Cookery: Prepare Poultry and Game Dishes

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Learning Competency:

Week 6-7
Prepare Poultry and Game
Learning Competencies:
.Cook various poultry and game
bird dishes appropriately

Present plated poultry and game -

bird dishes with appropriate
sauces, garnishes and

Writer: Christine M. Ogayre

Evaluator: Maria Niña M.

Department of Education • Schools Division of Marinduque

Cook, Plate and Present
2 &3 Poultry and Game dishes

What’s New

Poultry Cookery
Poultry, like meat may be cooked by either dry or moist heat method. The choice
of method depends mainly upon the age of the bird instead of location of the part in the
carcass as in the case of meats. Fat content should also be taken into consideration

1. Moist Heat Method

As discussed earlier in this lesson, chicken are categorized into classes.
All classes of chicken and other poultry for that matter may be cooked by moist-
heat cookery. Common Filipino dishes are tinola, sinampalukangmanok, manok
na pinaupo, and relyeno.

2. Dry Heat Method

The dry method is usually reserved for young tender poultry. The poultry
class of these chickens is specially termed “broilers and fryers” Somewhat older
but still immature birds such as capons and roasters are also suitable for
roasting. They are still tender but have more fat than the broilers or fryers.

Factors to consider in presenting/plating poultry

 Types of service wares
 Plating
 Garnishing
 Sauces
 Accompaniments

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”
Plating/ Presenting Poultry Dishes

The way food is presented affects a person‘s

perception of how it will taste. People instinctively
reject bruised apples and browned bananas, and
recognize well-marbled beef and perfectly ripe
produce. Prepared dishes work in the same manner.
The perfect dish includes food that tastes as good as
it looks.

Plating the Food

Plating is the act of arranging the meal on

the individual plate immediately before it‘s served.
Presentation should look natural. It should feel as
though everything that is on the plate is meant to be
should feel as though everything that is on the plate
is meant to be exactly where it is.

Decorate the Frame

If the food is the masterpiece, then the plate is

its frame. Adapt artistic framing strategies to your
cooking for a quick way to improve your food‘s
presentation. Buy beautiful bowls and plates in a
variety of shapes and colors. The same bowl of soup
looks dramatically different in a small Asian ceramic
cup and an oversized, shallow white French
consommé bowl.

Mix Shapes, Colors and Textures

Food is naturally beautiful. Combine

foods with different shapes, colors and textures on
the same plate.

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”

Garnishes can be as simple or intricate as

you like. For a twist on the traditional parsley sprig,
use a sprig or two of an herb or spice that was used
in the dish. A ham flavored with rosemary might
feature a sprig of rosemary on each plate.

What I can do

Activity 1 “Recipe Ko, Cook Ko”

Directions: Write and make your own poultry dish recipe. Give the ingredients to
be used, tools and equipment’s and the procedure to be followed.


Activity 2
A. Directions: Describe the following pictures and write its importance in
plating/presenting poultry and game-dishes.

Factors Importance in Dish


“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”
Types of service wares






A. Directions: Following the safety precautions in the kitchen and with the
supervision of your mother, perform the following:
1. Prepare and cook one poultry dish.
2. Next, is to make a good plating and presentation of your poultry dish.
3. Record and submit your performance in your TLE class group chat or FB
4. Read and understand the given rubric for your performance evaluation.
“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines
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(If there is no available gadget or internet connection for the recording of your
performance, you have the option to make a narrative about the given task. Narrative
written in English or Filipino language is accepted.)

Scoring rubric in Cooking Poultry Dish ( 30 pts.)

30 Follows correctly the procedures in cooking poultry dish and performs the skill
very satisfactorily without supervision and with initiative and adaptability to
problem situations.
25 Follows correctly the procedures in cooking poultry dish and performs the skill
satisfactorily without assistance or supervision.
20 Follows correctly the procedures in cooking poultry dish with minor errors and
performs the skill less satisfactorily with some assistance and/or supervision.
15 Was not able to follow the procedures in cooking poultry dish and performs the
skill unsatisfactorily.

Scoring rubric for Plating Presentation (20 pts.)

Proper Plating is Balance attempted Evidence of
Balance balanced with but needs balance is limited
even eye improvement or not present
appealing flow 3 2
5 4 1 0
Use of Color Color is Some color variety Lack of color
complementary but needs variety
and eye improvement
5 4 3 2 1 0
Shape Incorporates Some repetition of Variety in shape
(proportion) variety of eye shapes but variety very limited or not
appealing shapes is evident present
5 4
3 2 1 0
Use of Garnish Appropriate for Adequate but not Inappropriate
food items outstanding selection of
garnish or lack of
or too much
5 4 3 2 1 0


Score for Narrative

15 Content knowledge
15 Organization
“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines
Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”
10 Grammar
10 Neatness
50 pts. Total

Additional Activity
Directions: Complete the clauses with how much you have learned from the lesson
1. The best cooking temperature for poultry is at low to moderate heat because
___________ ________________________________________.
2. The points to remember in poultry cookery are __________________________

3. Plating is important in presenting poultry dishes because _________________

4. The important factors to consider in plating/presenting poultry and game- bird
dishes are __________________________________________________.

Key to Correction
Answers may vary.

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines
Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”
Book/ Module
K-12 Basic Education Curriculum, Technology and Livelihood Education
Learning Module in Cookery 10, (First to Fourth Quarter)

Manrique, Maria Niña M. “Learning Activity Sheet in Cookery 10”, Marinduque

National High School, Third Quarter (2020-2021)

Plating Poultry Dishes. Accessed September 2, 2021

Para sa mga katanungan o puna, sumulat o tumawag sa:

Kagawaran ng Edukasyon – Schools Division Marinduque

T. Roque St., Malusak, Boac, Marinduque
Email: or;
Tel. No.: (042) 332-1009 / 332-1611

“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines

Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”
“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines
Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”
“Deped Marinduque: Heart of the Philippines
Lead to Excel, Excel to Lead”

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