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M : i think mobile phone sometimes can cause trouble with peoples relationship
W : well, it depens how people use them actually
M : I’ll never get one to my daughter
W : i dont think thats a good idea, she may need it to improve her studies.
How does the man probably feel?
Answer : C. annoyed at mobile phone
Reason : because the man thinks that mobile phone can make trouble with peoples relationship and
feel annoyed about it so he will never get mobile phone to his daughter.

2. M : where did you get the shirt?

W : why? is any problem with it?
M : no, it's great. it's really suits you
W : it's an ordinary shirt. I bought it a few days ago when I had a haircut
What is the man complimenting?
Answer : d. the new shirt
Reason : because they are talking about the shirt

3. M : The customer just filed a complain

W : What did she say?
M : You yelled at her when you gived her the brochure.
W : I didn’t think that was my attention. It was noisy. It was difficult to hear her voice.
What did the customer probably feel?
Answer : B. dissapointed (kecewa)
Reason : In the dialogue, the man said that the customer just filed a complain because the women
yelled at the customer when she gived the brochure.

4. M : do you have any plans to continue your studies?

W : Sure, i think i will continue my education in Australia. Its been my dream
M : What do you major be?
W : Engineering. Mechanical Engineering
What is the women's plan?
Answer : A. countinue her studies
Reason : because the women says she will countinue her studies in Australia

5. W : Hi Mark, long time no see.

M : Yeah it's been almost fifteen years.
W : Do you live here?
M : Yes, I just moved here a week ago.
W : What do you do for living?
What is the most appropriate response for the question?
A. I want to live here for a long time
B. I live two blocks from here
C. I don't think I live here
D. I'm a veterinarian
Answer : D
Reason : because the woman ask about his job on last sentence. "what do you do for living (apa
pekerjaanmu)" and the mostappropriate response is "i'm a veterinarian (aku seorang dokter

6. M : Siska, How do you feel about watching the football match?

W : honestly, i'm not interested
M : okay then, how about we go out for dinner tonight?
What is the best response to the man's offer ?
a. Pizza’s best I think
b. Absolutely. I’d like too
c. I don’t believe you
d. I like Indian cuisine
Answer : B. Absolutely, I’d like too (Tentu saja, saya juga ingin)
Reason : because that's the only thing connected

7. W : (nama org) told me that you join in the math competition

M : That's right
W : How is the result?
M : I'm conceited, but I think I was the best in the competition
What is the best response to the statement?
a. That’s an arrogant statement
b. You will never be the best.
c. I don’t believe you
d. Congratulations!
Answer : a. that's an arrogant statement
Reason : because he is so conceited(sombong) about be the best at the competition.

8. On a warm September evening in…. A slender runner …..of the concerned time. Here the spectators
recognize him as he improves a finish line as a young olympics marathon. But most of them were
surprised when they noticed… barefoot. Two hundred …. competitor, he crush the finish line.
What kind of sport that’s a monolog talk about?
Answer : C.
Reason : Because, the speaker mentioned “runners” at the beginning of the monolog. It also
mentioned “Olympics marathon”. Besides that, the speaker also mentioned one participant who
surprised the other participants by going barefoot to get the finish line.

9. The term Geisha refers to a group of Japanese professional female dancers and singers. The word
Geisha comes from a Chinese word, and it refers to an individual of artistic accomplishments.
Traditionally, and until recently, Geisha training began when the candidate was 7 years old. When a
Geisha was already sufficiently proficient, she was bound by a contract to her employer for a term of
Which picture goes with the monologue?
Answer : E
Reason : In the text, the keyword is The term Geisha refers to a group of Japanese professional
female dancers and singers. The option E checks out the appearance that a Japanese culture have.
10. Arthropods are animals with hard outer skeletons and jointed bodies, as well as limbs.
Arthropods comprised invertebrate (???), which includes insects, such as ants, beetles(kumbang),
and butterflies. Crustaceans, such as lobsters, shrimps, and crabs. And arachnids, including
scorpions, spiders, and lice(kutu).
In terms of the sheer number and variation of the niche they filled, Arthropods are the most
successful animals on earth. More than 1 million species of arthropods had been identified. More
than 20 times the number of newern species of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
Which picture goes with the monologue?
Answer : D. Beetles
Reason : the monologue is about arthropods and it mentions “Beetles”.

11. M : are you okay?

W : i don't think so. oh my god, its my backache. i cant bend my body. its really hurt.
M : i think you should go to the doctor
Answer : D. Back pain
Reason : because the woman said 'my backache' and 'can not bend her body' which is in bahasa
means 'sakit punggung dan tidak bisa membengkokkan badannya'.

12. There is famous among the family of venomous snakes is a cobra. It is known for its deadly bite.
Cobras are recognized by their hoods, but flares for their angry or disturbed. The hood is created
What does the monologue tell us about?
Answer : e. A venomous snake a cobra
Reason : because the text is describing a venomous snakes, cobra.

13. There is famous among the family of venomous snakes is a cobra. It is known for its deadly bite.
Cobras are recognized by their hoods, but flares for their angry or disturbed. The hood is created
What happens to the snake if it is angry?
Answer : D. its hood flares
Reason : Because in the text, there is ‘Cobras are recognized by their hoods, but flares for their angry
or disturbed’. It means that if the snake is angry, it hoods flares.

14. Every city has his own landmark. That include the city of Palembang south sumatra, Indonesia. It is
the vertical lift bridge called the ampera bridge. It connect the two regions of Palembang, sebrang
ulu sebrang ilir. Unfortunately the bridge can't be open for passing ship anymore. The ampera
bridge was build during the time of indonesia’s first president. He wanted the bridge could be open
and he want to resamble london’s tower bridge. For few years after this open, the center span could
be lifted, the movement was a speed of a range 10 meter per minute to allow ships of up to 44,5
meters tall to pass underneath. However this only happens several times and after 1970 it could not
be open anymore. Nevertheless the spite is evided by the pure construction and the ampera bridge
is still interesting enough for visitors.
For what reason was the ampera bridge an usually open?
Answer : D. To connects Sebrang Ulur and Ilir
Reason : because it mentions that ampera bridge to connect sebrang ulu and sebrang ilir.

15. In what era was the ampera bridge first constructed?

Answer : C. President Soekarno era
Reason : because at the text there is a key word that can be a reference for the answer, "first
president". And the best answer is C.

16. Answer : A. Boyle died a the age of 64.

Reason : Because according to the text he was born in 1627 and died in 1691. If counted, he died at
the age of 64 years

17. Answer : d. 1644

Reason : because Ireland was in termoil due to British occupation efforts. So he returned to England
and settled there.

18. Answer : B. Ireland was in turmoil

Reason : Because according to the last paragraph, it is explained that Robert Boyle settled in England
because Ireland was in turmoil due to British occupation efforts.

19. Answer : B. To celebrate the National Education Day

Reason : It is shown in the 2nd paragraph, "To celebrate upcoming National Education Day, some
appealing events will be held by the Student Board Organization”.

20. Answer : B. Three native speakers

Reason : it is shown in paragraph 1 "In addition, three native speakers from the United States will be
the judges."

21. Answer : A. should be ready at 07.30

Reason : because on paragraph 2, it tells that before the competition start the participant should be
ready at 07.30

22. Answer : d. elaborate on how to gain success

Reason : because there is written "here are tips for those who want to become successful students"

23. Answer : A. Ought to be on time

Reason : Because according to the point 2, “Be on time. You should plan to be a little early wherever
you go, so you have time to get places, focus, and be ready to learn when you get there.”

24. Answer : A. enthusiastic (Antusias)

Reason : Eager means keinginan atau minat yang antusias atau tidak sabar.
a. Enthuasiatic (antusias)
b. Courageous (berani)
c. Energetic (energik)
d. Creative (kreatif)
e. Deep (dalam)

25. Answer : B. Waskito is the football coach

Reason : because in the first sentence is clearly written that the sender, Waskito, as the coach.

26. Answer : D. Is in financial problem

Reason : The text says that this team is in financial trouble so they don't have jerseys and other
tools. and then supported by Mr. Syafi'i
27. Answer : e. holding a squad appreciation night
Reason : because that is for loyalty and dedication of the players of the squad.

28. Answer : D. They need it to enlarge their knowledge

Reason : Because according to the first paragraph, it is stated that a mobile computer such as a
laptop is something that students need to enlarge their knowledge

29. Answer : B. Achieve

Reason : Achieve is another word for Attain, meaning to get or reach

30. Answer : C. Look around the online store

Reason : it is shown in paragraph 3 "Students just have to look around the online store, decided
which laptop or computer they need.. "

31. Answer : D. give specific report about rock and roll in past times.
Reason : because at the beginning of the paragraph it focuses on the history of rock and roll.

32. Answer : e. is a combination of R&B styles

Reason : it is written on the last sentence of the text

33. Answer : E. wealth (Kejayaan)

Reason : Prosperty means kemakmuran atau kesejahteraan atau kejayaan.

34. Answer : D. Corruption is a serious problem

Reason : because the topic of text is about corruption. And the sentence "Government have worked
hard to combat corruption among public officials." It means the corruption is a serious problem

35. Answer : B. Bribe the authorities

Reason : because it is written in the second sentence of second paragraph.

36. Answer : C. Preventing young people from becoming corruption

Reason : because it is at the end of the text that is "we have to start from school"

37. Answer : c. for the food supply in winter

Reason : because they will not get some food in winter.

38. Answer : E. Convert flower nectar into honey

Reason : Because the reference in answering it is in the second sentence. "The worker bees consume
flower nectar and convert it into honey in special sac in their esophagus".

39. Answer : A. essential animal

Reason : Because from the statement above that says some animals eat honey as their main
diet/food, we can conclude that without bee honey, the animals wouldn't be able to survive, hence
honey bee is an essential animals.

40. Answer : B. There was a poor farmer who lost his livestock to flooding
Reason : because option B is the only true statement based on paragraph 2 "... a massive flood hit
the village and one unfortunate farmer lost all his livestock

41. Answer : A. he became lazy, arrogant, and spendthrift.

Reason : because on paragraph 5, it tells that they became lazy, arrogant, extravagant and forget
about his previos difficulties.

42. Answer : b. suffering caused by lack of food

Reason : in the previous sentence there is written that he lost all his livestock so that we will starve
because the lack of food

43. Answer : D. Donating blood is beneficial for patients and also for donors.
Reason : Because the text is explain about benefits of donating blood, both for patients (point 1-4,
paragraf akhir) and donors (blood donation improves health)

44. Answer : B. Blood transfusion

Reason : because from the text tell us that thalassemia and sickle cell are complex medical. They
needs blood transfusion

45. Answer : D. Blood supply

Reason : because in the sentence is talking about blood donation from healthy people.

46. Answer : D. Pushing the button behind the neck

Reason : because it's in the text "it will move when we push the button behind its neck."

47. Answer : c. it is like a transformer

Reason : because the boy really love transformer and the another option is wrong.

48. Answer : E. Pros and Cons of video games in the US

Reason : Because there are supporting points in paragraph 3 and Contrasting points in paragraph 2.

49. Answer : A. They can reduce crime.

Reason : The 3rd paragraph is where the cons statements are placed, we can conclude that from the
usage of "On the other hand,..." in the 3rd paragraph, and the answer is placed at the last sentence
with the opponents claiming that video games can reduce crime

50. Answer : B. Violent video games can reduce aggressiveness

Reason : from paragraph 3 "they also claim that these games can reduce crime"

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