Final Exam Hbo CD Jarito

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Republic of the Philippines

Palompon Institute of Technology

Palompon, Leyte




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CASE: Religiously and silently performing your task at your cubicle, where you successfully
accomplished your daily schedule and you feel very satisfied of it. Based on your assessment,
your management style, as far as your work area is concerned, is effective and even efficient. But
if you are challenged by an unpleasant or annoying situation in your department and your head
of office, despite the existing policies and guidelines, take no actions and just ignore the violations
made by your co-workers:

1.) What can you do an ordinary employee do to maintain a harmonious relationship both with
the boss and your co-employees? Cite principles and theories and add knowledge as
maybe stated and suggested by our known theorists and philosophers that you feel is useful
and can reduce those undesirable practices to maintain a good humanity behavior in an
2.) As a head of your department/office.


A. As an ordinary employee, I always believe that every situation must be handled diplomatically.
In cases where my direct supervisor takes no action to any violations made by my co-worker,
I feel I must do something to stop those undesirable practices. However, since I am just an
ordinary employee, I should also be careful as to not overlap with my supervisor’s

First, I should objectively analyze the undesirable practice or behavior by my co-worker so that
I will have grounds on what to say or do. Just like any problem-solving steps in managerial
processes, I should carefully analyze the problem before ranting out. Next, after analyzing it
(not deep analysis), I should talk with my co-worker. It is hardest part, yet it will become easy
once you accustom your self how to do it. Talking with my co-worker will help me understand
him/her more and why he/she did it. No matter how annoyed or irritated I am, I should avoid
gossip and backbiting as it is unprofessional and may lead to conflicts between my co-worker.
I also believe that proper approach and communication to my co-worker while talking out the
issue will avoid conflict between us. Conflicts must be avoided at the workplace to ensure that
all employees give their best for maximum productivity. While talking with my co-worker, I
should be straight forward and learn to express my views in a convincing way and talk it out

what made me annoyed or irritated. I should also not impose my ideas on my co-worker on
what to do, instead consider his/her view.

If ever my co-worker will continue his/her undesirable practice/behavior, I will report it to my

direct supervisor even if he/she already knows. In that way, my supervisor will know that it is
already affecting other employees and may affect soon the productivity of other employees. I
should talk it out with my supervisor, or e-mail him/her, or write a proper communication letter.
I should never discuss any problem separately with individuals as it is equivalent to gossip and
may cause conflict in the workplace. With that, I believe I did my best to intervene with the
situation so that harmonious relationship will prevail and to protect my productivity in the

B. As a head or supervisor, it is my direct responsibility for any disturbance in the productivity of

my people, specially when it involves undesirable practices or behaviors. As a head or supervisor,
first thing first, I should be well acquainted and know my subordinates. In any managerial theories,
managers or supervisors should have this “people skills”. With that skill, I should be the first to
observe that my subordinate displays an unruly and undesirable behavior. I should be keen
enough to notice that, otherwise, it may cause conflict between my subordinates and lead to
unproductive workers. When one of my subordinates disrupts productivity, the first thing to do is
to control my emotion. I should control my emotion and do not let it take me over as it will make
me hyper or overreact to my subordinate’s behavior. Aside form that, I should also keep control
of my tongue and think calmly before I should speak. I should call my subordinate after the
situation, when no one is around. Talk it out in my office. In this case, I should soften my voice
and speak calmly and don’t unnecessarily shout as it will bring lot of negativities around. In cases
where my subordinate is a girl or boy, I guess it doesn’t matter, and talk with it privately. Explain
to him/her what he/she has done and what are the effects of such actions to the productivity of
the team as a whole. I should explain to him/her also the existing policies or guidelines that were
violated but will not penalized him/her. But, of course, repetitive action, despite of several
warnings, constitute consequences. But then again, I always believe that the role of the supervisor
is to guide and supervise my subordinates not just with the operation and productivity of the team
but also to guide them on the “way how to do it”. And therefore, as a supervisor, as much as
possible, I don’t like to impose consequences to my subordinates as it will imprint a scar on their
professional and emotional needs. As what Abraham Maslow explained in his hierarchy of needs,

my subordinates should feel belongingness in the team even if they commit violations sometimes.
And lastly, while they are working, they should achieve self-actualization with my help.

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