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1 Concept of Job Design

What is Job Design?

1. Statement indicating the minimum acceptable qualifications incumbents must possess to successfully
perform the essential elements of a job.
2. The process of arranging tasks, duties, and responsibilities of an organization to achieve its goals and
3. A written statement of what the job holder does, how it is done, under what conditions, and why.
4. A systematic investigation of jobs and job holder characteristics in order to create a collection of
information that can be used to perform various HRM functions.

Select the incorrect statement.

1. A task is composed of duties.

2. A job responsibility is a description about the overall tasks and expectations of a current or prior
3. Jobs are basic building blocks of the organization.
4. A duty is composed of a number of tasks. It is a larger work segment.

Job design specifies the contents, methods, and relationships of jobs to,

1. Satisfy work requirements for productivity

2. Efficiency and quality
3. Meet the personal needs of the job holder
4. All of above

Carry out the tasks and duties to the slandered level is a,

1. Task
2. Duty
3. Responsibility
4. None of above.
2 Job Design and its direct impact

Function of Job Design has a direct impact on,

1. Employee efficiency
2. Employee training and development
3. Employee health
4. Customer satisfaction

3 Techniques of Job Design

What is not a technique of job design?

1. Scientific technique
2. Job enlargement
3. Continuous arch technique
4. Job rotation

Basic objective of _______________ is to maximize the organizational productivity by maximizing

employee efficiency.

1. Scientific technique.
2. Professional technique
3. Perceptual-motor technique
4. None of above

Adding similar tasks or activities to the existing work profile of employees is?

1. Job enrichment
2. Job enlargement
3. Ergonomics
4. Job rotation

____________ increases the employees’ autonomy over the planning and execution of their own

1. Job enrichment.
2. Job design
3. Scientific technique
4. Group technique
The shifting of an employee from one job to another within a working group is?

1. Job rotation
2. Job description
3. Scientific technique
4. Job enrichment

Designing job according to a certain accepted profession is ___________

1. Scientific technique
2. Professional technique.
3. Job enlargement
4. Perceptual-motor technique

In ____________ the jobs are designed in a way that group of people are able to perform the
tasks and duties.

1. Job rotation
2. Ergonomics
3. Group technique
4. Perceptual-motor technique

______________ is the science of designing the job and workplace to fit the worker rather than
the other way around.

1. Professional technique.
2. Scientific technique
3. Perceptual-motor technique
4. Ergonomics

______________ seeks to ensure that the mental demands of their work do not exceed workers'
mental capabilities.

1. Perceptual-motor technique
2. Professional technique
3. Scientific technique
4. Job enrichment
4 Elements of Job Design

______________ are the elements which lead to minimize time, effort and cost which are needed
to perform a particular job

1. Efficiency elements
2. Effective elements
3. Behavioral elements
4. Technological elements

Which is not considered an Efficiency element?

1. Division of labor
2. Standardization
3. Autonomy
4. Specialization

_____________ are the elements which lead to employee satisfaction.

1. Efficiency elements
2. Effective elements
3. Behavioral elements
4. Technological elements

Which is not considered a Behavioral element?

1. Skill variety
2. Task significance
3. Feedback
4. None of above

5 Alternative work schedules

Which of the following is not considered an Alternative work schedule?

1. Compressed workweeks
2. Telecommuting
3. Shift work
4. None of above
6 Concept of Job Analysis

What is Job Analysis?

1. The process of arranging tasks, duties, and responsibilities of an organization to achieve its goals and
2. Statement indicating the minimum acceptable qualifications incumbents must possess to successfully
perform the essential elements of a job.
3. A systematic investigation of jobs and job holder characteristics in order to create a collection of
information that can be used to perform various HRM functions.
4. A written statement of what the job holder does, how it is done, under what conditions, and why.

Which statement is incorrect about Job Analysis?

1. It involves collecting, organizing, and recording information with regard to job available within the
2. It is also referred to as job design
3. Job analysis focuses on the job as well the ideal job holder.
4. Two end products of Job Analysis are job description and job specification.

7 Importance and the uses of Job Analysis

Job Analysis is used in,

1. Recruitment and selection

2. Eliminating risks
3. Re-organization of the organizational structure
4. All of above

8 Process of Job Analysis

Which is not a step of Job Analysis process?

1. Acquiring a general familiarity with the organization

2. Determining the future employee demand
3. Collecting data
4. Evaluating the effort
9 Methods of data collected

What is not a method of collecting data in job Analysis?

1. Employee log
2. Participation
3. Interview
4. None of above

10 Type of Information Collected

What is/are the type of information collected in Job Analysis process?

1. Activities and behaviors

2. Market changes
3. Customer requirements
4. All of above

11 Job Descriptions and Job Specifications

_________________ is a statement indicating the minimum acceptable qualifications incumbents

must possess to successfully perform the essential elements of a job.

1. Job Description
2. Job Specification
3. Job Analysis
4. Job Design

A written statement of what the job holder does, how it is done, under what conditions, and why is
called a,

1. Job Design
2. Job Analysis
3. Job Specification
4. Job Description

What is not a section of a typical job description?

1. Personality factors
2. Authority of incumbent
3. Standards of performance
4. Working conditions

What is not a section of a typical job specification?

1. Qualifications
2. Special training
3. Job summary
4. Physical characteristics

12 Possible behavioral problems at Job Analysis

What is not a possible behavioral problem at Job Analysis?

1. Employee fear
2. Everchanging customer requirements
3. Resistance to change
4. Overemphasis on current incumbent

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