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Florence Nightingale
$ Health & Medicine, Business
% Feb. 12, 2010 & 41,650 views

Early life, her life, Crimean war, the lady with the
lamp, the nightingale school of nursing,
reformations in nursing, contributions,
nightingale's pledge

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Florence nightingale

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% Florence Nightingale
1. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE (The lady with the lamp) (12
May 1820 – 13 Aug 1910)
2. <ul><li>Born - in Florence, Italy on May 12, 1820. </li>
</ul><ul><li>Second daughter of wealthy English parents.
She and her sister had a carefree </li></ul><ul><li>Learnt
Latin, German, French, Italian, Greek, Mathematics, Science,
Politics, music and drawing. </li></ul><ul><li>Traveled
widely and met many outstanding people </li></ul>EARLY
3. Florence Nightingale and her sister Parthenope received a
thorough classical education from their father.
4. <ul><li>Interested in politics </li></ul><ul><li>But
attracted to social conditions and charitable institution </li>
</ul><ul><li>Driven by attraction to nursing – A ‘ calling’ to
fulfill a ‘ Mission of mercy’ </li></ul><ul><li>Visited several
convents, hospitals, schools, orphanages </li></ul><ul>
<li>Went to Kaiserwerth for 3 months training in Nursing </li>
</ul><ul><li>Formed ideas about organized training for
nurses </li></ul><ul><li>At 33 years of age – Became
Superintendent of an ‘Establishment for gentle women during
illness’ </li></ul><ul><li>Here, she brought about changes
and showed her exceptional ability as an organizer and an
administrator </li></ul>HER AMBITION IN LIFE…..
5. <ul><li>Russia & France had religious sisters to care for
their wounded </li></ul><ul><li>But England had only
trained men </li></ul><ul><li>F Nightingale received a letter
of appeal from the Minister of war </li></ul><ul><li>With 38
nurses from Catholic and Protestant Orders she set for
Crimea </li></ul>THE CRIMEAN WAR (1854 – 1856)
England and France were helping Turkey in a war against
6. Wounded soldiers were transported by sea to the hospitals
7. <ul><li>She was appalled and horrified with what she saw
</li></ul><ul><li>Wards were crowded, dirty, poorly
ventilated, with filth and vermin and no water or sanitary
facilities </li></ul><ul><li>Food was poorly cooked and
served at long intervals </li></ul><ul><li>Soldiers lay on
straw mats. The floor was covered with dirt and blood. The
men still wore their blood soaked uniforms. </li></ul><ul>
<li>They died of cholera and contagious disease that of
wounds </li></ul>They reached the Barracks Hospital at
Scutari which had 1500 patients…
8. Through her tireless efforts the mortality rate among the
sick and the wounded was greatly reduced (from 42% to 2%)
<ul><li>5 – 6 nurses shared one room including eating and
sleeping. They - </li></ul><ul><li>Scrubbed and cleaned,
improved drainage </li></ul><ul><li>Procured soaps, towels
and clothing </li></ul><ul><li>Opened diet kitchens, made
good food </li></ul><ul><li>Visited the sick and wrote letters
for them </li></ul><ul><li>Set up laundries, reading rooms
and post offices for them </li></ul>
9. The soldiers kissed her shadow as she passed by and got
solace from their sufferings
10. <ul><li>1855 – Florence Nightingale contracted the
Crimean fever </li></ul><ul><li>But she continued to work
for a number of years in Scutari </li></ul><ul><li>She
reported to London about ways to improve conditions, and
assumed care of the patients at night, moving about each
floor comforting patients with a lamp in hand. </li></ul><ul>
<li>This intimate relationship with her patients earned her the
affectionate title of &quot;Lady with the Lamp.&quot; </li>
11. <ul><li>Once back in London after the war, she founded
the Nightingale School and Home for Nurses using money
donated in tribute to her services. </li></ul><ul><li>The
school marked the beginning of professional education in the
nursing field. </li></ul><ul><li>Her book Notes on hospitals’
and ‘Notes on Nursing’ became the first definitive textbook
for the field. </li></ul>
13. A FACELIFT TO NURSING <ul><li>Through selfless
devotion and sheer determination, Florence Nightingale
transformed the profession of nursing forever. </li></ul><ul>
<li>She gave dignity and honor to Nursing, and revolutionized
hospital conditions, making them more organized and above
all, sanitary. </li></ul><ul><li>1907 – King Edward conferred
on her the ‘Order of Merit’ </li></ul>
nightingale founded many Schools of Nursing to provide
sound theoretical and practical basis in the training of nurses
to care for the sick. </li></ul><ul><li>She was the first to
stress on following aseptic precautions while caring for the
patient. </li></ul><ul><li>Her favourite dictum was, “Do the
Patient no harm” </li></ul>
15. <ul><li>Florence Nightingale lived to a ripe old age of 90
years. </li></ul><ul><li>13 Aug 1910 - She died peacefully in
her sleep </li></ul><ul><li>Today the Nurses take the
Florence Nightingale pledge before being formally initiated
into the profession of Nursing. </li></ul>
16. &quot;The ultimate destination of all nursing is the nursing
of the sick in their own homes.... I look to the abolition of all
hospitals and workhouse infirmaries.&quot; – Florence
18. Thank You


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