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Your genes play an important role in determining your hair color.

 Melanocortin 1
Receptor(MC1R) gene instructs melanocytes to produce the type of melanin that finally gives
your hair its color [2]. ''Both the melanin types are synthesized from an enzyme called tyrosinase.

Sebaceous glands…
Sebaceous (sǐ BAY shuss) glands are oil glands. They have tiny ducts that open into each
hair follicle.
Each sebaceous gland secretes sebum, which lubricates the hair and skin. The amount of
secretion varies with age, puberty, and pregnancy.
how is nail made in keratin
Nails start in the nail root, hidden under the cuticle. When cells at the root of the nail grow, the
new nail cells push out the old nail cells. These old cells flatten and harden, thanks to keratin,
a protein made by these cells. The newly formed nail then slides along the nail bed, the flat
surface under your nails.


The integumentary system has four types of exocrine glands, which secrete some type of
substance outside the cells and body.

The four exocrine glands associated with the integumentary system include:

 Sudoriferous glands: Sweat glands that are hollow, cylindrical structures under the skin;
they excrete sweat via very small openings at the skin’s surface. The purpose of
sudoriferous glands is to emit perspiration to help cool the body off when the body
temperature rises.
 Sebaceous glands: Very small tubular-shaped glands, located in the dermis, which are
responsible for releasing oil into the hair follicle to help lubricate and protect the hair
shaft, keeping it from becoming hard and brittle. 
 Ceruminous glands: Located in the ear canal, ceruminous glands function along with
sebaceous glands to produce ear wax (medically coined cerumen). Cerumen is important
in its role as a protective mechanism, keeping foreign invaders (such as bacteria and
fungus) at bay and guarding the ear against any type of physical damage.
 Mammary glands: There are two mammary glands located one at each side of the front
of the chest wall. Both men and women have mammary glands, but in men, these glands
are underdeveloped. In females, the glands function to produce breastmilk after giving
birth. The mammary glands are semicircular in shape in young females, but later the
glands begin to lose their shape. A single mammary gland weighs about 500 to 1000
grams (1.1 to 2.2 pounds).4

Function of the Integumentary System

Overall, the integumentary system functions to guard the body, providing a barrier to infection
and shielding the body against temperature changes and the adverse effects of potentially
harmful substances (such as UV light).

What contributes to healthy hair nails and skin?

Protein supplies the body with the amino acids it needs to produce keratin, the main building
block of your hair, skin, and nails. About 20% of your daily calories should come from protein.
[1] There are plenty of healthy and delicious foods that can help you get the recommended
amount of protein each day.

Five Natural Ways to Improve Hair, Skin, and Nail Health

Date: 10/26/20
Healthy and strong hair, skin, and nails can say a lot about your overall wellbeing. A balanced
diet full of protein, healthy fats, and fresh fruits and vegetables can help you get shiny hair,
glowing skin, and strong nails. To make sure you are getting the nutrients you need, the health
experts at Envolve, an integrated healthcare solutions company, have put together five natural
ways the food you eat can boost the health of your hair, skin, and nails.
1. Lead with Protein. Protein supplies the body with the amino acids it needs to produce
keratin, the main building block of your hair, skin, and nails. About 20% of your daily
calories should come from protein.[1] There are plenty of healthy and delicious foods that
can help you get the recommended amount of protein each day. Try adding lean meat,
beans, or eggs to your diet. A balanced breakfast with eggs as the star is a good place to
start. Try scrambled or over-easy eggs in the morning with whole grain toast for a
nutritious, energy-boosting meal.
2. Absorb Antioxidants. Some foods have antioxidants that are important to a well-
balanced diet. Berries, avocados, and sweet peppers are good sources of antioxidants that
can also serve as a healthy snack during the day. Antioxidants can help protect hair
follicles, improve hair strength, and may promote hair growth. Try a mid-morning snack of
fresh strawberries to get high levels of vitamin C, which can prevent hair breakage.
3. Find Fatty Fish. Salmon, herring, and mackerel are rich in important omega-3 fatty
acids, which may boost scalp health and improve the appearance and strength of your hair.
Plus, healthy fats are important to the hydration and development of skin tissue and have
been linked to improved skin elasticity. Add healthy fat into your diet by enjoying a lunch
of grilled salmon with a side of colorful, fresh veggies.
4. Take in Vitamins. Vitamin A improves skin and hair health by helping skin glands
produce sebum. This natural, oily substance prevents skin damage by maintaining
moisture and protecting skin from outside elements. Sweet potatoes and spinach are
excellent sources of vitamin A. Try making healthy, baked sweet potato or spinach chips
by slicing sweet potatoes very thin or laying spinach in a single layer, drizzling with olive
oil and salt, and baking for 30 minutes at 375 degrees, for a guilt-free afternoon snack.
5. Soak Up Hydration. Drinking enough water each day is an often overlooked way to
keep your hair, skin, and nails looking fresh and healthy. Water helps keep your hair and
skin moisturized and prevent your nails from becoming brittle. Plus, staying hydrated can
improve your overall health and can even boost your mood. Not sure you are getting
enough H2O? Try drinking it during mealtimes instead of other beverages or carry a water
bottle with you to remind yourself to keep sipping.

Why is the sun bad for your skin?

The earth's atmosphere absorbs UVC wavelengths. UVB rays cause a much greater risk of skin
cancer than UVA. But UVA rays cause aging, wrinkling, and loss of elasticity. UVA also
increases the damaging effects of UVB, including skin cancer and cataracts.

Ultraviolet radiation causes DNA changes in the skin that can lead to premature aging and
skin cancer. There are two kinds of UV light: UVA light. This form of solar radiation damages
skin at all levels—from the surface layer (epidermis) down deep into the dermis.

Why is sunlight harmful to fair-skinned or light-skinned people?

-Pale skin has less melanin than darker skins and so is more susceptible to sun damage, but
darker skins tend to be more prone to hyperpigmentation.
-For some people, the skin tans when it absorbs UV rays. The tan is caused by an increase in the
activity and number of melanocytes, which are the cells that make a brown pigment
called melanin. Melanin helps block out damaging UV rays up to a point, which is why people
with naturally darker skin are less likely to get sunburned, while people with lighter skin are
more likely to burn. Sunburns can increase your risk of skin cancer, including melanoma. But
UV exposure can raise skin cancer risk even without causing sunburn.
Why is the sun both helpful and harmful?
The Sun is Vital in the Production of Vitamin D

Fortunately, getting the necessary amount is as easy as taking a walk in the sunshine. Our skin
generates vitamin D on its own. Exposure of the hands, face, arms, and legs to sunlight 2-3 times
a week will produce an ample amount of vitamin D in our bodies.


Oil from the scalp causes the skin cells to clump together and appear as white flakes. Dandruff can be
caused by a number of things, including dry skin; sensitivity to hair products; and skin conditions such as
seborrheic dermatitis or eczema. The overgrowth of a yeast-like fungus can also cause dandruff.

Does hair grow through skin?

Your hair begins growing from a root in the bottom of the follicle. Blood from the blood
vessels in your scalp feeds the root, which creates more cells and makes the hair
grow. The hair gets pushed up through the skin as it grows, passing an oil gland
along the way.

What is the cause of hairy skin?

The natural production of male hormones (androgens).

Women naturally produce androgen, however, if a woman's androgen levels are higher than
normal, or if her hair follicles are more sensitive to androgens, she may develop hirsutism.

Hirsutism (Excessive Hair Growth):

What stops body hair growth?
Hair can stop growing or grow slowly for a variety of reasons including age, genetics,
hormones, or stress. You may notice your hair stops growing in one spot or seems to
be growing slowly on one side. There are plenty of treatment options for slow-growing
hair, including: medication.

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