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Georgia Southern University

Instructional Design Semester Project:

Fall 2020
Decoding Words To Promote Reading

Prepared by Paris Dimick & Erica Woods

Dr. Hollandsworth
Georgia Southern University
1.0 Introduction

1.1 What is your system of interest?

We currently teach in the state of Georgia for 2 separate districts, Chatham

County and Fulton County Schools. Our system of interest lies in reading comprehension but
more specifically, word decoding/word solving skills. Students are expected to perform at
grade level reading comprehension level to successfully excel in the Georgia Milestones test
every year. The background of the 3rd grade ELA block is to provide strategies to successfully
master reading foundational standards. Students in the 3rd grade are around 8 or 9 years of
age. In order to successfully comprehend a sentence and/or passage, students must first be
able to apply grade-level phonics and grade level analysis skills. Our goal is to aid students in
successfully solving words and comprehending the sentence and/or passage.

1.2 What are the subsystems?

The ability of the students

The student group we are most focused on is 3rd-grade students. They are located in
more urban communities and a lot of research that has been done in these communities reflect
that test score and comprehension levels are low. The application of reading comprehension
affects all content areas such as science, math, and social studies. If students can not decode
words successfully, reading fluency goes down and the likelihood of them understanding the
information also decreases.

Prior Knowledge of the students

In the early levels of learning, students learn about letter names, recognition of letters,
letter sounds, and phonics. It is important that students in Georgia that are in the 3rd grade
should have successfully accomplished understanding and applying 1st and 2nd grade reading
foundational standards. In addition, students should be able to track with their eyes and not
with their fingers to promote effective reading strategy usage.

Each student in the 3rd grade receives iReady individualized instructional pathways
that will help fill the gap of prior years knowledge. In addition, they will also receive
curriculum books that are filled with passages and reading comprehension questions. They
are also given “I can” statements and objectives of what the goals are and what they will be able
to do at the end of every lesson. Last but not least, students will be given reading foundational
guidebooks to help them understand how important phonics and letter recognition is in
becoming an effective reader in the 3rd grade.

1.3 What symptoms drew your attention to this system of interest?

Through much observation and experience, we have observed that Low fluency, low
test scores, inability to complete assignments, lack of motivation, and loss of prior grade level

background information aid the low performance of reading comprehension within the
3rd-grade band.

2.0 Front- end Analysis

2.1 Are there performance gaps involved in this problem that justify a learning

Yes, there is a performance gap involved in this problem that justifies a learning intervention.
The student will be unable to fluently read passages and comprehend the passage if they are
extremely struggling with word solving skills. In this Mager & Pipe model, we will show the
different ways in which we will get students to close the gap. We will first start off in a 20
minute small group session on decoding strategy for 2-3 days. During these small group
sessions the coaches and teachers would provide feedback that would aid them in fixing their

misconceptions paired with time for turn around. Followed by a weekly Friday assessment
nonsense/real words using the patterns.

3.0 Needs Assessment

3.1 Optimals
3.1.1 What information and data would you collect?
In a perfect world, we would take a weekly assessment of their knowledge of reading a
passage/book with the usage of a district approved curriculum program. In addition, EIP
coaches could be used to address student misconceptions with the use of small groups and
intervention blocks.

3.1.2 How would you collect that information and data?

In a perfect world, we would use district approved assessments that gauge how much a
student is learning and applying to other materials such as literature across the subjects. The
assessments would be nonfiction or fiction books that are geared to their own level at that
time. This data would be formatted on a graph to show upward or downward progress per

3.2 Actuals
3.2.1 What information and data would you collect?
We will collect information and data from various sources such as teacher-made timed
phonological recognition, prefixes and suffixes, and multisyllabic words assessments. Those
assessments will be compiled of 3-5 letter words with different phonemic skills for each week
that is learned.

3.2.2. How would you collect that information and data?

We will collect students’ data through teacher made forms that reflect the use and application
of decoding strategies. With the use of teacher made assessments, we would have student data
binders that show progress of the student with what words or phonics skills they did not
accurately solve and which ones they did per week.

3.3 What are the discrepancies between the current (actual) and desired (optimal)
The discrepancy is not using the district approved assessments. The district approved
assessments are constructed by trained professionals that would have little to no error. The
assessments usually focus on fluency and accuracy of reading sentences in a passage. We are
using teacher made assessments to focus more on decoding words that would lead students to
be able to read sentences and then passages.

3.4. What priorities can you assign to the identified discrepancies or goals?
It is important to give students an understanding of how to read fluently with little to no
mistakes. We can do this by modeling to students how to read fluently or solving words

3.5. Prepare a learning goal statement (see example in Folio)
3.5.1. Conduct a goal analysis for your problem

Performance Condition Criterion

(tasks to perform goal) (learning (restrictions, tools)
Intellectual Cognitive Verbal Motor Attitude
Skills Strategies Informati Skills
Elementary x
Look at School x x Prior
word(beginning, Classrooms knowledge of
middle,end) with 3rd grade onset and rime

Elementary x Prior
School Knowledge of
Identify the patterns Classrooms x patterns(
(suffix, prefix, root with 3rd grade prefix, suffix,
word,etc,.)that students root word.
student already etc.)
2nd grade
phonics skills

Elementary x x Prior
Use blending skills School x x knowledge of
to effectively solve Classrooms blending
word (left to right) with 3rd grade strategies
Elementary x
Identify word using School x x
verbal confirmation Classrooms

with 3rd grade

3.5.2. Write out a goal statement in narrative form

The goal is for 3rd grade students to be able to successfully decode and blend letter
sounds and patterns so that it promotes better understanding in reading comprehension.

4.0 Instructional Analysis

4.1. Goal Analysis
4.1.1. What is the domain classification and type of learning(or type and level of
learned capability) for your problem?
The domain of this problem is classified as an intellectual skill. Reading comprehension
requires students to be able to understand and interpret what they have read. The students
must be able to use decoding strategies to decode words in order to read. The type of learning
for our goal is intellectual skill because it requires students to learn decoding strategies and
apply what they learn in reading sentences/passages.

4.2. Subordinate Skills Analysis

4.2.1. Choose an appropriate analysis method and provide an example of a
subordinate skills analysis associated with the instruction that you will provide.

4.2.2. Show which skills are entry level skills.
The following skills that the 3rd grade students must already know before……
- Students must already know how to identify and sound out consonants and vowel
- Students must already know 2nd grade phonics skills (blends and digraphs).

5. Learner and Context Analysis

5.1. What is the target population? (Narrative Response)

The target population is a third grade class in an urban area elementary school. We are
conducting this with a small group of 7 students from 1 sample classroom. Their age range
varies from 8-9 years old and there are 4 girls and 3 boys. Of those 7 students, 2 students are
African American, 3 are latinx and 2 are Caucasian.

5.2. Describe how you would determine the characteristics of the target population.

Initially we would conduct pre-test or assessment to gauge accuracy or understanding of the
skill we are looking for, which is fluency of passage or fluency of word decoding. Afterwards,
we would describe our target population by having informal conversations with students
during small groups (or 1-on-1 times) to best understand how they like to learn. In addition,
giving interest sheets could help us understand which activities they like to do more of In this
particular chart, it is detailed on demographics of target population and their learning styles.
5.2.1 Learner Analysis Preferences

Student Gender Race Age “How do you Multiple Feedback

best learn? Intelligences

Informal Paper Survey Informal

Conversation Conversation

MaKayla F African 8 “I like one on Linguistic One on One

American one instruction with teacher
with my

Dennis M Caucasian 9 “I like to create Musical Feedback

creative ways from peers
to remember

Maria F Latinx 9 “I like to see Spatial- Seeing

visual modeling Visual rewards and
examples.” results of
learning 1 on
1 feedback

George M Latinx 8 “I like to see Spatial- Feedback

pictures or Visual through
videos of what I success of
am learning.” results with
the usage of
rewards or

Emily F Caucasian 8 “I like to have Linguistic Small Group

meaningful with Teacher
with my
teacher in

small groups.”

Travis M African 9 “ I like to Bodily- Feedback

American present/learn Kinesthetic from teacher
my material by
creative signals
for vocabulary
or actions “

Rosaline F Latinx 8 “I like to be Bodily- Feedback

able to touch Kinesthetic from peers
materials as I
am learning a
new concept”

5.3. Describe how you would determine the physical and organizational environment.
Due to the differences of the students and their learning styles, they are best suited to
succeed in differentiated instruction. Their understanding of their own interest and dislikes
causes them to have a more personable learning experience when it comes to decoding words
in success of reading comprehension. The classroom would be set up in the structure of
rectangular tables to promote small group learning and rotational activities. In addition, the
students would have access to their own tablets, so students are 1 to 1 technology integrated.
There would be literacy resources located in a 10 drawer rolling cart to promote responsible
learning and independence when performing tasks/activities. Lastly, students will also have
access to anchor chart bindes and resources that are located in the reading and literacy corner
that can be accessed at any time.
In addition to the learning environment, I will ensure that students have access to
tutorials/modeling videos via virtual and physical resources. To reassure students of the ability
to decode words and transfer that knowledge to then fluently read a passage, the instructor
(teacher) will model how to decode a word using strategies every session.During small group
activities, the instructor will monitor independent task and also small group teacher guided
task to best understand gains/progress on particular skills.Students will have access to leveled
reader to encourage them to use what they know to improve word decoding and fluency of
reading comprehension.

5.3.1 Conduct a technical analysis using the technology assessment instrument found
in folio on your learning system and provide a narrative overview.

Technology Integration Assessment

Technology Planning and Policies In this elementary school, the administration

and planning committee have put forth an
effort to make literature more accessible to

students outside of school grounds in
addition to school grounds. It is encourage
that every classroom have 1500 books for
Nonfiction and Fiction books and the
integration of technology provides more
access to programs that allow students to
practice and read more( Epic, ReadWorks,
online free reader websites.,) The
implementation of digital libraries and
literacy encouragement virtually will provide
students the change to improve word
decoding and thus improved reading

Finance The district and school administration sets a

technology budget for each school. A survey
is passed to teachers at the end of the year to
assess what programs are being used in the
class. From there the administration looks
into the subscription of the programs and
sets the budget according to that. Wifi is
provided by the district.

Equipment and Infrastructure The school has high speed internet and Wifi.
The school has desktop computers in the
media center and 2 in each classroom for
student use. The school also has several
COWs with classroom sets of Chromebooks
in them. Ipads are also available for
checkout. Classrooms also have headsets
made available but how long they last
depends on the usage of them. In addition,
teachers are also provided with HDMI cords
to pair to their smart boards/projectors.

Technology Applications
The school provides each registered student
with access to various programs and
applications that will support their
educational goals per the grade they are in.
Every 3 months, the applications are updated
and evaluated to make sure everything is up
to date and in full access/speed to the staff
and students.

Maintenance and Support The school uses the district’s IT specialist

along with the school’s media specialist to
maintain and support the technological
needs. In every school, the office provides
support in the event and repair/error occurs
or help is needed; time varies due to the

Professional Development During pre-planning and on designated

Professional Development Days, staff
members are trained on new technology
tools. During these sessions, teachers learn
how to integrate the technology into their
classroom. Every module or pre planning
activity varies in time and is assigned during
the year at specific times like Teacher
workdays or during PLCS.

Technological Integration We are teachers that use technology in our

class on a daily basis. We are always trying
something new with our students and if it
works we extend it to our colleagues. The
older teachers on our team come to us for
help with their technology needs. Students
are not proficient depending on their grade
level and experience. Additional time is
required to train themselves on programs
and applications (parents too). We identified
our ISTE LOTI score as 4b due to the
students have the ability to tie their learning
interest and experiences to their modules
and activities.

6. Writing Performance Objectives

6.1 State the terminal objective (TO) for your instructional plan.
Students will be able to decode a word based on phonemic awareness and successfully
produce fluent and on grade level comprehension skills.
6.1.1. Students will be able to look at a word (beginning, middle and end),
identify patterns (prefix, suffix root word, etc), use blending skills, and identify words using
verbal confirmation

6.2 Prepare three (3) Subordinate Objectives (SO)

6.2.1 Subordinate Objective(Psychomotor): Using your eyes, locate the
beginning, middle, and end of the word and successfully do so in 5 seconds or less. ( ex:
cat “ C(beg.) A(mid.) T(end) “)

6.2.2 Subordinate Objective (Cognitive ): Using prior knowledge,describe the
pattern using appropriate reasoning that gives 80% accuracy.
6.2.3 Subordinate Objective (Verbal Information): Using prior knowledge of
patterns, successfully solve words within 10 seconds by giving auditorial confirmation
of the final word.

7. Assessments
7.1 Select one SO; describe the manner by which you would assess whether or not the learner
has achieved that objective.
In order to understand how much students have learned when describing the pattern
and using appropriate reasoning, students will participate in weekly assessments that require
verbal acknowledgement. The scoring of those assessments will be based on accuracy and

7.2 What types of assessment instruments will your instruction have? Why?
The type of assessment instrument that we used is a verbal alternative assessment. We
chose this instrument because it gives us teachers accurate results in real time. It allows us to
see the behaviors of the students and what areas that we need to address.

7.3 Write items that assess the SOs in 6.2 above. Include an answer key or rubric.

7.3.1 Write one item in the cognitive domain.(Cognitive)

Directions: Students will accurately identify all 10 words in this group. Students will also
explain what those prefixes mean in connection to the root words.

Group of Words:
Dishonest, prevent, unhonest,mislead, inaction
Prehistory, misinform, inability, disagree, unequal


Point 1 Points 2 Points 3

Identification of Students was unable Students were able to Students were able to
Patterns to locate the locate some prefixes locate all of the
placement of pattern in each word.. prefixes in each word.

Reasoning Students were unable Students were able to Students were able to
to describe what describe what prefix it describe what prefix it
prefix it was and what was and what it was and what it
it meant in the meant for 6-7 meant for 8-10
majority of the words. words.Students words.Students

somewhat showed showed
understanding of understanding of
skill. skill.

Accuracy Students were unable Students were able to Students were able to
to identify words in a identify 6-7 identify 8-10
fluent and accurate words(70% to 80%). words(80% to 100%).
manner. Displayed Displayed little to no Displayed very little
errors and mishaps. errors and mishaps. errors and mishaps.

7.3.2 Write one item from the selected domain in 6.2. (Psychomotor Domain)

Directions: Students will identify/circle the words with the proper location of the prefix.

Group of Words:
1. testPre, dislike, depressantanti, disinfect, unable, tancedis
2. displace,loyalun, disgust, cycletri, colordis, disguise,
Answer Key:
1. Disklike, disinfect, unable
2. Displace, disgust,disguise

7.3.3 Write one item from the selected domain in 6.2.

Directions: Students will (Verbal Informational)

Group of Words:
Dishonest, prevent, unhonest,mislead, inaction
Prehistory, misinform, inability, disagree, unequal


Point 1 Points 2 Points 3

Identification of Students was unable Students were able to Students were able to
Patterns to locate the locate some prefixes locate all of the
placement of pattern in each word.. prefixes in each word.

Accuracy Students were unable Students were able to Students were able to
to identify words in a identify 6-7 identify 8-10
fluent and accurate words(70% to 80%). words(80% to 100%).
manner. Displayed Displayed little to no Displayed very little
errors and mishaps. errors and mishaps. errors and mishaps.

Time Student was not able Student was able to Student was able to

to say all 10 words in say all 10 words in say all 10 words in
a timely manner. less than 2 minutes. less than 1 minute and
15 seconds

8. Planning the Instructional Strategy: Theoretical Bases

8.1 For the TO (terminal objective), specify and exemplify an appropriate pre-instructional
activity or activities.

Students will be able to decode a word based on phonemic awareness and successfully
produce fluent and on grade level comprehension skills.

When it comes to reading, students will need to be assessed on their prior knowledge
of 2nd grade phonemic awareness. Students would receive a pretest that has many 2nd grade
reading skills such as prefix, suffixes, and root words. Students could also show their prior
knowledge through a guided reading activity. For instance, giving an introduction that lets the
reader know what the story will be about and then introducing the skill (for example:
identifying words with a specific prefix or suffix).

8.2 For a SO (subordinate objective) specify and exemplify an appropriate pre-instructional

activity or activities.

Using your eyes, locate the beginning, middle, and end of the word and successfully do so in 5
seconds or less. ( ex: cat “ C(b) A(m) T(e) “)

Before instruction , students can identify rhyming words that have the same beginning
letter sounds as the model word or the same ending letter sounds as the model word. So for
instance, if the model word is “Cat”, students can verbalize that other words that start with “c”
are cough, call, candy. For the same model word, students can verbalize words that cat ends in
“t”, words could be sat, pat, cut, fart,dirt. The same can go for identifying middle of the word
activities. This activity allows students to get comfortable with identifying beginning sounds
and letters as well as middle & ending sounds and letters.

8.3 For the same SO specify and exemplify an appropriate practice activity or activities.

Using your eyes, locate the beginning, middle, and end of the word and successfully do so in 5
seconds or less. ( ex: cat “ C(b) A(m) T(e) “)

In order for a student to accurately blend words, they have to know onset and rime
which is the beginning and end of the word. After instruction, students would receive a group

of words where they need to point to or verbally verify what is the beginning of a word or what
is the end of the word. To add rigor to the activity with 4 or more letters, ask the students to
identify the middle of the word in drill format ( fast and to the point). For example, the word is
crateless, if I prompt the student to identify the end of the word, they should verbally say “less”
in 5 seconds or less.

8.4 For the TO, specify and exemplify an appropriate evaluation follow-through activity or

Students will be able to decode a word based on phonemic awareness and successfully
produce fluent and on grade level comprehension skills.

To justify the students ability to accurately identify words through decoding and
fluently read sentences, they will complete the assessment orally. Students will orally identify
a group of words given to them and under time constraints, be able to identify those words
with 80% accuracy or better. These same words will be added to sentences where their fluency
will be identified to see if decoding words made fluency higher and comprehension achievable.

9. Planning Logistics and Management for Instructional Materials

9.1 For the TO, provide a description of the learning experience and how you have planned
for it.

TO: Students will be able to decode a word based on phonemic awareness and successfully
produce fluent and on grade level comprehension skills.

The learning experience for being able to produce fluent and on grade level
comprehension skills, must start with the student being able to identify parts of a
word (beginning, middle, and end) and build rigor into pronouncing the words.

9.2 Provide a material, technology, and resources logistics checklist.

-Material: groups of words, pre/post test, fluency sentences, reading passage,
presentation slides, catchy videos to further reinforce the skill.
-Technology: possible usage of Seesaw Platform for at home practice/small group
practice, internet access, tablets or computer access
-Resources: lesson plan, student learner data, learning sheets,

9.3 Provide an organizational matrix/table showing learning initiatives, activities, lessons.

Learning Initiative Lessons Activities

Students must be able to Parts of a word - Presentation on
identify beginning, organization prefixes and root
middle, and end of words. words
- Sorting into 2 piles
(prefix and root

Students must be able to Fixing the treeROOT with - Presentation on

identify the patterns from the right preFIX! how to identify
left to right. prefixes and root
words together
- Circle/highlight
the prefixes
- Matching
definition to prefix
- Prefix Bingo

Students must be able to Word Detective!!! - Presentation on

use a blending strategy to (Prefix/Root Word) reading strategies
solve the word. - Lips the
Fish(getting mouth
snake (stretch out
the word) drills
- Reading sentence
in time drills (20
seconds to read the
sentence and the
word correctly)
- Reading story
passages with
prefix words
included (accuracy

Students must be able to Say It Out Loud!! - Review

use verbal confirmation to presentation on all
solve words. of the above
- Word List and time
drills (20 secs per
word and
explaining all the
steps above)

10. Developing Instructional Materials

10.1. Terminal Objective: Students will be able to decode a word based on phonemic
awareness and successfully produce fluent and on grade level comprehension skills.

Plan for pre-instructional materials

The target population is a class of 3rd grade students. The students would receive a
pretest that has 2nd grade reading skills such as prefix, suffixes, and root words at the
beginning of the school year. The students will be assessed through a guided reading activity.
They will be given an introduction that lets the reader know what the story will be about and
then introducing the skill (for example: identifying words with a specific prefix or suffix).
Students will be asked to identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words.

10.2. Subordinate Objective (Cognitive ): Using prior knowledge,describe the pattern using
appropriate reasoning that gives 80% accuracy.

Defense of Presentation of materials

For the objective given above, the instructor will provide a given skill to work on for
the week, in this case, prefixes. For this skill, the instructor will teach the skill explicitly
through 3 - 10 minute lessons that will provide time for modeling as well as active engagement
within whole group lessons. These lessons will consist of phonics and decoding strategies that
will aid students with properly understanding prefixes and decoding skills. Each lesson will
consist of a group of words where the instructor will dissect the words, identify the prefix and
root words and describe what they mean and how it could change the way the word is

10.3. Subordinate Objective (Cognitive ): Using prior knowledge,describe the pattern using
appropriate reasoning that gives 80% accuracy.

Defense of practice materials

With this skill given instructors provided a group of words for students to analyze.
Instructors then placed the responsibility of identifying the patterns by location of their
placement, describing what prefix it was and what it meant, as well as, accurately identifying
most of all the words with little to no errors. With this activity, students in the 3rd ELA block
are revisiting and relearning to build reading comprehension with a piece of text; no isolation
of words. According to the readings, it's important that we as the instructors give students
definitions of the prefixes and suffixes and root words, provide opportunities for using the
skills in sentences and nonsense words for practice. This is so that students are able to rise to
the occasion successfully. The instructor will use a whiteboard, expo markers and eraser to
engage the students more during instructional and practice time.

10.4. Terminal Objective: Students will be able to decode a word based on phonemic
awareness and successfully produce fluent and on grade level comprehension skills.

Follow-through materials:

At the end of the unit, the students’ ability to accurately identify words through
decoding and fluently reading sentences, will complete an oral assessment. Students will orally
identify a group of words given to them and under time constraints, be able to identify those
words with 80% accuracy or better. These same words will be added to sentences where their
fluency will be identified to see if decoding words made fluency higher and comprehension
achievable. This assessment gives the instructors data of the students being able to read and
comprehend. It also allows the instructors to see the students’ strengths and weaknesses.

11. Formative Evaluation

11.1 Description of Formative Evaluation Students will complete a flipgrid at the end of the
week to use as a formative assessment showing growth of decoding skills by recording
themselves saying the word and describing the prefixes shown. This will allow the teachers to
go into Flipgrid and have a digital reference and receipt of the students growth when it
pertains to the strategy/skill of the week. Teachers will also be able to give rubric scores on
how students performed for that skill

Flipgrid Example:

12.1 Description of Revision
Through the formative evaluation, the instructor can utilize the rubrics to gain an
understanding of the areas where students are still struggling with. We would group students
based on their formative evaluation. The group of students that achieved proficiency on the
formative assessment can work on fluency and identify words in sentences. If the group of
students are still struggling with describing and identifying prefixes, can try a hands-on
approach to learning about prefixes and suffixes. Those students will participate in a ‘paper
plate divide’ activity, where students are given a set of words that have prefixes and suffixes.
The students would have to read the words and identify the prefix and suffix. They will then
cut the word and place the parts of the word in its correct section on the plate (prefix, root
word, and suffix). On the board students will see the model of the plate sections, the largest
section is for the root word, the two smaller sections are for prefix and suffix.

Remediation Activity:

Set of words:

13. Summative Evaluation
13.1. Description of Summative Evaluation
Through the summative evaluation, the instructor will provide students with a passage
that will give students the opportunity to identify prefix words by highlighting or circling
them. Those same words they will then solve by identifying what the prefix is and finally
solving the word as effectively as possible. This will allow students to have the chance to solve
the words and go back and fluently read the passage with little to no errors. This summative
test should show an increase in reading comprehension when decoding words.

Summative Evaluation Sample

Directions: In the passage below highlight or circle the words with the prefixes in them.
Students will then verbally solve these words in front of the teacher within 1 min 15 seconds.
Students will then go back and read the passage after solving the identified words in the

We had to pack many boxes for the big move. I tried to be careful not to misplace some
of my things while I was packing. Losing my toys makes me extremely unhappy.
I am really excited to go to my new school though I hope I will discover many
wonderful and friendly children there. I am prepared to learn new and important things there.
The excitement of the move is also making me nervous and a little bit fearful, but I have
decided I am going to be fearless!

Answer Key --- Passage:

We had to pack many boxes for the big move. I tried to be careful not to misplace some
of my things while I was packing. Losing my toys makes me extremely unhappy.
I am really excited to go to my new school though I hope I will discover many
wonderful and friendly children there. I am prepared to learn new and important things there.
The excitement of the move is also making me nervous and a little bit fearful, but I have
decided I am going to be fearless!


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