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Region V
Alnay, Polangui, Albay

Name: Jirah Joy Barranda Peañar Course/Year/Block: BSED English 1A

Subject: PROF EDUC 1 Date: January 21, 2022

These are the questions.
1. Describe what you can do to advocate the use of the 14 Learner-Centered Psychological
- As a student, all I can do to advocate the use of the 14 Learner-Centered Psychological
Principles is to motivate and support classmates' common interests and inspiration to
learn while addressing individual differences. In order to be a successful teacher and
learner, I advocate the 14 learning principles by encouraging self-regulated learning and
analyzing ideas about students, learning, and teaching. This enables me to assist students
in becoming effective learners, as well as in continually growing and developing the
knowledge and skills necessary to overcome learning difficulties. As a result, there will
be a great discussion and active participation.

2. Prepare a 3-min speech regarding the importance of knowing the 14 Learner-Centered

Psychological Principles in the teaching and learning process through a video.

Today, I'll discuss why it's important to know the 14 Learner-Centered Psychological
Principles in the teaching and learning process. What exactly is learner-centered?
Learner-centered education focuses on each student's interests, abilities, and learning styles, with
the teacher functioning as a facilitator of learning, whereas psychological refers to a person's
mental and emotional condition.

Learner-centered psychological principles help in the facilitation of student learning by

combining research and practice in many areas of psychology that are significant to students,
such as educational, social, and school psychology. Furthermore, learner-centered psychological
principles primarily deal with psychological aspects that are essentially internal to and under the
control of the students. This will help the students study more effectively.

The principles are critical for the development of positive mental health and productivity
in students, as well as the systems they serve. Furthermore, the principles deal completely with
the students in the context of real-world learning situations, so the students' learning experiences
become easy and they relate to whatever they are studying.

Applying learner-centered psychological principles in instructor planning projects and

courses allows teachers to demonstrate engaging student-focused approaches while also
advancing student inspiration and learning. It also focuses on the many ways of learning from a
psychological perspective and assists learners in being educated on the various ways to gain
knowledge in the simplest possible way that is successful for them. Furthermore,
Learner-Centered Principles are a great resource for becoming a more relevant learner.
Moreover, a student who accepts and follows these concepts efficiently gets the desired

Therefore, as a student, I should feel connected to my learner-centered school; as a

student, my classmates and teachers are "partners" in the learning process. As a future educator, I
should include these 14 learner-centered principles into my teaching strategy to ensure that it is
effective and my students will benefit greatly from it. Furthermore, value each learner's own
point of view.

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