MDL Worksheets and The References

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Work Sheets

Marlon D. Lualhati

As part of the initiative to improve locally available learning resources,
document analysis was used to check the alignment of Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELCs) in the curriculum guide to the Life Science Worksheets. The
writer also applied simple localization and contextualization processes to properly
guide and motivate students in modular distance learning modality. At the same time,
the writer consulted field experts in Science to validate the enhancement used on the
said work sheets. Moreover, the additional pages added in the worksheets were done
through proper citation and documentation.
Additionally, the Understanding by Design (UbD) approach was utilized as
a guide in designing appropriate learning worksheets for the ten (10) Life Science Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) covering the Life Science dimension of
the Senior High School Core Subject - Earth and Life Science for the First Semester of
Grade 12 students excluding the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM) strand which has its own set of subjects.
- MDLualhati

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2 Preface
3 Table of Contents
3 Unpacking the life science competencies
6 Explain the evolving concept of life based on emerging pieces of
22 Describe how unifying themes in the study of life show the connections
among living things and how they interact with each other and
with their environment
28 Describe the different ways of how representative animals
33 Describe the process of genetic engineering
37 Evaluate the benefits and risks of using GMO’s
43 Describe the general and unique characteristics of the different organ
systems in representative animal
48 Analyze and appreciate the functional relationships of the different organ
systems in ensuring animal survival
54 Explain how populations of organisms have changed and continue to
change over time showing patterns of descent with modification from
common ancestors to produce the organismal diversity observed today
58 Describe how the present system of classification of organisms is
based on evolutionary relationships
65 Categorize the different biotic potential and e nvironme nta l
Resistance that affect population explosion

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Unpacking the Life Science Competencies

using the KUD Framework based on the
Revised Bloom's Taxonomy
1 4
KUD level: Knowledge
KUD level: Knowledge Unpacked Learning Objectives (LOs)
Unpacked Learning Objectives (LOs) 1. Find the correct description of genetic
1. Define "life" engineering
2. Search about emerging evidences and theories 2. Memorize the different concepts behind genetic
about life engineering
3. Describe the different evidences behind the 3. Describe each step in genetic engineering
evolving concept of life appropriately

2 5
Unpacked Learning Objectives (LOs)
1. Define genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
KUD level: Knowledge
2. Recognize the benefits and risks of using GMOs
Unpacked Learning Objectives (LOs)
3. Interpret each benefits and risks of using GMOs
1. List down the unifying themes of life
4. Compare each benefit and risk of using GMOs
2. Describe each theme in the study of life
5. Defend one's stance regarding the use or disuse
3. Explain how the themes relate to living things
of GMOs
interact with each other and their environment

3 6
KUD level: Knowledge
Unpacked Learning Objectives (LOs) KUD level: Knowledge
1. Highlight the different types of reproduction Unpacked Learning Objectives (LOs)
2. Memorize the different representative animals 1. Recall the different organ systems
for each type of reproduction 2. Identify the representative animals having the
3. Explain how each representative animal general and unique characteristics of various
reproduce organ systems

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Unpacking the Life Science Competencies using

the KUD Framework based on the
Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

7 9
KUD level: Understanding KUD level: Knowledge
Unpacked Learning Objectives (LOs) Unpacked Learning Objectives (LOs)
1. Recall the functions of different organ systems 1. Identify the present system of classifying organisms
2. Discuss the connection between each organ systems' 2. Gather information to support the claim that the
function current classification scheme is based on evolutionary
3. Present solid connections between functions of relationships.
different organ systems
4. Relate the statement "the whole is more than the sum
of its parts" to functional relationships among organ
systems for survival

8 10
Unpacked Learning Objectives (LOs)
KUD level: Knowledge 1. Define population explosion
Unpacked Learning Objectives (LOs) 2. Describe the different biotic potential and
1. State examples of patterns of descent with environmental resistance affecting it.
modification among populations of organisms 3. Demonstrate how each factor play a role in population
2. Discuss how living things evolved over time to produce explosion
present organismal diversity 4. Categorize the biotic potential or environmental
resistance presented in sample situations.

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Name: Date:
Section: Score:

Quarter 2- Module 9
Evolving Concept of Life Based on Emerging Pieces of Evidence

Learning Competency
Explain the evolving concept of life based on emerging pieces of evidence (S11/12LT-IIa-1)

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

Explain the evolving concept of life based on emerging pieces of evidence

Specifically, the unpacked learning objectives are:

a) Define "life"
b) Search about emerging evidences and theories about life
c) Describe the different evidences behind the evolving concept of life.

There are many ways on how to define "Life" but this worksheet shall focus on
what we call the "scientific perspective" through the form of theories which begins in the
origin of Life itself. Scientific theories of the origin of life on Earth are varied and typically
focused on the utilization of radiation and chemical compounds within the atmosphere of
the planet. Learn about the early stages of life on Earth from a scientific perspective, and discover the explanations
provided by the Oparin Hypothesis and the Miller-Urey experiment.

Primitive Earth

The origin of life on Earth is a highly curious thing. In fact, many scientists have dedicated their entire
lives on finding out how life came to be on Earth. There are a few key experiments that we will look at in order
to gain an understanding of how scientists have best hypothesized how life started on Earth, but let's first take a
trip back in time - about four billion years ago.

Primitive Earth was very different than the way things are now. There were probably many oceans and
seas with many hot vents at the bottom of these waters and quite a bit of volcanic activity on land. The
atmosphere most likely contained water, methane, ammonia, and hydrogen, unlike our current atmosphere,
which is mostly nitrogen and oxygen.

(The Origin of Life on Earth: Theories and Explanations, 2013)

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Stages of Early Life on Earth

Now that we have an idea of what Earth may have looked like, let's take a look at
what steps scientists have hypothesized led to early life. It is agreed by scientists that there are four main stages
to how life came from non-living things.

The first step is that small organic molecules - such as amino acids that make proteins and
nucleotides that make DNA - were made. While these organic molecules are found in living things, they aren't
actually living things themselves, but are really just specific combinations of elements.

The second step is that these small organic molecules joined together to form larger molecules. The
small molecules are called monomers since they are made of just one unit. However, when they join together,
they create polymers that have many repeating units. You may be able to remember this because of the prefixes.
'Mono' means 'one' - like in the words monorail and monocle - while 'poly' means 'many' - like in polygon and
polymorph. You can also think of it as putting paper clips together in a long chain. Each individual paperclip is
a monomer, but the entire long chain of paperclips is a polymer.

The third step of early life on Earth is when things start to get a little tricky. The polymers that were
formed from the monomers grouped together to form protobionts. Protobionts are very important to
understanding early life. The name protobionts literally means 'early form of life,' but they are basically small
droplets with membranes that are able to maintain a stable internal environment. They are similar to the cells
with which we are familiar in that they can reproduce, metabolize, and even respond to their environments.
Many experiments have shown that these pre-cell structures can spontaneously form.

The fourth step is that these simple protobionts evolved to pass on genetic information. Protobionts
are capable of replicating - that is, they can make new protobionts. However, cells, which are the basic
unit of life, are unique in that they can reproduce and pass on genetic information from one generation to
the next, metabolize matter and energy, and can evolve. These simple cells were created from complex
molecules that were created from simple molecules, then continued to evolve into a wide variety of life

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Scientists generally agree on a few key steps regarding the formation of life from
non-living things on early Earth. We first went over these four essential steps before
exploring the work of Oparin and the Miller-Urey experiment.

Early Earth was a very different place than it is today. In order for life to have formed, scientists
accept that several essential steps must have occurred. First, small organic molecules - such as amino acids,
which make proteins, and nucleotides, which make DNA - were made. Second, these small monomers
combined to form larger and more complex polymers. Third, these polymers were grouped together, and
protobionts were formed. Remember that protobionts are small droplets with membranes that are able to
maintain a stable internal environment and are basically precursors to cells. The fourth step is that these
simple protobionts evolved to pass on genetic information. The replicating molecules that passed on genetic
information were the first cells, which then evolved into countless other forms of life.

In the 1920s, Oparin hypothesized the conditions of early Earth needed to create early life. The
Oparin hypothesis basically says that early life on Earth formed through a series of reactions that made
simple compounds gradually more complex. Oparin said that the atmosphere was reducing, meaning that it
added electrons to atoms. The energy needed to do this was provided by lightning and UV radiation. Also,
essential on early Earth was the organic-rich oceans, which are commonly called the primordial soup.

In the 1950s, Miller and Urey tested the Oparin hypothesis. They created a device to see if life can be
created from non-living things. In their device, they used sparks to simulate lightning and created an atmosphere
containing hydrogen, methane, ammonia, and water vapor to resemble that of early Earth. The Miller-Urey
experiment resulted in the creation of organic molecules, such as amino acids and hydrocarbons.

While we weren't there when life was formed on early Earth, we continue to learn more about the
history of life on Earth through evidence and experimentation.

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Worksheet MELC1O1
What is Life? "The Origin of Life on Earth"
Direction: Check on the circle the corresponding answer of the following

1. Miller and Urey used all of the following substances to stimulate Earths early atmosphere except ___________.
Methane Oxygen Hydrogen Water vapor Ammonia
2. Small, non –living droplets that can regulate their internal environments are best known as ___________.
Antibiotics Viruses prokaryotic cells eukaryotic cells protobionts
3. How old do most scientists think Earth is _____________.
Less than 1M y/o over 10B y/o there is no way to know Less than 100M y/o Over 4B y/o
4. What scientist is credited with the idea that early life on Earth formed through a series of reactions that made simple
compounds gradually more complex?
Miller Darwin Oparin Urey Mendel
5. What is the purpose of the device shown?

To test Mendel’s ideas of inheritance

To test how lightning works
To test Oparin hypothesis
To test how cells evolved over time
To test how cells survive in extreme environments

Worksheet MELC1O1
Additional Task:
After accomplishing the previous worksheet, it is now time to test your creative
writing skills. In a separate sheet of paper, write a "story" about "life and creation" which you
may have heard or read about.

The following rubric shall be used to evaluate your output:

Neatness- 5 points
Creativity- 5 points
Relevance - 10 points
Information- 10 points
Concept- 10 points
Total: 40 points

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Name: Date:
Section: Score:

Quarter 2- Module 10
Evolving Concept of Life Based on Emerging Pieces of Evidence

Learning Competency
Explain the evolving concept of life based on emerging pieces of evidence (S11/12LT-IIa-1)

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

Explain the evolving concept of life based on emerging pieces of evidence

Specifically, the unpacked learning objectives are:

a) Define "life"
b) Search about emerging evidences and theories about life
c) Describe the different evidences behind the evolving concept of life.

Life science theories are scientist-tested explanations for how life works.
Explore theories and how they are created and learn about Cell Theory, the
Theory of Evolution, and the process of natural selection.

Do you ever wonder what happened to the dinosaurs? Dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million
years ago. Over the years, scientists have come up with a number of ideas to explain their disappearance.
Some proposed that an asteroid struck the earth, and the impact caused a massive cloud of dust that blocked
out the sun. Other scientists think that an ice age occurred that made it impossible for the dinosaurs to live.
Because dinosaurs died out so long ago, we might never know for sure what happened to them, but that
doesn't stop scientists from developing theories, like the Asteroid Impact Theory and the Ice Age Theory. Theories are
tested explanations that have been generally accepted by the scientific community. In this lesson, we will learn how
theories get developed. We will also discuss a couple of theories that are important to life sciences, namely The Cell
Theory and The Theory of Evolution

Theories Are Created

When scientists are curious about something, they use the scientific method to come up
with plausible ideas. The scientific method is useful because it's an organized way of
studying something. This process always starts with the first steps, which are asking
questions and making observations. Let's say you were the first people to stumble upon the
fossils of a huge dinosaur. You know that an animal that big no longer exists. This could
raise the question: why do dinosaurs no longer walk on the earth?

Your curiosity would lead you to the next step of the scientific method, which is forming a hypothesis. A
hypothesis is an idea that can be tested. For example, a scientist that believes dinosaurs were wiped out by an
ice age could develop a hypothesis that states: if an ice age occurred 65 million years ago, then it could have

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caused the extinction of dinosaurs. The scientist could then look for evidence to test the hypothesis by doing
things like analyzing samples of the layers of the earth. After the data was collected and studied, the scientist
would form a conclusion. If he found evidence that supported his hypothesis, then his hypothesis is said to be

Now this is where we get into the difference between a hypothesis and a theory. You see, the conclusion
of one scientist might be enough for him to say that his hypothesis is correct; however, theories require
widespread acceptance from the scientific community. For a hypothesis to become a theory, other scientists
would need to test the same hypothesis and come up with the same results. This is how we got the Ice Age
Theory to explain the demise of the dinosaurs. Many scientists have found evidence that an ice age occurred
around the time that dinosaurs became extinct, so the scientific community accepts this as a valid theory.

Cell Theory

Now that you understand how a theory gets developed, let's take a look at a theory that is very important
to the life sciences. It's called the Cell Theory, and it actually has three parts. The theory states that all living
things are made of cells, cells are the basic organizational units of living things and cells come only from other
living cells.
Now, chances are you have used a microscope to look at a cell. In fact, cells
might seem a bit boring nowadays. But remember that the earliest versions of
the modern- day microscopes didn't come into existence until the 1600s. Can
you image the questions that would be popping into your mind if you were one
of the first scientists to see cells under a microscope?

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek was one of these early microscope-using scientists. When he
first saw cells, he thought they looked like tiny animals. As the years went on, other scientists, like Hooke,
Schleiden and Schwann, started studying cells. The questions and observations of these early scientists were
turned into hypotheses. These hypotheses were tested by not only them, but many more scientists who came
after them. Now, it would be naïve to say that each one of these scientists was in complete agreement, but
enough of them came to the same conclusion for us to now have the Cell Theory.

Theory of Evolution
As you can tell, theories, like the Cell Theory, have the ability to change the way people think about the
world around them. That's why before we leave this lesson, I want to discuss another life science theory that
changed the way we look at life on Earth; it's called the Theory of Evolution. It was proposed back in the 19th
century by a famous scientist by the name of Charles Darwin.
The theory of evolution is a theory that explains
how animal and plant species develop. It has two
parts. First, it states that evolution occurs. In other
words, animals and plants go through change as
time passes. The second part states that evolution
occurs by natural selection. Natural selection is a
process by which organisms that are best adapted to their environment will be the ones that survive and
reproduce. In other words, the strong survive. This allows the strong traits of a species to get passed down

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to future generations. Darwin's ideas revolutionized science. Over the years, his ideas were supported by
evidence gathered by many other scientists. This allowed his ideas to develop into the Theory of

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Let's review. Theories are tested explanations that have been generally accepted by
the scientific community. The development of a theory starts with the scientific method,
which is an organized way of studying something. The scientific method involves steps, like asking questions,
making observations, forming a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis and forming a conclusion. The scientific
method can lead a scientist to believe that his hypothesis is correct. But, for a hypothesis to become a theory,
other scientists would need to test the same hypothesis and come up with the same results.

This modular lesson introduced you to two important life science theories. The first one we learned
about was the Cell Theory. The theory states that all living things are made of cells. Cells are the basic
organizational units of living things, and cells come only from other living cells. The second one we learned
about was the Theory of Evolution by Charles Darwin. The Theory of Evolution is a theory that explains how
animal and plant species develop. It states that evolution occurs and that evolution occurs by natural selection.
Natural selection is a process by which strong organisms that are best adapted to their environment will be the
ones that survive and reproduce.

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Worksheet MELC1O2
"Life Science Theories"

Direction: Check on the circle the corresponding answer of the following

1. What do we call the process by which organisms that are best adapted to their environment will be the ones that survive and
Natural Progression Natural Selection
Mother Nature Natural Elimination
Natural Evolution
2. Which of the following is not a part of Cell Theory?
All of the answers are part of the Cell theory Cells come only from the living cells
Cells are the basic organizational units of living things All living things are made up of cells
Evolution occurs by natural selection
3. What is the name of the theory of Charles Darwin’s that explains how animals and plant speciecies develop?
The Theory of Progress The Theory of Evolution
The Theory of Everything The Theory of Strong Survival
The Cell Theory
4. Which of the following best defines the term theory?
An organized way of studying something An idea that can be tested
An educated guess A systematic way of solving problem
A tested explanation that has been generally accepted by the scientific community
5. Which of the following is not a step of scientific method?
All of the answers are steps of the scientific method Testing the hypothesis
Asking questions Making observations
Forming a hypothesis

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Worksheet MELC1O2
Additional Task:
After accomplishing the previous worksheet, it is now time to test your retention skills.
Complete the following concept map about the two theories discussed earlier by writing three main
ideas or statement under the each theory.

Theory of

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Name: Date:
Section: Score:

Quarter 2- Module 11
Evolving Concept of Life Based on Emerging Pieces of Evidence

Learning Competency
Explain the evolving concept of life based on emerging pieces of evidence (S11/12LT-IIa-1)

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

Explain the evolving concept of life based on emerging pieces of evidence

Specifically, the unpacked learning objectives are:

a) Define "life"
b) Search about emerging evidences and theories about life
c) Describe the different evidences behind the evolving concept of life

Evidences of Evolution

What do finches, bug spray, and the soot-filled air of the Industrial Revolution have in common? Well,
they, along with many other organisms, chemicals, and occurrences, have helped scientists figure out how
populations of organisms change over time.

It has taken several scientists hundreds of years to explain the theory of evolution that states that groups
of organisms change over time. In essence, a current population of carabaos is a product of several changes that
have occurred over millions of years, resulting in the carabaos we currently see.

Maybe you've heard of Charles Darwin? He's perhaps the most famous evolutionary scientist. He
published his theory of evolution by natural selection in 1859. Let's see how finches, bug spray, and soot can
help us understand this theory, look at evidence that supports it, and see how often it occurs.

(Evolution Theory, Evidence & Rates, 2016)

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Evidences: The Mechanism of Evolution

When Darwin was visiting the Galapagos Islands, he noticed something interesting about the finches living
there. It seemed that the finches didn't share the same type of beak, but rather, some finches had tiny, pointy
beaks, while others had large, rounded beaks.

Darwin knew a mechanism was behind the change, or evolution, that had occurred, creating different beaks. He
called this mechanism natural selection. Darwin proposed that over time, a population of finches could develop
different beak shapes in order to best eat whatever food was most available to them, thus allowing them to
survive better.

He used the term 'survival of the fittest' as a short hand for organisms so well-suited to their environment that
they will live long enough to reproduce, passing their traits, like beak shape or eye color, to the next generation.
A single organism cannot evolve; rather, a population of organisms can evolve. One finch cannot evolve its
beak to adapt to currently available food. Rather, finches with well-adapted beaks will eat well and live long
enough to reproduce, thus creating more finches with well-adapted beaks.

Similarly, finches with beaks that don't help them crack open nuts or dig for worms won't live long enough
passed on to the next generation
to reproduce, thus preventing this type of beak from being

Theory, Evidence & Rates, 2016)

Evidence of Evolution with Human Interference: Bug Spray

Humans have often been the instigators of evolution. Farmers use pesticides to kill unwanted insects. If a
farmer sprays a pesticide, and it kills 90% of the population of insects, 10% of the insects had a trait that
allowed them to survive the chemical bath. When they reproduce, their offspring will also have the trait that
allows pesticide- survival.

What happens when the farmer tries to spray the crops again? Well, let's just say the farmer won't be as happy
this time around. The new population of insects is different than the original population of insects, and thus,
evolution has occurred!

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Still wondering how the soot has anything to do with evolution? Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the
peppered moth had black and white wings. However, as the Industrial Revolution increased the amount of soot
and smog in the environment, a new version of these moths was seen for the first time - solid black. The
black moths were able to camouflage themselves against the pollution better than the peppered moths, thus
of moths to evolve.
better escaping predators. In just a century, human pollution had caused a population

(Evolution Theory, Evidence & Rates, 2016)

Evidence in Fossils

Fossils are also evidence of evolution. Fossils are preserved pieces of biological history that provide
information about organisms that are no longer alive. Scientists trace evolutionary changes by comparing
fossils from different time periods.
This comparison works with DNA too. With the help of computers, scientists compare the full DNA sequences
of one organism, like a human, to another, like an ape, to see how similar they are. Strong similarities in DNA
sequences help scientists to determine which organisms share a common ancestor.

Scientists can also compare the anatomy of several organisms to see if they might have evolved from a common
ancestor. A human arm, a bat wing, a whale fin, and a cat leg have very similar skeletal anatomy, but each has a
different function. These homologous structures show scientists that the limbs likely evolved from the same
ancestor, but adapted overtime to meet the specific needs of each species.

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The theory of evolution states that populations of organisms change over time. Evolution
occurs via a mechanism called natural selection, which Darwin explained with the phrase 'survival of the fittest'.
Organisms that are better adapted to their environment, thanks to evolution, will survive long enough to

Much evidence supports the theory of evolution, including fossils, homologous structures (similar anatomy,
different function), and comparison of DNA sequences. Evolution usually takes thousands to millions of years
to occur. Evolution happens slowly over time, called gradualism, or in shorter bursts with periods of no change
called punctuated equilibrium. By analyzing changes in gene sequences over time, scientists can calculate
molecular clocks.

Worksheet MELC1O3
"Theory, Evidences, Rates"
Direction: Check on the circle the corresponding answer of the following
1. Which of the following does not provide evidence for evolution by natural selection?
Comparing limbs of different species comparing one organisms traits at birth compared to death

Fossils Comparing DNA sequences

2. ______ is when evolution occurs in short bursts following some event, followed by long periods of no change.
punctuated equilibrium gradualism punctuated equilibrium and gradualism molecular docks

3. How long does evolution usually take to occur?

a century trillion of years a decade thousands to millions of years
4. The mechanism by which evolution occurs is called________.
trait punctuated equilibrium natural selection molecular dock

5. Which of the following is an example of evolution?

A boy had light skin in May but now has darker skin after spending the summer in Greece
A species of spiders used to dull in appearance, but later generations are vibrant.
A cat used to have claws but they have since been removed
A girl used to have short hair but now has a long hair

Worksheet MELC1O3
Additional Task:
After accomplishing the previous worksheet, it is now time to test your reading and writing skills. Read
about the plants and animals in Palawan and relate the concept of evidences of life and evolution while
comparing it to other parts of the Philippines.

The following rubric shall be used to evaluate your output:

Neatness- 15 points

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Creativity- 30 points
Relevance - 15 points
Information- 20 points
Concept- 20 points
Total: 100 points

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1. Oxygen
2. Protobiotics
3. Over 4 billion years old
4. Oparin
5. To test the Oparin Test

1. Natural selection
2. Evolution occurs by natural selection
3. The theory of Evolution
4. A tested explanation that has been generally accepted by the scientific community
5. All of the answers are steps of the scientific method

1. Comparing one organisms traits at both compared to death
2. Punctuated equilibrium
3. Thousands to millions of years
4. Natural selection
5. A species of spiders used to dull in appearance, but later generations are vibrant

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Name: Date:
Section: Score:

Quarter 2- Module 12
Unifying Themes in the Study of Life
Learning Competency
Describe how unifying themes (e.g., structure and function, evolution, and ecosystems) in the study of
life show the connections among living things and how they interact with each other and with their
environment (S11/12LT-IIa-3)
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
Describe how unifying themes (e.g., structure and function, evolution, and ecosystems) in the study of
life show the connections among living things and how they interact with each other and with their

Specifically, the unpacked learning objectives are:

a) List down the unifying themes of life
b) Describe each theme in the study of life
c) Explain how the themes relate to living things interact with each other and their environment

Unifying Themes in the Study of


Theme 1: New Properties Emerge at Each Level in the Biological Hierarchy

The study of life extends from the microscopic scale of the molecules and cells that make up organisms to the
global scale of the entire living planet. We can divide this enormous range into different levels of biological

If we zoom to the molecular level, we can see that novel properties emerge at each step, properties that are not
present at the preceding level. These emergent properties are due to the arrangement and interactions of parts as
complexity increases. For example, although photosynthesis occurs in an intact chloroplast, it will not take
place in a disorganized test-tube mixture of chlorophyll and other chloroplast molecules. Photosynthesis
requires a specific organization of these molecules in the chloroplast.

Theme 2: Theme: Organisms Interact with Other Organisms and the Physical

Let us focus on a Philippine rainforest. In an ecosystem, each organism interacts continuously with its
environment, which includes both other organisms and physical factors.
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Both the organism and the environment are affected by the interaction between them. For example, a plant takes
up water and minerals from the soil through its roots, and its roots help form soil by breaking up rocks. On a
global scale, plants and other photosynthetic organisms have generated all the oxygen in the air.

Theme 3: Life Requires Energy Transfer and Transformation

A mango tree’s leaves absorb sunlight. The input of energy from the sun makes life possible: A fundamental
characteristic of living organisms is their use of energy to carry out life’s activities. Moving, growing,
reproducing, and the other activities of life are work, and work requires energy.

On the other hand, animal’s muscle cells use sugar as fuel to power movements, converting chemical energy to
kinetic energy, the energy of motion (Figure 1.6b). The cells in a leaf use sugar to drive the process of cell
proliferation during leaf growth, transforming stored chemical energy into cellular work.

Theme 4: Structure and Function Are Correlated at All Levels of Biological


Another theme evident in life science is the idea that form fits function, which you’ll recognize from everyday
life. For example, a screwdriver is suited to tighten or loosen screws, a hammer to pound nails. How a device
works is correlated with its structure. Applied to biology, this theme is a guide to the anatomy of life at all its
structural levels. An example is seen in malunggay leaf: Its thin, flat shape maximizes the amount of sunlight
that can be captured by its chloroplasts.

Analyzing a biological structure gives us clues about what it does and how it works. Conversely, knowing the
function of something provides insight into its construction. An example from the animal kingdom, the wing of
a bird, provides additional instances of the structure-function theme.

Theme 5: The Cell Is an Organism’s Basic Unit of Structure and Function

In life’s structural hierarchy, the cell has a special place as the lowest level of organization that can perform all
activities required for life. Moreover, the activities of organisms are all based on the activities of cells. For
instance, the movement of your eyes as you read this line is based on activities of muscle and nerve cells. Even
a global process such as the recycling of carbon is the cumulative product of cellular activities, including the
photosynthesis that occurs in the chloroplasts of leaf cells. Understanding how cells work is a major focus of
biological research

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Theme 6: The Continuity of Life Is Based on Heritable Information in the Form of DNA

The division of cells to form new cells is the foundation for all reproduction and for the growth and repair of
multicellular organisms. Inside the dividing cell in, you can see structures called chromosomes, which are
stained with a blue-glowing dye. The chromosomes have almost all of the cell’s genetic material, its DNA
(short for deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA is the substance of genes, the units of inheritance that transmit
information from parents to offspring. Your blood group (A, B, AB, or O), for example, is the result of certain
genes that you inherited from your parents.

Theme 7: Feedback Mechanisms Regulate Biological Systems

Just as a coordinated control of traffic flow is necessary for a city to function smoothly, regulation of biological
processes is crucial to the operation of living systems. Consider your muscles, for instance. When your muscle
cells require more energy during exercise, they increase their consumption of the sugar molecules that serve as
fuel. In contrast, when you rest, a different set of chemical reactions converts surplus sugar to storage
molecules. Like most of the cell’s chemical processes, those that either decompose or store sugar are
accelerated, or catalyzed, by proteins called enzymes.

In feedback regulation, the output, or product, of a process regulates that very process. The most common form
of regulation in living systems is negative feedback, in which accumulation of an end product of a process
slows that process. Though less common than processes regulated by negative feedback, there are also many
biological processes regulated by positive feedback, in which an end product speeds up its own production.

Theme 8, The Core Theme: Evolution accounts for the unity and diversity of life

The list of biological themes discussed in is not absolute; some people might find a shorter or longer list more
useful. There is consensus among biologists, however, as to the core theme of biology: It is evolution. To quote
one of the founders of modern evolutionary theory, Theodosius Dobzhansky, “Nothing in biology makes sense
except in the light of evolution.”

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Worksheet MELC2O1, MELC202

Direction: After reading about the eight (8) unifying themes in Life Science, in order to increase
knowledge retention, you as the learner need to connect it with something you have experienced or
read about especially regarding animals and plants in the Philippines. As such, create a graphic art / sketch of
something related to the themes at hand and write 2 to 3 sentences relating the theme to the Philippine animals,
plants or environment. (5 points each)

Theme 1 Theme 2

Theme 3 Theme 4

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Theme 5 Theme 6

Theme 7 Theme 8

Worksheet MELC2O3

Direction: Kindly identify the

theme that mostly applies to the
situations below and briefly
explain in 2 to 3 sentences the
relationship among animals/plants with
their environment.

1. A cloud rat in Mt. Banahaw may eat rodent pellets, greens, vegetables and nuts.

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2. The DNA for pest-resistance was passed on by a rice variety being studied in the
International Rice Research Institute in Laguna.
3. The Philippine Eagle evolved in its habitat in Mindanao to specifically hunt down bigger
prey such as monkeys and other birds.

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Name: Date:
Section: Score:

Quarter 2- Module 13
Perpetuation of Life
Learning Competency
Describe the different ways of how representative animals reproduce (S11/12LT-IIej- 15)
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
Describe how unifying themes (e.g., structure and function, evolution, and ecosystems) in the study of
life show the connections among living things and how they interact with each other and with their

Specifically, the unpacked learning objectives are:

a) Highlight the different types of reproduction
b) Memorize the different representative animals for each type of reproduction
c) Explain how each representative animal reproduce

Animals Reproduction

Animals Reproduce
I want you to take a minute and think about some of the animals on Earth. Some familiar ones
probably come to mind: dogs and cats, elephants, insects, fish, polar bears, monkeys and things like that. But
what about some that might not be as familiar to you? Things like sponges, worms and even corals are also
animals, just like you, me and your pet dog.

Animals on Earth are a diverse and complex group. They come in all different shapes, sizes, forms and colors.
And they live just about everywhere you can imagine. But one thing they do have in common is that they don't
live forever, and instead have to reproduce to ensure that their genes get passed on to the next generation.
We're going to delve a little deeper into the two ways animals reproduce: sexually and asexually. And gain a
better understanding of these two very different processes that have the same end goal: creating the next

Sexual Reproduction
The most common way animals reproduce is through a process called sexual reproduction. This involves the
exchange of genetic information between two different individuals. This is exactly how you came to be you.
The key with sexual reproduction is that offspring are produced through fertilization, which is the fusion of two
gametes, or sex cells. Your father's sperm fertilized your mother's egg and voila! You were given a combination
of cells from both of them that created you as a unique individual. You can see how unique you are by
comparing yourself to you siblings. Same parents; very different kids.

And this is why sexual reproduction is so cool in terms of evolution. Sexual reproduction increases genetic
variability in offspring, which leads to a greater ability for a population to adapt to changing environments.

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Basically, the more diverse a group of animals is, the better able they are to deal with the crazy world we
live in.

For sexual reproduction, the representative animals are all members of Phylum Chordata, which includes

Asexual Reproduction

In contrast to sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction is when genetically identical individuals are produced
from a single parent. The term literally means 'without sex'. The 'a' prefix means 'without'. There's no exchange
of genetic information, no unique individual created and no fertilization of one sex cell by the other. In fact, the
offspring is an exact copy of the parent. Sound familiar? It may be, because this is also known as cloning, where
the offspring has the same genetic makeup as the parent.
Now, as we just saw, this clearly puts animals that reproduce this way at a disadvantage, at least in terms of
their genetic diversity. There's no way for variety to enter the population, because there's no genetic mixing. But
there are some upsides to asexual reproduction that may have you thinking twice about feeling badly for these

Animals that don't move around, like those sponges we mentioned before, have no way of finding a mate to
reproduce with. They may sometimes send sperm out into the water and hope that it makes its way to a nearby
female, and, if so, then sexual reproduction can occur. But what's easier for many sponges (as representative
animal), and a lot less risky, is to split a new individual off from an existing outgrowth, a process called

Budding = Sponges
Fission = Sea Anemone

But, asexual reproduction can occur in all sorts of ways. Fission is another tactic some animals use to reproduce
asexually. This is when a parent splits itself into two separate individuals. These individuals are generally about
the same size and, again, can be created without any moving or searching for a partner. Watch carefully, and
you may catch a sea anemone (as representative animal) reproducing this way.

Fragmentation is similar to fission, except that the parent splits into multiple pieces, and then regenerates,
or regrows the lost body parts. Sea stars (as representative animals) are pros at this, especially because
they have five different arms to lose. Imagine losing all of your limbs, having them go off on their own as
identical versions of you, and then you growing new limbs back on your own body. Talk about efficient.

Fragmentation = Sea Star

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So, as you can see, both methods of reproduction have benefits and limitations in evolutionary terms. But, no
matter how we go about it, we're all out to send our genes on to the next generation, and hope that the trend
continues for many generations to come.

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There is a great diversity among all the animals on Earth, from tiny insects to
giant elephants, from sea stars to great white sharks, and all of these animals have one thing in common:
they must reproduce in order to keep their species from going extinct. There are two ways that animals

Sexual reproduction is when genetic information is exchanged between two distinct individuals. The sex cell
from one parent fertilizes the other, and in the process a little bit of genetic information from each parent is
passed onto the offspring. This exchange of genes is what leads to the incredible diversity we see within many
animal species, and this genetic variation is what enables a species to adapt to environmental changes.

Asexual reproduction is the exact opposite, because this is when genetically identical individuals are produced from a
single parent. This occur a number of different ways, such as budding, when a new individual is split off from an
outgrowth, fission, when a parent splits into two equal-sized individuals, and even fragmentation, when a parent splits into
multiple individuals. Often that parent can then regenerate, or regrow, those parts back that it donated in order to create its
offspring. I don't know about you, but even though these parents sound generous, I'd like all of my body parts to stay
exactly where they are.

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Worksheet MELC3O1, MELC3O2

"Animal Reproduction"
Direction: Check on the circle the corresponding answer of the following question
1. How goes genetic variation influence a species survival?
Decreases the ability to adapt to environmental changes. Increases the ability to adapt to environmental changes
Increases the number of individuals available to reproduce with Makes reproduction more likely
2. Which of the following is NOT a form of asexual reproduction?
Fragmentation Budding Fission Fertilization
3. Which of the following is true about sexual reproduction?
Genetically identical offspring are produced Only one parent are involved

It puts an animal to an evolutionary disadvantage in terms of variation It involves the exchange of genetic
material between two individuals
4. Regeneration is when ____________.
body parts that have fragmented of an individual regrow a parent splits into two equal sized individuals
An egg is fertilized by a sperm A piece of an adult breaks off and becomes new identical individual

5. ______is when a parent asexually reproduces into two individuals ______ is when a parent asexually reproduces into
multiple individuals.
Regeneration, Fragmentation Budding, Fission
Fragmentation, Filtration Fission, Fragmentation

Worksheet MELC3O3
Additional Task:
After accomplishing the previous worksheet, it is now time to test your reading and analytical
writing skills. In each of the following situations and environment, explain which of the
representative animals (humans, sponge, sea anemone and sea star) would thrive and briefly explain
how they will reproduce.

1. An environment with an abundance of water but with strong waves occurring frequently.
2. An island with both plants and animals available for food.
3. A sandy coral reef where there are mild waves.

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1. Increases the ability to adapt to environmental changes
2. Fertilization
3. It involves the exchange of genetic material between two individuals
4. body parts that have fragmented of an individual regrow
5. Fission, Fragmenta

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Name: Date:
Section: Score:

Quarter 2- Module 14
Genetic Engineering
Learning Competency
Describe the process of genetic engineering (S11/12LT-IIej- 17)
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
Describe the process of genetic engineering.

Specifically, the unpacked learning objectives are:

a) Find the correct description of genetic engineering
b) Memorize the different concepts /steps behind genetic engineering
c) Describe each step in genetic engineering appropriately

What is Genetic Engineering?

The genetic engineering definition is the process of altering an organism's

DNA. This genetic engineering meaning includes any organisms in which
humans have altered the organism's DNA. There is controversy surrounding
genetic engineering, as people may consider it unethical to alter the DNA of living organisms. There is also
concern about how organisms that have been subjected to genetic engineering will interact with other organisms
and the ecosystem. However, there are also many practical applications for genetic engineering which will be
discussed in detail below. Some important applications include:
Medicine Agriculture Commercial uses

Recombinant DNA & GMOs

Recombinant DNA is a type of DNA that contains genes or sequences from two or more species. Recombinant
DNA is the basis for genetic engineering and can be used to create genetically modified organisms (GMOs). A
genetically modified organism is any organism that has had its DNA altered by humans.

The Genetic Engineering Process

Most genetic engineering involves a series of similar processes that will be described in detail in the sections
below. Before the process is discussed, a few key terms must be defined.

The Steps...
Genetic Engineering Process: Isolating and Cloning Required Genes
The process of genetic engineering starts with isolating and cloning the required genes. First, the DNA from the
organism of interest is isolated using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This allows for the amplification of a
specific gene. The purity of the PCR product can be checked by running part of the sample on an agarose gel
and assessing the size of the reaction product.

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Genetic Engineering Process: Inserting Isolated Genes into Host Genome

To incorporate the gene of interest into the host genome, the first step is to use restriction enzymes to cut
both the isolated gene and the vector. This creates matching puzzle piece sections of DNA called sticky
ends. These ends can then be ligated together using the enzyme DNA ligase. Then, the vector can be
injected into the cell of interest.


Genetic engineering is the process by which organisms have their genome altered by
humans. Genetic engineering involves using a vector, such as a plasmid, bacterial
chromosome, or virus, to transfer a gene into a host organism that contains the altered
DNA. Plasmids are naturally found in bacteria and are good vectors to use when transferring DNA into

Recombinant DNA is DNA that has sequences from multiple species. Recombinant DNA can be used to create
transgenic organisms, which are organisms that contain DNA from different species. Another type of organism
produced from genetic engineering is a genetically modified organism, which has DNA that has been altered by
humans, but not necessarily from another species. There are several uses for genetic engineering, including:
 Agriculture
 Medicine
 Research
 Commercial uses

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Worksheet MELC4O1, MELC4032, MELC404 –

"The Process of Genetic Engineering"

Direction: Check on the circle the corresponding answer of the following question

1. Which of the following statement is not true?

A plasmid which expresses human insulin is an example of recombinant DNA.
Genetic engineering is the process by which scientist modify the genome of an organism
A vector is the organism that is modified in a genetic engineering experiment
Two of these statement is not true
Plasmids can be found in bacteria
2. A scientist isolates a human DNA repair gene and inserts it into a plasmid. The plasmid is inserted into a bacterial
cell, so more plasmid can be produced. After isolating the plasmid from the bacterial cells, the scientists insert the
plasmid DNA into a human tissue culture using a virus. Which of the following statements regarding vectors is
One vector was used in this experiment Two different vector were used in this experiment
Three different vector were used in this experiment Four different vector were used in this experiment
This experiment did not involve the use of vector
3. Which of the following is/are examples of GMOs?
I. A plant cell in which a regulation gene has been deleted.
II. A bacterial cell in which extra copies of a bacterial DNA repair gene have been added.
III. A human cell that has been infected with a virus
III only I and II II only II and III I only
4. Which of the following would be considered recombinant DNA.
A bacterial plasmid A viral genome the human insulin gene
A pure breed dog through three generations such as a golden retriever
a bacterial transcription gene combined with the human promoter
5. A scientist isolates a human DNA repair gene and inserts it into a plasmid. The plasmid is inserted into a bacterial cell, so
more plasmid can be produced. after isolating the plasmid from the bacterial cells, the scientists insert the plasmid DNA
into a human tissue culture cell using a virus. Which of the following regarding HOSTS is true?
this experiment did not involve the use of HOSTS.
Three different hosts were used in this experiment
Two different hosts were used in this experiment
One host was used in this experiment
Four different hosts were used in this experiment

Worksheet MELC4O3
Additional Task:
After accomplishing the previous worksheet, it is now time to test your drawing and summarizing
skills. Using the space below, try to draw the different steps involved in genetic engineering and
describe each step briefly using your own words.

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1. A vector is the organism that is modified in a genetic engineering experiment
2. Two different vector were used in this experiment
3. I and II
4. a bacterial transcription gene combined with the human promoter
5. Two different hosts were used in this experiment

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Name: Date:
Section: Score:

Quarter 2- Module 15
Benefits of Genetically Modified Organisms
Learning Competency
Evaluate the benefits and risks of using GMOs (S11/12LT-IIej- 17)
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
Evaluate the benefits and risks of using GMOs

Specifically, the unpacked learning objectives are:

a) Define genetically modified organisms (GMOs) correctly
b) Recognize the benefits and risks of using GMOs
c) Interpret each benefits and risks of using GMOs
d) Compare each benefit and risk of using GMOs
e) Defend one's stance regarding the use or disuse of GMOs

When conducting genetic engineering, the organisms that have their

genetic makeup altered are referred to as genetically modified
organisms, or GMOs for short. During the process of genetic
engineering, a piece or several pieces of DNA are altered to change
a characteristic about the organism. If DNA is inserted, it can come
from another individual with the desired characteristic, it can come
from a different species or it could be artificially produced.

Genetic Engineering and Agriculture

Over the years, genetic engineering has become more common in agriculture. Globally, there are over 25
countries that grow genetically engineered crops on approximately 420 million acres of land, and those numbers
are increasing every year. The United States is responsible for producing almost half of the genetically
engineered crops planted worldwide and currently devotes over 40% of U.S. cropland to these modified crops.
Although many crops have been genetically engineered over the years, there are three crops - corn, soybean and
cotton - that are the focus of genetic engineering. In the United States, about 80% of corn and cotton and 93% of
soybeans that are produced are genetically modified.
There is a wide variety of types of genetic engineering used in agriculture. One of the most common types
of genetic engineering is to insert the genes for bacteria into the crop. This type of genetic engineering
works like an insecticide, which is a pesticide that targets unwanted insects, because when the insects
consume the crop, they will be infected by the bacteria and will get sick and eventually die.

Benefits of Genetic Engineering

The use of genetic engineering and the creation of genetically modified crops has resulted in many
benefits for the agricultural world. The most noticeable benefit is that genetic engineering has made it

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possible to produce more crops in a shorter time period. Due to the modifications that make crops resistant to
diseases, it has been possible to increase overall yields. Many genetically modified crops are also designed to
grow at a faster rate, which also helps increase overall yield.

Genetic engineering has also increased yield by making it possible to grow crops in regions that would
otherwise be unsuitable for agriculture, such as areas with salty soil, areas that are drought prone and areas with
low amounts of sunlight. Through genetic engineering, crops have been modified to tolerate salty soils, be more
drought resistant and increase their rate of photosynthesis to take advantage of limited sunlight.
In addition to increasing productivity, genetic engineering has had several other benefits to agriculture. By
modifying crops so that they are resistant to diseases and insects, less chemical pesticides have to be used
to combat diseases and pests. Also, if crops are genetically modified to include components of fertilizers,
less chemical fertilizers have to be placed on the fields.
By reducing the amount of chemical pesticides and fertilizers, there will be less harm done to the environment.
Genetic engineering has also made it possible to produce new varieties of crops by mixing genes from multiple
different species.

Problems with Genetic Engineering

Although there are many benefits of genetically engineered crops,

there are also some major issues and concerns associated with
these types of crops. One major concern is that as pests
experience constant exposure to the pesticide or herbicide that
is genetically inserted into the crops, they will develop genetic resistance to the chemical. If the pests
develop genetic resistance, eventually the genetically modified crops would no longer be successful at
preventing harm and would become obsolete. Another major concern about genetic engineering is the long-term
effects on human health and the environment. There is little known about the long-term effects of
genetically engineered crops, and this makes many people cautious about their use.

In terms of human health, there are concerns that genetically engineered crops could contain harmful toxins if
the cells mutate, that produce may be lower in nutrition and that the creation of novel varieties of crops could
lead to the development of new and unknown food allergies.

In terms of the potential harm to the environment, there is concern that once genetically modified organisms are
released into the wild, they cannot be controlled and they could cause harm to the natural ecosystem. The
genetically modified organisms could potentially out-compete native non-pest organisms or prey on non- pest
organisms. These new organisms could also interbreed with native organisms and create new species that may
not be desirable.

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Now, let's review the basics of genetic engineering and the benefits and issues associated with its use in agriculture.
Genetic engineering is when the genetic makeup of an organism is altered by inserting, deleting or changing specific
pieces of DNA. This results in the creation of genetically modified organisms, which are organisms that have their
genetic makeup altered. The use of genetic engineering has become very popular in agriculture, with large portions of
common crops produced in the United States and worldwide utilizing this technology.

Genetic engineering has made it possible to produce more crops by making plants resistant to diseases, increasing
growth rates and modifying plants so that they can grow in less suitable habitats. Another benefit of genetic
engineering is that it has reduced the amount of chemical pesticides and fertilizers used because the modified plants
are designed to produce those materials themselves. Genetic engineering has also made it possible to produce new
varieties of crops and potentially expand dietary variation.

Although there have been many benefits to genetic engineering, there are also numerous issues associated with it.
Overall, people are concerned about the long-term effects of genetically modified crops on human health and the
environment. There is concern that these new organisms may introduce harmful toxins into the human body or
create new allergies.

On the environmental side, there is concern that new organisms could alter the natural ecosystem by causing harm to non-
pest organisms and spreading their genes through interbreeding. In addition to these concerns, it is also possible that pests
develop genetic resistance to the genetically modified organisms and new crops would have to be designed. As you can
now see, the topic of genetic engineering in agriculture is a very complex argument. Although genetic engineering has
made it possible to increase food production and improve global food security, the concerns about this technology are
serious and must be addressed.

In order to learn more about the potential harm of genetically modified organisms, long-term experiments and testing need
to be conducted. Scientists also need to work to develop new and safer methods of food production. Unfortunately, the
production of genetically modified organisms is not going to stop while scientists test the safety of these crops and
discover new production methods, so scientists need to work fast and governments need to establish strict
regulations on these types of crops to control their use and prevent any future harm.

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Worksheet –MELC55O1, MELC502, MELC503

Direction: Check on the circle the corresponding answer of the following
1. In agriculture, how has genetic engineering helped to manage unwanted insects?
by deleting gene sequences in the crop
by developing new insecticides
by using genetically modified chemicals
by inserting the genes for bacteria into the crop

2. Which sets of crops has been the primary focus of genetic engineering?
wheat, pout and corn
rice, wheat and cotton
rice., soybean and corn
corn, soybean and cotton

3. What affect does eating genetically engineered fruit have on our genes?
It adds useful genes to our DNA
It causes our genes to mutate
The exact effects are not known
It has no effect in our genes

4. Which of the following is NOT an issue associated with genetic engineering?

introduction of toxins into the human body
increased exposure to vitamins and minerals
the development of new allergens
pests developing genetic resistance

5. Which of the following statements best describes genetic engineering?

When the genetic makeup of an organism is altered by inserting, deleting or changing specific pieces
of DNA
When the genetic makeup of an organism is altered by inserting or deleting specific pieces of DNA
When the genetic makeup of an organism is altered by deleting or changing specific pieces of DNA
When the genetic makeup of a species is altered by inserting, deleting or changing specific pieces of

Worksheet MELC5O3, MELC5O4, MELC5O5

Additional Task:
After accomplishing the previous worksheet, it is now time to test your writing and debate skills.

Debate Genetic Engineering - GMOs

In this activity, students will choose a side of the genetic engineering debate and use information from the
lesson and gleaned from other sources to support or reject continued genetic engineering practices. The activity

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is adjusted for independent learners.

Access to research materials, such as:
A library
The internet

Instructions for Independent Learners

First, independent learners should choose a side of the debate on genetic engineering.
It is recommended that students choose the opposite side to their natural instinct in order to push
themselves academically.
Starting with a period of information gathering and then developing a note sheet detailing at least 10
points supporting the position taken on this issue.
Finally, independent learners should prepare a persuasive paper supporting their chosen position and
using the supportive points gathered from the lesson as well as additional research. The paper should
An introduction to the genetic engineering debate regarding GMOs
Clear and logical arguments for or against genetic engineering in making GMOs
Students may write their persuasive paper on a separate sheet.

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1. by inserting the genes for bacteria into the crop

2. corn, soybean and cotton
3. The exact effects are not known
4. increased exposure to vitamins and minerals
5. When the genetic makeup of an organism is altered by inserting, deleting or changing specific pieces of

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Name: Date:
Section: Score:

Quarter 2- Module 16
Organ System of Representative Animals
Learning Competency
Describe the general and unique characteristics of the different organ systems in representative animal
(S11/12LT-IIIaj- 21)
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
Describe the general and unique characteristics of the different organ systems in representative animals

Specifically, the unpacked learning objectives are:

a) Recall the different organ systems
b) Identify the representative animals having the general and unique characteristics of
various organ systems

In this lesson, you're going to learn that in some ways humans are just like
any other animal, and in other ways we are quite unique. We will compare the
cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems of many animals.

Comparing Humans & Other Animals

We like to think of ourselves as special, but we're not. But we are. We're both. We are special in many
ways and completely ordinary in other ways. On the most fundamental of levels, we share a lot of
similarities with all sorts of other animals. This includes many of the anatomical structures and physiological
functions of our organ systems. An organ system is a network of individual organs that work with each
other for a single purpose in the body. Examples of organ systems include the cardiovascular, respiratory,
and digestive systems. Of course, there are important differences, all depending on which animals we're
talking about. This lesson is going to do just that. It will show you how similar we are to animals and how
different animals can be when it comes to just three of the many organ systems of our body.

The Cardiovascular System

The cardiovascular system is the one that includes the heart (cardio-) and blood vessels (-vascular) of
the body.
Let's start with this system. The human heart is made up of four large chambers called the atria and
ventricles. There are two of each. Your pet dog, cat, and horse also have two atria and two ventricles. If
you have a parrot, he or she also has two atria and two ventricles. In this way, we are all the same, and no
one animal is any more special than another.

Of course, this lesson is about the flip side, too. Not all animals have two atria and two ventricles, and not all
hearts work the same way. Do you have a pet fish? Well, that little one has only one atrium and only one
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ventricle. Do you have a pet snake? That snake, depending on what kind it is, may have two atria and only one
ventricle. Maybe you keep worms for a living. These guys don't even have atria or ventricles. They rely mainly
on a few blood vessels and muscular tubes to function as a heart-like mechanism. Thus, the structure of the
heart can, and does vary, among animals.

The function of the heart can vary among animals, too. Humans and dogs, for example, have hearts that pump
in one direction only. They pump blood that was oxygenated in the lungs into the body. However, there is a
marine animal called a tunicate that can stop its heart and pump in the reverse direction. If our hearts stopped,
we'd be dead!

The Respiratory System

I just mentioned the lungs a second ago. The lungs are the major part of the respiratory system, the system that
helps you breathe in life-giving oxygen and breathe out waste gases like carbon dioxide. What animals have
lungs? Humans have lungs, cows have lungs, and whales have lungs along with many others.
However, not all animals use lungs to breathe. Fish use gills to breathe. However, not all fish use, or have
to use gills. Here's what I mean. There's a fish called the lungfish. Are you catching on here? These are
fish which, unlike most species of fish, have primitive lungs in addition to gills. Additionally, the
mudskipper is a fish that can absorb air through its skin if it needs to. That actually reminds me that, at
least in this way, it's fairly close to the earthworm, which is an animal that also breathes through its skin.
Why would a fish like a lungfish be at a great functional advantage in having both gills and lungs? Well, if
they're under water, they can breathe through their gills, but if they get stuck in a mud pool that's drying out,
they can use their lungs to breathe in air. The lungless fish around them unfortunately die as the pool runs dry
and their oxygen supply, that's derived from within the water, runs out.

The Digestive System

We've got room for one more organ system in this lesson. It's the digestive system. You've got a digestives
system made up of a mouth, a food tube called the esophagus, one stomach, and the intestines. The digestive
system of a dog and cat is pretty darn similar to a human one.
Of course, not all animals are the same. The cow has a gigantic stomach made up of four sections. Each part has
a different function, too. One part may help digest plant fibers while another will help absorb water and other
nutrients out of the food. Unlike the highly developed sections of our digestive system and that of the cow's
especially so, the digestive system of an earthworm is by and large a straight, single tube that runs from the
mouth to the anus.
While we have lips and teeth to chew our food to aid in digestion, birds have beaks or bills. After we
chew our food, it goes straight into the stomach via the esophagus. However, most birds have a section of
their esophagus called a crop, where food is stored prior to being propelled into the stomach. The crop can
serve many functions, including the softening up of the food and as a place to store food that can later be
regurgitated and fed to their young.


Ah! The weird, wacky, and wonderful world of animals. We're all different but, we're
all the same in so many ways.
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Humans have a heart with two atria and two ventricles that pushes blood in one direction. Some animals have
hearts similar to humans but, other animals have only one atrium and one ventricle or a cardiovascular system
that can push blood in two directions.
For respiratory systems, humans breathe through the lungs, but most fish breathe through gills, and
earthworms breathe through their skin.
The digestive system of humans has a simple esophagus and one relatively simple stomach. Birds have an
esophagus with an added area called a crop that aids in digestion and feeding of their young. Cows have a far
more complex stomach made up of four distinct sections.

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Worksheet MELC6O1, MELC6O2

"Comparing Organ Systems""

Direction: Check on the circle the corresponding answer of the following question

1. A cow’s stomach has;

5 parts 6 segments 4 sections 1 compartment
2. The earthworm breathes through;
it’s skin gills it’s heart it’s lungs
3. Whales breathe through their;
lungs eyes skin gills
4. Birds have a _____________that can store food once it’s been swallowed. This is part of their____.
Gizzard;stomach Heart;lungs crop;esophagus crop;heart
5. How many atria does the human heart have?
1 3 4 2
Worksheet MELC6O2
Additional Task:

After accomplishing the previous worksheet, it is now time to test your writing specifically your
comparison skills using a Venn Diagram for the following animal pairs.

1.Draw a Venn Diagram comparing the:

a) Digestive system of dogs and cows.
b) Cardiovascular system of humans and Philippine Eagle.
c) Respiratory system of a cat and a tilapia.

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1. 4 sections
2. Its skin
3. Lungs
4. Crop ; esophagus
5. 2

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Name: Date:
Section: Score:

Quarter 2- Module 17
Organ System of Representative Animals
Learning Competency
Analyze and appreciate the functional relationships of the different organ systems in ensuring animal
survival (S11/12LT-IIIaj- 22)
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
Analyze and appreciate the functional relationships of the different organ systems in ensuring animal

Specifically, the unpacked learning objectives are:

a) Recall the functions of different organ systems
b) Discuss the connection between each organ systems' function
c) Present solid connections between functions of different organ systems
d) Relate the statement "the whole is more than the sum of its parts" to functional
relationships among organ systems for survival

Physiological processes are the function of different systems of the body,

often demonstrated through organs. Explore the functions of animal organ
systems to identify how each contributes to survival in specific and
significant ways.

What Is Physiology?

Physiology is the study of how living organisms’ function, from cells all the way up to the whole organism and
how organisms adapt to different environmental conditions in different habitats. We'll focus on organ-systems,
which are collections of cells, tissues and organs that have specific functions within the bodies of organisms.
These systems include the integumentary (or skin), musculoskeletal, cardiovascular/circulatory, immune,
respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive and endocrine systems. All of these systems interact with each
other, and their optimal functioning contributes to the health of the individual organism. The basis of
physiology is homeostasis, which is the state of dynamic consistency or maintenance of more or less stable
conditions in the internal environment. Dynamic consistency means that physiological parameters, such as body
temperature and blood pH, fluctuate around a set point. If any of the parameters were to move too far one way
or the other, the organism wouldn't be able to survive. That means homeostasis is vital for survival of individual

The Organ Systems

Let's look at the organ systems and how they work in different animals.

Integumentary System

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Skin is the protective barrier between the animal and the external environment. Small animals, like mice,
have large skin areas compared to their total volume. They lose body heat easily and have difficulty keeping
warm in winter. These animals tend to either stay active in winter or hibernate. On the other hand, elephants and
other large animals have a small skin area in relation to their total volume and can find it difficult to stay cool.
Their large ears act as fans to move air around their heads.

Musculoskeletal System

The musculoskeletal system supports and protects the animal and enables movement. The bones
that make up the skeleton give structure to bodies and protect the brain. The ribs protect the heart and lungs
and help in breathing. Muscles make up most of an animal's body and roughly half of its weight. Skeletal
muscles work in pairs: when one contracts, the other relaxes. For example, when the biceps contract, the
triceps relax, causing the human elbow to bend.

Cardiovascular System

The cardiovascular/circulatory system pushes the blood around the body with oxygen and nutrients for
the cells and removes waste. This is especially important for homeostasis by maintaining stable pH levels and
body temperature. In fish, blood passes through the heart once on its way to the gills and then around the rest of
the body. In mammals and birds with lungs, blood passes through the heart twice, on its way to the lungs to pick
up oxygen and then through the heart again to be pumped around the body.

Lymphatic System

The lymphatic or immune system is separate from the circulatory system, with its own fluid
(lymph), vessels (lymphatic veins) and lymph nodes to filter out used cell parts, cancer cells and bacteria
to keep the body healthy.

Respiratory System

The respiratory system utilizes the tiny alveoli in the lungs, which provide a large surface area to
take in oxygen. Bird lungs act more like bellows, and oxygen is pumped through the lungs rather than
changing in size and shape, like the lungs of mammals do. The evolution of this method of breathing for
birds allows for very long migrations and flight at very high altitudes.

Digestive System

The digestive system processes water and nutrients for the body to use. Whatever food an animal eats
has to be broken down into small molecules in order to pass into the bloodstream to be taken to the cells and
used for energy.

Renal System

The urinary/renal system removes waste products. Animal bodies are made up of roughly 80%

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water, depending on the type of animal, age, sex and health. Generally, a loss of 15% of body water results
in death. Animals lose water through their skin and lungs, feces and urine. To re-balance this water loss,
animals must get water from their food and drink, and the water that is a byproduct of chemical reactions
within the body.
Kangaroo rats do not drink water at all. They do not sweat and produce extremely concentrated urine.
Freshwater fish produce huge quantities of urine to balance the excess water that enters their bodies through
gills. Some marine fish drink seawater and get rid of excess salt through their gills. Birds do not have a
bladder, so they produce uric acid instead of urea, which is a thick, white, chalky paste along with feces.

Reproduction System

Reproduction ensures continued survival of the species. Some animals, such as humans, gorillas,
pigs and rabbits, are referred to as continuous breeders, because they are able to reproduce throughout the
year. Seasonal breeders are those that breed during one or two seasons each year. This enables the babies
to be born when food is most abundant and temperatures are favorable. Breeding cycles are often determined
by day length. The short fall days bring cows and sheep into season, and increasing day length after the
winter solstice stimulates breeding in cats.

Nervous System

The nervous system coordinates the activities of the body and responses to the environment. The
nervous system includes the sense organs such as the eyes, ears, nerves, brain and spinal cord. This system
senses stimuli both inside and outside the body. Eyes sense changes in light, and stretch receptors indicate
when the stomach is full. Information received from the sense organs by the brain is analyzed and stored as
memory. Other stimuli cause muscles to contract or glands to secrete hormones.

Endocrine System

The endocrine system regulates various processes within the body for the life of the animal. The
pituitary, adrenal, thyroid and pineal glands, along with the testes and ovaries are components of this system.
These glands and organs release hormones, which are chemical messengers, to cause organ systems to respond
in such a way as to maintain homeostasis.

Physiology is the study of how living systems function. Organ-systems are
collections of cells, tissues and organs that have specific functions within the
bodies of organisms. These include the integumentary (or skin), musculoskeletal,
cardiovascular/circulatory, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive
and endocrine systems. The basis of physiology is homeostasis, which is the state of dynamic consistency
or maintenance of more or less stable conditions in the internal environment. When homeostasis is
disturbed, disease or death may result.

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Worksheet MELC7O1, MELC7O2

"Connecting Organ Systems and their Functions"

Direction: Check on the circle the corresponding answer of the following question

1. Dynamic consistency is defined as which of the following?

physiological parameters, such as body temperature and blood ph., fluctuating around a set of point
social parameters, such as friends and family, fluctuating around a set of point
environmental parameters, such as cold and rain, fluctuating around a set of point
physiological parameters, such as mood and self-worth, fluctuating around a set of point
2. Organ-systems are defined as which of the following?
collection of muscles, skin and bones
collection of glands, hormones and organs
collection of blood vessels, lymph vessels and lungs
collection of cells, tissues and organs
3. Why do kangaroo rats not drink water?
the only water they need comes from internal cellular processes
They obtain water from their food and produced extremely concentrated urine
They don’t urinate either
they get all the water they need from the air
4. Why is homeostasis vital to survival of individual organisms?
to maintain widely fluctuating conditions in the internal environment
to maintain absolutely constant conditions in the internal environment
to maintain few or no conditions in the internal environment
to maintain more or less conditions in the internal environment
5. What is an advantage of seasonal breeding?
babies are born when external temperature are least favorable for survival
babies are born when food is least abundant
babies are born when food is more abundant
babies are born when predator are most active

Worksheet MELC7O3, MELC7O4

Additional Task:

After accomplishing the previous worksheet, it is now time to test your reasoning skills.
1. Explain why the integumentary system is connected and is important to the circulatory system.
Research and summarize your answers in 5 to 8 sentences, make sure to not forget correct
citations when necessary.
2. Explain why the circulatory and respiratory systems are interconnected and is important for
human survival. Research and summarize your answers in 5 to 8 sentences, make sure to not
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forget correct citations when necessary.

3. Suppose there is a problem in the digestive system, how can this affect the renal system?
Research and summarize your answers in 5 to 8 sentences, make sure to not forget correct
citations when necessary.
4. How is the statement "the whole is more than the sum of its parts" related to the concept of
connecting different functions of organ systems? Research and summarize your answers in 5 to 8
sentences, make sure to not forget correct citations when necessary.

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1. physiological parameters, such as body temperature and blood ph., fluctuating around a set of point
2. collection of cells, tissues and organs
3. They obtain water from their food and produced extremely concentrated urine
4. to maintain more or less conditions in the internal environment
5. babies are born when food is more abundant

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Name: Date:
Section: Score:

Quarter 2- Module 18
The Process of Evolution
Learning Competency
Explain how populations of organisms have changed and continue to change over time showing patterns
of descent with modification from common ancestors to produce the organismal diversity observed today
( S11/12LT-IVfg- 26)
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
Explain how populations of organisms have changed and continue to change over time showing patterns of
descent with modification from common ancestors to produce the organismal diversity observed today

Specifically, the unpacked learning objectives are:

a) State examples of patterns of descent with modification among populations of organisms
b) Discuss how living things evolved over time to produce present organismal diversity

Identify the present system of classifying organisms

Gather information to support the claim that the current classification scheme is based on
evolutionary relationships.

Evolution is a phenomenon that happens when organic matter changes over time to
adapt and survive to its changing environment. Learn the definition and forms of
evolution and discover how it is portrayed in organic matter.

Review of Evolution
Evolution is a key component of much of our understanding of biology and of life.
You may remember that evolution is basically change over time. You previously may have learned about people who
studied evolution, such as Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace, or you may have learned about terms related to evolution,
such as 'natural selection' and 'survival of the fittest.' While these people and concepts are essential to our understanding
of evolution, here we will focus more on broad patterns of change over time as well as what may have triggered evolution.

Catastrophism vs. Gradualism

All evolution involves change over time, but there are several ways or patterns in which these changes can occur. These
theories of how evolution has occurred are largely based on our understanding of Earth's history. Many of the people who
proposed these patterns of evolution were geologists, not biologists. This is because they had a solid understanding of the
fossil record found within the layers of rocks.
Let's first look at catastrophism. As the name implies, this pattern of evolution is based on the assumption that
catastrophic events separate distinctive boundaries in the fossil record. These catastrophes could have been events
such as floods, droughts, or even volcanic eruptions. The man who proposed this theory, George Cuvier, thought that
these events were local, meaning they would happen in one specific area and only affect the organisms living there.
These catastrophes would result in evolutionary change because certain organisms would die while others may
survive, resulting in possible changes and adaptations. Sometimes, catastrophic events may have caused mass
extinctions, such as the extinction of the dinosaurs.

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Rather than sudden events such as those seen in catastrophism, the idea of gradualism proposed that changes take
place continually over long periods of time. This means that change did not have to only occur following a huge
event, but continually and gradually occurred all the time. The geologist James Hutton used the fossil record to
support his theory, which is widely accepted now. Gradualism is when an organism changes just slightly from generation
to generation.

For example, with giraffes, the development of a long neck could have happened gradually. That is, in one generation, a
giraffe with a slightly longer neck was more successful at gathering food than his friends and was able to reproduce and
pass on his long neck. The advantage of having a slightly longer neck continued until all giraffes had long necks.
However, it may have taken many generations for this change to take place.

Adaptation vs. Status

Now that we have reviewed both gradualism and catastrophism, let's take a look at how or why things may adapt as well
as when they may stay the same. Status, as in 'status quo,' means that things stay as they are. Life forms may not change if
they are well-suited for the environment in which they live and if the environment is stable. Between catastrophic events,
for example, organisms may have not drastically changed.
Adaptation is when organisms do change. This can be due to countless reasons but, relating it back to our two
ideas of how life on Earth has changed over time, the idea of punctuated equilibrium - that there were periods
without any major changes and then short, sudden changes that resulted in evolution and even the emergence of new
species - fits with catastrophism. One example of a period of intense evolution is seen in the geological record with the
Cambrian explosion. This period in Earth's history involved a great diversification of life both in water and on land.
Evolution was rapidly occurring.
Punctuated equilibrium isn't the only way that things could have changed over time. Both the idea of adaptive
radiation and descent with modification indicate that evolution occurred over time as environments and locations
changed. Both adaptive radiation and descent with modification imply that similar organisms shared a common ancestor
and then, as organisms moved - or radiated - away from one location, evolution occurred so that they were well-
adapted for a new location. These forms of evolutionary change fit more with gradualism than catastrophism.
An example of adaptive radiation is seen on the Galapagos Islands, which are located in the Pacific off the coast of
South America. Here, scientists have studied a variety of finches that all share a common ancestor from the main
land of South America. However, the different species of finches are all slightly different due to adaptations that have
occurred over time to allow the birds to be best fit for their particular island.

One of the basic understandings of biology is that things change over time. The way in
which evolution has occurred may differ between species and time periods. We first
looked at two theories from geologists who used the fossil record and rock layers in
order to gain an understanding of Earth's history. Catastrophism is the idea that major,
catastrophic events triggered changes in an area that then caused changes in organisms. It is
possible that some catastrophes caused extinctions, such as that of the dinosaurs. Gradualism is the idea that the Earth
has changed slowly over time and that organisms on Earth have also continually changed.

We then looked at punctuated equilibrium, adaptive radiation, and descent with modification. Punctuated equilibrium is
the idea that things are often in balance but sometimes an event will cause a change in an organism resulting in evolution,
such as the abundance of evolution during the Cambrian explosion. Both adaptive radiation and descent with modification
allow for gradual change over time with a shared common ancestor. The example we used for this was the finches on the
Galapagos Islands.
Whether triggered by a catastrophic event or occurring gradually over time, all evolution is essential to the understanding
of life on Earth.

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Worksheet MELC8O1
"Evolution through Descent with Modification"

Direction: Check on the circle the corresponding answer of the following


1. The idea that the earth is constantly changing and therefore life on earth is continually evolving is;
Status Punctuated equilibrium Gradualism
Catastrophism Mass extinction
2. Which term best describes change over time?
Extinction Evolution Uniformism
Status Geology
3. On the Galapagos islands, there are several species that are similar and resemble a common ancestor.
Each island has a slightly different ecosystem. Which of the following best explains how these different
species came to be?
Extinction Adaptive radiation Acquired characteristics

Status Punctuated equilibrium

4. Which of the following theories best explains the mass extinction of the dinosaurs?
Descent with modification Gradualism Catastrophism

Uniformism Adaptive radiation

5. Scientists have found fossils that show a sudden appearance of a new organism after a period of no
change. Which form of evolutionary change best explains this?
Descent with modification Gradualism Punctuated equilibrium

Uniformism Adaptive radiation

Worksheet MELC8O2
Additional Activity
After accomplishing the previous worksheet, it is now time to test your reasoning skills.

1. 1. How do you relate the process of evolution through descent with modification to the present
diversity of Philippine beetles which were also studied by Rizal? Read and research about the question and
answer it in 5 to 8 sentences.

2. A pair of Philippine crocodile were left alone in a bountiful island in Palawan. Describe what may happen to
the crocodile species after 3000 years in the island. Connect your answer with what you have read or
researched about. Summarize your answer in 5 to 8 sentences.

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1. Gradualism
2. Evolution
3. Adaptive radiation
4. Catastrophism
5. Punctuated equilibrium

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Name: Date:
Section: Score:

Quarter 2- Module 19
The Process of Evolution (Classifying Organism)
Learning Competency
Describe how the present system of classification of organisms is based on evolutionary
relationships (S11/12LT-IVfg- 27)

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

Describe how the present system of classification of organisms is based on evolutionary

Specifically, the unpacked learning objectives are:

a) Identify the present system of classifying organisms
b) Gather information to support the claim that the current classification scheme is based on
evolutionary relationships.

What is Taxonomy?

What is taxonomic classification? To define taxonomic classification, it helps to

understand the root word taxis, which means order or arrangement in Greek.
Taxonomic classification is a method of organizing different species of life on
Earth. The taxonomic classification system used by scientists is ranked, or
hierarchical. This means that the categories become more and more specific until
the last level of species is reached. This is the most specific category for life on Earth. Different species
are identified by binomial nomenclature, which uses the last two taxonomic levels, genus, and species as the
identifier of the organism.

The Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus is considered the father of taxonomic classification and created the basis for the
system scientists use today in the 1700s. Today, we use genetic information to classify organisms into taxonomic groups,
but Carolus Linnaeus originally used morphological features. Thus, as scientists have learned more about life on Earth the
original categories Linnaeus proposed needed to be edited and new ones added.

What are Taxonomic Levels of Classification?

Linnaeus proposed seven levels of taxonomic rank, with each level referred to as a taxon. The seven taxons that Linnaeus
proposed from broadest to most specific were:

Today, scientists include an additional taxon above kingdom, called domain. This was proposed upon genetic sequencing
data that suggested there were actually more diverse classifications of prokaryotic organisms than originally thought. The
new order of taxons is:
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1. Domain
2. Kingdom
3. Phylum
4. Class
5. Order
6. Family
7. Genus
8. Species

Taxonomy Order

The taxonomic groups are organized from broadest to most specific in the taxonomic classification system. Taxonomy
continues to evolve as scientists gather more information about life on Earth. To remember the taxonomic levels, a
pneumonic device can be helpful. A sentence that uses the first letter of each of the taxon’s can be a good pneumonic
device. For example, Dear King Philip Came Over for Good Soup is an acronym that represents each of the taxon’s:
Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

Levels of Taxonomic Classification: Domain

Domain is the largest taxon and each domain contains more organisms than the taxons below it. There are three main
domains used today:

Note that kingdom eubacteria is the only sub-classification of domain bacteria, so the terms bacteria and eubacteria are
often used interchangeably.

Archaea are prokaryotes, meaning they do not have a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles. These are some of the
oldest organisms on Earth and are ancestors of where all life originated. Archaea live in some of the most extreme
environments on Earth. From deep- sea vents to icy glaciers or salt flats, these organisms can thrive in extreme conditions.
Bacteria are also prokaryotes but they evolved later in evolutionary time. This includes bacteria that we are familiar with
that can cause disease in humans, such as E.coli and others. Eukarya includes all eukaryotic organisms or cells that have a
nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. Eukarya includes animals, plants, fungi, and protists.

Levels of Taxonomic Classification: Kingdom

Kingdom used to be the highest level of classification but is now located under the taxon of the domain. Each
domain contains at least one kingdom. Within the domain, Archaea is the kingdom Archaebacteria. Within the domain,
bacteria is the kingdom eubacteria. The domain Eukarya has four kingdoms:
Plantae-contains all the plants (stationary organisms that make their own food through photosynthesis)
Animalia-contains all animals (multicellular organisms that are motile and need to eat to get energy)
Fungi-contains all fungi, which includes mushrooms, yeast, or molds
Protista-contains a wide variety of eukaryotic organisms that do not fit in the other kingdoms.

Levels of Taxonomic Classification: Phylum

Phylum is the next most specific taxon underneath kingdom. Each kingdom has many phyla and there are too many to
describe them all here. For example, the phylum in kingdom Animalia includes:
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Porifera are sea sponges and tend to live a mostly sessile life. Cnidaria includes organisms like jellyfish and hydras.
Platyhelminthes are flatworms and Annelida contains earthworms and related species. Molluska includes marine
mollusks like octopuses and squids, as well as bivalves, snails, and slugs. Arthropoda is the largest phylum of
animals and includes all insects. Chordata includes all organisms with a backbone, including humans.

Levels of Taxonomic Classification: Class

Class taxonomy falls below phylum and thus contains fewer organisms. For example, the classes in phylum
Chordata are:
Myxini – hagfish
Hyperaortia – lampreys
Chondrichthyes - cartilaginous fish, such as sharks and rays
Osteichthyes - bony fish
Amphibia – amphibians
Reptilia – reptiles
Aves – birds
Mammalia - mammals, like humans

Levels of Taxonomic Classification: Order

The taxon order falls under phylum and contains fewer organisms. For example, the orders in class Mammalia
Artiodactyla - even-toed, hooved mammals
Carnivora - meat-eating mammals
Cetacea - whales and porpoises
Chiroptera – bats
Dermoptera - flying lemurs
Edentata - toothless mammals
Hyracoidae - hyrax rodents
Insectivora - insect-eating mammals
Lagomorpha - pikas, rabbits, hares
Marsupialia - pouched mammals
Monotremata - egg-laying mammals
Perissodactyla - odd-toed hoofed mammals
Pholidata – pangolins
Pinnipedia - seals and walruses
Primates - primates, including humans
Proboscidea – elephants
Rodentia - gnawing rodent mammals
Sirenia - dugongs and manatees
Tubulidentata – aardvarks

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Levels of Taxonomic Classification: Family

Underneath the taxon class comes the taxon family, which contains fewer organisms still. For example, the families
within class Carnivora are:
Canidae - dogs and related species
Felidae – cats
Ursidae – bears
Procyonidae - raccoons and related species
Mustelidae - weasels, otters, badgers, and related species
Mephitidae - skunks and related species
Herpestidae – mongooses
Viverridae - civets, genets, and related species
Hyaenidae – hyenas
Otariidae - sea lions and fur seals
Phocidae - true seals
Odobenidae - walruses

Levels of Taxonomic Classification: Genus

Genus is the taxon below the family and is part of binomial nomenclature. For example, the genera in family
Felidae are:

Levels of Taxonomic Classification: Species

Species are the most specific taxon and the second part of binomial nomenclature. For example, the species
contained in the genus Panthera are:
P. uncial - Snow leopard
P. tigris – Tiger
P. pardus – Leopard
P. onca – Jaguar
P. leo – Lions

Levels of Taxonomic Classification: Intermediate Levels

Living organisms do not always fall neatly into the eight taxonomic categories. Sometimes there are traits or genetic
evidence that put them at an intermediate level. When this occurs scientists use supra-, inter-, infra-, and sub- as prefixes
for the level names to make an intermediate level above or below an existing level.


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Taxonomic classification is the hierarchical classification system for living things that groups organisms from
broadest to most specific ending with binomial nomenclature. Binomial nomenclature includes the genus and species
name and is used to identify organisms.

Taxonomic classification was pioneered by Carolus Linnaeus in the 1700s based on organism morphology. Since then,
scientists have learned much more about living things and have revised the categories to include this new
information. The categories or taxons used today from broadest to most specific are:
Domains were added to accommodate new scientific data on living things and include three taxons:
Archaea - includes all archaea prokaryotes
Bacteria - contains all eubacteria prokaryotes
Eukarya - contains all plants, animals, fungi, and protists

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Worksheet MELC9O1
"Classification System"

Direction: Check on the circle the corresponding answer of the following


1. Which level of organization in taxonomy is the most specific?

Genus Species Family Domain
2. Which domain contains both the plant and animal kingdoms?
Eukarya Protista Bacteria Archaea
3. Why are there six kingdoms of life now instead of the original two that scientists developed?
Scientists disagreed of the formation of the original two and, the lengthy debate ended up with the
recreation of the six
The original two kingdoms were invented in obscurity, not being discovered until after the current six
were established
As our scientific understanding has grown, we’ve needed to add additional kingdoms to Linnaeus
original ones
The adding of other kingdoms not really necessary, but it seemed right to some in the scientific
4. What was Linnaeus’s classification system based on?
Evolutionary relationships Taxidermy Genetic characteristics Morphology
5. Which of the following statements about taxonomic levels is correct?
Class is less specific than phylum Family is more specific than order
Species is the most general Kingdom is the most specific

Worksheet MELC9O2
Additional Task:

After accomplishing the previous worksheet, it is now time to test your reasoning skills.

1.The Philippine barred rail or "tikling" belong to the same class as the Philippine duck. They are both placed under class
"Aves." Based on this example, explain the connection between the classification scheme and the evolutionary
relationship between the two species of birds. Explain your answer in 5 to 6 sentences.

2. A mound of bones in Mt. Banahaw was referred to as "Homo habilis" after a study done by U.P
archeologists. Can you classify it as a close relative of modern Filipinos which are also called "Homo
sapiens" in of genus and species? Explain your ans wer in 3 to 4 sentences.

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1. Species
2. Eukarya
3. As our scientific understanding has grown, we’ve needed to add additional kingdoms to Linnaeus
original ones
4. Morphology
5. Family is the most specific than order

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Name: Date:
Section: Score:

Quarter 2- Module 20
Interaction and Interdependence
Learning Competency
Categorize the different biotic potential and environmental resistance (e.g., diseases, availability of food, and
predators) that affect population explosion (S11/12LT-IVhj- 29)

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

Categorize the different biotic potential and environmental resistance (e.g., diseases, availability of
food and predators) that affect population explosion

Specifically, the unpacked learning objectives are:

a) Define population explosion.
b) Describe the different environmental resistance affecting it.

The biotic potential of a species refers to its ability to reproduce as a population,

inhibited or enhanced by ecological factors. Explore the concept through the
comparison of a dog's biotic potential to that of humans and cats.

Biotic Potential & Population Limits

If you've studied any general biology before viewing this lesson, you probably have heard the word 'biotic' before. Biotic
means life or living thing. Knowing that 'biotic' means life, you might be able to guess the meaning of the term
'biotic potential'. Biotic potential is the potential for life, or how fast a species reproduces when not limited by its
environment. How does this term apply to organisms? And how can you compare the biotic potential of one
organism to another?

All living things have needs and certain substances that are required for survival. Examples of these needs include water,
shelter, and food or energy. The resources available to any specific organism are not infinite in their environment, they are
limited. Therefore, anything in an environment that limits the ability of a population to expand is referred to as a limiting
factor. Once an environment reaches the maximum number of any one species that it has sufficient resources to support, it
is said to have reached its carrying capacity.

Examples of Biotic Potential

Biotic potential ignores both carrying capacity and limiting factors. Biotic potential examines just
how fast the population can grow when limits are removed. To compare the biotic potential of two
organisms, you would examine how many offspring the two organisms can produce in a prescribed
time frame. The organism that produces the most organisms in that time frame has the most biotic

Let's compare the biotic potential of dogs versus that of humans. The largest number of puppies ever recorded was a litter
of 24 born to a dog in 2004. The most human children ever born at once that survived was eight babies, born in 2009. In a
year, the average dog can produce two litters, since their gestational period is approximately 65 days. The gestational

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period for a human female is nine months. This means a human female can only give birth once in a year. If both
organisms produce the maximum recorded number of offspring in a year, a human can only produce eight children. In one
year, a dog has the potential to produce 48 offspring. Based on this information, if all restrictive factors were removed
(such as food, money, healthcare, etc.), dogs have more biotic potential than humans.

Okay, but humans and dogs are very different. Let's compare two kinds of pets: dogs and cats. The largest recorded
number of kittens born to a cat was a litter of 19 born in 1970. The most dogs ever born at once was 24. In a year,
the average cat can produce a maximum of three litters. Therefore, in one year a cat has the potential to produce 57
offspring. In one year, a dog has the potential to produce 48 offspring. Based on this information, if all restrictive
factors are removed, cats have more biotic potential than dogs.

The younger an organism is when it first starts to reproduce, the more often it can reproduce; the greater the number
of offspring, the faster a population can grow. This also means the organism has a higher biotic potential. The flip
side of biotic potential is environmental resistance. Environmental resistance constrains a population's growth
and includes things such as lack of suitable habitat, limited food and water, poor climate, predators, and disease. Biotic
potential and environmental resistance work together to balance population growth.


Biotic potential means the potential for life or how fast a species produces offspring when
not limited by the environment. Something that limits the ability of a population to
continue to grow is referred to as a limiting factor. When an environment reaches the
maximum number of any one species that it can support, it has reached its carrying capacity. Biotic potential ignores
both carrying capacity and limiting factors. It examines only how fast the population can grow when limitations are
removed. To compare the biotic potential of two organisms, you would examine how many offspring the two
organisms can produce in a prescribed time frame. The organism that produces the most organisms in that time frame
has the greater biotic potential.

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Worksheet MELC10O1, MELC10O2

"Population Ecology: Biotic Potential"

Direction: Check on the circle the corresponding answer of the following


1. Organism X has gestational period of three months and can produce ten offspring maximum, Organism
Y has a gestational period of 8 months but can produce 27 offspring maximum. Whisch of the following
is true?
Organism Y has greater biotic potential in a six-month period
Organism Y has zero biotic potential in a six-month period
Both answers are correct
None of the answers are correct
2. Biotic means____
non-living thing potential newborn living thing
3. The definition of biotic potential is____.
the ability a living thing has to survive, when not limited by the environment
the potential of a living thing for greatness
the probability that a living thing will live
the ability to bring forth living things or how fast a species produces offspring when not limited by the
4. Organism X has gestational period of three months and can produce ten offspring maximum, Organism
Y has a gestational period of 8 months but can produce 27 offspring maximum. Whisch of the following
is true?
Organism Y has greater biotic potential in a 3-year period
Organism X has greater biotic potential in a 1-year period
Organism Y has greater biotic potential in a 1-year period
Organism Y has greater biotic potential in a 2-year period
5. When measuring biotic potential _____.
one must take into account the gestational period of the organism as well as how many offspring it
can produce
one needs to know the carrying capacity of the organism’s environment
one needs only to calculate how many offspring it can produce
one needs only to calculate the gestational period of the organism

Worksheet MELC10O3, MELC10O4

Additional Activity

After accomplishing the previous worksheet, it is now time to test your reasoning skills.
1. The Philippines is a tropical country which is home to different species of monkeys. Species A thrives on
tree canopies preferring the tall trees, while species B prefers shrubs or smaller trees.
a. If a logging company began cutting down tall trees which species will be greatly

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b. Which species has a higher biotic potential based on this situation?

c. Identify the type of environmental resistance present in this problem.

2. The Golden Apple Snail is an invasive species in Luzon that has no natural predator, however a biologist
introduced a predator from another country to control its population.

a. `What type of environmental resistance limited the biotic potential of the snail? Explain and write your
answer in complete sentences.
b.If the local Philippine "kuhol" was reintroduced in the same environment, which snail species will have
higher biotic potential? Explain and write your answer in complete sent

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1. Organism Y has zero biotic potential in a six-month period
2. Living thing
3. the ability to bring forth living things or how fast a species produces offspring when not limited by the
4. Organism X has greater biotic potential in a 1-year period
5. one must take into account the gestational period of the organism as well as how many offspring it
can produce

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