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Mandarin Grade 8 – PRACTICE Paper for Unit Test

Semester 2

第十二课 、请进

1. 根据英文意思写汉字
Write Chinese Characters According to the English meaning!
(10x1marks=10 marks)

A 会 / B 请进 / C 对不起 / D 汽水 / E 想 /
F 喝 / G 不客气 / H 吃 / I 没关系 /
J 请坐 / K 水果
1. you’re welcome : G

2. it doesn’t matter : I

3. please enter : B

4. fruit : K

5. fizzy drink/soda : D

6. please sit down : J

7. eat : H

8. will : A

9. drink : F

10. sorry : C
2. 写英语意思
Write the English meaning of the words below. (10x1marks=10 marks)

1. 叔叔 : shu shu : uncle

2. 到 : dao : to

3. 生日会 : shengri hui : birthday party

4. 开 : kai : hold ; open

5. 等一等 : deng yi deng : wait for a moment

6. 请问 : qing wen: excuse me; may I ask

7. 行 : xing : ok

8. 以前 : yi qian : before

9. 参加 : can jia : participate

10. 能 : neng : can

3. 连词成句
Organize the words to form a sentence! (5x4marks=20 marks)

例:她 / 读书 / 爱 /

1. 我妈妈 / 来 / 开车 / 我 / 接 / 会。
Wo mama / lai / kai che / wo / jie / hui
Wo mama hui kaiche lai jie wo
My mom will drive a car to fetch me.

2. 我爸爸 / 会 / 回家 / 早点儿 / 明天。

Wo baba / hui / hui jia / zao dianr / ming tian
Wo baba mingtian hui zao dianr hui jia
My dad will come home earlier tomorrow

3. 她家 / 在 / 89 号 / 住 / 大理路 / 501 室。
Ta jia / zai / 89 hao / zhu / da li lu/ 501 shi
她家住在大理路 89 号 501 室。
Ta jia zhu zai dali lu 89 hao 501 shi
He lives at Room 501 No.89 Dali Street.

4.你 / 点儿 / 什么 / 吃 / 想?
Ni/ dianr / shenme / chi / xiang
Ni xiang chi dianr shenme
What do you want to eat?
5. 你 / 回家 / 几点 / 想?
Ni / hui jia / ji dian / xiang
Ni xiang ji dian hui jia?
What time do you want to go home?

4. 翻译-英语变成汉语
Translate these sentences to Chinese (Hanzi only). (5x3marks=15

1. When do I go to your house?

Wo shenme shi hou qu ni jia

2. Tomorrow, I will hold a birthday party at home.

Wo ming tian zai jia hui kai shengri hui
3. You can walk to come to my house.

Ni keyi/neng zoulu lai wo jia
4. What do you want to drink?

Ni xiang he dian er shenme?
5. Sorry, I want to go home earlier.

Duibuqi, wo yao zao dianr hui jia
5. 翻译-汉语变成英语
Translate these sentences to English. (5x3marks=15 marks)

1.我今天会早点儿去接你。I can come earlier to pick

you up today.

2.我今天会晚点儿回家。I will come home late tonight.

3.喝点儿汽水吧!Please have some fizzy drinks!

4.我会说英语和一点儿汉语。I can speak English and a

bit of Mandarin!

5.不客气,一会儿见!You’re welcome, see you soon!

6. 根据课文,回答问题
Answer the questions based on the information from the text!
(6x5marks=30 marks)

我昨天上午去了王星的家。他家住在田中路 18 号 502 室。我先

Wǒ zuótiān shàngwǔ qùle wáng xīng de jiā. Tā jiā zhù zài tiánzhōng lù 18 hào 502 shì. Wǒ
xiān zuò gōnggòng qìchē, ránhòu zǒulù qù tā jiā. Tā bàba qù shànghǎi chūchāile. Tā māmā yě bù
zàijiā. Tā yéyé, nǎinai zàijiā. Tāmen shì zhōngguó rén, bù huì shuō yīngyǔ. Tāmen hé wǒ shuō
hànyǔ. Tāmen duì wǒ shuō “qǐng jìn!”“Qǐng zuò!”“Qǐng chī shuǐguǒ!”“Qǐng hē diǎn er qìshuǐ!”

I went to Wang Xing's house yesterday morning. His family lives in Room 502, No. 18,
Tianzhong Road. I took the bus first, and then walked to his house. His father went to Shanghai on
a business trip. His mother is not at home either. His grandpa and grandma are at home. They are
Chinese and do not speak English. They speak Chinese to me. They said to me "please come in!"
"please sit down!" "please eat fruit!" "please drink some soda!"

1. 他昨天上午去了哪儿? (王星的家)
Tā zuótiān shàngwǔ qùle nǎr?

Where did he go yesterday morning?

2. 王星住在哪儿? (田中路 18 号 502 室)

Wáng xīng zhù zài nǎr?
Where does Wang Xing live?

3. 他怎么去王星的家? (他先坐公共汽车,然后走路去王星的家)
Tā zěnme qù wáng xīng de jiā?

How does he get to Wang Xing's house?

4. 王星的爸爸去哪儿了? (上海)
Wáng xīng de bàba qù nǎr le?

Where did Wang Xing's father go?

5. 王星的妈妈在家吗? (她不在家)
Wáng xīng de māmā zàijiā ma?

Is Wang Xing's mother home?

6. 王星的爷爷、奶奶说什么语言? (汉语)
Wáng xīng de yéyé, nǎinai shuō shénme yǔyán?

What language do Wang Xing's grandpa and grandma speak?

Total Marks: 100


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