DIN - 933-87pdf

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Fax 2062084389 Fug 16 2001 10:38 © P.o1/09 UDC 621.882.211 September 1987 M1,6 to M52 hexagon head screws threaded up to the head Product grades A and 8 Sechsiantechrauben mit Gowinde bis Kopf. Gewinde M15 : ‘hie atondard, together with bis MEQ; Produktilassen A und 8 : BIN 180 4017, September 1887 acition, supersedes the December 1989 edition ‘hie sandard should be used together with 'SO 4017. For dota, see Explanatory notes It It Intendec to withdrew the Present stancard by t July 1992 atthe lelest In heeoing wih cunant practice in stancards published by tho Itereione! Organ ration or Standrdization iSO), @ eorrma has been used throughout as the decimal marker Dimensions in mn 1 Field of application Thls standard specifiasrequsremonts fr M1,8 to M82 hexogcn headscrews thracdedupto the head, assignedto product rade. tor sizes up io M24 and lengths nat exceeding 10 or 180ram, an to proce! rade ter sites eater men anne tr lengtits exceacing 104 oF 150mm, ‘The screws are designed similar to thase speciiad ia DIN 967 Part 1, but are threaded up to the heaé and na ‘mercial langins up to and inoluding 200mm. MW specal eases, serous ars to comely with specifications cthar than thove given in this standard, ep. roperty class, these shall be selected ia accordarice with the appropriate standarse, erding 2 Dimensions DIN 7A~K teas enc; 1510.95 "for tend ates nat greater than Md, also porated without sherrtored enc NX - Ht | at in &, b=manimum of 27 ‘noomplete thread Permitted alternative shape x pee 1 _— ? HY a a xa Pitch aumeter Roterence tne for dy” Rein wensting boaht 107 Aria) Continued on pages 2 toa 246 Fax:062084389 Fug 16 2001 10:39 © P,02/09 rat, ri Tae wie wa [wae ws [weal we ae we Fy [ae CC 0) ma [sos [a2 [sas [as [ae ba Pee : FX Xo _ our | a25 [925 [028 | G4 | ga 1-oa tus [os a e226 Par [ae Par agp ee ite sin Product grads A424 atlas 1 si "ss" Tee] a9 af [=P a pe e mn Product grado A} S41 | 432 | eas [601 [6a [766 | aro [Tine 6 Ee £ bas = = 7s 863 | 10.80 Nominal sie [ui [a ap} [oe es we | 008 [338 45818 [zce [aR aa k Product grade rex | 1.22) 1,52 1,82 BAZ 252 | 282 365° | 415 7 mele pe te = 28 "Ta2e are om = = = = = 3 374! | 424 E mater [oo [an [1s] aa as | aa | pe 1 ww [ox [oi [as [oa | on ae | oa“) aa | ‘ras = nominal size aa e 5 ss | 6 |? 3 7 i = proauet gave A 802) 882 | 48 [ sao [am [ere [vet eve op Ps ee ae ee Product rade Nominat A 8 ‘Mass (7,85k9/ém*) for 1000 units, in xp, approximately 2 (is [a | -]= p or 3 [ea [32 [= T=] ont | oe | oar | 4 are | 424 = “= O12 | oz oa oae 5 [470 [s2¢ |= |= Pas | 02s [oes ass} aan | ae e [are jee |= [T=] one | ozs | awe osr | oo | sao | are | oa (7 ei | 720 5. = Ons 037 | 049 oot 096, 141 228 | 37 san [sa [ == ate | ozo one | oes tien | tae] oa | aoe wo [ai [voz [=] ove | oss | oss | ars | aa: | ie | a0 | ace se “Ties [azas |= T=] 02 | ons | os | oe | v0 | te | ae | ceo (ay i385 yeas [= ose [or [ose [ae | ies | as | are 16 | 1565 _| 1635 || om | ars |s {is | ar | asr | an aa [aves | eas |= coz | 109 | er | a5 | ase | sus 20] sess [2002 | - T= ~) 8 [ise [73] aa] gar | ss | | 256 [oe |= ges | 127 | siz | ais 25 | 2s [saa | =| jae | ia 4a | ass @y | z7se | vase | T 168 486] 75 | so mos6 [aga >| su | 7st 35 [oss [ase [= sz |_asr 0 33,5 40.9, im * , 635 923 as [4 [455] 2078 | M20 SMB AAO | og cur cus roses 5M89:03, ca zo: Subect to subjects | 2 MSS cgreement, |? MS soreernont Standard Swisoes Patt | DN 267 Fant) | OIN2T Panta A for products up te sige M24 and {< 10d oF 150;nm Ft deviations, Produet gta Lit ceva duct grads 8 for produets exceeding size M 24 oF I> 10d of GOmm Nese Stancerd 'S0 4759 Part As processed Property oles 60 and above heray ariaht Bron ©" chemical) blackened Surtece isn Oi 267 Part 2 shal opty with regard to surface roughness. QIN 267 Part 19 shal apply with regard permiosbe surface sconinution W257 Part 0 hall anty wit read fo siectropatng’) DIN 257 Fart 10 shal apply wth regard to hot dip galvanizing. ‘Acceptance inspection IN 267 Par sl ply with regard 10 asceptance inspection 1) Whichever is shorter (s9e stopped line in the dimension table), 3, Only for screws without surtace protection. 8 makes it possibie for norm ‘ecordance with DIN 267 Part 9 the reference ine, larger fundamental deviation shai bs selected th Stinping of the boit~nut assem. al coating thiéknesses t2 be applied In notbsing exceeded, Depending on the coat ng thickness ited. & 'an that forthe g position. This might, nowaver, mpair the resistence to 4 Designation Deslomation of an M12 hexagon nead serew of nominal! length, 200, wth he mato esinged to prope Sate \ (Hexagon nead serew OIN 993-M12x80-88 ~ I product grade Aisrequied or sles upto M24 wth engthsover i nm ork Ferdater then 10d, or for stoe shove 24, this shall be indicated inthe desgnation by adaing'A: 8, Hexagon head eerow DIN 999 ~ M20 x 100+ 88-A DIN 962 hall aca with eacard to the dasigntion of dea DIR 6900 shal apply wih segare to me aosignatlen of igne and types, wih adcltional datale to be given when ordering lesigns with captive components, OWN T500 Part shall apply with regard to the designation of designs with thread coding propertie. The DIN 4000-2 1 tabular layout of article characteristics shal apply to serewe covered inthis stendarc 251 Fax:062084389 Fug 16 2001 10:42 P.o7/09 DIN 893 Pega 7 Appendix A ‘Additional thread sizes for spare parts The previous thread sizog M1,7, M23 and M2.6. which are not included In the international selection of screw threads tor bolts, serews and rete shall no longer Ee used. consideration of ex'sting cocument and of ihe Gemand for spore pare they may, however, stl be ordered in accordence with DIN 933, December 1370 edtion*), The table below shall ‘regard to the dimensions of Bolts (DIN 13 Parts 1 and 16 applying with regard to screw thread), Three size mir Mae Mae & 2 0 1" a, ~ na at 28 32 | oe nin 362, 495 551 | ok fen 12 16 18 7 af on 04 ox 5 - ma 35 45 Ts 1 Mass (728kg/30) sums fo1 1000 unis 9g, spproKimetely 2 ors | [3.4 ons 0790 363 ‘ 0.5 oso oats 5 0385 0.340 aes 6 ona 0360 oars oO | ons 0280 ost 2 0.195 ato 0518 a o4r0 ons 2 0255 sea oars ow 01288 ‘570 area 16 oats 0620 805 . [_ 18) 9670 9873. ~ 20 7a 9993 { (22) 100 2s 109 *) Whthdraven in 1082 252 Fax:062084389 Aug 16 2001 10:42 —P.08/09 Page 8 ON 992 Standards referred to DIN 13 Part | 180 metric screw threads; tm lo 68mm dlemeter coarse pitch th DIN 19 Part 12 180 metric ecrew threads; coatse and fine sllch threeds with oinmen inmieters and pltenes ON 19-Fait 15 80 metre sorew ihends: fundamental dovat on and tolerances for sre threads oft mm damoter ids: nominal sizes trom 1 to 800mm; selection for and larger ON 7a {Thread ends and ends of projeetion of bet ends for ISO metic thraeds in accordance win DIN 4 ON 267 Part | Festenars: technics! delivery conditlons; general cacuirements DIN 267 Part 2 Fastonors; technical del vary conations; fin ih and cimersional ON 267 Pan's Festoners: ectvical delvary condlilns: acceptance inspection DIN 267 Pert 9 Fasteners; tacheical delivery conditions; alactroplatad comporants DIN 207 Part 10 Fasteners; technical detvary eonatiane: hot io geivanizes comparonta ON SET Park 11 Fasteners. techni! eeiiveryconstions with aidenda to 150 2806; corresion resistant stainloea steal componente DIN 267 Part 18 Fasteners; technical delivery conditions: nor-fertaus metal components DIN 207 Part 19 Fasteners; technical delivery conditions: surface discontin ics ov volte DIN 931 Parl M16 to M39 hexagon heed botts; product grades A and curacy ON 962, Bolts, screws, studs and nuts: designations; tyes and finishes DIN 4000 Par 2 Tabular layout of article charactenstics for bola, screws and nuts IN 6800 Screw and washer assemblies PIN 7500 Bert Threat rong screws fr ISO metric thresas: dimensions, seauiements testing 'S0 688 Fartt Mechanical properties of fasteners; Bolts, screws end studs 180.4789 Pert! Tolerances or fastena! grades A, Band © Doll, serems. anc nuts wi thread diameters 2 1,6and < 180 mmend product Pravious editions 4 BI ee go LIN Kt E53: 0995," DIN 889 Pent 1:07:26, 06.42 1262, 0069; IN G09 Part 220726, o442: Dm 935: 1267, 12.70, 12.88. The following amendments nave baen made to the December 1863 edi 8) A note on the period ot validity ofthis standard has been included, ) For sizes M10, M12, M14 and M122, the wicths across fats as specified In ISO 272 have been deleted ©} 4 referones line for the determination of the bearing face clameter, dy, haa been included 253 Fex:062084389 Explanatory notes . Formere than 20 years efforts have ben directed towards the achievement of tre internal ona interchergeabiity of fasteners by preparing international stancerde for the rodust eoncemed. ISO Siandards heve now been ple {shad for the moet important typos of foetonor [ose 150 Standerds Hancbook 18. However, ternational etfortsonlyservea usetulpurposeit ‘allonal standards are adapted as fares possible to inter ational standards, oF, deal, replaced by them. Current DIN Standards already agtoe substance ah therelevant 150 Stancards, but sil ifr in some cespects, as fo! instance in the widths scroce hate ter hexagon products, ‘The Federal Republic 01 Gormeny acopted international Standard 80 272 on widths across fatsas rational stand 316 DIN 1S0 272 In October 1873. Nevertheless, widths {cross fats deviating tom DIM IS0.272 70 stil being Used In Germany tor nominal sizes M10.M12,M t4ancM 22 The {ebie below compares theprovious wise erose Hae wth the new ones specified for the four nominal sires referrad 10. Tread size Maz | ante [nee 7 7 |e | a | oe [uo Previous width croc Nats, in mm ‘New width across flats as in 150 272, te | 1 | ar | a ‘The manuitacturers and users of hexagon products pectic pating In the work of the Normenausschua Mechansohe Verbindungsefemente (Fasteners Standards Comittee) {ogether with representatives of the dealers in fasteners, have devidediointrocucc the new widths across ats na ‘elevant product stancares. Since exerience hes shown, thet the introduction of the new widthsacrass flats has rot ‘ben aovanced by their inclusion In DIN Standards mevely as preferred alternatives 10 the pvevious widine across fits the folowing desisionsheve bear reached toancelarste the changeover procedure Supplementary {0 current DIN Standards specifying she previous widths across flats, DIN ISO Standerds deel ng with the same orcoducts wil, wherever iSO Standards are International Patent Classification F168 35100 Fug 16 2001 10:42 P.o8/09 DIN 993 Page avatiable, be published which, besides introcucing @ nur bor af othe; minor amendments will pecty the new widtn ‘across fiets conforming i080 272 Inbeth DIN and DIN Standards attention will be drawn to the fact that im relevant 80 Standaras ara to be proterred and that (1 DIN Stonderd is tobe replaced aera anton period 5 years. tno relevant '80 Standard is available, the OIN Standard wil contain a foreword steting that the previous witn across lets specifications ars toe wiindrawn alter etrant sition pend of 5 years and replaced by those spestiod 180 232 ‘This sets a time Fimit for both manufacturer and usce of hexagon products by which the enangeover to the new Widths across fats must be etfectes. The responsible cont. ‘mittee ofthe opinion, tht it will stil be possible after ts peviod to obtain Tastenars complying with the sucerscded specifications as spere parts, In some eases, the replacement ofthe previous DIN Stend- ‘rds by the relevant ISO Standarcs wil have further con sequences, besides the changeover io the new wicths ‘2c1058 flats, tention Deing drawn to this circumstance i the national foreword of the relevant DIN ISO Stancards, These cansasuonces result from the fact thet the ISO) Stancerds have not yet reached the seme level of tory Plotoness as the DIN Stenderds, Thus @ numoar st nominal sizes, a well as several product epecifieations fortine pitch threads are not foundin the 150 erocuct etandards. Father mote, 80 Standards on technical dalivery conditions ete Stilin the initial stages, €0 tnat specific requirements ate stil subject to separate agreement when ordering pred Vets in accoreance with ISO Standards. as thay are notin Cluded in the designation for order purposes, Besides thess consequences, which ara of importance vanes applying the new ISO Standards, the amendmen of the widths acioss flats also have s numbor of conse Quences as regards the use of the new products whish tne esigner must take into consiceraticn, Besi¢es the amardl 96 assembly sizes. this applies above ali to the diflerent Surfaco pressure for the bearing orea of the mut or the heads of the bolts. These sitioukies are dacueses in Fecommenaetion VDA 262") publshedby the Vewand der Automoblincusire eV (Gorman Automeble Wanvfacturers Association) * Optainable from: Dokumentation Krattatrwesen @.¥, GrOnerstrage 5, 0-7140 Ludwigsbury 254

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