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 Goodholy everyone!

I am cathylyn lapinid and today let me discusss to you about

the four learning environment by david kolb. In the past discussion the other
reports talk about the kolb learning cycle and under it are the learning styles and
learning modes. Ngayon naman ay pupunta tayo sa learning environment na
ayon kay david kolb.
 So now lets proceed to our discussion. I would like to discuss first about the
definition of learning environment.
 Sinasabi na ang learning environment is refers to the diverse physical locations,
contexts, and cultures in which students learn.
Diba kapag sinabi nating environment ito ay tumutukoy sa ating kapaligiran for
example kung sa province kayo nakatira ay iba ang klase na environment na
maeexperience ninyo. The environment might be peaceful and the fresh air ay
masarap langhapin hindi katula dkug s isang city ka nakatira ay marami polusyon
sa hangin at maingay din at magulo ang paligid. So now, kapag sinabi naman
nating learning environment ito yung lugar kung saan nagtuturo yung mga guro
in other words it refers to the classroom and now we are experiencing online
classes so the google meet is considered us the new normal learning
 The other meaning of Learning environments are nurturing spaces that support
the development of all young children.
 Syempre hindi lamg young children but also students in the secondary and
tertiary level. As a future teacher kailangan nating malaman na learning
environment is one of the most important factors that affect student learing. An
ideal learning environment is when students view their classrooms as positive
and supportibe regardless of their differences. It a space where the students feel
safe and secure.
 Bilang guro sa hinaharap ay kailangan talaga nating bumuo ng isang learning
environment kung saan mararamdaman at mararansan n gating mga mag-aaral
na pamilya ang turing nating sa kanila. Diba nga we are the second parents of
our students so we must act one in terms of our learning environment.
 Now I alreay explain what is a learning environment so lets proceed to the four
learning environment by David Kolb.
 According to Kolb (1984), there are four learning environments that support the
various learning styles and their associated modes. These include the affective,
symbolic, perceptual, and behavioral learning environments. It should be noted
that Kolb (1984) did not make a direct correlation or causal relationship between
learning environments and learning styles.
 Let me discuss further to you this four learning environments so the first one is
affective learning environment. The affective learning environment
emphasizes concrete experiences so that students actually experience
what it might be like to be a professional in a given field of study.
 Ibig sabihin ang affective learning environment po ay binibigyan ng mga guro ang
mga mag-aaral ng pagkakataon na maexperience talaga nila sa totoong buhay
ang pinili nilang propesyon. Halimbawa na lang is during our last year in college
we experience practice teaching para magkaroon tayo ng experience at
kaalaman na ganito pala ang ating mga gagawin sa ating napili na propesyon. At
kung sakali sa hinaharap na magiging isng propesyunal na guro na tayo at
nagtuturo na sa isang public or private school ay anag kaalaman o experience na
ating ankuha asa ating field experiences ay maari nating iapply.
 Diba tayo ngayon ay nasa isang online classroom if we want to apply the
affective learning environment we should use the primary online course structure
that would include interactive online tutorials demonstration.
 For example, sa isang online class if the instructor intends to teach concept of
behavioral learning, yung guro po ay dapat mag construct, manghiram o dikaya
ay to purchase and interactive tutorial online that enables the students to
experience the basic principles of behaviorism, such as operant conditioning,
reinforcemenst schedules, rewards and yung punishment. Dahil sa obseravtaion
and practiced experience in such tutorials, yung mga mag-aaral po ne prefer ang
ganitong uri ng learning environment could use the knowledge gained from this
tutorials and apply it to their personal values and future experiences.
 Other learning task under affective learning environment can be are practical
exercises, simulations or katulad nga ng sinabi ko ang field experiences.
 In affective learning environment Information is usually peer oriented and
delivered informally. Ang instructor is considered as a role model and an
exemplar for the particular field of study. Ang mga Activities naman po are
noncompetitive, and feedback should not be comparative but personalized to the
individual student's goals and needs (Kolb, 1984).
 Ang mga activities na maaring ibigay sa affective learning environment must be
noncompetitive at ang pagbibigay ng feedback sa mga mag-aaral ay
kinakailangan na walang pagkokompara na mangyayari. Hindi mo pwedeng
sabihin na mas magaling si ganyan si ganito saypo. As a future teacher and you
want to apply this kind of learning environment you should give feedback to your
students para sa ikauunlad nila at ano pa ang dapat nilang gawin in order to rich
their goals and needs.

 So now lets proceed to the second learning environment which is the symbolic.
 The symbolic learning environment is one in which learners are involved in
trying to solve problems for which there is usually a right answer or a best
solution. Information is abstract and usually presented in readings, data,
pictures, and lecture formats.
 In other word ito pong symbolic learning environment ay mararanasan po ng mga
mag-aaral na mabigyan ng mga activities na may tunay na kasagutan. Yung mga
sagot po sa mga activities nila ay mayroong fix anwers. Hindi ito mababago dahil
nga there is fix answer to that certain question or activity.
 As a future techer if we would like to apply this type of learning environment we
must remember that in symbolic learning environment we can include
incorporation of traditional tests and lectures na nagbibigay focus sa mga
abstract theories and concepts. For example, quizzes, midterms, and final exmas
are constructed using multiple coce, true/flase and essay questions.
 Diba nga kinakailangan na sa symbolic learning environment ay involve ang mga
students in solving problem with right answer or best solution that’s why a
multiple choice or quiz can be applied in this learning environment.
Mari nating sabihin na itong symbolic activity is can be applied more on when
you are teaching a abstract math concepts, theories and formulas kasi nga math
is more on problem solving and its need right and best solution and answers.
 Moreover maari ka ding magbigay ng activities like lecture and homework. The
instructor or the teacher po is acknowledged as the expert, enforcer of rules,
regulator of time, and taskmaster.
So siyempre diba ang mga activities dito is more on problem solving kaya ang
mga guro sa learning environment na ito ay talagang enforcer of rules dahil
maari silang magbigay ng mga patakaran upang mas lalong ma challenge yung
mga studens in that way they can be eager to anwer such problems. Teachers
can also as us regulator of time kasi maari siyang magbigay ng time limit in every
problem that need to be solve or answers by the learners.
 Ang instructional format po na ng symbolic learning environment is typically
didactic with a top-down, hierarchical class structure in which it is a teacher-
centered style (Kolb, 1984).
 The third learning environment is perceptual. According to Kolb and Fry (1975),
the perceptual learning environment is one in which the main goal is to
identify and understand relationships among concepts.
 Unlike po sa mga activities in the symbolic environment, the perceptual
environment emphasizes the process of problem solving rather than coming up
with the best solution.
 Maari kong sabihin na ang in perceputual learning environment is there is a
process first that the students need to experience in order to identify and
understand relationships among concept.
 Sa perceptual learning environment ay ang mga mag-aaral po ay kinakailangan
na kumuha ng mga relevant information for researching questions and learners
are expected to attack a problem situation through different perspectives (own
opinion, expert opinion and literature) maari po nila itong makuha by listening,
observing, writing, discussing and personal pondering.
 Halimbawa po ng mga activities sa pereceptual learning environment is when we
let the students to make a reflective exerecies such as jounrals, writing reflective
essays or pwede din na engaging dialogue with other students. In this way they
can answer or conclude a certain problem by researching about it and identifying
and understand the relationships among concepts.
 IF we would like to apply this kind of environment in online class we can use
activities such as reading journals, lecture summarie at yung asynchronous chat
discussions. Ang content delivery namn po ng ganitong symbolic environment ay
kailangan na mayroong interactive lectures at maari ding include ang reflective
questions, at tatanungin ang mga mag-aaral ng kanilang personal interpretation
about the course content.
 Bilang karagdagan tuwing ang guro ay maglelecture ng tungkol sa isang major
concept covered in the course ay kailangan na bigyan ng opportunity ang mag
studnets to recp and reflect on these concepts and related activities.
 In this environment, the teacher’s role is to act as a facilitator of the learning
process which means the teacher is their to guide the students and advice when
need kinakailangan din na teachers must be nonevaluative, and to act as mirror
by reflecting back student observations and comments.

 Now the last learning environment is the behavioral.

 the behavioral learning environment emphasizes actively applying
knowledge or skills to a practical problem. Although correct answers for
activities are not necessary for success in this environment, activities should be
structured so that learners gain intrinsic rewards and values.
 Kapag sinabi naman po nating behavioral learning environment ay binibigyang
diin nito kung paano iapply ang mga natutunan o yung mga kakayahan na meron
ang isang studyante tungkol sa isang practical na problema. Diba kapag sinabi
nating practical ito ay mga ordinaryong bagay lamang na ating nararanasan sa
pang-araraw na buhay. Dahil dito sa behavioral learning environment ay
matutunan o mahahasa ang mga studyante kung paano nila bibigyan ng
solusyon o kasagutan ang mga problema na maari nilang maranasan totoong
buhay gamit ang kanilang knowledge ang skills.
 Kung kaya ay Sa ganitong uri din ng learning environment ay kinakailangan na
isali an mga activities katulad na lamang ng nga structured group projects and
lessons that are designed to apply theoretical information to real-word settings
when we say real word setting ay yung mga bagay na nangyayri talag sa totoong
 Bilang future teacher and we want to apply behavioral learning environment
kinakailangan na mag provide tayo ng real word scenarios or exapmles for each
theoretical concept or for every topic na ating ididiscuss and after that we would
ask our students to relate the concept to the example we had given.
 Maari din nating tanungin an gating mga students to apply the theortical concepts
to their personal experiences. Diba mas naiintidihin natin ang isang bagay kung
ating iiexplain ito in away na marerelate ito sa totong buhay, and that is one of
the mainpoint of behavorial learning environment.
 So other activites that can be applied are interactive projects apply theory to real
word settings, and peer feedback .
 Halimbawa na lang sa activity na applying the theoritcal concept to their personal
experience ay as a teachers you can ask your students how they could apply the
Piagetian concept of assimilation, accommodation, diseqillibrium and equilibrium
sa isang case study in which each group member ay required na mag identify of
one of these processes and explain how it can be applied to the particular case
 Yung mga students mo ay maaring mag identify ng isa sa mga process Piagetian
concept and they can explain it by relating it to their personal experiences or they
can give examples that is based on real word setiings.
 IN behavorial learning environment The teacher acts as a coach or guide but
only when the student initiates or solicits help they can also act as an exemplar
and a role model.
 So that ist the four learning environment by David Kolb including the learning
styles and learning modes really emphasizes more holistic approacj and
emphasizes how experiences, including cognition, environment factors and
emotion, influence the learning process.
 Before I would like to end my discussion I have a quote her from David Kolb
“Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through transformation of
 Naniniwala ako sa sinabing ito ni david kolb kasi nga yung mga kaalaman na
meron tayo ay ito ay galing sa iba’t ibang experiences natin sa ating buhay. Tayo
ay natuto dahil sa ating mga karanasan. Kung ano tayo ngayon ay dahil ito sa
ating mga na experience sa ating buhay. Diba nga we see things base on our
experiences and perspective. Naiintindihan nating ang isnag bagay base sa kung
paano natin ito naranasan.

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