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16 N INC TION GROUPS CONTAINING OXYGEN — 1” CAl@hels and Phenols) Al@hels and phenols Htcohel s and Plunsls are smal pletion rept abem tn aclre Carbon , ate and womate ‘| "s ee by Me ror gauh [C-oR) gpanh. | R-uw =", cot oH Alene 4 \Gho! 4 on o -i +oH © » oe Ben gene flnol ; Electronic Structure o Both ies anol Phenol s Gudhatn ly drone A the tun cdi'conee) al lohels , g I$ attached to an a © / pat Pep fs ae tke De 0: ‘Scanned with CamScanner ® Clam Fi Gti on ef allohels :- Au Alehels Gn be cbividecl (nto 40 broael Ate FE alibhat'e allohels and aromatic alohels. | WW Aliphatic AGhols \- AMlhels in Klbich the Wot group is Linked dean ali preci. Grban Chair a ae aliphatic alehals. oH CH, of , CH, CH, oH Ch, tye CH; Mets alGhol Cty) alo he/ Jo re pl al Ghe/ » 20 Aromat'c allohels ;- AlGhels in dathich the haya Is Pesce Side Chun of an nlc haat are aemauc al hols, a 4 a] Cry —Ch — oft ( » 6 fi ethane! ( Geng) alhef J de Phang ethan (pg Hlebels are Luntin Chien and ivi bad Paygaotl i ‘Scanned with CamScanner 8) Grdain ant, to, Hast oF Rei halen pops Pere ively. Foy Geemple, Xa) Pho hy awe alGhel :- A 'Ghels Gourde hg one OH pep per meletute ate Glhod manckydrfe alGhols. use Jurttusr clei fied as fare Selorelary (2°) and jortiary (2*) Me aw +he off qresp is attached fo primary, Secondary ancl 4erti Grbah atems papel, fy “¢ s eg i uh Cyc — oH ch, rae H 4 E Hehe! P repan - P- of ; le Pei msry oy Nallehel ) Qa Selle ” al bo hol J i CH, =a — of Chg & Methed propan- @-of C fod - 3° al@hel) Ww Bad rc al Gohols :- i The genred formate of olikydy'c lane? 29 3G ee i se wt ake Ggmmi Kneis % pen te relate posifiens of ‘Scanned with CamScanner Q q they ade claw Wud as o, fl, Y 2 -yy Gls: 4 24 3. 8 ay Ho (Me ~ (4, —OH a Fm Tafel Ctra lene rye! oH oH (Chane 1, 4-biot) Pepylow gyal Cp pane -b, 2 - ~cbéel ) Ho- CH ony dy -oH reat] g-oliol w Trikpdne allohel ,- Taha allehels ae Gili apemeinians. 4° * cy, - olf | ach —oH i 3c Ow (Gly rel or Gly asine Phsnols are the ol ve rey elou'vali V4 of vromat c lupdt ~Gdbors in \dlich the re. greuhs we 7 tht aromatic jut af a @ (last h Bhadvic ond Wily ond p a ther mole Gules Gutalclena bi tae! pus Daft ‘Scanned with CamScanner © oH on olf i ol Gy ©) [o OO. ow t Pence! or Getechol or Phitioatechual ta Ben sere] Beng ent f, d-okie/ Deng ene 13, 542404 contra (pnd age Nomenclature ef AlGhols and Phenol é Tn TvPAC System al@hel oF al Kanels ara named by, mages te last Wohd %e’ of the ape, af Kane by ol oy 1 a 3 4 Cs —CH— Chy—C Hy es Cols = Hyd vongacetebhenans ( Geteabeytrervyacetephenana)) ‘Scanned with CamScanner © Gentral metheds ef Prsparacti oh of alGhels |. §- By Hyctrolyais of hol oclHahts : Ibbols ce produced Jalen hale co Korts Catfeg) horticle) re heated laith Ueets Soolium od Petersitern a -swide oF moist Silver orice. R-X + Keo —— > Roh 4KK “iA A lGhe! Bo Ctg ty - OL Ko (ay) a GielyeH + kd Bengul Chloride Bengt al Cohel 4- Eneom alkents '- @) by acd Gata seol hay ctractise, th actorclance vulth ManKowunikeff's Rute. Nah he yt bs i HCC + Ho — ia H oH —. Hr Bey Ch iM silt © Res CH; — CH — CH; | OH Mechanism ’- —eEear: Steps pretenatian of alkene by attade of +40" Hy o + Ht Se Hyo" 4 »._ oe it [5 /o 2G + 120 -H illo “¢ 4 wou ay = iacenae cbt ack, i i i i — C- b E / HoH H Step Mid ) Deprotenetian fo form ayal ka) fe . HOM , H-c-t~ + Ho —» H-t— cH £48 | & oe a HoH hey 3) fem bohatian - oxidaHoh |- Ch =Chy CU — CH=CH, +(H By Jo > 0 Feat H Bly / Chy—Ch= C4, (CAs- Cla —Chy ), B Cop Cy — City Dg Oe Myo [ Hyogo 3 ly Cl CH 4) From Grborigt Compounds; » iv Bi realy lian of eealugles and Katehes oH + B(OH); R- CHO + hy afd = RH, — on RoR’ Nab, 5 p_ cy—p’ ou Ader cs yield pri mushy a}lohols |lhireas Ketones give oan a(ohels ldhen Subjected +0 Meclucticrn My ‘Scanned with CamScanner “ W By freely chien of Garborulie atldé amd exter, RoooH WU'AIMy , Rc, oH (iy Ho Reoox’ __ a Aco + Row Galt Resluct an of piesa) hepores and e%turs With Alo clhl (5 Glud ROR cha. S) By the Reaction of calelehy oles, Ketones and ters batt Grighour a Reo ent‘. G Migr Yeager sexe Lilt culdlchyles, Kelenes cud Ctuy iE adbHan Products luck tpen clelmbes/Hoh With Ie preferably, titth olBHC! oF Lil. Hy Sa give allel. preleishlyte ee, é ¢ S- St omg s - Sa + R-pax NA Oe ua aa 7 ¢ ae pC 4 GibonJ Gvipand = salen Gompeund od Prectuct oy Rae + eS et Ny PS for vamp, Swim hie Gan 1 W) Mather Jet melole hay ole 1's wed te 9 : fecepmemently 3. ts mer, ‘Scanned with CamScanner =u Hy eemger Hy OE OM rt tag n-“ Dig enh ye \ Gy My (Hd bh Hin wy Of (Hy (oH Loy) i oN Gy Cthane! or CHyl alehel (VA eabel) WIth alelely oles ofr fran rela A ay obtat - W +O; Mgp Oh, oM; is q Vay (U WY ve na Dig etn nn \ Ch, ( OY aay ve Me CH ue SS Prepon ~ 2-0] oF aGhel (9° Alohe WD ith Hen, tetrary-atiohels au p Go x » Tempe CH cH = Sapa A ‘Scanned with CamScanner to o) 8y hag dw | yeas of CStAS,~ Alishols are geovrally fotparedd from piaber pale { hy drelysia inside oy rons alkali or ceeuing enters CS apondtrCtesm,) Reco K+ Ho 7a (ay) —9 Rloonla + Ro Ged sSal 2 F an aubl q ChyleOG,- 4+Neot ——» Ch, Coolla + Gu-O# Cthyl Crancatt Sod: qetats Cth) allohal +) From aliphatic Primary aming |- fALipratic primar amin an 4oced ment ith hibreus add CNlaNly +H4U) rv" ‘Gamer al Gshels. fey ex Gls N, + Hort —— Guts oH +My + hyo Cth amine Avbrous ¢ aud alG@he! ¢ Frdiustriaf Prep rection of Glahols 4) oxo an! - Aiteanss Ped with Gxbon mano-ciutle anol ; i J In Previn «| elector eleniatitamay (= lyst a a prt and Hemp huture fo fromm lets oles. Ch by Jy Jo cycycuo lh | oy, (ip by on P *panal Pipan -1~of ‘Scanned with CamScanner @ 2) Foimentation of Grbohy crete 'o ne process of breatuing olewn farge meletules Sato Stmbles ake oh the 7 f frdene ¢ eset 3 Glled ey From Stuyor ' , Ynverd wie + go OS Cetin + Gn O S 1a % Sucrose G lutore Fructose Clty %, EAR, AG Ho + % oy G lu tere Cth ery 44 A@he| abe § eneral Method of Prtpration of Phenols ;- 4 ileal’ Fumtan of Suphonates '- Phenols ars precluceel [hin Secbum Salls of aramatic Sulphan'c aces ane feubec) lntth Mac ad 300-3fe's fell wee) be uch’ Getic . SeyNq 6 oat Pa an S$ F5-693K, [O} + 2Aaery ———> He | - Niqy Sen th © Ame Seeds bens ens Sed Stal hue nse Phe nereibe Phars] ‘Scanned with CamScanner ay poe of diggenum Slt s |— w= NCL™ oH oe Dil. Soy (9) + tho —— "> [O}+ Ha + Me Beng une ohas aun Chlersle Phenol oH 3) 84 fe Gr bo my letu'on of Sali ue aciel,'- oNa C Go e) CooNles rach] ey o.4 a (oy ¢ @ Macy ae LO) + Nay Ge + Sed. Sig late yy) Prom Grigrand Regent. M9 Bh 6 OMe BA 0} +44 Dry CHa ©) ut mo Phen mag he ho F b ropvele p “d ™¢ bremu'cle OH eo. pe yom d F Tretust vied sreti'on © poe 4) Fhe aryl hati ol Os i+ C Doll's Proc ey a ona C aN 6 23K, 3eealmy DJ + PNaoH ~ atl, My PH ° 6) Thea” Lo Chet bury one Sects phuneduake Phone! Seamed th Canseamet wy a) om Cumenc '. (is Ch-C— 4 Ch, CH= CH, aa eB EaIERG = Se” Panes 4 Pie el Ky bain Head. ca a (Bop repytbergene) hy oH Oy, —¢ "00h 0 DI J, Hy Sey (4y—¢— cn, + Gua, O Ps panene uyol ro peronicle Cae oho) : Prep Gal Properties o} fhe nels and allshols'- J- These cre Glowr less Legale or tatline Solicls but beCome Gloured clus 46 Slow Ortelatian jth eth, a Ufhenol is alse Gilded Gaboble auld, 3- fowenr al(ohols are Glowrlers Jeg uicls rriomh Oa Taam ConG, ane a igeids and ha phar omamibers vee Atany Soli'dy , Q- Whe { wrolvoriel poeps In allohols Gn Jorm H- bonols Math Wet, So alGghels ake miscible lalah late, Vhe Solubi Litg, decrease, wiith thircase ip rol eller mys , ’ =e if Ho K SHO Sy ~0-44 \y ‘Scanned with CamScanner Si) Boiling Points of alkanes re dynhe, Han expect ex q be Gunge of He Presence of Ind hemol e Coulee hyslregen honollhy fy the pola mnele lates, 6) Belause of He Prerence of Polar ol bond, phenols form Jutermrel @ Cbs H- bancling kilt other phase! YreleCecles and kilth later . ChemiGd Reactions of alGholr and Phenols |. wo Rewction involving Cleavage of 0-H Bend |. w Geictity of ald@ohels anol Phenols PR-O- H+ PNa —» @R—-0-Na + Hy Socks um al Korerele ONa aKa ——> 2 “a + Hy NN Seolum fhene pode 4 (Coke s are lalee Or qu'ats than ltater oltte fo +E Pred tr alGhols, Lbluch clecreases the fo laxitg. of O-H qroub (bands). Ache TTP meeY CEI R R R= Con > “Noy oy >> rapa on R ch. rs, pm ries Selena } feabs ater ‘ ‘Scanned with CamScanner cy) "— Electrons ae) (noreages elect yen olenty On onggin jo decrease te polarity of Cot) “band. Ofelia ef au Lity rs RlooH > H,G,> Gu, OH > H, H,o > R-olf Phensl is mehe aUclic han allshel oli fo Stabilisabiise of fhtnerulle lon Hrmgh Peschance . phason of cleedaes butthd seuss pap theese a olity of fhenal +> Stebldising — Phenortele j'sn ani print 0) efect- - Fen Pelee pour dees eases the et Ulsty of pheno) by estab; (Listing, Phenossole Je: GF nay, Veh esi aout Strengin re i Om etal 6ed eof busty aud Chios, oF ankyofhidts, 4he H- adem of the oH 'S Aeplaced by the aty] CRCo~) graup fo Germ Rico AF HteR’_, secoop! 4 iy (ROO},0 4 Hop! > Rook’ + Root, Aud anlyctnile — Altahel C4 fed g . . thes excticn "s G@tleol . Homiever ip denjoyt Chlotcle 's ‘tegen! , he enim GL cof bensgltan ‘Scanned with CamScanner Go 7 Jo The acetylation of allehels 5 wsseally Gud aut In Prana cf a base Auth a PyWelene . Tus, CH, lo Paioline No + HOG Hy a City (0G 4- + Cylon “3° - 4 “ EHupl acetate Yate aud Aate ankyed cle ' Pes! also reac with aud chlewdles and aad aay ~ Valles de pve ester In exalluc queld+ rE of H+a} ccns CocHy 4 Popa Catiste — he 4+ Ha fron) Phonyl acta Gempeeptiction +] franels V's wually Giivid aut ty Proenu of aq. Naoy. O- H + U— Co GHs- ©) Geng yl Chlertle Prise) Naq eH ‘This reacbion 's alae Glled Recaian. ‘Scanned with CamScanner a YD Rection with Gig rae Reng end ‘- 1 = R-o+ H + RF Max as R-H 4 Rois x Alene! G Hy haof Al Kone Reegued S- vablittame Gat Med Uh CHOo—H+Gh — hy BA 76g He + MPL OC)B A GHene Methoiy May, Methyf Ethyl mag. Bhomutle p Ashe! Chomicle ae_ fiers ‘> Gus oH + Cty My —> CH, 4+ Ma Co Gis) Pens! Methay eg [Yetsone phens madi Pacliite feo This ~uachon is Gllel Benewmivinofplevectivewoteres- on necl'on, WE) Reactians invelving the cleavage of C- a bend. Th Hilde Hine exchions, Hu reartiviy oreler of Li frit aliobels. 4 i f k > ao) R>-6+ CHL Rese o8 2 Rr dooy i ! ‘Scanned with CamScanner qk) Parp olueto +I CPfecd tncreaes He electron densit an she Grbon anol ogg alern of CG oH bend. qs aq vepult tre bend Cleavage belomes Cady, Greater the hutimh ch of aLey! pop prertnd, mate lant be the reactivity of allehel. Thus the Melative ont, of peenctivitey of the allehol "s Justi hh tol. 1) Reeibion with heleg on auids, Alb hels Athien o R Gu be Gnverted nto haloc) Manes by the P bategen a ent, ~ PH + HX Chop HOh, HZ) —> R-¥ 4 tho Fen q given allehsl orete of renctivity. 04 alltel Cy ‘ [Alig > Sey s Privates, Y agiven culahel oreler 0 { enters of Hx ts A-T > H- bh > Hu. (Y with Het | C1" edhe! J . Cy Cyt on tH Piet Cp) = Hy (gh 4 ho Crane! (1°allehel ) Ch chocthane Lellohe! | a Ch po ‘Newtion + Hpaqy 2a, MUN Cie Chrys i { P"alGhel! 3 2 -Chloree. ‘Scanned with CamScanner 3 °al lo ho! CHy | Roo Ch, - ¢ +- oH + H- cd dem) Ny ! Cy—F— OF too cy OH, 2~ Medig)- @ pre yap panel a-Chlere “2 ret f C 3" aJGhel / ° Propane (Bb) lanith He ba’. oh Cnc. ty So ‘y CH; CH —on + gh Chew cbrops' —> Chl —- bh 4 bo Jv er phisisy Reflure x & Bhomotirane LO) titn a Chy-cH + HI Re ~ Cy—T 4 to Methano! Lodo methane (2) Reach'an with Phos horus bab'eles '. R-on 4 PUs- —> R—U + Pods 4+HY hos A Nebo ne Spun BR-cH 4 PX; —> gR-X + HyPay Whe! eye et 4 halt'ote aud (xX = U, bh, ZT) ; ‘Scanned with CamScanner y d”* ud, & H® Chol + Rey —> Cea + Pot, Chloretthane Phespherets pes ; Concer 30H; oH + PBA, 5 3CHBA + ty Pes ' Methane | Bhomo- Phesphorots aad = meHeceg Schoey + Plz —a 3%%HT + Hy Pes ToolorneHrare Pies phe bous aud Methane} (3) Action with Hi chy! chloniele |- A-oH + Sect, Piprcuing R- 1 +Senit gel fish Prion Aik Chiorsele Bee i int a CH Coy + Sel — Chy = Cy U + Sigh HET CHrans] F ntowyf Chlete tHrane Chlorcls ©) Reaction with ammonia.’ Ala 2 Ch; CoH + NH3 aR CES Dy oh te ‘ aie Cathy amine 4 tat fana| a SRK ® , a Wis Znly or Hip Pe C.) Shee ‘Scanned with CamScanner (SD Reachion with 2i'ne cust - Phenols Chub het allehels) an duvtiblatian with Znc clint give the Grade pecating Vomati ¢ Rol aa aere ( For eka mp le OH A 4 © + Zh > (6) + Zno pre! Berend UE) Rewth'on i'n veluting. HK allohel moletite ex a lthole 4) bart Gone. Hy Soy | 383K CHa Ceo + H,Soy > Cy Cp oSo,H + Ho Gtr) allo) ONY baslmg tn Lethe ; F CHG hay olreaen Auhalt ig heated to 433 -~4ur K In presence of creas © Canes ty Soy, EHyy Jone U5 Precticced Ne dahyalratian of ethyl alahel takes pee 40 jerm Cheer. Gre, by sey CH Ch,0 SoH = + Hy So oS Wie k, ee : Mevhednis in’ ae or madly 09 and irerrayptectiay Jrem ethane} Bind Gene. ly il a be erp laenad oo, fellmes. ‘Scanned with CamScanner @> A) Formation o 9 CHpl ene C Delyalration #f altabels) Stud f ~ . Che — 0 — 19 ys JU Gea <0. TE Cy Ot ee Chane} Pretonatecd Cthansl Jeonsam tan) Stebe2 a Cy, —B 7 Slots 2, Ta Che Cy 4 He? Chet Geib e Geten Thér wip is Stow and rab- AL mini rg Step o of veaclion, ‘Scanned with CamScanner 2 with heel eckurnune (Bi, ©3 a Kiken vapours ofan elGhel are fred over bended alumina Uiffosnt prectuds are obtained ad differant femp- “Outen as quven belous. is 2 CH cH, on ~—AS Ch; —© - CH, Ch, + Hip Ctheres Dir oHgk ett Cy Cy on — Aly es Cly = Cty +H, 0 Ethanol Ethene 3) oxlolation'. Wha erdtetiisn J OF allehols Gn be Grried cud baht, q Vorery, of Jeng ents Buch a yee, quiuc er ene kMhey , acts Fite Ky Cy > oF cht HNay, W Privnedy A@hal ear) om hised Ayst 40 af 4 4 and +h Jo aubts, d hee CA; Cy, Kelae peter 3 oH ao Hp Soy een th) ee Hy CHe £2) CHrano| vip Mi ‘Scanned with CamScanner = UD Foe’ Ghols '- Casily osctised 4¢ Keleng ancl an aad, d Cy ut 3 Lor, My, ies CoH Rae Lh es ct} c=0 3 / On, CH Aebeue Fes. butyl alluhse} 47 Gy + Hgo qb) [ncoon) forrmtc aud, 4) Acton “J het Gbpar’- Dif fous Claes “4 al Cehels lkthen Hair Unpowes are S73 KC Boe'cs. U) Privmer, altohls aneleag p ley lvepenactian 4+ give J CHy Chy off fu ISK Wve Li fPornd Preducks Pewed our heated Ghbcr at 9 ChyCHO +My Hono} ¢ C CHhoy| allotel ) C Acctateshuote) ur) Seba nelevy aGhals alo lavelong 0 oleh ale pis ketone, Cy 0" is 8aIK Ch pa -S- . fare Noy 6H, Za. 4 He prepan—z-o} fapanaie (Ssoprepyt alhot / Cite) a ot) (i) Feation, alGhal unclinge lah Arata fe Jerm Kons, oe Ch, alc ah Ra Cpe ch, + H3o th, 2 Methyl proper P Meta biofan 9 of (Probyte tone) Cho Guts) ale) QW) Elecrophitic Substitution react) ans 6 Is! M5), Hale oat | OF b no ie \ 0 BO + 38, > Yor + 36h Phew} Gh *.4,6- Tabs Cawite pp) as he hats'an,'- Pes Phere! the bread mand taith Gre by Sa, rose De ah Ortho and Paro isomers. ul F SoH O BI3IK E49 (e) a z die eal ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘sf 3.) Nidvati on,’ Meith clilate wipe aad at 273K, Phenels yu s Z hitrophuvels Viz, @-and 4- nitrepl he zt OH oH on O'S Hie N% Ae - a 2) 23K (ey ss ey ie Phene| 2 Mi Dephuna) Nog Cue7,) U- plitro Prine! (184) 4) Pricotel -Cradds Han! . Pherels kithen foedeal bith aclftyt hralicls tin the Presence e4 ae AlAs Unclrge Frteote)- Crafts Peach en my ath a. oe 4 on Arkyy: AIC os ) + 9Cy4 (Fe Retin) Oo Phen pee oe BM elhylp an) ( Pe 4 phew!“ Coxcatat) ©) Lia uiith diazonium Salts’ - Bengenediazantum Sat Grelense yopse tin SU Alkaline qmetim at &F3- 4 tik a dp Ged appre e+ Pris Reaction Ks 4 LO) we Nur ‘aa ep ste ous Berger i, goruiem Chley ‘Scanned with CamScanner e@ 6) Kelbels Reaction,’ - Seoclium phenereche lalher besch co) WHA Gxban Uonsle at Yook ancl a Pranure © of 4- F cbmatphore Gotteased aul filectian J wa 2 naa eae gre CSaky « nc aud) as the Genin pred ens with & Aral amour of 4 hej clro amy beng oft aad, ONa oH oW took oy ani col OJ + & Yyae LO, Or Het i —Nag Sed. Phereruite Seed Sali Gp lee tr o Hy clromg benzo, oe HW Ramy- Tremenn tachian *. Cael tiaee Tres ner i i =~, Preiro) luith Chlode form In presence ef Iga . un hyal remote et S40 potlowieel bg Sod te parade Prestucd aye a heel = benselcllgete C Sats Glatt ite) as ue. majo ee OH Na. fi Wa + CHU, 3K aes wt = Nats, — dy 0 Shay, on flere Play J ie ; oH Dil. pile ct a. P= ha dhe den galcte C see ‘Scanned with CamScanner & 8) Green setion Lith Phthalic conbug ol rate o I i - z -C\ Conc: Ha Se oO = re 0 — tho 4 OH oH oH fhenel (4100 moletale) Plisical phot ool LW) Miscellaneous Reactions of Phenols '. N) Reaction win Powe clewite!. 3G H-oH +f us; — > CG Hs 0), Fe 43H Phin] Forw'e Phero rele 2) Retuctian'. 4 (°) + BHy in iSG3? saa fhe | Cycle h etanet * * ‘Scanned with CamScannee Distinction bed meen Pri rrady, » Setondary and Lerdiabs CU Ghs/ I Oni clatan |. Tht three types of al@hels yd chifferunt preduds Sh Orla an | Witton, Meyer's fat Vick Mae's tat 1s also url Jo clistingusshed prem. tn His toys primary C1) alGhels gg del Glows, Selondahy (2) ahs give blue Glour eared Pte a4 G hols €3°) qe he Glewacti'an . B Luces teat |. This test i's hayes upan the clr'Pherence iin reackin! of Prima , SeOrol anol Prtiaes alGhels atthe Ledisi “¢ “t ‘ ain aud, Taf the Heh jou +OLb ee uwiy af Eta Had dit appeaks th aboud five yu neches Ht alGhe! ts ScD heats A Primates allohe!, fewer oloes het Peach with BE Ce - bey’ oe aes ee Hemp Kadir and hente ho Pirbidite” is Formed. 7 W) ab ears immacdactely Het callehe! ifs wr) ‘Scanned with CamScanner Some Commercaly Important Alohols and Panels i. 4- Methanol .’- Mens faaure Ys Methanol i's alo Gllid boca Spt Stn onppirally (+ . , , gq Wied obtained by cletruchive obiesiLlaclion of} bdaod : G10 —Zhe -£ (o F WH, — eRe Chy oH S73 kK, Pooadm NM Mano] Prop erties’, M1 eHheno| 1S (olowslea Liguit lulth boing folnt 337% Te is tut) por'gonots» dd f , Usa!. fs a Gelvend Jor faints, Varnishes and Glulotel ede. 11) for He rants Jacctude of Jormelelihgale Wi) Por oleractudiig ethyl alohel , fe fe make "4 unfif fer Avinte' ng Perpore, Penaturcel alGhel 1S Grants Known ow i ") san arc J rueze Jes auto mo bi'le Aacl'atens | vy) ffs a Sabsitute Yer Perel, e- Ethane! ae Manufachre; . Gm mts Gundor', b'Ke USA, @4hanel 1's ‘taut d by the adretion of aphane, Hower Dn Ethane! 1's Prepared by the or aati of} Yne asses ‘Scanned with CamScanner Use). ert ' y ") As a Selverd fer fainbs, Varnishes, [aca cans, ti) As an Pmbor tard Starting matenap Joy Hs rectus Ja thurs of CHA, Chloroform, Focle form Cotta lehi dle MDE Scent fic apparatus Such cy Harme- yells and Spiaut Liyebs . Vw As an anti fruze tn ane mobile Qasvators « VW) Wo a Solvent fo ead rachon and Cus fatty ache, v Ethene - J 2 - diel ¢ ) a Cig ge Prepretion’, De ts Ppt nthe laboratory be the actian of Gled olilute alkaline Pe tesstum Poh rou © C Bayea ‘s Deeged) cn ethene Cedalent.) Cy Ch on Si) + @KMhoy 4 Oe + PMs, +2Koh cM, Chol Ethane Ethane) 9-cisy Cettalene) C Etgtene phe cay Payee GS Prob erties. () Sdeu, Glouh, oclour etc. |. Copthans 4-9 obbl Me Gleurlas Vis Gus Legal Keath Sraeet tasks . ") CHrune 41, 2 abit tts luyhly deluble Fn wacker Ww) The Tis Potnt of ethane ty del i's quite hgh. ‘Scanned with CamScanner y) Rtuchan ee) Sootium '. Chy eo Ala, Ft Clyne ony sry, Cy OMA ! 1 1 , ! ee | ob = 2a Che “5H CH. oNa CHhylene MeheSeolum at Di'seclium 61 Gly telat gly ote wv R action uth, Phosphorous pera chia wste ;- Ch, on Ch, u - oe PEs —— ae + 2Pol, teHt CoH Che CHryfene ye! igen li chle we 3) Reaion but-th hg obvogen haticles ’. Che yo 499k ho WO yok Cy | ain peach ChyoH — ~ 0 cle ~Me CHU Cry J ene Cyl ene CHugberre ebichlerrote Chle re hyd rq"! d 1) Rewh'en ith wiync acu |. Ch, of ye Cry Me, i ee PHNlog tnin & | + yo Ch, on” Ch, oto, Ctrelens Cthuplere cli Lo} ‘Scanned with CamScanner Ye’ s) Reacuiaan lah exlelahey of and hutond/- ¢ t 7" : + of— cHa (SH ee Cho |H | HR EM Gatapene Aelita be Co ye Cyclic Newbad CH, of H Zh, Oye YK | 4 o/= \ > | +o CHgo[H_ k, co Re Cayden Mchane Gyeut Iyebal. 4 G} 6) oXtclatian,’. U2 with nine auo |. 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GI er Glycuu Ny, asl or Gly hing, as tt ta tee Glld | is one of the most fmbox dant diy duic allhele. J) occurs tn almort all “gil ord animals of h and ate balhech a the ca, ; +H sof Pye hai th lta Charu an otht hotels ots aud fats are and ae Gromony known as HN co, _ Pip retion uy Sepors Gute or Ch, — 0cog ly ' | CY, Coonve CH —oCoR, +8Na0 SES A és Choy + Ry CooNle lee yon fs (ooNe ol ot te ages! \ Soap) (Grip crise) ‘Scanned with CamScanner » G hy terol 1s a Gleusless, viscous Odeurlex and ha gre stabi Liquid with Kent +arte a) T+ bowls a S63 K D Tt fo mischtee rsith beater DP BeGuug of the (hetence of the (-o4) Prous , Yyos lurclirgors extensive Inter meletalat ban y D Tes hight Sluble tn prater Cherm Gul pre erties WY Resttion with Sedinem mate! *) Ch, of } Mia, Yoo tea ae rhe Au, 393K i. a CH of hin | x ' mak CHon th, CH off CH, o# I 2 I x Chek CH, ONa vy Oke} &- mano Sodan, Gt disodien Hy relate qyvrint tcl an utth, cn acols | 1) Wait hyelrog en ioetiale|- Ch oO Chyr Cha ! 4+ 3H | - tt Cay Sst i eee ae y j “oho ¢ Chon Car El Aly iochiol. ‘Scanned with CamScanner @ 3D Reaction with Gnandreted Wide aud and My Sou! - Cho j H 4 — os 1 | Gn Hne, CH — 0M, (40 Ja Nog Bs tGntasy ! os CH — o-N. ‘ Pree saa Cy, ©} 4 Nog Chy —o —Mg ho - Ghy cou) aly toys DW ited 4) Rachian bath, k C rabaniie i a i on ch cA [hol-c +4 Hitsy,4 73K | % frudamnica a ! =—_ a —— H] C -o4 hyo ' CH 1 Chey I H CHD Ghyorel Unstable 5) Xidatien 9 CHe Coot. 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Dieta eH + (Hy —0- GMy- ; ‘J Diphengl ete Mixtd or Qs ome seed ap hepatitis ¢ T! ty t4c, = Cott tetas! ethey Metal Pdi! ether. ‘Scanned with CamScanner Electrowe Structure } e+e! ‘ ‘ p ; “ he ele tthe st ruetude of ether oes be ba hatter a R é- R oF R-o-R or R—-o=R’ CHa Like pits have a thraked rap yeoratry ,ii€ Orepaan is os f- hy baiclhs ed Tee of Cte four sp onpaals of -the orepaen adem oUeAlap with Sp- orbitals “a Fue olkiyt pops Jo: “Haltne eb balo sf’: Sf orbonda, The Remaining “thio gol. ‘onpttats of obeyain Grin a shat , lone pews of” electwons exth as Ahokin in Foi The CoC angle fn ethorg hor bern found fe be Ilo”, ¢ i Lone Par ONS e 2 CH 5 — 4-0 — Ch oe 3 Ch, CH, 9 CH Cy Syst! eth, Die oor On. «= ‘ Diphenyl eHow ‘Scanned with CamScanner the TUPAC System, ethos are named as cenncornnpatien Ot, — O— CH, Ch, -—0-— CH, Oy Chy Cy, ~°— Ch Cy, EE =— pene = pnlianias (Ojon, (Oy oly (O)-e-0> On, —cH-~ mH ~ a 4 CH 00% Ce CH, 0 — Cy, Cy =O OH 1 Ghhebiy tan Pot gg Drmeraglenyp tae Genchaf methods of Preparation, ” I) from alkyk hablotes '. 3) Williamson's Siyrbrerts f. TAM 4 iene so lieuyeenare Fribe Hta0d- method forthe [itprat’ on of ether, T+ Movelucs the reat of an alk jwliele Veitt a Auitable Soollum alka Ron 4 ena —» op'i—o Ne + He fl oh) Sectium af Korte ‘ = als y sf £- — 6-Nel = . a + R-X => Roe ig Benita Ail hatin eth ‘Scanned with CamScanner Tht method Cn be usaf for the Prepreatcnne of. bot Symmetrical canal tangy mead ephens. a oo ~~ =. 0 0 Na" + Cy Oy AA great cae Seolium CHrarvle Cty p bromaite Dicthel eth + netbAq ot Ne ee thy ©, i — one + Hy = BA 4 ee | (Sornnang Of | ia " Mgmt ao at a en + Nat GA~ oO Na* Ors (0) a + Cy —CkR — + 1} 4) niahlgns 4 Sed Methyl Prenesute — bromvle Antscle Bl) From altonels'- ‘Scanned with CamScanner () U) prirmaiy altho Ge Say 4-0 fH + HoF th oy aia? 4h ~O-Ayy +e Etta al@he} Di-ctiys CHA UD Sebnet eltohel '. 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Rx + R O—R ‘Scanned with CamScanner CH with 40 hf ferent otliol pops are alse Cleave Pnsthe Same nnahneh and Aécibly tn cPhe formatian 0 Q ‘idadamer 2 ha lele by Sit mehsenism, R-o —~Riru* _, g_ go® A nie Prrtorat ed etrer a? alge® Nd — R-xk Pf — off th flobel The orelir o of Pocetivitg of haplregen halisles is cy. HI >H6A > yet *) Heleg tnatian a = g 045% —-0— C1 01 OS yey —o- Cty 2 acta? eHhes 3-) lath Phos ‘Scanned with CamScanner W) Electhephiti c Subssi tution Reactisn.. oly, oth; dae Os ee 4 Arisote © - Brome anisole p- ‘Blame eustdle och; OCH; Gone. Gree Ney ong Say M ey Perel ether yg bye Ney pate Metta oe a + Uses’. : ‘ AS on thetuspria Solvent re ols, a Ac an co rmcting Selvent in abo radery- and 3) Ao 2 eadban omuctism fy Guyry a Olurnt nium Ipelrice Peackan. g 4) thes an anasthebc iW S) ys a Fe. ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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