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Name of candidates: Rashiem Gordon ,Daniel Dennis

Territory: Jamaica
Subject: Social Studies
Year of Examination:2021
Topic: Improper farming practices and its effects on water resource.

Table of content
Statement of problem----------------------------------------------------------
Reason for selecting area of research---------------------------------------
Method of investigation--------------------------------------------------------
Data collection Instrument----------------------------------------------------
Procedure for data collection-------------------------------------------------
Presentation and explanation of data-------------------------------------
Analysis and interpretation of data-----------------------------------------
Recommendation and Implementation-------------------------------------
Research questions

1.) What is the main effect of improper farming.

2.) How can this issue be resolved.

3.) In what ways does improper farming affects water

Statement of problem
What are the main effects of improper farming practices on water resources.
Reason for selecting the area of research

The reason for the researcher selecting this area of research was of his curiosity of
why is the river always flooding and damaging the community, why persons were
always complaining about the situation. The researcher also wants to find a
solution as to how people in the community can come together to solve this
To collect data from the survey, the researcher has decided to use the
questionnaire method. This method was chosen because it promotes
confidentiality and it also allows data to be collected from a large number of
persons in a short period of time. This questionnaire will be investigating the
issues leading to soil and water pollution in the parish of Portland. The researcher
will distribute a total of ten (10) questionnaire to carry out this investigation.

Instrument used to collect data

Copy of Questionnaire
Cover letter

This survey was conducted to determine the amount of people that is

responsible for voting in the parish of Portland.
As a student of Social Studies, this study is being conducted as an
assignment for a course i am pursuing at present.
Please note that your answer are to be honest. Your answer to these
questions will be held in all confident . There is no right and wrong
Thank you
Sincerely yours
Rashiem Gordon

There are fifteen (15) questions in this questionnaire. Please answer all
questions in the most suitable manner.
1.) Gender: Male Female gg

2.) Range of Age: 11-13 14-16 17-19 20-21

3.) What type of community are you currently residing in: Rural
4.) How old were you when you started farming? 15-20 ( ) 21-25 ( )
29-35 ( )
5.) How long have you been farming? 1-5 years ( ) 6-10 years( ) 11-
20 years ( )
6.) Do you think improper farming is a major issue: Strongly Agree
Agree Disagree

7.) Are you currently being affected by improper farming: Yes

8.) What measures can the government implement to reduce the
effects of improper farming.
9.) Has improper farming ever affected you before: Yes No
10.) Do you think improper farming practices should be stopped? Yes
11.) How do you think the government will deal with the effects of
improper farming?
12.) Are you against slash and burn? If yes give 2 reasons
13.) What steps can a farmer take to prevent improper
farming .________________________________________
Procedure of data collection

The researcher had constructed a

questionnaire of 13 questions to submit to the
subject teacher to check and be corrected. The
researcher then typed out and made ten(10)
copies in order for distribution.
The time the researcher distributed the
questionnaires to the resident was around
2:00pm to 5:00pm of March 3, 2021. The
researcher had given the residents one week to
fill up the question sheet which was the 9,
March 2021. After this was finished the
questionnaire was then submitted to the
subject teacher once again for correction.
When the correction was made the researcher
used the questionnaires to gather information
to compile a report.
Presentation and explanation of data

A total of 10 questionnaires were distributed to

the residents, which all was returned. Research
shows that

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