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Relationships – speaking & Vocabulary

1) Look at these photographs and describe what you can see in each of them, using the
words given in the box at least once.
Picture A

sitting on a sofa
bare feet
game on TV
remote control
listen to music

Image: Ambro / bored

Picture B annoyed

have a picnic
grass / trees
bread and other food
give a present
engagement ring

Image: photostock /

2) Compare and contrast the pictures pointing out the pros and cons of marrying
young. Try to use words in the box below to explain what you think

Verbs: be/fall in love fall out over get on well make up have arguments
spend time apart/together put up with squabble talk things over pay
Adjectives: rocky challenging lasting understanding enthusiastic fulfilling
Nouns: excitement joy priorities communication skills compromise share
1) Type the description of both pictures as instructed in exercise 1 in the lines
In the first picture I be able to look a couple sitting on a sofa, I think that the man is very happy with the remote
control in his hands you many be watching a game on TV and for the other side the woman is sitting with a slightly
boring expression I think could be for that the man is watching TV and both of you are barefoot. In her left han, she
has a popcorn bowl I think she might be better off listening to music with earphones and in this way it ean be

2) Type the comparison and constrast of exercise 2 in the lines provided

For me the wedding is something important and serious, I think that getting married young is a hasty decision.
In my case I have many priorities to finish my university career, get a job travel and much more. The
couple must have communication skills to communicate all their ideas. Many couples have many
problems in their relationshio and have don't have commnunication.

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