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BRIEFING . This seminar that we are about to give is a Charisma- tic Renewal Seminar. This is given to initiate people into the renewal. This is a (length of time) seminar. 2. The lectures or topics in this seminar are so arranged that every lecture builds on the preceeding one. Because of this, it is therefore important that the participants attend all lectures from the beginning to the end. Furthermore, the first three topics constitute the foundation on which we build the Charismatic Renewal. Only those who have faithfully attended the first three lectures should stay till the end of the seminar. We don't encourage new comers attending midstream. 3. Our activities will be the following: A) SINGING Singing plays a very important role in the Char- ismatic Renewal. For this, the seminar team will teach short easy to learn songs which you can learn and memorize in two or three minutes. You will need these songs not only during the seminar but especially after the seminar. That is why we encourage you to copy and memorize them. B) LECTURES Since we cannot remember everything we hear, we encourage you to take notes during the lec- tures, so that when you reach home you can

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