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Agusan Colleges, Inc.

Butuan City


Institutional Vision A leading academic institution offering quality affordable education producing graduates who will become contributing
and responsive members of the global community.
Institutional Mission To provide high quality, comprehensive and meaningful education for all students so that they become productive citizens
Empowered with knowledge and skills and untainted personal attributes.
Institutional Goals As envisioned by the Founder, ACI’s goals are based not only on a liberal learning education which encourages the molding
and growth of productive professionals but also on the provision of opportunities.
1. To enable students to acquire a body of knowledge in a specific discipline.
2. To think critically
3. To enhance student abilities to make significant contributions to the communities where they live.
4. To provide the pathway for students to continue the pursuit of life-long learning.
Program Vision, Mission, and Goals

Institutional Intended Learning Outcomes

Course Name Transfer and Business Taxes
Course Code TAXA 301
Course Unit Three (3) units
Course Description This course deals with an intensive study of the business and transfer tax. It includes estate tax, gifts and donor’s
tax, value-added tax (VAT), percentage taxes, excise taxes, documentary stamp tax in the National International
Revenue Code and the community tax in the local Government Code.

Pre-requisites/ Co-requisites Income Taxation!

Contact hours 54 hours
Course Intended Learning Outcomes Upon Completion of the subject, the students will be able to develop analysis and interpretation of the laws and
Regulations of transfer and business taxation well as, its accounting applications as provided for by the National
Internal Revenue Code and Local Government Code.
Detailed Course Syllabus

Integrated Learning Assessment
Week Outcomes Activities Task Allocation
(TLA) Time
No. Topics (ILO) Resources References (AT)

1. 1. Gross Estate After this session, the students Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Tax formula can: Recitation Books Transfer Group
Properties in the estate Discussion Exercises and Business Discussion
● identify properties which shall
Decedent was a resident or citizen of the Research Taxes Quizzes
be included in the gross estate
Philippines by Virgilio D.
of a decedent who was a citizen
Decedent was a non-resident, not citizen of Reyes
or a resident of the Philippines,
the Philippines
and of a non-resident decedent
Classification of decedent
who was not a citizen of the
Intangible personal properties in the
Philippines by provision of law
Reciprocity clause ● identify intangible personal
Properties not in the estate properties which, by statutory
Transfer in contemplation of death provision are considered located
Revocable transfer in the Philippines
General power of appointment
Limited power of appointment ● determine items incredible in
Comparative composition of the gross estate the gross estate
of a resident or citizen decedent and of non- ● discuss the rules on deductions
resident not citizen of the Philippines or claim against insolvent
Transfer for insufficient consideration and persons and unpaid mortgage on
the gross estate property
Location of the property a
Distribution of "borrowed" value ● explain distribution on borrowed
Proceed of life insurance
● identify exceptions for certain
Claims against insolvent person acquisitions and transmissions
Exceptions for certain acquisitions and ● determine the value of properties
Valuation of properties in the gross estate in the gross estate
Invincible properties in the gross estate
Unliquidated property ownership

2 2.Deductions from the Gross Estate After this session, the student Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Recitation Books Transfer Group
The deductions from the gross estate can:
Discussion Exercises and Business Discussion
Funeral expenses ● define standard deductions Research Taxes Quizzes
by Virgilio D.
Judicial expenses-claims against ● identify deductions allowed to a Reyes
insolvent person and claims against the estate
● define judicial expenses
Treatment of unpaid mortgage or indebtedness
Period for occurrence of casualty loss ● identify deductions available to a
Transfer for public use Vanishing deductions decedent who was a non-resident,
not citizen in the Philippines
Deduction from the gross estate with ceiling
● identify special deductions for a
Amount receivable under Republic Act
decedent who was a citizen or
no.4917. resident of the Philippines

Ordinary deductions or special deductions. ● explain deduction for amounts

receivable under RA no.4917
● define statutory ceilings
After this session, the students Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Recitation Books Transfer Group
3 3.Estate Tax can:
Discussion Exercises and Business Discussion
Graduated rates of estate tax ● compute estate tax using the Research Taxes Quizzes
graduated estate tax rate table by Virgilio D.
4 4 Net Taxable Estate-1 After this session, the students Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Recitation Books Transfer
Computation of estate tax?· decadent was can Group
Discussion Exercises and Business
single with no vanishing Discussion
● compute the net taxable estate on Research Taxes
Deductions -decedent was single with one which to apply the estate tax rates by Virgilio D. 5622.00
proper- ty subject of vanishing deduction for various cases Reyes
a widow, a citizen end a resident of the ● define vanishing deductions
Philippines, head of the family.

5 5. Net Taxable Estate-2 After this session, the students Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Recitation Books Transfer
Exclusive vs. Community property can: Group
Discussion Exercises and Business
Charges against community property ● distinguish between the exclusive Research Taxes
and community property by Virgilio D. Quizzes
Peculiar rules on deductions from the gross Reyes
estate ● explain the property relationship
between spouses
● describe the peculiar rules on
deductions under the system of
absolute of property
6 6.Estate Tax Return, Tax Payment and After this session, the students Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Recitation Books Transfer
Administrative Requirements can: Group
Discussion Exercises and Business
Notice of death ● describe the estate tax return Research Taxes
administrative requirements by Virgilio D. Quizzes
Filing of estate tax return Reyes
● identify tax credits for estate tax Midterm
Payment of tax
paid to a foreign country
Estate tax credit
● identify on who is liable for the
Formula for credit for foreign estate taxes paid payment of estate tax describe the
or incurred duties of certain officers or
persons as to the property of the
Who is liable for the payment of the estate decedent
Duties of certain officers or persons

7 7. Net Taxable Estate and Net Distributable After this session, the students Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Recitation Books Transfer
Estate can: Group
Discussion Exercises and Business
Net taxable estate versus net distributable ● distinguish between the net Research Taxes
estate taxable estate and net distributable by Virgilio D. Quizzes
estate Reyes
Expenses and non-expense deductions

8 8. Net Gifts and Donor's Tax After this session, the students Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Recitation Books Transfer
Tax formula can: Group
Discussion Exercises and Business
What constitutes gross gifts? ● compute donor's tax| Research Taxes
by Virgilio D. Quizzes
Reciprocity clause ● calculate gross gifts Reyes
Transfer for insufficient consideration ● explain reciprocity clause in the
donor's tax laws
Cancellation of indebtedness
● discuss rules on valuation of gross
Valuation of gross gifts
gifts review exemptions of certain
Deductions from gross gifts gifts from the donor's tax

Other deductions from the gross gifts ● explain the treatment of gifts made
by husband and wife jointly, out
Donations by husband and wife of community (or conjugal)funds
Deductions for non-resident, not citizen, or property
Donor's Tax
Who are strangers?

9 9. Donor's Tax Return, Tax Payment After this session, the students Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Recitation Books Transfer
and Administrative Requirements can: Group
Discussion Exercises and Business
Donor's tax return ● establish tax payments Research Taxes
by Virgilio D. Quizzes
Payment of donor's tax ● recognize the donor's tax Reyes
return filing date Midterm
Donor's tax credit

10 10. Introduction to Business Tax After this session, the students Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Recitation Books Transfer
Business defined can: Group
Discussion Exercises and Business
Exception to the requirement on economic ● define business Research Taxes
by Virgilio D. Quizzes
activity and of regularity of activity to ● discuss the three major business Reyes
constitute doing business taxes
Excise tax ● describe registration of business as
VAT taxpayer
Value-added tax
Percentage taxes ● explain circumstances when
registration as VAT taxpayer is
Table of concurrences of business taxes
Examples of business taxes
● discuss exemption from the VAT
Registration of business
Registration for value-added tax
Cancellation of registration as VAT taxpayer
Exemptions from the VAT

11 11. Value Added Tax on Sale of Goods After this unit, the students can: Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Recitation Books Transfer
or properties ● define output tax Group
Discussion Exercises and Business
Who are subject to value-added tax? ● define input tax Research Taxes
by Virgilio D. Quizzes
Sale, Barter, and Exchange ● explain the effect of mortgage Reyes
on the property which is Semifinal
Transaction deemed sales
assumed by the buyer Examination
What are goods or properties?
● compute the installment value-
Tax Base added tax

Tax rates ● identify instances when there

are input taxes
Expanded meaning of export sales|
● describe the installment value-
Value added taxes in a series of transactions added tax on a sale of real
involving Value-added taxpayers property
Gross selling price ● explain presumptive VAT
Installment capital gain tax of real estate input and withholding VAT
What is initial payment?
-if property subject to mortgage
-if property not subject to mortgage
Presumptive VAT input
Withholding VAT (creditable and final)

12 12. Value Added Tax on Sale of Services After this session, the students Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Recitation Books Transfer
What sale or exchange of services is can: Group
Discussion Exercises and Business
Subject to the value-added tax? ● express the meaning of cash Research Taxes
“constructively received" by Virgilio D. Quizzes
Statutory definition of sale of services Reyes
● discuss the rules on VAT on
Enumeration of sale. Of services
VAT or percentage tax on domestic
● of services of government of
Common carriers? the Philippines

Constructive receipts ● describe the zero-rated sale of

Tax base and tax rates
● compute VAT payable
Tax formula

13 13. Common VAT Rules on Sale of Goods After this session, the students Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Recitation Books Transfer
or Properties and of Services can: Group
Discussion Exercises and Business
Input tax on the purchase of capital goods or ● discuss the rules on Research Taxes
properties recognition of input taxes by Virgilio D. Quizzes
from purchases of capital Reyes
Amortization of input taxes Semifinal
Transitional input tax examination
● explain the treatment of
Value-added tax credits or refunds unamortized input tax

Input tax allocation ● discuss the declaration of

value added tax return
Monthly declaration and quarterly
● define transitional input tax
return and payment
● explain invoicing requirement
Value-added tax through the withholding tax
Invoicing requirement
Election of VAT-registered person
Exemption from the VAT
Discount to senior citizen

14 14. Value Added Tax on Importation. After this session, the students Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Recitation Books Transfer
Transactions subject to the VAT can: Group
Discussion Exercises and Business
Tax base and tax rate ● explain when importation is Research Taxes
completed (ILO) by Virgilio D. Quizzes
Payment of the value-added tax Reyes
● define landed cost
Transfer of goods by tax-exempt persons
● define dutiable value
Value-added tax on importation
● describe the tax base for the
VAT on importation

15 15. Percentage Taxes After this session, the students Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Enumeration of percentage taxes can: Recitation Books Transfer Group Documents
The tax base of percentage taxes ● describe the general rule of tax Discussion Exercises and Business Quizzes
Tax on sale of goods or services base for percentage taxes and Research Taxes
Sale of the preceding year not exceeding its exception by Virgilio D.
P1,500,000 ● identify the taxpayer of Reyes
Tax on domestic and international carriers percentage taxes and its
VAT or percentage tax on domestic carriers exception
Tax on franchises| ● explain the rules on the
Tax on overseas communications business tax to pay by a
Tax on banks and non-bank financial common carrier
intermediaries performing quasi-judicial ● discuss the rates of franchise
functions tax
Tax on other non-bank intermediaries ● explain the rules on the
Tax on insurance companies business tax to pay by an
Tax on agents of foreign insurance insurance company
companies ● explain the rules on the
Amusement tax and tax on winnings business tax to pay by a radio
Tax on stock transactions or tv company
.Return and payment of percentage taxes ● explain tax on stock
● recognize the date when to file
and pay percentage tax

16 16. Excise Tax After this unit, the students can: Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Kinds of excise taxes ● define specific tax and ad Recitation Books Transfer Group Documents
Ten groups of articles subject to excise tax valorem tax Discussion Exercises and Business Quizzes
Non-essential goods ● list the ten articles subject to Research Taxes
Tax bases of excise tax excise tax by Virgilio D.
Tax rates of excise tax ● define distilled spirit, wine and Reyes
Credit for excise tax on goods exported fermented liquor
Payment of excise tax ● compute excise tax
● identify taxpayers required to
pay the excise tax

17 7. Documentary Stamp Tax After this session, the students Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Payment of documentary stamp tax can: Recitation Books Transfer Group Documents
Who is the taxpayer? ● define documentary stamp tax Discussion Exercises and Business Quizzes
Documents subject to documentary stamp tax ● identify the taxpayer of Research Taxes
Effect of failure to stamp taxable document documentary stamp tax by Virgilio D.
● explain the effect of non- Reyes
payment of documentary
stamp tax

18 18.Community Tax After this session, the students Lecture Journals Philippine Assignments 3 hours
Who are subject to community tax?| can: Recitation Books Transfer Group Documents
Computation of basic, additional, and ● identify individuals required to Discussion Exercises and Business Quizzes
optional community tax for individuals and pay the basic community tax and Research Taxes Final examination
corporations additional community tax by Virgilio D.
Exemption from the tax ● compute community tax Reyes
Where and when to pay the tax? ● identify date of payment of
Dealing with government offices community tax


Agusan Colleges Inc., modified its grading system into two sets, Online and Modular Learning, to accommodate students with their learning modality.


Attendance 10%

Project 10%
Quizzes/Assignments 30%

Examination 40%

Active Participation 10%

Total 100%

Computation of the Overall or Final Grade shall be the average of the students Midterm and Final grade.



TOTAL 100%

Date Revised:
Effectivity :

Prepared: Reviewed: Approved:

Dean, BSAIS Executive Vice President/VPAARE School President

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