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Product Manual

Manual Version 1.0.2

© 2010 Kinesys Projects Ltd

© 2010 Kinesys Projects Ltd

All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the
written permission of the publisher.

Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the
respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no
responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document
or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be
liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or
indirectly by this document.

Printed: June 2010

Kinesys Projects Ltd

Technical Editors
Dave Weatherhead
Martin Honeywill
Andy Hicks
Contents 3

Table of Contents

Part 1 Welcome to LibraVIEW 4

Part 2 Installation 5

Part 3 Quick Start Guide 7

Part 4 Screen Overview 9

1 Cell Status
................................................................................................................................... 10
2 Group Status
................................................................................................................................... 11
3 Graphing................................................................................................................................... 12

Part 5 Controllers 13

Part 6 Working With Cells 15

Part 7 Working With Groups 16

Part 8 Relays 17

Part 9 Setting a Password 18

Part 10 Logs 19
1 Viewing ................................................................................................................................... 20
2 Exporting................................................................................................................................... 21

Part 11 Product Manuals 22

1 LibraCELL
................................................................................................................................... 24
......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Power On......................................................................................................................................................... 27
Editing A .........................................................................................................................................................
Parameter Via The Keypad 28
With The Cell 30
2 LibraPRO................................................................................................................................... 33
Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 34
Local Operation
......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Remote Operation
......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Loadcell Configuration
......................................................................................................................................................... 37
Group Configuration
......................................................................................................................................................... 38

Part 12 Contact Information 39

1 Feedback................................................................................................................................... 40

© 2010 Kinesys Projects Ltd

4 LibraVIEW

1 Welcome to LibraVIEW
Manual Version 1.0.2 for LibraVIEW version 1.2 and later.

LibraVIEW is the software that accompanies the Libra system. It works in conjunction
with LibraCELLs, LibraBASIC and LibraPRO controllers.

The software enables users to get a live readout of weights placed on LibraCells, as well
as offering logging and archiving facilities. These are available in kg or lbs.

The LibraVIEW software allows all activity to be logged and exported to a Comma
Separated Value (.csv) file which can be opened by any text or spreadsheet application.
It is also possible to automate this process to archive logs.

When used in conjunction with a LibraPRO controller, relays can be triggered when an
underload or overload is detected by the LibraCELLs. These relays can be programmed
to trigger sounders or visual warnings as well as triggering an emergency stop.

© 2010 Kinesys Projects Ltd

Installation 5

2 Installation
System Requirements
Before you install the LibraVIEW software ensure the computer the software will run on
meets the minimum system requirements:
Operating System: Windows XP, Vista or 7
Ports: 1 x USB or 1 x Ethernet

If you do not have LibraVIEW installed on your machine, the installer is located on the
CD that came with your order. It uses a standard Windows setup program and
installation is very quick and straightforward.

LibraVIEW uses Microsoft's .Net framework (version 3.0 or higher) to run, some
computers (typically those running Windows Vista & 7) have it installed already. If you
do not then you can download it from the Microsoft .NET web site located at (it is included on the LibraVIEW CD).

When installing and running LibraVIEW for the first time, ensure you are working in
administrator mode on the computer in order to avoid any issues with user permissions.
If you are not running in administrator mode the first time you connect to a Libra
controller using USB, will see this error message:

This error means that the USB connection is not running at full speed and needs
administrator privileges to do so. This error will appear every time you launch the
application, until the latency settings are automatically changed, by logging in as an

Ethernet/IP Address Setup (LibraPRO Only)

If you are connecting to the LibraPRO via Ethernet, the LibraPRO will connect with a
fixed IP address of to the computer running the LibraVIEW software. By
default most computers are setup to use a dynamic IP address (DHCP), in order to
connect to the LibraPRO the computer has to have a fixed IP address. To set a fixed IP
address on your computer follow the guide below.

Windows XP
· Open the Control Panel and select Network Connections.
· Double click on the network adapter that you want to the change the IP address of.
Usually this will be called something like "Local Area Connection".
· A Properties window will appear, select the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) connection, then

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6 LibraVIEW

click the Properties button.

· A new window will appear called Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties, click on the
"Use the following IP address" radio button.
· Fill in the details as follows: IP Address: Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway: Leave Blank.
· Press OK in the Internet Protocol TCP/IP Properties window and again in the Network
Adapter Properties window to save those changes.

© 2010 Kinesys Projects Ltd

Quick Start Guide 7

3 Quick Start Guide

The guide below gives you the information required to get the LibraVIEW software up
and running with a Libra system. For more detailed information on the LibraVIEW
software, use the contents of this manual. For further information on the LibraCELL,
LibraBASIC or LibraPRO controllers refer to the individual product manuals.

Using the install CD install the LibraVIEW software onto a compatible computer (see the
Installation Guide for further information) as well as the Microsoft .NET framework.

Connecting to a Libra Controller

In order to use the LibraVIEW software with the LibraCELLs you need a controller. This
comes in two forms, the LibraBASIC and LibraPRO.

If you are using the LibraBASIC it will connect to the computer via the supplied USB A-B
cable, if you are using the LibraPRO you can use either the same A-B type USB cable or
a standard Ethernet cable.

Ensure that the controller has power and load cells connected and that the load cells
are addressed correctly. For further information on addressing load cells, see the
LibraCELL product manual.

· Connect the Libra controller to the computer and open LibraVIEW.

· Go to the Tools - Controller Setup menu option.
· Select which type of controller you are using (LibraBASIC or LibraPRO)
· If you are connected via USB, select the port from the Comm Port drop down menu
and press Ok.
· If you are connected via Ethernet to the LibraPRO ensure that it connects with the IP

Creating Cells
LibraVIEW presents you with the default setup of one cell and one group. In order to edit
the default cell that has been created for you, click on the Tools - Cell Setup menu
In this window you can set the address of the cell, re-name it and give it a location
description as well as selecting the appropriate type of load cell in use. This area also
enables you to set underload and overload limits and warnings for that cell.

For more detailed information see the Setting up Cells page of this manual.

Continue creating cells using the Next Cell button, until you have a cell created for every
physical LibraCELL in your system.

Setting Up A Group
Now you have created a number of cells you will want to put them in a group so that you

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8 LibraVIEW

can monitor the combined weight of a number of cells.

To do this go to the Tools - Group Setup menu option. Now simply select the cells you
wish to appear in each group. You are also able to include groups within other groups,
this is useful if you want to monitor the total load whilst breaking the system down into
smaller areas at the same time.

Inside the Groups window you can also set group overload and underload alarms.

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Screen Overview 9

4 Screen Overview

The LibraVIEW screen allows you to customise the layout of the three main windows,
Cell Status, Group Status and Graphs. The size of these windows can also be resized to
accommodate a large or small number of cells or groups. These windows can be turned
on and off individually using the Window menu. This menu also contains the Bargraph
menu, giving the ability to display 10 different combinations of LibraCELLs and groups
in a graph format.


All of the functions that are available in LibraVIEW are accessed from the menu bar at
the top of the screen. The menu options are broken down as follows.

File Logs Tools Window Help

New View Log Cells Setup Cells Status About
Open Export Log Groups Setup Groups Status Help
Save Reset Log Relays Setup Bargraph View
Save As... Automatically Export Log Controllers Setup
Recent Files Units
Exit Password Protect Settings
Upgrade Cell Firmware
Export to LibraPRO

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10 LibraVIEW

4.1 Cell Status

The Cell Status window contains information on each individual load cell, including the
name and location (which can be edited in the Cell Setup window), the load currently
placed on the cell and a status area. The status area will notify the user of any alarms or
warnings on the individual cells. This area will change colour according to the status of
the cell.

© 2010 Kinesys Projects Ltd

Screen Overview 11

4.2 Group Status

The Group Status window shows the different groups that have been set up (using the
Groups Setup window), along with the total amount of load currently placed on that
group, along with any warnings or alerts. This very easily allows the operator to see if
the total loading on a group of cells is over or under the specified threshold.
The overload and underload warnings and limits are set from the Groups Setup window.
These warnings provide the operator with a text alert that comes up in the Status
column. If audible or other visual alerts are needed these can be set and triggered using
the relays at the rear of a LibraPRO which are set up using the Relays Setup window.
External alerts triggered via a relay are not available on a LibraBASIC.

The Group Status window can be moved around the screen and resized as appropriate
in order to suit the individual operator or installation.

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12 LibraVIEW

4.3 Graphing

LibraVIEW gives users the option to view real time loads for individual cells and groups
on a bargraph. These are available from the Window - Bargraph View.
The user has the ability to view up to 10 bargraphs simultaneously, each displaying
different combinations of groups and cells.

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Controllers 13

5 Controllers
LibraVIEW is designed to work with the LibraBASIC or LibraPRO controller. For more
information on each of these controllers see their respective product manuals. All of the
setup and settings relating to a connected controller are available from the Tools -
Controllers Setup menu.


· Connect the LibraBASIC controller using the supplied USB A-B cable and the USB
port on the front of the unit.
· Once connected open LibraVIEW and select the Tools - Controller Setup menu option.
· In the Selected Controller area leave it at the default of Controller 1.
· Under Type select LibraBASIC.
· Using the Comm Port drop down select the connected port and press OK.

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14 LibraVIEW


The LibraPRO controller connects to LibraVIEW using either a USB A-B cable or a
standard Ethernet cable, these connection ports are located at the rear of the controller.
When using Ethernet to connect to the computer running LibraVIEW the LibraPRO has a
default fixed IP address of See the Installation section for information on
setting up the computer with a fixed IP address.

· Connect the LibraPro using either a USB A-B cable or standard Ethernet patch cable
via the ports on the rear of the unit.
· Open the LibraVIEW application and select Tools - Controllers Setup.
· In the Controllers Setup window leave the Selected Controller option as Controller 1. If
you wish to use multiple LibraPRO units please consult the LibraPRO product manual.
· Under the Type heading select LibraPRO
· If you connected via USB select the USB option and select the connected port from
the Comm Port drop down menu.
· If you connected via Ethernet ensure the IP Address field contains the default IP
address of and that the summary screen mirrors this. If you are using
multiple controllers then a different IP address will be needed for each controller.
Ensure that the computer is using the correct network settings, to set these up refer to
the Installation section of this manual.
· If all of those settings are correct press OK.

© 2010 Kinesys Projects Ltd

Working With Cells 15

6 Working With Cells

The Cell Setup window contains all of the setup options for creating a cell. This can be
accessed from the Tools - Cells Setup menu or by double clicking on an existing cell in
the Cell Status window.
Each cell in LibraVIEW relates to a real life equivalent LibraCELL.
The cell that has been created or is being edited is displayed in the top left corner under
Current Cell.

The name and location description of each cell can be defined to make it easier to
manage and identify cells, the location coordinates are currently unused and should be
left at 0,0.

The controller drop down should be left by default at Controller 1. If you are using more
than one controller then please see the Controllers section.

The cell address is the address of the individual load cell. To find out the address of a
LibraCELL, ensure the cell is connected and powered up. Press the down arrow and the
cells address will be displayed on the load cell screen. Each load cell must have a
unique address. For more information see the LibraCELL product manual.

Cell Model
It is important that the correct load cell model is selected when setting up the cells, the
two options are Libra 3.25T or Libra 4.75T. Setting which model of LibraCELL is in use
sets the predefined limits, these can be altered where necessary.

This is the area where you can set overload and underload alarm and warning
thresholds for each individual cell.

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16 LibraVIEW

7 Working With Groups

Groups are very useful ways of monitoring the combined load over a number of cells.
This is particularly useful if you have a large system as you can also place groups within
one another, which is essential if you want to monitor the total load on the system.

The Groups window also allows you to set overload and underload warnings and limits
for a group. These warning can then be used to trigger visual alerts within LibraVIEW or
relays if using a LibraPRO.
The Key gives you a quick visual reference to see which cells and groups are included
within the selected group.

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Relays 17

8 Relays

The Relays Setup screen is only used when you are connected to a LibraPRO controller.
The window allows the relays on the rear of the controller to be programmed to activate
when a particular cell or group reaches a load threshold.
An example could be to trigger audible or visual alarms when an underload or overload
limit is reached as well as triggering an emergency stop to activate if required. They can
be customised to suit the project or installation.
The Set Relay Triggers area takes the setup of cells and groups that you have specified
and allows you to activate specific relays when an individual cell or group hits or
approaches a limit or warning, allowing you complete control over the output of the

· To setup a Relay trigger, the first step is to select which (1 - 30) you wish to program.
· Select which groups or individual cells you want to include and at what point you want
the trigger to occur - Overloaded, Overload Warning, OK, Underload Warning or
· The next step is to select which controller you want the relays to trigger on. If you are
using multiple LibraPRO controllers select the appropriate one from the list, if you are
not leave it at the default of Controller 1.
· Select which of the relays you want to trigger. There are 4 relays on the rear of the
LibraPRO which can be triggered, Volt Free Relay 1, Volt Free Relay 2, Mains Relay 1
and Mains Relay 2. There is also the option to trigger an external relay and selecting
the correct relay address (1 - 247).
· The relay can be tested by clicking the Test Relay button.

For further information on relays see the LibraPRO manual.

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18 LibraVIEW

9 Setting a Password

You can setup a password to stop other people altering settings or deleting cells via the
Tools - Password Protect Settings menu option. This feature is disabled by default when
creating new files.

This setting enables the system to be locked so that edits, alterations and additions to
cells, groups and controllers can only be made if the password is entered. All other
monitoring, graphing, alarms etc function as normal and without restriction.

You can choose to unlock the system for 15 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours or until the
program is restarted. This enables work to be carried out on the system without having
to constantly re-enter the password. After the allotted time has passed the system will
revert back to its password protected status.

If you wish to disable the password protection settings go to the Tool - Password Protect
Settings option (which will have a tick by it if it is active), this will present you with the
password dialogue box. Enter the password and the password lock functionality will be

In the case of a lost password there is no way for a user to reset or remove it. The
password is local to each saved LibraVIEW file so one solution is to recreate the show in
a new file and save it accordingly. If you need further assistance with a lost or forgotten
password please contact Kinesys support.

© 2010 Kinesys Projects Ltd

Logs 19

10 Logs
The LibraVIEW software features the ability to log all loadings that are placed on
LibraCELLs in the system that the software is monitoring. Readings are taken and
logged every second.
These logs can be exported as Comma Separated Value (.csv) files manually or
automatically and are readable by any text editor or spreadsheet application.
These logs allow users to go back over a specific event or movement and see exact
loading information to ensure they stay within safe loading limits. These are available for
individual cells as well as groups.

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20 LibraVIEW

10.1 Viewing

The logs can be viewed live by going to the Logs - View Logs menu option. This brings
up a new View Log window which displays a live view of what is being logged. The user
can customise the display by choosing to show All Cells or All Groups, as well as
specifying a Start and End Cell or Group, which allows a range of cells or groups to be
monitored simultaneously.
Selecting these display options does not alter what is being logged by the system, all
cell and group information is being logged every second.

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Logs 21

10.2 Exporting

An example log file, viewed in Microsoft Excel

The information captured by the logs can be exported for record keeping or closer
analysis, either manually or automatically.
To export a log file manually go to Logs - Export Log, this will open a dialogue window
asking where you want to save the .csv file and what you want to call it. Once saved you
will be able to open the .csv file with any text or spreadsheet application and view the

Logs can also be exported automatically from the Logs - Automatically Export Log
menu. Activating it will put a tick next to that menu option. This will automatically create
a folder in My Documents called "Kinesys LibraVIEW Logs", where a .csv file will be
created that will automatically log any LibraVIEW activity.

The logs are displayed with a date and time stamp (every second) and readings for
each individual cell and each group at that point in time.

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22 LibraVIEW

11 Product Manuals
Kinesys produce a number of products in the Libra family. Their user manuals can be
found in this section



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Product Manuals 23

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24 LibraVIEW

11.1 LibraCELL

Product Manual

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Product Manuals 25

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26 LibraVIEW

11.1.1 Introduction
This document explains the basic operation of the Libra load cell, and how a user can
alter its settings. This document covers Libra load cell software version 2.04

The LibraCELL is available in two type the 3.25T or the 4.75T. They feature a digital data
connection as well as an onboard load readout (available in lbs or kg) on a high visible
LED display with an easy to use menu system. The innovative Libra shackle pin is
designed to work exclusively with the world-wide recognised Crosby safety bow
shackle. A direct replacement for the famous ‘red pin’, the Libra shackle maintains a
safety factor of 5:1 up to the full rated load.
3.25T (5/8) and 4.75T (3/4) versions are available allowing 10:1 safety factors to be
applied while still allowing sufficient capacities to rig one and two tonne points

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Product Manuals 27

11.1.2 Power On
When a Libra load cell is powered on, it initiates an internal self calibration process,
whilst this is happening the cell will display the message CAL. Once the calibration has
been checked the cell will display its software version number, followed by its comms
address, it will then switch to the default display.

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28 LibraVIEW

11.1.3 Editing A Parameter Via The Keypad

Parameter list mode

Pressing and holding the M button for two seconds will cause the display to enter the
parameter list mode. In this mode the cell parameters can be viewed. The display will
alternate between showing the parameter name and its value. Pressing the up and down
buttons allow different parameters to be viewed. Pressing the M button for two seconds
will cause the display to revert to the normal display mode.

Parameter edit mode

When the desired parameter is selected pressing the M button will cause the display to
enter the parameter edit mode. If the currently selected parameter cannot be changed
the display will show " – " for as long as the M button is pressed. If the currently selected
parameter can be edited the display will show its value and the up and down buttons
are used to change its value.

Pressing the M button briefly will save the changed parameter value and revert the
display to the parameter list mode, the display will again alternate between the
parameter name and its new value.

Pressing the M button for more than two seconds will cause the display to revert to the
parameter list mode, without saving the changed parameter value.

Whilst in either the parameter list mode or the parameter edit mode if no button is
pressed for 20 seconds the display will revert to the default display mode without saving
any values.

To ensure that parameter changes are permanently saved, and these changes are
available after a power cycle, the parameter edit mode must be exited by pressing and
holding the M button, whilst in the parameter list mode.

Parameter list
The following parameters can be edited from the load cell display

Parameter Editable Description Default

Add Set Cell comms address 1
Res Reset The Tare, Min, Max and Log values to their
Tare Set the display tare value, this value will be subtracted 0
from the measured load before it is displayed.
Unit Set the display units to met(kg) or imperial(lbs) kg
Max Set the load over which the display will flash “tmax” Cell Size
Min Set the load under which the display will flash “tmin” 0
Log Display the maximum load read by the cell, since the 0

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Product Manuals 29

log was last reset

Rlog Reset the Log value
Size No Display the Cell Size Factory set
Ver No Display the version of software in the cell
Volt No Display the raw output from the bridge in uV

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30 LibraVIEW

11.1.4 Communicating With The Cell

The Libra cell supports a Modbus RTU communication port which runs at 115200, 8, N 1
(115200 baud, 8 data bits, No Parity, 1 stop bit). The following Modbus Function codes
are supported
· Function 03 ‘Read Holding Registers’ - to read a register, a Libra cell only
supports reading and writing a single register in a message. Therefore the only
permitted value for data length is one register, i.e. 2 bytes.
· Function 06 ‘Preset Single Register’ - to write a register (By default all register
writes are ignored, unless the registers have been unlocked)

Parameter List
The following Modbus registers are supported. Note all registers are read only by
default. Writing a value of 81 to the “Reg Unlock” register will unlock those not marked
as Read only for writing.

Modbus Register Always Units Function

Register Address Read
400001 0 Yes kg Current Load, This value is the REAL load
400003 2 kg Maximum Logged Load value
400005 4 kg Maximum Trip Load
400006 5 kg Minimum Trip Load
400007 6 kg Load cell Tare load, this only effects the value
displayed on the cell, and not the value read
from register 400001.
400008 7 Display Units (0 = kg, 1 = lbs)
400011 10 Yes Firmware Version number
400101 100 Comms Address
400103 102 Register Unlock
(0 = Read only, 81 = Read/Write)

400201 200 Yes uV/V Cell Calibration Value (uV/V)

400202 201 Yes uV Cell Offset in uV
400203 202 Yes kg Cell Reference Load (3250 or 4750)
400204 203 Yes Cell Serial number
400205 204 Yes Kinesys Serial number

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Product Manuals 31

Parameter Units
Loads set by the communication port are always specified in kg, regardless of whether
the cell is displaying in metric or imperial mode.

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32 LibraVIEW

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Product Manuals 33

11.2 LibraPRO

Product Manual

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34 LibraVIEW

11.2.1 Overview
This document explains the basic operation of the LibraPRO controller, used to monitor
LibraCELL readings , provide overload and underload trips and to provide an Ethernet
or USB interface to the Libra load cell system. This document describes the features in
V1.02 of the LibraPro software.

The LibraPRO is a standalone LibraCELL controller. It can be configured to monitor

LibraCELLs and operate outputs under a number of different fault conditions, i.e.
LibraCELL overload and underload. It provides two mains switched outputs and two
undedicated outputs, which can be configured to operate under a range of different fault
The LibraPRO also provides external connectivity via USB and Ethernet ports. These
ports can be used to connect to a PC running the LibraVIEW software. The LibraPRO will
monitor load cells at the same time as being connected externally via both its USB and
Ethernet ports.

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Product Manuals 35

11.2.2 Local Operation

The LibraPRO powers up showing the load on cell 1. Pressing the up and down buttons
will cycle the display through the current load on all available LibraCELLs.

Displaying the load on individual cells

Normally a cell will show its load preceded by an “=” symbol. If a cell is reporting a load
below its underload limit then the load is shown preceded by a “<” symbol. If the load is
above its overload limit then it is shown preceded by a “>” symbol.
If the LibraPRO cannot communicate with a LibraCELL "NO RX" will be displayed.

A cell displaying a load of 120kg

A cell displaying a load of 30kg which below its underload limit

A cell displaying a load of 1100kg which is above its overload limit

The message displaying when a cell is not connected or communicating

Displaying the load for loadcell groups

From the cell load display screen, pressing the right button switches the display to show
the total load in each loadcell group. Pressing the up and down buttons now cycles the
display to show the total load in each available loadcell group. This is the sum of all the
individual loads of the loadcells in the selected group. By default all loadcells are in
Group 1.

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36 LibraVIEW

The total load of all loadcells in group 1 is 7700kg

The Group Load display uses the “<” and “>” symbols to indicate underload and
overload conditions in the same way as the individual cell display does. Additionally, if
any cell in a group is not replying, a “?” symbol will precede the “=<>” symbol, alerting
the user to this condition.

The total load of all cells in group 1 is 5500kg, but at least one cell in the group is not replying

If a loadcell is not replying, then its load will not be counted in the total load for a group.
Therefore, it is imperative that all loadcells are reporting back correctly to ensure that the
displayed total load for a group is accurate.

Displaying the LibraPRO configuration

From the Group Load display screen pressing the right button switches the display to
the Config screen. This is where LibraPRO specific configuration settings are made.
This menu has the following configuration options.

Property Description
# Cells Sets the number of cells the LibraPRO will try and communicate with.
Cells will always start from address number 1
# Groups Sets the number of Groups the LibraPRO will use
Version The version number of the software will be displayed
IP Address This will display the fixed IP address of the LibraPRO, this is set by
default at

11.2.3 Remote Operation

The LibraPRO supports both USB and Ethernet interfaces, both of which can be used to
connect to a PC running the LibraVIEW control software. The USB port will appear as a
serial port on the attached PC whilst the Ethernet has a default IP address of The Ethernet port will automatically sense the correct data rate 10/100
and cable type, so a crossover Ethernet cable is not needed if the LibraPRO is directly
connected to a Computer.

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Product Manuals 37

11.2.4 Loadcell Configuration

Whilst showing cell loads, if the Tick button is pressed, the configuration of a specific
LibraCELL can be edited. The first line of the display will switch to displaying the current
cell highlighted with angle brackets.

Cell 3 is being viewed and the current group is group 1

Pressing the up and down buttons will change the current cell. Pressing the left and
right buttons will change the current cell property. The various cell properties are listed

Once a particular cell property has been selected, pressing the tick button will allow the
value of this property to be edited using the up and down buttons.

Cell 3 is being edited and its group has been changed to group 2

Once the desired value has been set, pressing the tick button will save and exit the edit
mode. Pressing the cross button will exit the edit mode without saving any changes.

Property Description
Group Sets the group to which each cell is a member. A cell can only be in one
group at a time. By default, cells are a member of group 1
Underload The underload threshold loads less than this value are displayed
preceded by a < symbol. Note a value of 0 means that no underload
checking is done.
Overload The overload threshold loads greater than this value are displayed
preceded by a > symbol. Note a value of 0 means that no overload
checking is done
Underload The relay that is energised if an underload occurs. Note that 0 means no
Relay relay will be activated.
Overload The relay that is energised if an overload occurs. Note that 0 means no
Relay relay will be activated.
Comms The relay that is energised if communications is lost to this loadcell. Note
Relay that 0 means no relay will be activated.

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38 LibraVIEW

11.2.5 Group Configuration

Whilst showing Group Loads, if the Tick button is pressed, the configuration of a specific
group can be edited. The first line of the display will switch to displaying the current
group highlighted with angle brackets.

Pressing the up and down buttons will change the current group. Pressing the left and
right buttons will change the current group property. The various group properties are
listed below.

Once a particular group property has been selected, pressing the tick button will allow
the value of this property to be edited by using the up and down buttons.
Once the desired value has been set, pressing the tick button will save and exit the edit
mode. Pressing the cross button will exit the edit mode without saving any changes.

Property Description
Underload The underload threshold loads less than this value are displayed
preceded by a < symbol. Note a value of 0 means that no underload
checking is done.
Overload The overload threshold loads greater than this value are displayed
preceded by a > symbol. Note a value of 0 means that no overload
checking is done
Underload RelayThe relay that is energised if an underload occurs. Note that 0 means
no relay will be activated.
Overload Relay The relay that is energised if an overload occurs. Note that 0 means no
relay will be activated.
Comms Relay The relay that is energised if communications is lost to this loadcell.
Note that 0 means no relay will be activated.

© 2010 Kinesys Projects Ltd

Contact Information 39

12 Contact Information
If you would like to get in touch with Kinesys then please use any of the following


Tel: +44 (0) 20 8481 9850

Fax: +44 (0) 20 8487 0396

Mail: Unit 2 Kempton Gate Business Centre

Oldfield Road
TW12 2AF
United Kingdom

If our new postcode TW12 2AF is not recognised by your

mapping and satellite navigation systems - enter TW12 2HT to
find us

Google Map Link:

© 2010 Kinesys Projects Ltd

40 LibraVIEW

12.1 Feedback
We are always keen to hear feedback from the users of Kinesys products. If you have a
feature request for the software, any comments about the documentation or just want to
say hello, please get in touch.
In the unlikely event that LibraVIEW has not performed to the high standards that we
work to and our users expect then please let us know as soon as possible.

To leave feedback please email or call us on +44 (0)20 8481


If you require technical support relating to LibraVIEW please contact us either at +44
(0)20 8481 9850 or

When contacting us please ensure you have details of which version of LibraVIEW you
are running as well as the operating system you are working with.

© 2010 Kinesys Projects Ltd

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