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Paris Dimick

Summer 2021

FRIT 7236: Technology Assessment and Data

Key Assessment

Stage 2:


The student population is students in 1st grade For this assessment data we chose the data of 27
students. There are 14 boys and 13 boys. This group consists of majority African american
Students with the exception of 3 Hispanic ESOl students. There are 11 students who are qualified
EIP students for Math and Reading and all students are on the RTI track for Tier 2 and 3
assistance. Academically, students are ranging from slightly below grade level for math and
reading and about 5 students who are on grade level or above grade level. The students have 90
minutes of math and reading workshop/instructional time per day.

This assessment comes from the unit assessment of the Unit 5 Place Value Test course from the
2020-2021 School year. This year it will be updated to fit the standards from the new curriculum
and GSE learning map being adopted. I created this assessment based off of different questions
and responses that are essential for mastery of the 1st grade trajectory. The objectives and tasks
created are aligned with the Georgia Standards of Excellence that are used by all school districts
at this grade level. How and when they are used are up to district curriculum coach approval.
This test measures the students ability to accurately master the objectives and standards asked of
this Place Values unit.


Standards Objectives

MGSE1.NBT.2 Understand that the two MC 1- The students will identify and explain
digits of a two-digit number represent what the digits within the whole number
amounts of tens and ones. Understand the represent within the place value chart system
following as special cases: a. 10 can be with accuracy.
thought of as a bundle of ten ones — called a
“ten.” b. The numbers from 11 to 19 are MC2-The students will justify whether what
the statement says is true or false in regards to
composed of a ten and one, two, three, four,
the comparison of two numbers using
five, six, seven, eight, or nine ones. c. The symbols.
numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 MC3-Students will be able to add two digit
refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, numbers within a word problem to solve for a
eight, or nine tens (and 0 ones). total using a specific strategy with 70%
MGSE1.NBT.3 Compare two two-digit SA1-Students will be able to state the process
numbers based on meanings of the tens and of using a strategy learned to identify ten
ones digits, recording the results of more/less.
comparisons with the symbols >, =, and <.
SA2-Students will be able to solve ten
more/less problems by using a specific
MGSE1.NBT.4 Add within 100, including strategy (120 chart).
adding a two-digit number and a one-digit
number and adding a two-digit number and a SA3-Students will be able to identify 10 more
multiple of ten (e.g., 24 + 9, 13 + 10, 27 + and 10 less in terms of real world word
40), using concrete models or drawings and
strategies based on place value, properties of E1-Students will be able to create a model and
operations, and/or relationship between criticize original answers using strategies
addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to learned during place value units (number line,
a written method and explain the reasoning base ten blocks,etc.)
used. E2-Students will be able to describe a real
world experience where they were able to
MGSE1.NBT.5 Given a two-digit number, apply place value strategies during everyday
mentally find 10 more or 10 less than the processes.
number, without having to count; explain the
reasoning used. E3-Students will be able to discuss the
process in which two numbers are the same
and different when using concrete objects.

HOT1-Students will extend their knowledge

past two digit numbers in order to
successfully succeed in this critical thinking
problem using 3 digits and multiple clues.

HOT2-Students will identify which group

does not belong by analyzing each choice to
accurately make a choice.

HOT3-Student will identify what number is

represented by analyzing the clues represented
within the prompt.

P1-Students will use manipulatives and tools

to discuss different methods of solving a place
value word problem with background
knowledge of place value and grouping.
P2-Students will use cubes and spinners to
create number sentences and new numbers so
that they can be able to analyze the number
and their place values.

P3-Students will use manipulatives and dice

to apply knowledge of place value to
performance task/game to show understanding
of place value and construction of numbers.

Dimick_Student Data Analysis

Descriptive Analysis:

This assessment is a combined test of all the different standards I included for the unit of
Place Value in 1st grade. The students will see different questions like these during the unit time
frame to challenge and push them to critically think and understand the procedures needed to
solve for the answers and justify them. This assessment will gauge the students and their ability
to understand the concepts, steps and purpose of place value within whole numbers and digits.
The overall assessment data showed that only 65% was the score average among all the students
in this classroom of 27. Located below is a screenshot of the data and when put in order, the
medium was 61% and the standard deviation was 0.18.
The following chart located below also details the top 5 questions that gave information on
which were most difficult and which were answered correctly the most. This data shows that
short answer questions were answered correctly by 95% of students while students who
answered 59% of the multiple choice questions wrong. While reflecting on this information, I
found that a lot of factors could have catered to the percentages shown in this data. Such as
literacy skills, being that they have to have everything read to them majority of the time. In
addition, the attention span of 1st grade students is very low so the need to do lots of small group
or one on one instruction is definitely an option to take in regards to helping these students do
better next time around.
In regards to analyzing the data within this reliability chart reflected on google doc sheet, this
information gives us information on what exactly is correlated. In this specific chart, I looked at
the formula Spearman Brown double length to get an understanding of how each half compared
to each other in regards to success. The reliability of my data reflected 0.62 which means that
this test was not really reliable and needs some restructuring and revamping to produce better
results next time. What can be used to improve reliability next time would be to shorten the
number of questions of the test, especially being first graders with short attention spans and
patience. Write clearer instructions and make sure that students are familiar with what the
question or task is asking of them. It does not have to be the same question but formatting is
Student Analysis:

Reflecting on the importance of data and what it can communicate is important, so as we look at
the charts and information above, we know that this test needs to be revamped and redone.
Reteaching needs to be done as well to ensure that students can be completely ready for the test
and test questions introduced. For students who are struggling with place value and how to add
or compare the numbers, it is important to use tangible items they can use during practice time to
master and get better at. In addition the amount of students who did not take the test or complete
it could also aid in the improvement of data. Allowing students to take it in different locations at
different times of the day will allow data to speak more of itself in a holistic view.

Improvement Plan:
For this specific unit, Place Values, we know that first grade students are constantly being
introduced to fundamental concepts that are the building blocks of their educational journey
within the next 12 years of their life. If they do not understand numbers or what makes it a
number or why two numbers are added this way, it will create a domino effect of
misunderstandings and misconceptions for the next couple years of their life. Its important to
gain information about who your students are in the beginning with games, and interet forms and
fun fridays so that you can apply their interest and likes to learning concepts to make the
motivation grow thus making learning happen too. Also allow students who have a hard time
reading to have a virtual or digital copy of the test questions in another location where they can
access if you can not read it over again. Last but not least, knowing that 65% was the final
average score, it is safe to say that retest, reteach and reintroduce is very much needed.
Especially when students are tier 2 and tier 3 with ELL journeys and EIP journeys as well. Most
likely these students are already behind missing information needed for these concepts to make
sense. ALl we need to do is find the missing pieces to the puzzle and help the students connect
them all with amazing resources.

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