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Excretory system – worksheet

1. Complete the descriptions with these words: bladder, urethra, kidneys,

ureters, urine
……………….. - two ducts where urine travels to the bladder
……………….. - a muscular bag that holds urine
……………….. - a pair of bean- shaped organs that filter the blood
……………….. - a duct from the bladder which takes urine out of the body
……………….. - liquid waste produced by the kidneys

2. Add the following labels to the diagram below of the urinary system.
kidney; bladder; ureters; urethra, renal artery and vein,
(use different colors)
3. Add the following labels to the diagram of a kidney below. If you like
you can also colour in the diagram as indicated. renal artery – red;
renal vein – blue; cortex - brown; medulla - pink; pelvis - yellow; ureter
– green;

4. Explain the main function of the excretory system (min. of 3 sentences)

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