B. Inggris Latihan

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Nama : Sela Tri Yuliana

NIM : 1914314201065
Reading comprehension
A. We have to accept death and the dying process. This is why palliative care does not try
to cure people with terminal illnesses, but tries to relieve symptoms, alleviate pain and
prepare relatives.
B. Drugs are not the only way to manage pain. Hospices now use a variety of other
methods. Massage, relaxation therapy, acupuncture and music can be useful too.
C. It is very hard to watch someone go through a long, painful, debilitating illness. Some
grieving relatives and other carers will help a person they love end their life, if that’s
what they want. However, in most countries this is illegal and the process of dying
takes its natural course.
D. It is not always easy to say exactly when someone is actually dead, especially now that
mechanical aides can keep patients alive artificially. But for most doctors, a person is
dead when all brain activity, breathing, metabolism and pulse have stopped.
E. Sometimes there is an autopsy after someone dies. But in most cases, post-mortem
care involves making careful records and preparing the body for a funeral. This
usually means a burial or cremation, according to religion and belief.
F. Bacteria and acids begin the process of decomposition almost immediately after death.
The body goes pale, its temperature drops, and a short time later the limbs go stiff. The
rate of decomposition varies according to climate, but a body will eventually disappear

I. Comprehension
In which paragraphs (A–F) in the text can you can find answers to the following
questions? Write the number of the paragraph next to each question.
1. What alternatives are there to painkillers like morphine? B
2. What happens to a body after death? F
3. Does palliative care mean giving up? A
4. What do hospital staff do with a body? E
5. How do you know when someone is dead? D
6. Isn’t helping someone die the same as murder? C
7. After the death the limbs will go stiff ? F
8. There are many therapy used instead of drugs such as Massage, relaxation and etc
9. Autopsy is needed when someone passed away E
10. Patient can be helped artificially D

II. Grammar
Choose one of the correct answers!
11. I ..... tennis every Sunday morning.
a. Playing c. am playing
b. Play d. am play
12. Don't make so much noise. Noriko ..... to study for her ESL test!
a. Try c. Tried
b. Tries d. is trying
13. Jun-Sik ..... his teeth before breakfast every morning.
a. will cleaned c. cleans
b. is cleaning d. clean
14. Sorry, she can't come to the phone. She ..... a bath!
a. is having c. have
b. having d. has
15. ..... many times every winter in Frankfurt.
a. It snows c. It is snowing
b. It snowed d. It is snow
16. How many students in your class ..... from Korea?
a. Comes c. Came
b. Come d. are coming
17. Weather report: "It's seven o'clock in Frankfurt and ..... ."
a. there is snow c. it snows
b. it`s snowing d. it snowed
18. Babies..... when they are hungry.
a. Cry c. Cried
b. Cries d. are crying
19. Jane: "What ..... in the evenings?”
Mary: "Usually I watch TV or read a book."
a. you doing c. do you do
b. you do d. are you doing
20. Jane: "What ..... ?"
Mary: "I'm trying to fix my calculator."
a. you doing c. do you do
b. you do d. are you doing
21. Jane ..... her blue jeans today, but usually she wears a skirt or a dress.
a. Wears c. Wear
b. Wearing d. is wearing
22. I think I ..... a new calculator. This one does not work properly any more.
a. Needs c. Need
b. Needed d. am needing
23. Sorry, you can't borrow my pencil. I ..... it myself.
a. was using c. use
b. using d. am using
24. At a school dance:
Jane: " ..... yourself ?"
Mary: "Yes, I'm having a great time!"
a. You enjoying c. Do you enjoy
b. Enjoy you d. Are you enjoying
25. I've just finished reading a story called Dangerous Game. It's about a man who ..... his
wife because he doesn't want to lose her.
a. Kills c. Kill
b. Killed d. is killing
26. What time .....
a. the train leaves? c. is the train leaving?
b. leaves the train? d. does the train leave?
27. Jane: "Are you going to the dance on Friday?"
Mary: "No, I'm not. I ..... school dances; they're loud, hot and crowded!"
a. not enjoy c. doesn`t enjoy
b. don`t enjoy d. am not enjoying
28. I ..... for my pen. Have you seen it?
a. will look c. look
b. looking d. am lookin
29. You can keep my iPod if you like. I ..... it any more.
a. don`t use c. didn`t use
b. doesn`t use d. am not using
30. The phone ...... Can you answer it, please?
a. Rings b. Ring
c. Rang d. is ringing

Complete the sentences with the words from the list.
31. Music Therapy (A) can help children.
32. Prepare the funeral (D) before the relatives come.
33. A dementia (H) can be painful to organize.
34. The patient lost consciousness (B) at 10 a.m.
35. Some people prefer cremation (C) to burial.
36. career (F) does not affect the body.
37. A hospice body (G) will visit your home.
38. We have a quiet room for grieving (E) relatives.

Option /LIST
A. Therapy D. funeral G. body
B. consciousness E. grieving H. dementia
C. cremation F. career

IV. Further vocabulary practice

Write these words in the correct places in the sentences 39-45 .
39. There is no cure – the condition is D. fatal
40. He is now unconscious and in a A. coma
41. We switched off the F. life support system
42. He’s E. going downhill fast.
43. He G. passed away at four o’clock.
44. The body is kept B. Mortuary in the until the funeral.
45. The C. post-mortem examination is this afternoon.

Word list
A. Coma
B. Mortuary
C. post-mortem
D. fatal
E. going downhill
F. life support
G. passed away

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