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Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig


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1ST SEMESTER I 2021 - 2
Module Duration

GE07 – Science, Technology, and Society 0

Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig


Learning Outcomes

At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Identify the industrial revolutions that shaped society’s perception of science
and technology across time;
2. Discuss the technological developments that made industrial revolutions
successful in influencing the scientific revolutions;
3. Explain the impact of industrial revolutions to modern society.

Topic Presentation

This module analyses the industrial revolutions that showed a period of
advancements in the human history. The term Industrial Revolution became popular
when the English economic historian Arnold Toynbee (1852–83) describe Britain's
economic development from 1760 to 1840. It started in the latter half of the 18th century
and early 19th century transforming largely rural, agriculture societies in Europe and
America into an industrialized, urban ones. Afterwards, the United States and western
Europe, began undergoing “second” industrial revolutions by the late 19th century.
This is characterized by increased factory productivity with the availability of oil,
electricity, and steel. Another industrial revolution, the third industrial revolution or
digital revolution, came into existence in the late 1900s and is described by the spread
of automation and digitization through the use of electronics and computers, the
invention of the Internet, and the discovery of nuclear energy. Then, there is the Fourth
Industrial Revolution, or (4IR), a term coined in 2016 by Klaus Schwab, Founder and
Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) to describe the convergence
and complementarity of emerging technology domains, including nanotechnology,
biotechnology, new materials and advanced digital production (ADP) technologies.
Basically, the main characteristics involved in the Industrial Revolutions were
technological, socioeconomic, and cultural.

GE07 – Science, Technology, and Society 1

Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig

Content 1 Four most important industrial revolutions in history
The First Revolutions
In the 1780s, the first industrial revolution
marked its birth in Great Britain, and spread to
Europe and North America until 1820 and 1840.
During this period there was a great changed in the
way goods were produced, that is from manual labor
to machines.
Basically, the First Revolution is
characterized by the following key features; (1)
Humanism and enlightenment led to scientific
discoveries that place Europe at the forefront in technological advancement, leaving
behind China, India, and the Ottoman Empire. (2) Europe transformed from an
economy based on agriculture and handicrafts to an economy based on factory
systems using machines. (3) Steam engine using coal replaced wind and water as new
source of energy and power. Cities grew as more people move from the country to
work in the factories. Indeed, the First Industrial Revolution was a period of major
innovation that that propelled an era of accelerated change and continue to transform
human society.

Industrial Revolution

The Second Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was one of the
most significant historic events that changed
human life radically. In the 18th century, inventors
of the First Industrial revolution created tools that
profoundly adhered to the use of machines that
mechanized production.
In the mid of 19th century and continued
until World War I in 1917, technological
advancements focused on increased automation.
This came to be known as the Second Industrial
Revolution, centered on steel production, the automobile and advancement in
electricity, and the widespread use of machinery. Discoveries in the field of electricity
improved communication technologies.

Industrial Revolution

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The Third Industrial Revolution

The Third Industrial Revolution or
Digital Revolution marked its beginnings in the
'70s in the 20th century through partial
automation using electronics and information
technology. Since the introduction of these
technologies, people are now able to automate
an entire production process - without human
The Third Industrial Revolution, also known as the resource revolution, has five
pillars that make a global impact on the way humanity survive. These are (1) converting
to renewable energy; (2) transforming the building stock of every continent into
micropower plants to collect renewable energies on-site; (3) deploying hydrogen and
other storage technologies to be converted as energy; (4) store energy in digital and
share it online; and (5) Mass production of electric vehicles and fuel cell hydrogen.
These five pillars are new technology platforms in the modern society infrastructure.

Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or 4IR, is
the fourth major industrial revolution since the initial
Industrial Revolution of the 18th century. According
to experts, we are now in the period of fourth
revolution-where a range of new technologies are
fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds, and
impacting all disciplines, economies and industries.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution builds on

the Digital Revolution, representing new ways in
which technology becomes embedded within
societies and even the human body. It is marked by
emerging technology breakthroughs in a number of
fields, including robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, The
Internet of Things, 3D printing and autonomous vehicles. it is now based on the use of
cyber internet system. This fourth revolution is evolving at an exponential rate rather
than linear pace.

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Industrial Revolution

Content 2 Technological Developments in the Industrial Revolutions

The First Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution changed human life drastically. More was created in
the last 250+ years than in the previous 2500+ years of known human history. During
the First Industrial Revolution, Industrial Revolution Machines were invented which
replaced human labor. New energy sources were developed to power the new
machineries – water, steam, electricity, oil (gas, kerosene). There was also an
Increased use of metals and minerals Aluminum, coal, copper, iron, etc
In this phase of revolution, transportation improved ships ○ wooden ships →
iron ships → steel ships ○ wind-powered sails → steam-powered boilers trains
automobiles. Likewise, communication improved telegraph, telephone, and radio.
Moreover, the factory system was developed replacing the domestic system of
production. These results to faster method of production, workers concentrated in a
set location, and production anticipated demand.

The Second Industrial Revolution

The Second Industrial Revolution was another great leap forward in technology
and society. Some of the technological advancements include: Coal and steam made
possible the original Industrial Revolution in the United States, using coal-fed steam
engines to power factories; production of goods from these factories that generated
economic growth; an abundance of steel helped spur a second period of
industrialization; where steel was used in the construction of heavy machinery and
mass produced goods. Innovations in the steel and oil industries led to a surge of
advances in the transportation industry – Brought Americans into closer contact with
each other.

The Third Industrial Revolution

The next Industrial Revolution is the Third Industrial Revolution, known as the
Resource Industrial Revolution. Why resource industrial revolution? It is anchored on
the idea that people use less resources but we produce more goods. This period of
revolution created sweeping changes brought about by computing and information
technology. Basically, it talks about: energy supply increase, per person demand

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decrease; waste reduction; information sharing and exchange expansion;

standardized operating efficiency; and materials development and expansion. Some
of the technological advancements in this period include: Use of renewable energy
resources; battery power; Led light bulb, 3D printing; reengineering of other equipment;
Sensors, GPS, robotics; and the internet communication technology.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial revolution is the beginning of a revolution that is basically
transforming the way humanity live, work, and relate with one another. This revolution
is built on the Third Industrial Revolution, the Digital Revolution. Its key feature are the
fusion of technologies that is thinning the lines between physical and biological
spheres, and representing new ways in which technological advancements become
embedded in the society as well as in the human body. It is a technology based on the
use of cyber-physical systems: driverless cars; smart robotics, materials that are lighter
and tougher; and a manufacturing process built about 3D printing.

Content 3 Impact of Industrial Revolutions to Society

Impact to the Society
Industrialization transformed the society by changing the family from a unit of
production into a unit of consumption, causing a drop in fertility and a changed in the
relationship between spouses and between parents and children. This change
occurred unevenly and gradually, and varied by social class and occupation.
Impact to the Environment
The Industrial Revolution affects the environment. The world saw a major
increase in population, which, along with an increase in living standards, led to the
depletion of natural resources. The use of chemicals and fuel in factories resulted in
increased air and water pollution and an increased use of fossil fuels.
Impact to the Economy
The Industrial Revolution changed economies that had been based on
agriculture and handicrafts into economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized
manufacturing, and the factory system. New machines, new power sources, and new
ways of organizing work made existing industries more productive and efficient.
Impact to the Government
It is a fact that Industrial Revolution brought about great inventions and
innovation in the modern society. But it made more severe the issues of poverty and
poor working conditions. The Industrial Revolution brought about changes to the role
of the government and was responsible for the social and economic legislation passed.
On the whole governments will increasingly face pressure to change their current
approach to public governance and policymaking, as their central role of conducting

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policy diminishes owing to latest resources of competition and the redistribution and
decentralization of power that new technologies make achievable.

Discussion / Forum

In the historical developments of science and technology, it has been recorded

that the Industrial Revolution was the most insightful revolution in human history,
because of its widespread impact on people’s daily lives. The term “industrial
revolution” is a brief catchword to describe a historical period, starting in 18th-century
Great Britain, where the pace of change appeared to speed up. This accelerated
change of technical innovation brought about an array of new tools and machines. It
also involved more subtle practical improvements in various fields affecting labor,
production, and resource use. This continues to early part of the 19th century, where
increased automation, mass production of steel, use of petroleum and electricity for
power sources, invention of the internal engine, and invention of automobile,
chemicals, railroads, telephone, radio, etc. The period is characterized by an improved
standard of living and saw the expansion of the middle class. The late 19th century
paved way for the existence of the Third Industrial Revolution, which is marked by
increase global materials cost. It is characterized by the spread of automation and
digitization through the use of electronics and computers, the invention of the Internet,
the discovery of nuclear energy, reengineering of different products and tools, and
virtual interaction among others. In the year 2015, the Fourth Industrial Revolution was
presented to the world by a group of scientists led by Klaus Schwab, executive
chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF). This gives birth to a new era that builds
and extends the impact of digitization in a novel and unexpected ways-technology
becomes entrenched within humankind and even our own bodies. Examples include
genome editing, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and approaches to governance
that rely on cryptographic methods such as the blockchain.

With the thoughts from the famous novelist, William Gibson famously said: “The
future is already here – it's just not very evenly distributed.” Definitely, in many parts of
the world features of the Second and Third Industrial Revolutions have yet to be
practiced, made more difficult by the fact that new technologies are in some cases able
to advance older ones. Consequently, the benefits of industrialization, however, have
come at great price. For one thing, the rate of change (acceleration) is now so rapid
that individuals and social systems battle to keep up. And strong arguments can be
made about depersonalization in the age of mass production. The increased
complexity of the industrial system has also brought increased fragility. It is common
knowledge that many of the essential components of the industrial system, and the
natural resources it depends on, are being compromised — the soil, the oceans, the
atmosphere, the underground water levels, plants, and animals are all at risk. Will
growth continue unchecked, or are we approaching the end of an unsustainable
industrial era? Whatever the future holds, we’ll be debating — and dealing with — the
consequences of modernization for years to come.

GE07 – Science, Technology, and Society 6

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Activity 1. Group Activity
Instructions. Divide the class into four groups. Each group will randomly pick one of
the four industrial revolutions discussed in this section. Given sufficient time, the
groups should prepare a five-to seven – minute freestyle group presentation that
demonstrates their understanding of the industrial revolution they picked. The students
will use the rubric below in preparing for the freestyle presentation.
Rubric for the Freestyle Group Presentation
On the Scientific Revolutions
Criteria Indicators %
1. Knowledge if the a. How well does the group understand 50
scientific revolution the industriall revolutions and its key
b. How well does the presentation
reflect this understanding?
2. Creativity a. How is the group able to inject 30
creativity and innovation in their
b. How well does the mode of
presentation entertain and entice the
3. Teamwork a. How well does the group work as a 20
team as evidenced by the distribution
of task and actual participation during
the presentation?

Activity 2. Picture Analysis

The Four Industrial Revolutions
Instructions: Identify the following photos that represent (a) First Industrial
Revolution; (b) Second Industrial Revolution; (c) Third Industrial Revolution; (d)
Fourth Industrial Revolution? Explain briefly your choice.
1. 2..

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3. 4.

Assignment: Interpret an Illustration

Visit their website:

Choose one cartoon and analyze it. If possible, print out a copy of the cartoon and
bring it to class.

Examine the facts

1. Title - What is the title of the cartoon and what does it mean to you?
2. Dates - What significant happened on that date?
3. People - Who is in the cartoon? What does the person represent?


Choose the letter of the correct answer.

England is often referred to as Britain or Great Britain.

A) True
B) False

The factory system is the result of the Third Industrial Revolution.

A) True
B) False

The Second Industrial Revolution refers to the period that was mainly influenced by
the availability of electricity, oil, and steel which provided the ability to stock goods for
longer periods of time.
A) True
B) False

The use of renewable energy resources, battery power, Led light bulb, 3D printing, and
reengineering of other equipment characterized the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
A) True
B) False

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The rate of change (acceleration) is now so rapid that individuals and social systems
battle to keep up with the advancement of science and technology.
A) True
B) False

What must a country have in order to industrialize?

A) Natural Resources
B) Technology
C) Labor Force
D) All answers are correct.

The Industrial Revolution spread rapidly because:

A) Cultural Diffusion
B) Dependent Innovations
C) On its own.
D) All answers are correct.

Who among the following scientists developed the light bulb to lighten the world?
The Industrial Revolution spread rapidly because:
A) Thomas Alva Edison
B) James Watt
C) Louis Pasteur
D) Henry Bassemer

Who among the following scientists is named as the “Father of Industrial Revolution”
A) Thomas Alva Edison
B) James Watt
C) Louis Pasteur
D) Henry Bassemer

All the items describe the features of Fourth Industrial Revolution EXCEPT:
A) Mass Customization
B) Glocalization
C) Internet of Things
D) Steam Engine

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• Aldea K., Caronan H., Candido M. (2018) Science, Technology, and

Society(OBE Ready). Mnadaluyong City: Books Atbp, Publishing Corp.

• Mansarate, E. and Nieva, A. (2019) Science, Technology, and Society

(Outcome-Based Module)

• McNamara, D., Valverde, V., & Beleno, R. (2018). Science, Technology, and
Society (1st ed., pp. 1-128). Quezon City: C&E Publishing Inc.

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