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If in your laptop already had an older version of Java JDK then you

need uninstall it first:

Step 1: To check whether JDK is installed in your computer or not

Go into search bar of your computer

Simply type "CMD" (command prompt)

In that CMD Type command: java -version

if yes then remove the older version from your computer;

Step 2: For removing older version:

Go into the control panel

Click on uninstall a program

And uninstall the same

Installation procedure of JAVA software in our computer :

Step 1: Installation in Windows 10 :

Go on Google→ Type→Java JDK download→click on first link→ Java SE –

Downloads | Oracle Technology Network

Then oracle page comes with: Java SE Downloads→ in the Oracle JDK→
click on→JDK download

Then next Page comes with→ Java SE Development Kit 16 Downloads→then

Scroll down the page up to the→―Java SE Development Kit 16.0.1‖ with table

Then click on→Windows x64 Installer with .exe file

After click on this link→then popup message comes with→You must accept
the Oracle Technology Network License Agreement for Oracle Java SE to
download this software→then click on check box→

Then click on→Download jdk-16.0.1_windows-x64_bin.exe→ for download

the set setup file.

Step 2: After downloaded of JDK setup file

Go into This PC→click on downloads→search for downloaded file with name


Then copy this file→go into another drive & make new folder into that & paste
there→then double click on this set file→click on ―install‖→after that another
window comes→then click on ―next‖→then again another page comes→then
again simply click on ―next‖→after click on ―next‖ installation is procedure is

Step 3: To check whether JDK is perfectly installed in our computer or not

Go into search bar of your computer

Simply type "CMD" (command prompt)

In that CMD Type command: java –version

— If installed then your command prompt shown below text
java version "16.0.1" 2021-04-20

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 16.0.1+9-24)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 16.0.1+9-24, mixed mode, sharing)

It means you have successful installed your java software.

Step 4: To setup JAVA RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT path in your system

Go into search bar of your computer

Simply type ―environment‖

Then click on this ―edit the system runtime environment variable‖

Then small window comes with ―System Properties‖

Then click on ―Environment Variable‖

Then another small window comes with―Environment Variable‖

Then in system variable portion search a path

Click on the same path→edit the same→then click on new

Then we need the path where the Java, JDK, his libraries is installed; For that
path→go into ―C Drive‖→click on→program files→java→jdk-16.0.1→bin

Then this path is created in upper bar= C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-16.0.1

Then copy this path & paste there

Then in system variable portion click on ―New‖

Write in Variable name- JAVA_HOME &

Variable value- C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-16.0.1

Then press ―OK‖

- Now you have successfully set your path.

Step 5: Now to check whether your setup path of JAVA RUNTIME

ENVIRONMENT is to be set in your computer or not

Go into search bar of your computer

Simply type "CMD" (command prompt)

In that CMD Type command: javac –version

—If already set the same path then shown below text in your computer.

javac 16.0.1

C:\Users\Lenovo>echo %JAVA_HOME% -----//this command to use

for whether your java runtime environment path is set in your system or

—If already set the same path then shown below text in your computer.

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-16.0.1
Installation procedure of Eclipse IDE for Java Developers 2021-06
software in your Windows 10 :
(IDE: Integrated Development Environment)

Go on Google→ Type→Eclipse IDE Download→ click on first link→Eclipse

Downloads | The Eclipse Foundation

Then Scroll down the page up to the→Get Eclipse IDE 2021-06→then click on
Download x86_64→then next comes→click on download→then setup file start

Step 2: After downloaded of Eclipse IDE setup file

Go into This PC→click on downloads→search for downloaded file with name


Then copy this file→go into another drive & make a new folder into that &
rename this folder as Tools & paste there→then double click on this setup

Then new windows comes with Eclipse Installer→then click on the Eclipse
IDE For Java Developers→then check for your internet connection it must be
CONNECTED→then click on install→

It will take some time→then click on Launch→then Eclipse IDE ask for your
workspace→then if want change this→click on browse→set the path as u
want→then click on Launch→for the first time it will take some time.
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19042.1083]

(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Lenovo>java –version -----//this command to use for whether

your java is installed in your system or not……

—If already installed then shown below text in your computer.

java version "16.0.1" 2021-04-20

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 16.0.1+9-24)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 16.0.1+9-24, mixed mode, sharing)

C:\Users\Lenovo>javac –version -----//this command to use for whether

your java compiler path is set in your system or not……

—If already set the same path then shown below text in your computer.

javac 16.0.1

C:\Users\Lenovo>echo %JAVA_HOME% -----//this command to use

for whether your java runtime environment path is set in your system or

—If already set the same path then shown below text in your computer.

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-16.0.1

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