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NavigationTrading Implied Volatility Indicator

This is the only indicator you need to be successful trading options.

Clear your charts of any other indicators. Get rid of the clutter!!! The best traders in the world
use clean charts (or no charts at all).

Instructions for downloading the indicator to your charts (ThinkorSwim platform only)
1. Open your platform to the “Charts” tab

2. Click on “Edit Studies” in the upper right corner – The Studies and Strategies window will

3. Click “Create...”

4. In the title bar, it will say “NewStudy”. Delete this and type NavigationTradingIVindicator

5. On line 1, it will say “plot Data = close;”. Delete this.

6. Copy the entire Thinkscript on the next page

7. Right click on line 1, paste the entire Thinkscript

8. Click OK

9. In your list of Studies (in the left column), find “NavigationTradingIVindicator”. Click on it

10. Click “Add selected”. It should appear in the right column under “Added studies and

11. Make sure the NavigationTradingIVindicator is positioned in a row labeled “Lower”

12. Click OK

The indicator should now show up on the lower pane of your charts

Alternative Upload – Below is a “shared study” link. You may upload this to your charts, and the
indicator will appear in your studies. See video for instructions.

***Note – You must view Daily charts. It will not display on other time frames***
Navigation Trading IV Indicator
Copy everything below the dotted line, and paste into your chart studies

declare lower;
declare hide_on_intraday; input days_back = 252;
# implied volatility
# using proxies for futures
def df = if (GetSymbol() == "/ES") then close("VIX") / 100
else if (GetSymbol() == "/CL") then close("OIV") / 100
else if (GetSymbol() == "/GC") then close("GVX") / 100
else if (GetSymbol() == "/SI") then close("VXSLV") / 100
else if (GetSymbol() == "/NQ") then close("VXN") / 100
else if (GetSymbol() == "/TF") then close("RVX") / 100
else if (GetSymbol() == "/YM") then close("VXD") / 100
else if (GetSymbol() == "/6E") then close("EVZ") / 100
else if (GetSymbol() == "/ZN") then close("VXTYN") / 100
else imp_volatility();
def df1 = if !IsNaN(df) then df else df[-1];
# display regular implied volatility
# calculate the IV rank
# calculate the IV rank
def low_over_timespan = Lowest(df1, days_back);
def high_over_timespan = Highest(df1, days_back);
def iv_rank = Round( (df1 - low_over_timespan) / (high_over_timespan - low_over_timespan) * 100.0,
plot IVRank = iv_rank;
AddLabel(yes, "IV Rank: " + iv_rank + " (IV in comparison to its yearly high and low IV)", Color.GREEN);
# calculate the IV percentile
# how many times over the past year, has IV been below the current IV
def counts_below = fold i = 1 to days_back + 1 with count = 0
do if df1[0] > df1[i] then count + 1 else count;
def iv_percentile = Round(counts_below / days_back * 100.0, 0);
plot IVPercentile = iv_percentile;
AddLabel(yes, "IV Percentile: " + iv_percentile + " (" + iv_percentile + "% of days or " + counts_below +
" days out of " + days_back + " days were below the current IV)", Color.YELLOW);

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