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Key takeaways for each major theme covered in the course:

As an EMBA student, I have not only gained an understanding of effective IS strategies, how Information system
helps in successful digital transformation, the importance of IT and business alignment but also learned how to help
people better use Information systems. I also learned various traditional technology management frameworks and
the current technology trends in the market like Blockchain, Cyber security, Image-based search, etc.

Generally, Information technology and information systems are often thought to be the same thing, but the course
underlines the difference between the two i.e. Information system is the combination of IT, people, and
procedures. I believe that IT alone won’t help much, all the elements (IT, people, and procedures) need to work
together effectively so the desired goals can be achieved. The right Information system can vastly improve a
company’s overall efficiency and performance in the market, as well as improve employee productivity,
communication, and engagement company-wide.
The course also helped me to gain more insight into some new interesting technology trends that seem to be on
the rise and are seemingly evolving in 2020 i.e. blockchain, Image-based search, cybersecurity, API development
The course also focuses on the importance of IT-business alignment and helped me explore the reported benefits
of IT-business alignment, the proposed methodologies, and the challenges in implementing these models. IT-
business alignment is a must not only for the survival of the business but continue to thrive in the future. It’s also
important for an organization to not get stuck in the “alignment trap” or “maintenance zone” (Shpilberg, 2017).

The course provided a good understanding of how disruptive technology creates a new value proposition for
something consumers did not know they wanted. On the other hand, sustaining technologies focus more on
improving the existing product performance to create better value. CarMax successfully responded to changing
market conditions and adopted a hybrid approach to stay relevant (Nelson & Wright, 2019).

Finally, It was a great experience listening to guest speaker Doris Simcich. Her leadership learnings and experiences
with a focus on IT gave me insight into what I could do to help my organization in its digital transformation journey. 

Application of course content in my professional context:

Being in the IT industry for close to 15 years, I have not just witnessed my organization’s digital transformation
journey, but I have also been part of it. I strongly believe that the integration of digital technology into all areas of a
business, fundamentally changes how we operate and deliver value to customers. For an organization to grow, the
leaders need not know the technology behind modern digital applications, but they must understand why digital
transformation is essential. (Haggerty, 1012.)

Learning about information systems has given me a competitive advantage because I'll be able to assess my
organizations IS needs and proceed accordingly. My expertise and experience in the management of information
systems will help the organization find its best Information solutions and make the best use of them. 

I have worked on multiple onsite-offshore IT projects in my organization and most of the time, the budget of a
project has been a constraint so value chain analysis will support us deliver the most value for the least possible
total budget. Also, the competition is fiercer than ever, the value chain approach also helps to locate the activities
and processes within a company that helps add value to the final product. One can also use a resource-based view
to locate the right resources as key to improving the overall performance. I found these two approaches very
practical and effective. 
Also, I have hands-on experience with APIs and web services, so I found API discussion in the class quite engaging,
interesting, and thought-provoking.

I have already started applying some of the core concepts taught in the class like IT-business alignment.
It sounds simple enough, but first, we need to be clear on what the business strategy is and communicate this
strategy with the people in the organization, including the IT department, so they understand the core business
goals and can work towards them.

Unforeseen learnings that I found particularly useful:  

I found “7S’s of hyper-competition” very insightful. In this hypercompetitive environment, leaders must employ a
7S framework that can be used to analyze the competitors and to identify one's strengths and weaknesses in
meeting the challenges of hyper-competition. Richard D’Aveni believes that competitive advantage should be
continually created, eroded, destroyed and recreated through strategic maneuvering” (Rifkin, 2021).

IT and business– cross-domain alignment perspective is also interesting to see how this works in a particular
organization or if it's project-driven. It’s no surprise that technology will continue to transform the future of work.
The rapid adoption of emerging technologies will give an edge to the organization.

The information shared on Cyber security strategy is also very useful as cyber security protects the organizational
assets from both external and internal threats. I work in a bank and data breaches can make it difficult to trust
financial institutions. Especially for banks, that's a serious problem so constant adoption of
good cybersecurity practices in banks can strengthen the protection from cyber threats.

New ideas that I would like to explore in my professional setting:  

I would like to look at IT strategy strategies for my organization’s core business functions including Marketing,
Operations, HR, and Finance for successful digital transformation initiatives in the organization. 
Also, when it comes to choosing the right information system for the organization, making the right choice is
difficult as there are numerous types of tools available today. The course lays the foundation by reviewing
traditional technology management frameworks and foundational strategies which will help me consider various
factors like the ability to scale up, security, integration, etc. while choosing the right IS for the organization. As
technology moves quickly faster than ever, so it's worth getting a future-proof system and keeping up with the
latest developments.

API monetization option discussed in the class helps me create substantial opportunities for my organization and
the customers. I believe in today’s digital economy, having an API monetization strategy can help accelerate the
organization’s growth.
We also discussed various types of information systems like a decision support system, management information
system, etc. All these systems help manage and improve the organization’s productivity and reduce turnaround
times. When I am well versed in various IS categories, I think it will enhance my ability to how I interact with other
stakeholders within the company. 

I’ll be soon working on a new project with one of the leading banks in the UK wherein the requirement is to
implement blockchain technology for cryptocurrency transactions. The course has enhanced and updated my
blockchain knowledge that will be instrumental when I start working on requirement gathering and the

My experience, learnings, and contributions from the IS Strategy Interviews project:

When I was provided with the task of engaging with a Senior IT and non-IT Managers, I used my educational
background and professional experience in the IT domain. It became easier to ask questions and understand the
response from the interviewee on how they handle difficult situations that can arise due to production downtime,
handling processes or upgrades on regular intervals. Apart from technical discussion, I also explored the leadership
and communication skills of the interviewee by asking questions on how to steer conversation and communicate
with employees for conflict resolutions or how to liaison between employees and the organization to maintain a
healthy and motivating environment for the team. I believe that because of my prior experience in the Information
technology field I was able to understand the different circumstances an interviewee faced and how their addition
can bring advantages and reduce bottlenecks for the team with their outlook towards the work. It was insightful to
talk about IT-business alignment and listen everyone’s viewpoint and then make a comparison as to how IT and
Non-IT leaders view the alignment in their respective roles.
Overall, I had a great experience talking to higher management. Especially, the energy they brought; their
collaborative approach combined with action-oriented mindset is an amazing combination. From driving
transformational changes in uplifting IT Business Partnering and introducing key commercial capabilities, through to
enhancing value from IT operations, support, and delivery – they shared a wealth of knowledge and experience
invaluable to any individual.

-Nicole Haggerty, “On becoming an IT savvy CEO”, 2012
-David Shpilberg, Steve Berez, Rudy Puryear, and Sachin Shah, “Avoiding the Alignment Trap in Information
Technology”, 2017
-Rifkin, G. (n.d.). The Art of Hypercompetition. Strategy+business. Retrieved December 5, 2021, from
-Nelson, R., & Wright, R. (2019). CarMax: Driving What’s Possible. SSRN Electronic Journal.

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