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Take off, in tum, all conveyor elevators before start-up of each machinery. Elevators, conveyors in the compartments. and machine covers and remove all dirt,

trap metal etc;

etc; should be turned over by hand to ensure there is no trash in the buckets or When cleaning is complete clean the floors and insist all tccls-and equipment

are accounted

for as they are brought into the mill. electrician the electrical safety

with a competent

of the mill, that all overloads

are set

properly. Instigate a system of signals and warning plates so that accidents due to hazard starting of motors are eliminated. (iii) Completely programmer check that lubrication has been correctly done and that



is made out and adhered to.


Starting at the output and of the mill tum over each item of machinery

by hand, followed by a quick

tum the motor to check directions of rotation. Allow each item of machinery to be run for at least two hours on the light load, check reasons for excessive noise or overheating.
(v) All materials used for these tests must be ultimately processed since the cost does not allow it to be

thrown away. If seed is spoilt by error then it must be saved and fed back into the plant when conditions are stabilised. (vi) (vii) Start up of the Oil Expeller / (5) as described Check the oil screening Determine (viii) and filtering in the separate note following. out of the filter presses. foots etc;

stages and ensure proper blowing

whether any changes are necessary

in the press settings due to excessive

Before and during the start up period set out and amend where necessary the use of the labour available; determine shift change-over times, routine analysis to be done, routine maintenance inspections, determine what routine recording of mill settings and output are to be made.

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COMMISSIONING (i) A NEW OIL EXPELLER The start up of a new Oil Expeller is not usually difficult but this depends upon the type of seed to be treated, the material of the Oil Expeller internal parts and the know how of the operator. The Press is either fitted with case hardened or ground hard faced worm assembly items. The hard faced items will usually polish very quickly with the passage through the press of most seeds whereas the case hardened items will take a little longer to polish and in fact an admixture of first press cake or shell of the seed treated may sometimes be helpful for a while to accelerate polishing .



Check out the lubrication, clearance from trash, clear turning by hand, electric overload setting, access to feed, correct directions of rotation. It must be at cIock wise rotation when you are observing from discharge end. Check the belting tension. Before admitting meal to the press, check the discharge clearance between the Taper Head (item 3) and the Wear Plate (item 4). This can be seen by open up the swing cover at the discharge end. Initial running should allow a 20 millimeter gap. Now the press can be started. Admit meal through the Feeding Hopper (item 23) into the Press little by little or in short stages with a two or three minute pause between each advance until the machine is running in proper load. (Refer to full cake discharged). The whole process from first admitting meal should take 10 to 15 minutes. Now, advance the Taper Head (to adjust to correct gap of 14 - 15 millimeter for Primary Pressing & 10 -12 millimeter for Secondary Pressing) by knocking the adjusting Nut (item 2) at clockwise direction while the press still in running. It may need some experience by observing the discharged cake whether the setting is optimum. Always remember that the knocking of adjusting nut must be in short stage with a 3 - 4 minutes pause between each advance otherwise. This is to ensure that each time advance of setting the Taper Head is actually calibrating from the feed to the discharge.





The first hours running of the new machine is the crucial period in the start up of the mill and all through this period a watch on the ammeter. After an hour or two of running, the belting may need re-adjustment or tension. (see procedure for stopping machine.)


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Before admitting meal to Press ensure that the conveyor and elevators running as well as oil and foots handling plant. Since the press has been previously run, the setting of discharge assume is proper. Admit meal in little by little and may required to rinse the meal with a little ofwatw. Check the ammeter until full motor load is reached.

(ii) (iii) (iv)

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STOPPING OF AN OIL EXPELLER The process of completing a run with a Oil Expeller involves the production of a small quantity of substandard cake and a loss of up to 10 minutes operation. As previously described the starting of a Oil Expeller requires a period of time for a good performance to be achieved, particularly until the thermal balance of the machine is reached. For these reasons Oil Expeller are very much better worked for long continuous periods, usually between 5 and 7 days on end. When stopping the Oil Expeller a procedure must be established which at the very least allows for the quick start-up of the plant after the shut-down period. If compressed cake is left in the barrel after tl run, the Press cannot be re-started particularly if a squirrel cage motor is used.

The last few minutes of the Press running (5 minutes as near as can be judged) the Press should run on about 213 of normal feed. These steps should ensure that the machine is "softnened off' before actually stopping the driving motor. A softened machine discharge meal or a very soft cake so that little or no oil is expelled and the worm assemble is not making a compressed cake. When the feed to the press is stopped, the press should be allowed to run for four or five minutes so that the discharge of meal is completely stopped. (i) Shut the incoming oil seed / meal from the overhead Silo. Rinse a little of water with coming meal or seed of the Feeding Hopper (item 23). You can immediately see loose or soft cake being discharge. If you find that the cake still not softened after empty of the rinse meal. You have to repeat the procedure. (ii) Once the output cake is in soften form or you can tell by the running load of the machine.

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THE BODY CAGE. Before carrying out any maintenance ensure that the press is safely electrically isolated. a) (i) Remoyal of Body Ca~e Remove the feeding hopper (item 23) sitting on top feed cage, the top and side covers from the press. Place across the press base with suitable protection to stop parts dropping into the conveyor below. this can either be length of wood or sheet metal. It is particular important to do this where more than one machine is operating in line, since it is more likely that the oil and foots conveyor under the press would still be running and any dropped parts would caused problems. Slaken all the nut for clamping bolts (item 8) and the nut not necessary to remove from the bolts. The Clamping bar & clamping bolts shall be remove together with a lever or grow bars to push the square bar sideways (attention must be given because these bars may drop-off.) These parts can be lowered down by two men & removed. (iv) Directly below the cage, place one or two timbers (strong enough to take weight of cage) onto which the Clamping bar (item 7), clamp bolt (item 8) and reinforcement rib can be lowered. The reinforcement rib (item 6) in two half, the top half can be removed leaving the lower half (the bottom half may or may not be removed depending on work condition.) Remove the two holding bolt of reinforcement rib, the bottom half can be removed. (vi) The barrel or body cage which split in horizontal. The top piece can be removed by lifting at the side plate. If it is too tight, please use a sharp flat piece to chip at split point will allow the body cage to be splited. (Note: Try to unloosen the stay bar nut if found the cage is tight.) b) (i) (ii) To Re-fit the Body Ca~e. All mating surfaces of the cages should be carefully cleaned. This is very important. The cage should be pulled uniformly into position by tightening the mounting bolt along each of cage. Care should be taken to ensure that both cage and scraper in between make even contact.




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2 a) (i) (ii) (iii) b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 3

THE FEED CAGE To Remoye the Feed Caie. Remove the top inlet chute from the feeding inlet. Loosen the 4 bolts that mount the 2 split feed cage together. Loosen the 2 bolts that mounting the top cage to the block To Re-fit the Feed Caie. The mating surfaces of the cage should be carefully cleaned. This is very important. Align the scraper to avoid touching the feed worm Place the top feed cage and sit into position with the bottom feed cage. Tighten the mounting bolt that clamp the two half together. TO REMOVE AND RENEW WORM AND DISTANCE PIECE Worm assembly, parts are either 'hard faced' or 'case hardened', dependent upon the user. Worm assemblies are designed to give the optimum results from the seed being pressed. The worm and distance piece are a sliding fit on a solid worm shaft and parts can be changed to after the worm assembly.

I! Note : Before carrying out any maintenance

(i) (ii)

ensure that the press is safely electrically isolated.

Open the main cage (see section main cage). Removed the feed cage (see section feed cage). Removed the adjusting cone and nut by turning anti-clockwise Removed the left-hand lock nut by turning clockwise direction.

(iii) (iv)

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The worm and distance piece can now be removed from the shaft. When the press has been ran for sometimes, the worms may be difficult to removed and it is necessary to use a drift to remove the worm initially and a crowbar may also be used behind the worm flight. If the worm are particularly tight, it is common practice to quickly heat the worm with a blow lamp or an oxy-acetylene, care should be taken not to reach a dull red heat. This heating serves to expand the worm bore slightly and also burns out some of the solids which find their way between worms add shaft. To give the maximum bore expansion with the minimum amount of the beat, the heat source should be concentrated along the keyway where there is the minimum thickness of metal. •


When replacing worms and distance pieces, care should be taken that they are fitted the correct way round and the correct order i.e the pressure worm pointed end of the flight should be towards the feed end, and the taper on the taper discharge piece should be increasing from feed end to discharge end. When fitting new worms, always ensure that the joint faces are perfectly clear. Provided the worms and distance piece are not too badly worn then may be reclaimed. TO REMOVED THE WORM SHAFT Open the main cage (see section main cage) and also removed the bottom cage. Open the feed cage (see section feed cage) and also removed the bottom section. Removed the Adjusting Cone / Taper Head Nut / Jammed Nut (item 1). Removed all worms and the distance piece. Removed the Bearing Cover (item 28), Back Block Bearing Cover and Shaft Coupling (item 37). The shaft can now be removed. The re-fitting of the worm shaft is the reverse of the previously described procedure. LUBRICATION The Flender gear box shall use Omala 320 or equivalent.


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


(vi) (vii) 5

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