Python Viva Questions For Class 12 Important For Practical Exam

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Python Viva Questions for Class 12 Important

for Practical Exam

Q1. What is Python?

Q2. Name two modes of Python.

Q3. Write Full Form of IDLE

Q4. In which mode we get result immediately after executing

the command?

Q5. What do you mean by comments in Python?

Q6. Which symbols are used for single line comments and
multiple line comments?

Q7. What do you mean by variable?


Q8. Write code to find the address of variable ‘x’

Q9. What do you mean by data type?

Q10. Name five primitive data type in pytho

Q11. Which method is used to accept data from the user?

Q12. Write three numeric data type in python.

Q13. Name three sequential data types in python.

Q14. Which data type store the combination of real and

imaginary numbers?

Q15. Write the output of the following:

>>> 4.7e7
>>> 3.9e2

Q16. Write the output of the following :

1. >>> (75 > 2 **5)
2. >>> (25 != 5 *2)

Q17. Write the code to display all keywords in python.

Q18. Write the output of the following
>>> str = "Informatics"
>>>str[3] = 'e'
>>> print(str)

Q19. What do you mean by Escape sequence?

Q20. What is None data type?

Q21. What do you mean by Operator?

Q22. What is the output of 2 % 5?

Q23. What is the difference between ‘=’ and ‘==’ operator?

Q24. What is the difference between ‘a’ and “a” in python?

Q25. What is the difference between ‘/’ and ‘//’ operator?

Q26. Give an example of infinite loop.

Q27. What is the purpose of break statement?

Q28. Write the output of the following :

>>> x = 8
>>> x = 5
>>> print (x + x)
Q29. Identify the invalid variable names from the following
and specify the reason also.

a) m_n
b) unit_day
c) 24Apple
d) #sum
e) for
f) s name

Q30. What do you mean by binary and unary operators?

Give one example of each.

Q31. Write the name and purpose of the following operators.


Q32. What is the difference between eval() and int()


Q33. What is the difference between Lists and Tuples?

Q34. Write the code to reverse a list named L1.

Q35. What is string in python?

Q36. What do you mean by Traversing String in Python?

Q37. What do you mean by Replicating String?

Q38. What is String slicing?

Q39. What is the purpose of Try and Except in Python?

Q40. What is append( ) function in reference to list?

Q41. Can we print only keys of a dictionary?

Q42. How can you print only keys of a dictionary without

using keys( ) method?
d = {1 : “A”, 2 : “B”, 3 : “C”}

Q43. What is the difference between actual argument and

formal argument?

Q44. Name the four types of actual arguments in python.

Q45. What is argument?

Q46. What is the meaning of Scope of Variable?

Q47. What is the difference between global and local

Q48. What is Recursion?

Q49. Define module in python.

Q50. Name any two built in module.

Q51. Which module is to be imported for sqrt( ), mean( ) and


Q52. What is the difference between Text file and Binary


Q53. Name the function which is used to open or close file in


Q54. Name three modes of opening a file.

Q55. What is the difference between read( ) and read(n)


Q56. What is the difference between readline( ) and

readlines() method?

Q57. What does the readlines( ) method returns?

Q58. What is the difference between write( ) and

writelines( ) method?
Q59. Expand FIFO.

Q60. Expand LIFO

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