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review them and make the message sink deeper. This will also enable you to share your knowledge with others. For those persons who don't have pen and paper while in session, try to secure them for the next sessions. C) GROUP MEETINGS During the seminar we would like you to form small homogeneous groups of 5 to 7 members. As much as possible see to it that your group is composed of neighbors or people who are work- ing in the same office, company or area. Once your group is gathered select two tempo- rary leaders to provide the two basically needed services of the group namely: servant - to preside over the meeting secretary - to note down the proceedings for record purposes. Why is a small group advisable? Our several years of experience in the renewal has shown us consistently that renewed Christians who are not committed to a small group do not last long in the renewal. What usually happens is that immediately after the seminar they are full of enthu- siasm. They would attend prayer meetings even everyday. But after sometime that enthusiasm dies down. They begin to miss one meeting, then anoth- er, until finally they just completely shy away from it.

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