Evidence 6: Segmentation "Describing Potential Clients"

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Evidence 6: Segmentation “Describing Potential Clients”

Produced by: Cristhiam Mauricio Parra

SENA learning service

Presented to: Jefferson Cuesta

international negotiation

Medellín 10/03/2022
Evidencia 6: Segmentation “Describing Potential Clients”

En la proyección de mercados, la segmentación permite identificar las

necesidades y el comportamiento de los consumidores para satisfacer sus deseos,

teniendo en cuenta que la idea es exportar el producto seleccionado a un país de habla

inglesa ya establecido, entonces es importante tener en cuenta el vocabulario y las

estructuras necesarias en inglés para elaborar una adecuada consulta y así lograr un

mayor conocimiento de las necesidades y expectativas de los clientes, y con ello obtener

una mejor visión de lo que se pretende ofrecer al mercado internacional.

Por lo anterior y con la finalidad de cumplir con esta evidencia, desarrolle lo


1. Resuelva en inglés las preguntas que se le presentan a continuación:

 Where do you usually buy your cleaning products?

I usually buy cleaning products at carulla chain stores because they have low prices.

 Do you consider yourself as a neat person? Why?

Yes, I consider myself a clean and tidy person, as I am on the inside, I am on

the outside. Developing the habit of keeping my home organized helps me stay

organized at work.

 Do you feel satisfied with the cleaning products you buy? Why

I am satisfied with the cleaning products that I buy because, in addition to being

good quality products, they are organic products that take care of the environment.
 What kind of cleaning product would you like it to be improved? Why?

I would like them to improve the detergent, to be friendly to the environment,

because it is a product for daily use and has a significant environmental impact.

 Mention 5 cleaning product brands you consider as the best ones

Top Terra



Eco le pont


 Which are the most important aspects to be taken into account to choose a

cleaning product brand?

For me the most important aspects are:

bio degradable

fair price

animal cruelty free

 Imagine you are promoting a new product. Describe it and write in ten lines the

reasons to convince your potential clients to buy your product.

I have a new product for yourself. The product has the registration established

for its commercialization. This has the standards set for consumption and it is a product

of excellent quality. I am talking about avocado. Avocado is an organic product; it is

rich in vitamins and vegetable oils that benefit our health. Its physical characteristics

facilitate its commercialization and time of maturation is long. Its flavor is similar to

butter and you can use it in various preparations such as salads, mashed avocado. It can

be a companion to other typical food of Colombia. Avocado can be used for face masks

and hair treatments. This is a natural product that helps us control saturated fats in our

body. Although its seed is not Colombian this is a flag product of our country

2 Describa en inglés el tipo de población a la que pretende proyectar el

producto o servicio, de acuerdo con el país ya seleccionado.

The United States is a vast country and is made up of a diverse group of people.

Life can vary greatly from one region to another. Still, a unique lifestyle in the United

States has developed over time. The most common nuclear family unit in the United

States, although there are families made up of any combination of relationships.

Whereas before the previous marriage having children used to be the norm, unmarried

couples and unmarried couples for the sake of love are very common now.

American families value individuality and past stigmas toward different types

of families are fast becoming a thing of the past yet multiple generations of family

members living together are not common. They are informal, assertive, make good use

of their time, very polite, like privacy, are individual, are independent from a young age.

They have a sense of belonging, compassionate, socially responsible, intuitive and


Consumer spending accounts for more than two-thirds of US economic activity,

US consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious when making purchasing

3 En base a la población descrita con anterioridad elabore una encuesta en

inglés para ser aplicada a esta población

 Do you know Colombian coffee?

a. yes

b. No

 How often do you drink coffee?

 Do you consume products of organic origin?

a. Yes

b. No

 Would you be willing to try an organic Colombian coffee?

a. Yes

b. No

c. maybe

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