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Egg Roll Hustlers


Assessment Task 10

 Write a concrete recovery strategy or contingency plan to compensate for the disruption
of your business due to COVID-19 Pandemic. This plan will be implemented on January

The coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic has caused chaos on the economy and the lives
of enterprises, regardless of whether they can continue to operate. Companies are being
impacted in a variety of ways as a result of these disruptions, and many are experiencing
financial difficulties. The COVID-19 problem has also revealed fundamental flaws in
business operations and supply chains that are linked to working conditions and disaster

Egg roll hustlers encounter a variety of challenges that every business owner faces
during the operation. The head cook is also the delivery man. He's too exhausted to handle
the entire day's operations. Because no one else can drive a tricycle except him. Scheduling
complications may develop as a result of each member's availability. It tends to take 2-3
members every day. Because we have a working member, it has an influence on the firm,
causing a delay in delivering orders. A lack of ingredients had an effect, especially if you
forgot to check the stock levels.

People are finally allowed to go outside now that the IATF is no longer so stringent.
Ordering online for delivery is not at all popular right now, unless it's for midnight nibbles or a
rainy day.
Table 10. 1


Disruption impact by Determine the maximum amount of time 1 week and 3 days
timeframe (e.g., hours, days, weeks, months) that
causes the delay of the business operation.
Disruption impact by Specify the degree of severity of the Worst case:
severity of incident identified outage or disruption, e.g., worst
case = 5, no impact = 0 The Magdalena
branch closed due to
a lack of delivery men
and minimal orders

It has a minor impact

on the predicted sales
for the first week.
Disruption of impact Specify the line of business (e.g., For the first week of
by line of business manufacturing, accounting) and the impact operations in Pila, all
to that activity, e.g., worst case = 5, no leftover ingredients and
impact = 0. commodities are being
sold from Magdalena.
Disruption of impact Define operational impacts, such as cash No impact.
by operation flow, competitive position, public image,
reputation, staff morale, employee hiring and
retention, financial reporting, stakeholder
perceptions, shareholder perceptions, and
the impact to that activity, e.g., worst case =
5, no impact = 0.
Financial impact Determine the estimated impact to earnings, Earnings, profits, and
profits, expenses, etc., in a variety of time expenses were not
frames, such as days, weeks, and months. affected by estimated
Minimum acceptable Specify such items as office supplies, Logbook and ballpen for
space requirements furniture, lighting, phone/data connections, encoding daily sales
and electrical outlets. and expenses.
Phone/data connections
for Facebook
Minimum acceptable Specify the minimum of people needed for Minimum of 3 members,
business partners each business unit to operate as-normal or maximum of 6
near-normal. members.
Customer Describe the extent of dissatisfaction of the Customer
dissatisfaction customers because of the disruption in dissatisfaction due to
business. delay in delivery but its
quality is still.
Anticipated changes in Provide details on special situations, such as For certain occasions,
the business mergers and acquisitions and planned we provide pre-ordering
physical moves, the presence of which could to cover the days when
affect how the organization recovers. Egg Roll Hustlers has
low sales. In addition,
there is a menu that is
coupled with the egg

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