MAT335H1S 2019 Lecture 1

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Tuesday 08/01/2019

Prof: Aaron Fenyes <>

Office hours this week: After class, tuesday / thursday 1-2:30

Tentative syllabus outline

Marking scheme
Homework (due roughly every two weeks) 25%
Term test 1 (feb 12 7-9?) 20%
Term test 2 (mar 12 7-9?) 20%
Final 45%

Expectations for class & homework

“Math is like a sport, you can’t get better at it by watching”
Can do homework with friends, but make sure the write-ups are in your own words and written by yourself

“A First Course In Chaotic Dynamical Systems”, Robert L. Devaney

Course website

F (x) = x2 − 1.5 – a simple parabola
G (x) = x2 − 1 – the same parabola, but offset by -1
H (x) = x2 − 0.3 - the same parabola, but offset by −0.3
1. Pick a number in (−1, 1)
2. Apply F 20 times
3. Submit to form

Get a really cool fractal

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