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Bachelor of Science in Accountancy - BSAC

1st Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022
September 15 to 17

Name of Trainee: Janilyn F. Viernes I.D. No. 18-1-02274

Agency: AGORA PH (The Everything Store, Inc.)
Hours Completed for this Period: 24 hours
Total Hours as of this Date: 24 hours
Overage or (Shortage) based on schedule indicated in the LOE: N/A
Reason for Overage or Shortage: N/A

The internship officially started on the 15th day of September. Me and my co-
intern were able to meet the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of AGORA PH since we
were assigned in the Office of the CEO as part of the research team. He gave us
guidelines for the work-from-home set-up and I have learned that we can work on a
flexible work schedule without him micromanaging everything we do. He also
mentioned the schedules for the presentation, and it is an outcome-based duty that we
need to finish and be prepared for every presentation. The next day, I was moved to a
different department - People and Culture Department (P&C - HR). There was a new
project management and I was tasked to do the Salary Benchmarking. Since AGORA
PH is an ecommerce entity, I adopted the organizational structure of one of the most
well-known ecommerce brands in the Philippines (Lazada). I also compared it to the
existing departments of AGORA PH. The next thing I do is to search for a specific job
title for each department and to look for the salary offer for each job position per
company. I was only able to finish three departments (Sales, Marketing, Technology &
Development) with one website which is Jobstreet, while I was tasked to get three
sources for dependable comparison. On the 3rd day of OJT, I continued to fill up all
the vacancies and include the website INDEED. I also attended the interns’ alignment
meeting with my trainer and discussed the task that he gave. He appreciated my work,
yet he also noticed that there are a lot of positions that need to be filled. After the
meeting I continued to look for other job titles as well and when I got a plenty of lists, I
also computed the average salary which to be included in the summary of the 3
sources for comparability. That sums up my week. I am not finished yet and still have
a lot of information to be added but I hope I will be able to finish the comparability
benchmarking next week.

JANILYN F. VIERNES Fortunato D. Cayanan / Human

________________ Resource
________ Officer
Trainee’s Signature Over Printed Name Trainor’s Signature Over Printed Name
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy - BSAC
1st Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022
September 20 to 24

Name of Trainee: Janilyn F. Viernes I.D. No. 18-1-02274

Agency: AGORA PH (The Everything Store, Inc.)
Hours Completed for this Period: 40 hours
Total Hours as of this Date: 64 hours
Overage or (Shortage) based on schedule indicated in the LOE: N/A
Reason for Overage or Shortage: N/A

On the fourth day of internship, I am still working on the salary benchmarking

given to me last week. I continued to fill-in the supply chain and logistics section, as
well as the marketing and sales part. I also computed the estimated salary for each
position and categorized it to the NCR division in order to have a more relevant and
similar denominator for comparison. Moreover, I was tasked to do a job poster of an
executive and administrative assistant for job hiring purposes. My creativity also
comes out in making this poster look minimalist and aesthetic.
The next day, I started continuing the human resource section for the salary
benchmarking. The P&C team also had a meeting with our supervisor. He sets
guidelines and assigned tasks to each and every one of us. I was tasked to do the
Table of Organization (T.O.) or the organizational structure of AGORA PH. I learned
that the sizes of the structure are very important in making the T.O. I was also tasked
to do the pay scale for the different ranks of an employee from staff 1 being an entry
level up to the executive VP as the highest. This will serve as a recommendation for
promotional salary.
On my 7th day as an intern, I continued to work on the sales, marketing, and
operations section of the salary benchmarking. I also do the summary for one of the
sources I am using for all of the departments I have finished. We also held a meeting
with our supervisor to report our accomplishments for the day.
On September 23, I already finished the summary of salary benchmarking for
the first source. I also started continuing to fill up the second source and finished the
sales, marketing, human resource, accounting section.
On the last day of week 2, I completed the summary of salary benchmarking for
the second source. I also started to search for the third source and finished the sales
section. For this day, I also made a job poster for an administrative assistant. I post it
on different platforms such as Facebook groups and LinkedIn for a wider reach.
That concludes my second week on AGORA PH and I hope I will be able to
finish the third source for salary benchmarking next week, so I can also move in doing
the pay scale for the ranks.
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy - BSAC
1st Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022
September 27 to October 1

Name of Trainee: Janilyn F. Viernes I.D. No. 18-1-02274

Agency: AGORA PH (The Everything Store, Inc.)
Hours Completed for this Period: 40 hours
Total Hours as of this Date: 104 hours
Overage or (Shortage) based on schedule indicated in the LOE: N/A
Reason for Overage or Shortage: N/A

Another week has started and I continue to work on the salary benchmarking I
was tasked to undertake. I completed the remaining sections such as marketing,
operations, accounting, technology and development and supply chain. This was filled
up on the third source of comparison. At the end of this day, the research on salary
benchmarking I was working on last week is already finished. The work was also
appreciated by the trainer and gave good feedback because they are currently using
the information that I researched.
On September 28, since I was also tasked to do the recommendation ranks and
corresponding pay scale, I started researching on how to establish a salary structure.
In a company, different ranks have different amounts of remuneration. I have learned
that it is important to have a threshold on the salary to practice fairness and
reasonable pay among employees and use the information as a basis for entry level
rates up to the level when they get a promotion. This can also be adjusted depending
on the budget of a company. I used the pay grade system to calculate the minimum
and maximum salary range for each tier. The time that all the details needed is
determined, I accomplished two recommendations that the company can use.
The third day of the week started with a meeting with the P & C department. I
was tasked to do the Agora PH skills inventory to determine the training and
development skills needed by the head of each department. As they answered the

JANILYN F. VIERNES Fortunato D. Cayanan / Human

________________ Resource
________ Officer
Trainee’s Signature Over Printed Name Trainor’s Signature Over Printed Name
survey, I got to work on making a presentation of the summary of the results. I haven’t
finished the presentation today but I will continue to finish it tomorrow. The trainer also
held a meeting with me and tasked me to do research on assistance of government &
other entities to businesses especially this pandemic.
On this day the P&C department held a meeting and gave tasks to us. I need to
compare the pros and cons of opening a subsidiary versus opening a new corporation
which also includes the processing, taxes, and processing timeline. I did research
about this and learned the licenses and permits needed in the incorporation. As for
taxes, I also get to learn the current tax rates which are effective for this year 2021 and
2023 onwards.
This Friday I already finished the pros and cons I was tasked with yesterday.
The research was sent to the CAO and CEO. I also finished the presentation for the
skills inventory summary of results which aims to mapped the training and
development needed by the department leads. I also do research on the calculation of
SSS, Phil Health, and Pag-IBIG to know the cost that the employer would incur for the

JANILYN F. VIERNES Fortunato D. Cayanan / Human

________________ Resource
________ Officer
Trainee’s Signature Over Printed Name Trainor’s Signature Over Printed Name
share of the contribution. The actual payment for the employees was given to me, so I
would be able to compute the required share of the employer on employees’
contribution. I accomplished the costing on the total ER share.
That concludes my third week and there is still one task pending that I need to
finish next week which is the Government Assistance and other entities to start-up

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy - BSAC

1st Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022
October 4 to October 8

Name of Trainee: Janilyn F. Viernes I.D. No. 18-1-02274

Agency: AGORA PH (The Everything Store, Inc.)
Hours Completed for this Period: 40 hours
Total Hours as of this Date: 144 hours
Overage or (Shortage) based on schedule indicated in the LOE: N/A
Reason for Overage or Shortage: N/A

In my fourth week, I started to do the pending task I left last week. I did
research on the assistance of the government and other entities to startup businesses.
The institutions that I found include DTI, DOLE, and Small Business (SB) Corporation.
These entities are offering financing loans with zero interest which can be helpful for
startup companies like Agora PH. It also promotes programs that hold seminars and
training for the owners or leaders of an entity which is also relevant to the skills
inventory that I made last week. I finished it today but in case I can still find new
programs, I will just update the spreadsheet.

On the 5th day of October, I was tasked to do research on the rates and
packages that a sourcing medium is offering for recruitment. I list down all the
mediums that are available in the Philippines and the prices of each. I also emailed
them for inquiries of and confirmation of the rates if there are inclusions and add-ons.
One of the companies has replied and confirmed that their rates include tax. This is for
a comparison of different applicant sourcing websites so that Agora PH can choose a
service they need.

The next day I continued to search on different sourcing mediums since I was
not yet finished. I added the companies offering job posting services for employers
which can be used for recruitment since Agora PH is in the process of hiring
applicants. I was also contacted by one of the sourcing mediums that I emailed
For this day, I posted the different job hiring openings of Agora Ph to
Facebook job pages for a wider reach. I was also tasked to do a comparison of
training and development providers which is based on the need of the department
leads that I found out during the skills inventory survey. I search for training for
strategic planning, contract negotiations, and managing performance.

JANILYN F. VIERNES Fortunato D. Cayanan / Human

________________ Resource
________ Officer
Trainee’s Signature Over Printed Name Trainor’s Signature Over Printed Name

This Friday, I continued to search for different training providers. I made an

on the prices of their training and emailed me for further discussion of the specific
need and range of solutions they can offer. The SOCO Sales Training which is based
in Singapore held a meeting with us to talk about this matter. The P&C interns also
made a background design for the preparation of Interns’ Meet and Greet. The P&C
Department also held a meeting to this upcoming event.

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy - BSAC

1st Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022
October 11 to October 15

Name of Trainee: Janilyn F. Viernes I.D. No. 18-1-02274

Agency: AGORA PH (The Everything Store, Inc.)
Hours Completed for this Period: 44 hours
Total Hours as of this Date: 188 hours
Overage based on schedule indicated in the LOE: 4 hours
Reason for Overage: Preparation for the Consolidated Table of Organization; Intern
alignment meeting for the Out of Office Form Navigation and Update T.O.

This 11th day of October, I contacted the account manager of Jobstreet for the
follow up of their initial offer. It went well and they gave credits that Agora PH can use
for the job postings. I also started to prepare the presentation for the 7 training areas
that we will give to SOCO selling sales training providers that we met last week. The
people & culture department held a meeting today regarding the consolidated table of
organization and other tasks. I was tasked to do that, so I wanted to finish the T.O. for
this day. Even though I extended my time today, it was worth it in case of revisions
As estimated, there are revisions needed subject to changes of the T.O.
yesterday. I just updated the presentation for the sales department as directed by me
during the meeting today with the supervisor. For today, I finished the presentation for
the 7 training areas that I started preparing yesterday. The P&C interns are also
tasked to post the job posters to different social media platforms for the widest
This Wednesday, I was researching the 2020 and 2021 rates of Phil Health that
will be used for the Full-Time Rate (FTR) of the key persons in Agora PH. I was tasked
to gross-up their salary rates in consideration of the deductions for income tax and
other deductions like Phil Health, Pag-Ibig, and SSS. The P&C Department also held a
meeting today regarding the Out of Office Forms (O.O.O), interviewer’s assessment,
and Jobstreet available credits. I was tasked to do the know-how of O.O.O if it is
possible that from Google forms, the employee filing the O.O.O. will automatically be
reflected to the Google Calendar, so that the HR would know if there is someone who
is filing or when the respondent is out of office.

For this day, I have learned how to do the task I was given yesterday. During
our meeting today, I presented and navigated on how Google Forms, Google Sheets
and Google Calendar will coordinate to automatically reflect the forms to the HR’s
calendar. This is a good discovery for me and for the company, as this system will
bring ease to everyone. I also made a presentation for this procedure so that other
people can also use this in the future. I also updated and proofread the T.O. today
because it will be presented by the HR officer tomorrow.
On the 15th day of October, I made an AGORA logo for the People Operations
Manager that she can use to be identified. I continued the pending research for the
FTR so that I can do trial and error or to formulate the formula that I can use for all the
salary rates. The P&C also held an alignment meeting. After that we also held a
meeting for the navigation of O.O.O. which will be used by the people in the company.
I also updated the T.O. because it was requested by the upper management to do
changes on the format.
That concludes my week and I was also happy to remember that this day is my
official first month as an intern at AGORA PH. I’m looking forward to more exciting
events that will happen soon.

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy - BSAC

1st Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022
October 18 to October 22

JANILYN F. VIERNES Fortunato D. Cayanan / Human

________________ Resource
________ Officer
Trainee’s Signature Over Printed Name Trainor’s Signature Over Printed Name

Name of Trainee: Janilyn F. Viernes I.D. No. 18-1-02274

Agency: AGORA PH (The Everything Store, Inc.)
Hours Completed for this Period: 41 hours
Total Hours as of this Date: 229 hours
Overage based on schedule indicated in the LOE: 1 hour
Reason for Overage: Movie Night

This 18th of October, I started the research on the employee contribution for the
Full Time Representatives (FTR). I need to make sure that the rates are correct and
updated for the year 2021. These include the SSS, Philhealth, and Pag-IBIG in which
the PhilHealth rate for 2021 is suspended, so I used the rate for 2020. I also do
research on how to get the net take home pay in relation to the deductions and the
income tax rates to be used on Employer-Employee relationship under the TRAIN
This Tuesday, I made my own formula to gross-up the monthly salary of the
FTR and get the net pay of their actual salary. It is quite challenging for me to
formulate since I need to take into consideration the amount of deductions and income
tax rates that vary as the gross pay increases. I made four self-made calculators
based on the graduated income tax rate and the corresponding annual income. I do
trial and error on the amounts to get the desired net pay. Finally, I was able to get the
right amounts.

From the formula I made yesterday, I now get ready to compute each of the
FTR. I use the 2021 contribution table of SSS to accurately encode the right amount
because the contribution increases as the base pay increases. I also take in
consideration the other deductions and the grossed-up salary pay as the annual
income increases. This indicates that I need to use another formula for a higher range.
Today, I already completed the computation for the FTR.

On October 21st, Agora PH held an event “Interns’ Meet and Greet” which was
attended by all the interns (34) together with the Chiefs and Department Lead. The
management gave us a warm welcome as we also got to know other interns from
different departments. The Chiefs also state their encouragement in working at the
company. After the event, the P&C department also held a meeting for the tasks and
weekly cadence that will be held in the afternoon. I made a presentation of a guide on
the Out of Office form. The P&C Department held another meeting for the weekly
cadence. This is our first cadence and we get to present our finished and ongoing
tasks to update everyone on the status of the report.

This Friday, I started working on the research for the development and training
providers for the skills needed by the department lead which includes project
management, contract negotiations, IT systems and New Technology. I also made
Google forms together with the spreadsheet for the filing of Out of Office for each
department. I also do a job posting to social media sites like LinkedIn and Facebook.
We also had our movie night led by the P&C department with the movie Cruella. It is
such a great movie and I had fun watching it. That concludes my 6th week, though I
have one pending task I’m looking forward in finishing it next week.

JANILYN F. VIERNES Fortunato D. Cayanan / Human

________________ Resource
________ Officer
Trainee’s Signature Over Printed Name Trainor’s Signature Over Printed Name

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy - BSAC

1st Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022
October 25 to October 29

Name of Trainee: Janilyn F. Viernes I.D. No. 18-1-02274

Agency: AGORA PH (The Everything Store, Inc.)
Hours Completed for this Period: 40 hours
Total Hours as of this Date: 269 hours
Shortage (Overage) based on schedule indicated in the LOE: N/A
Reason for Overage or Shortage: N/A
The 7th week has started, I continued to do my research on finding a training
provider for the training and development needs of the department leads. I did
research on all the training skills areas which includes project management, grievance
and procedures, and managing performance. This task was quite challenging for me
because I wanted to have an updated plot of online training and seminars inclined to
the skills inventory needed by the company. Good thing I was able to find training
providers with scheduled dates and overview of the seminar. I think this is important so
that they can see the available seminars in the month of November and December
which helps them to choose a date based on their availability.

On Tuesday, I continued to search for the training providers I was working with
yesterday. It is a good thing that I was able to find companies that offer a public
seminar with schedules so I can plot it on the calendar that I made for convenience. I
also had a meeting with my supervisor regarding the Out of Office Form that should be
edited as per request by the People Operations Manager. We also discussed the
interview assessment form for the interviewer to clarify and solve the problems on the
use of the Google forms. As per discussed, I edited the forms needed for all the
departments. I also updated the weekly cadence spreadsheet.

This Wednesday, the research for training providers continues. I am also

having a hard time in searching for online training that offers an IT systems and new
technology session because some are already plotted as courses and outdated.
Moreover, I put the schedules on the calendar so the data can be more useful. I also
finished the excerpt and sources needed for the FTR to make it complete and polish. I
also updated the weekly cadence for this week.

On October 28, I started preparing the recommendation for the training and
development provider that I think is best for the company which considers the price,
availability of the department lead and works through online. I included in the
presentation each of the areas and its function as well as the provider, quotation, and
the expected learnings at the end of the training. I also included in the spreadsheet the
details of each company provider so that if they do not have the time on the scheduled
date, they can contact the provider for a custom-made training.
This Friday, I continued the draft of the recommendation I was working on
yesterday. I schemed the providers that they need which I think is convenient for them
when the department leads are ready to be in training. We also have a Brown Bag
session for this day. It is a talk about “Social and Emotional Literacy” led by the guest
speaker – Dra. Carolina Gracia – Gener. This is a good way to remind everyone that
our emotions are valid but our actions and intentions should also be appropriate. It’s
nice that it is also interactive as the department leads are also sharing their
experiences related to the topic.

That concludes my 7th week. It is quite challenging but with the words of
wisdom at the end of this week, it is also uplifting and full of inspiration in dealing with
ourselves and towards other people.

JANILYN F. VIERNES Fortunato D. Cayanan / Human

________________ Resource
________ Officer
Trainee’s Signature Over Printed Name Trainor’s Signature Over Printed Name

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy - BSAC

1st Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022
November 1 to November 5
Name of Trainee: Janilyn F. Viernes I.D. No. 18-1-02274
Agency: AGORA PH (The Everything Store, Inc.)
Hours Completed for this Period: 32 hours
Total Hours as of this Date: 301 hours
Shortage based on schedule indicated in the LOE: 8 hours
Reason for Shortage: All Saints Day (Nov. 1)
The 8th week has started, we, the P&C Interns held a meet for the new interns
coming. This is for welcoming them and to teach them their daily and recurring tasks.
After that, I also have a meeting with my supervisor in P&C to inform me that I will be
moving to a different department which is the Admin. I have a new supervisor - People
Operations Manager, Ms. Daisy Rafal. Sir Cayanan assigned me to a different
department to experience different admin tasks which also includes accounting. I had
a meeting with Ms. Daisy and assigned me things that I need to do. I was tasked to
create accounting forms and its process. For this day, I made a petty cash resolution
and voucher, special journals, check request, and cash count sheet.

On Wednesday, I was tasked to do the Payment Request Voucher. I made it on

a spreadsheet, so the admin would access it because it is urgently needed. After that I
did research on the procedures needed if a staff member in a department needed to
fill-up the form. I also included the process together with the form. I also made a cash
voucher and petty cash voucher, and a sales invoice. I was also tasked to make a
flowchart process for settlement procedures for merchants.

On the 4th day of November, I was asked to revise the settlement procedures
flowchart and turn it into a process that includes decision making procedure. I learned
that process symbols which are shapes have different uses when making a flowchart.
After revisions, the settlement procedure is finished and approved. For the accounting
forms, I made a purchase request form. I also attended the weekly cadence under the
P&C department and presented the different sourcing applicants with their
corresponding rates and validity to be used for job postings and hiring. I also had a
meeting with Ms. Daisy regarding the Google Workspace access and utilization.

This Friday, I continued creating accounting forms which include the purchase order
and did research on the purchase process. I was also tasked to create a Google Form
for the Letter of Engagement of Agora Ph to the Merchants. This also includes the
terms and conditions, and different arrangements to be filled up by the merchants.
That concludes my week this November. It is good to obtain new experience from this
department as it handles Accounting, P&C, and Legal. It is also a pleasure to be
directed by the Agora Ph People Operations Manager.

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy - BSAC

1st Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022
November 8 to November 12

Name of Trainee: Janilyn F. Viernes I.D. No. 18-1-02274

Agency: AGORA PH (The Everything Store, Inc.)
Hours Completed for this Period: 40 hours
Total Hours as of this Date: 341 hours
Shortage (Overage) based on schedule indicated in the LOE: N/A
Reason for Shortage (Overage): N/A

JANILYN F. VIERNES Daisy Soriano-Rafal, CHRP/ People Operation Manager

Trainee’s Signature Over Printed Name Trainor’s Signature Over Printed Name
9th week has arrived and I was tasked to do research for the Management
Trainee Program then create a spreadsheet for this. I included everything to know
about the topic including the qualifications, skills needed, and the companies that offer
this kind of program.
This is the first time I’ve learned about this and I have a lot of learnings obtained as I
was reading articles regarding this program. I did not know before that a person can
actually apply to a company and be trained by the managerial or executive position in
management. In line with this, I also learned that even if an applicant is applying as a
trainee, good credentials, excellence and experience are being considered to qualify in
this position.

This Tuesday, I made a cash receipts journal as part of the accounting forms
needed. This is part of the special journals used in a company in recording the cash
receipts. I included this journal because I think this is important in recording
transactions since the admin department also holds the accounting side of Agora Ph
for documentation. I also made a Cash disbursements journal so the admin can also
use this to track disbursements and for documentation.

On Wednesday, I made a cash count sheet. This is for monitoring the cash on
hand in cases they will establish a petty cash or the cash on hand itself. I also create a
balance sheet on a spreadsheet as part of accounting forms from the document sent
to me. Income statement is also part of this, that they can use to perceive the
performance of the company in a given period.

This 11th day of November, I made a Statement of Cash Flows because this is
part of the file sent to me. This is useful for them to track their cash inflows and
outflows and to see the cash balance on a given period. I am still getting updates from
the P&C department and we are tasked to post the job poster which is open for all
interns on all courses. I posted this on LinkedIn for a better reach of applicants.

On Friday, I made a receiving report for the cycle of purchase order I made last
week. I also created a check register so they can input the transaction from the check
request voucher when it is approved. The admin department held an alignment
meeting for all the interns together with Ms. Daisy and Ms. Mary Grace. This is for
assignment of tasks to be directed next week. Agora Ph also held a movie night led by
the P&C department – The Tomorrow War. This is a good way to bond and relax this
week. That sums up my 9 th week and I’m looking forward to more learning before my
internship ends.

JANILYN F. VIERNES Daisy Soriano-Rafal, CHRP/ P eople Operation Manager

Trainee’s Signature Over Printed Name Trainor’s Signature Over Printed Name

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy - BSAC

1st Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022
November 15 to November 19

Name of Trainee: Janilyn F. Viernes I.D. No. 18-1-02274

Agency: AGORA PH (The Everything Store, Inc.)
Hours Completed for this Period: 38 hours
Total Hours as of this Date: 379 hours
Shortage based on schedule indicated in the LOE: 2 hours
Reason for Shortage: To give way on the City’s event I participated.
On the 15th of November, I did research on the process of each accounting form
I made. I consolidated all the information needed to come up on the procedure needed
to complete the process. I made a process for petty cash voucher, cash count, cash
disbursement and cash receipts journal, check request voucher, and check register.
Since the admin also holds the accounting, I am using my learnings to make my own
draft of the process that can be implemented to the company. Since I am very familiar
with the task given, I can check if the information from different sources I’m using is

This Tuesday, I had a meeting with Ms. Daisy regarding the process of each
accounting form I made and presented it to her. We discussed the petty cash
resolution as well as the process on the petty cash voucher. I needed to add more
authorization to the voucher and a more detailed policy. My supervisor recommended
using the documentation control system template. This is the template that I need to
use in making the policies, identifying the responsible person, flowchart, and proper
documentation of the reference forms used in completing the process. I started to
make a draft for the granting, utilization, and replenishment of petty cash funds. I also
did research on the standard policy implemented by COA and other private entities in
accordance with this matter. At the end of the day, I sent the draft of the petty cash
policy to my supervisor.

On Wednesday, from the draft that I made yesterday, I needed to add the
company resolution as well as the logo of Agora Ph. I am also revising some of the
policies to make it understandable and complete. I had a meeting with my supervisor
for the birthday celebration of the 3 department regulars. I was tasked to canvas the
prices of the cake and food as well as the delivery fee on each location. I made a
presentation for the suggestion that me and Ms. Daisy has discussed it so we can
send it to the CAO of the company.

On November 18, we discussed the final prices summary for tomorrow’s event. I made
the final presentation for this so we have a copy on the amounts needed for the food of
the employees and interns. I also coordinated with the HR intern for the number of
interns under the P&C and their respective addresses. My supervisor and I had a
meeting regarding the template, instructions, and sample that will be disseminated
upon approval. The Documentation Control System will serve as the standard
template that will be used by each of the departments such as people & culture, sales,
operations, dev. & tech. and marketing. She discussed each of the details in the
template so I can make instructions in each section required. I finished the DCS
sample in which I inserted a flowchart procedure for the requesting employee and
revised the sections as per discussed.

On Friday, I scheduled the delivery for the cake and food for the birthday
celebration today and updated the status of each delivery. I also collected the receipt
for documentation and put it in one folder. I created a blank form for the DCS as well
as the instructions needed
– DCS Instructions. I also finalize the DCS sample – petty cash documentation, as a
suggestion. I put these three in one folder and sent them to my supervisor. That
concludes my 10th week. I also received an email relating to the instructions of Sir Don
Jandusay – Sales Admin for the Letter of Engagement with merchants. This will be
assigned to me next week.

JANILYN F. VIERNES Daisy Soriano-Rafal, CHRP/ People Operation Manager

Trainee’s Signature Over Printed Name Trainor’s Signature Over Printed Name

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy - BSAC

1st Semester, Academic Year 2021-2022
November 22 to November 24

Name of Trainee: Janilyn F. Viernes I.D. No. 18-1-02274

Agency: AGORA PH (The Everything Store, Inc.)
Hours Completed for this Period: 24 hours
Total Hours as of this Date: 403 hours
Overage (Shortage) based on schedule indicated in the LOE: N/A
Reason for Shortage (Overage): N/A

On November 22, I completed arranging the receipts in one folder required from
last week’s event. This is in line with the expenses summary I made on a spreadsheet.
After that, me and Ms. Daisy held a meeting regarding the Merchant Engagement form
for General Trade (GT). The forms are subjected to revisions as per Sir Don
instructions. After we finished the forms, I was tasked to do the proposal for the 2021
Christmas party of Agora Ph. With the given theme, I need to create a suggestion from
the look of the presentation, invitation, and program. Today, I only presented the draft
of the motif and theme. I was taught to make a livelier color for this.

This Tuesday, I am in a meeting with Ms. Daisy about the additional Non-
Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to be added to the Terms & Conditions for the
engagement with merchants. I also need to create another form for National Key
Accounts (NKA). I was able to finish this during the meeting. For the Christmas Party
proposal, I revised the colors and edited the presentation including the attire and
background of the Theme: Gatsby. After that, as per Sir Don instructions I needed to
put in the bank account details to the forms I made, in which I finished today.

On November 24, I updated the additional requirements for NKA engagement

as per commented by Sir Don. There are things needed to be revised such as the
authorized representative, business type, and revenue share. Once the engagement
forms were finished, I started continuing the proposal presentation. I created my
suggested program as well as the Google Slides presentation. I also made a separate
invitation and program which is located in one folder. Today, I finished the proposal for
the Christmas party which I sent to Ms. Daisy. After that, there are revisions from GT
and NKA engagement forms required as per Ms. Sheryl – CAO. I revised the GT and
NKA Terms and Conditions under the engagement forms and I completed this today.
My internship ended today. It was a very great experience to work with my co-interns
and supervisors, it is full of learnings, and events. I am wishing for Agora Ph the
success for their upcoming launch next week and I am honored to be part of their pre-
operations. That sums up my 11th week and I am on the off-boarding process.


Agora Ph is a company belonged to an e-commerce industry. It is also a

platform that brings partnership to businesses with physical stores nationwide.
Merchants uses this application to sell products. This the company I chose for my

JANILYN F. VIERNES Daisy Soriano-Rafal, CHRP/ People Operation Manager

Trainee’s Signature Over Printed Name Trainor’s Signature Over Printed Name
internship and it is a great experience to work with its management as well as my
supervisors. I completed rendering 400 hours’ school requirement in this company.
The two and a half months of my internship is filled a lot of output-based tasks,
learnings, and application on an actual undertaking at work.
On the first day of my internship, I was assigned to the Office of the CEO as
part of the research team. I was able to meet the CEO while explaining the guidelines
and tasks we need to do. Eventually on the second day, I was informed that need to
move to People & Culture department under the Human Resource section. I am also
part of the research team of HR and my first task is the Project Management: Salary
Benchmarking. After a week, I was able to finished this task which composed of three
different job websites such as Jobstreet, Payscale, and Indeed. I made a comparison
of the salary of each job title found in every department of a company. I was able to
include the sales, marketing, human resource, accounting, supply chain and logistics,
dev. & tech, and operations.
I spent one and a half month of my internship at P&C – HR doing researches
which includes recommendation ranks and corresponding pay scale, Full-Time
Representative (FTR) service fees on Employee-Employer share and grossed up
salary, training and development provider based on the results of skills inventory, pros
and cons on opening a new company vs. a subsidiary, government assistance and
other entities to start-up business, a guide on how to automatically reflect the Out of
Office to Google Calendar, and sourcing applicants which includes the different job
posting providers.. I have completed all of these researches and was presented to the
HR department together with the interns during our weekly cadence.
Aside from researches, we also have a recurring meeting with the HR
department. In this time, I was able to meet my co-interns and learn their assigned
tasks. Even if I am not doing the tasks of a regular HR intern, we are always together
in a departmental meeting when Mr. Cayanan is teaching and instructing them. This is
a great opportunity for me to learn other intern’s tasks as I gained insights on the
system and process on recruitment, interviews, schedules, timesheet and off boarding.
From the recurring meetings I am also task to do Google slides presentations as well
as Google forms and spreadsheets. These includes Out of Office Forms, Consolidated
Table of Organization, 7 Training Areas, and recommended training provider.
People & Culture Department has three sections. It includes the Human Resource,
Admin, and Finance. On the month of November, I was moved to P&C Admin
department. My supervisor on HR Mr. Cayanan informed me about this because he
wanted me to experience admin tasks which also handles the accounting. I was able
to meet my new supervisor, Ms. Daisy – People Operations Manager. My first task is
to create accounting forms that the company will use for future transactions. This also
includes the processes, flow, and policies related to the use the forms. I finished
making 17 forms needed such as petty cash resolution, request and its voucher,
payment request form, receiving report, check request, check register, special
journals, balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows with
processes in each of the forms. From that, I was given a template for the
documentation control system. This contains the policies to be implemented upon the
use of each form. I used this template for the petty cash. The DCS comprises of title,
objective, definition of terms, responsibility, flowchart, procedure details, and reference
forms. I was able to finish the draft of the DCS for petty cash which can set as an
example for other departments together with a blank template and instructions.
There is also a birthday celebration for the three regulars of Agora Ph. I was
assigned to canvas for cakes and food for the regulars and employees. After finalizing
the prices and decided what to purchase, I was also assigned to order and delivery.
The delivery was completed and the celebration was successful. I consolidate all the
receipts and made a spreadsheet for the expenses.
I was also tasked to do a form for General Trade (GT) and National Key
Accounts (NKA) Merchant Engagement. This is a letter of engagement with their
partnered merchants together with the Terms and Conditions to be agreed by both
parties. There are a lot of changes happened in this form as per instructed by Mr.
Jandusay – Sales Admin and Ms. Legislador – Chief Administrative Officer. In the end,
I was able to finish this form as well as the revisions.
November 24 is my last day at Agora Ph. I informed the HR and accomplished
all the requirements needed which includes the turnover of documents, surrender my
Agora Ph email account, and exit interview.
As a whole, I have experienced a great internship at Agora Ph because interns
are really doing the legwork which means that we are doing the actual work. Even if
my internship is remote, the communication is always there and the work is being
accomplished based on the deadlines. It’s good to get along with other interns, plus it
is fun working with them. Agora Ph culture is like a family that we can establish the
closeness to each other. The management is also working professionally and directing
us very well. It is full of knowledge, learning, pressure, and application especially on
working in an e-commerce industry. I am grateful to be part of their pre-operations as
they will launch very soon. I am wishing all the best for the company. I am proud and
will look forward to the company to prosper. That sums up my internship at Agora Ph
and I will bring all my experience here in the future.


Agora comes from the ancient Greek term for “market.” AGORA PH is born through
the call of need and to develop digital convenience at our fingertips. As we rapidly
expand NATIONWIDE, we aim to help empowering businesses to improve their
market reach and be an effective sales option for GENUINE and DEPENDABLE local
business brands.

AGORA PH is founded and led by a diverse group of individuals who has a in depth
background and leadership in different industry such FMCG, Retail, F&B,
Telecommunications, Logistics and Information Technology. Our team is highly
dynamic as we ensure that our goals are aligned to our values as individuals.

Our Mission is to be the market of choice as we establish Agora Ph as being the top-
tier digital market platform by having both great vision of helping our partners in
transitioning to the digital market and greatly improving their market reach while
providing our users infinite choices and effortless shopping.

We are strengthened by each other's unique skills to build a strong and solution-
centered to help the community adapt to the new lifestyle.

AGORA PH is developed by bridging market and sales continuity as we lead to long-

term business solution. These principles provided us the precision and direction on
how we will develop and deliver a sustainable platform. These values will strongly
assemble a way that aids business needs to grow on digital markets as we ensure
customer safety and convenience.

To be the top-tier e-commerce platform that offers convenience to the digitized market
with our knowledge and services that will improve the consumers’ NEW NORMAL
lifestyle for a long-term comfort. We are the EVERYTHING STORE.

To satisfy and provide consumers the best ecommerce platform by giving access to
thousands of merchants and merging the traditional and new way of shopping. To
market and provide choice stable and established business on increasing their sales
and revenue in the Philippines.

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