.0

© 2009, B-School Resume Tips : Resume
Resume Components - Professional Experience
 Include positions you have held which are related. These might be both paid and
volunteer positions.
 Be creative with this section of your resume by describing and emphasizing your
experiences in the most relevant way possible.
 Choose style - We recommend reverse chronological order.
 For each work experience, include: Name of company, Location, Dates employed
and job title.
 Use action phrases to highlight the duties you have performed along with
achievements – You should always try to quantify your outcomes.
 A typical Example:

Company Name Bangalore, India

Senior Electrical Engineer May 2007-August 2009
• Achieved a sales target of over USD 10 million by selling solutions in 2008

© 2009, B-School Resume Tips : Resume
Resume Components - Community Services
 Put NGO name, URL and the extent of your involvement in 1-2 sentences.
 Mention achievement(s), if any in 1-2 sentences.
 Mention duration of your engagement.
 A typical Example:


• Leading ”Organization name or activity’ operations in Santa Clara, USA - NGO working for senior
citizens rehabilitation. Helped in 10 rehabilitation camps in building 40 houses. (May 2005 - current)

© 2009, B-School Resume Tips : Resume
Resume Components - Entrepreneurial Experience
 If you have done full time ‘start-up’, then it should come under your
professional Experience, otherwise, if done part time, list your
entrepreneurial experience in this section.
 Mention your involvement, achievement and current status of the venture.
 Mention duration of your engagement.
 A typical Example:

Entrepreneurial Experience
• Founded XYZ with 2 co-founders for apartment listing in metro cities in India. Worked as COO of the company
and got 60 partners in India. Raised $1M funding for this venture. Currently 10 people employed in this venture
making $200K revenue each year. (May 2005 - current)

© 2009, B-School Resume Tips : Resume
Resume Components - Other possible sections
 You can also consider adding one or more of following sections as applicable:
- Publications or patents held or pending
- Certifications
- Licenses
- Extra courses / vocational training / specialized training
 A typical Example:

Professional Development
• Completed CFA Level 1 and 2
• Taken 2 financial courses from XYZ University

© 2009, B-School Resume Tips : Resume
Final Check
 Does your resume pass the 2 second glance test
– Are you consistent in your format?
– Do you have too much/not enough white space?
– Does it look symmetrical?
– Did you spell check? Important!
– Are you utilizing action verbs?
– Have you proofread?
 Make sure you do NOT include the following on your resume:
– Personal information such as citizenship, age, date of birth, race, religion, gender,
marital status, passport related info. etc
– References (References should be given if asked)
– First person pronouns
– Your picture

© 2009, B-School Resume Tips : Resume

Thank You

© 2009, B-School Resume Tips

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