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1. Page with title "How to be happy in your live". Write 3 phrase inside..

2. Add a folder. Put 3 files inside this folder related to the theme
3. In "bank of questions" create a category "In weekend"

First we create the category and then we ask the question bank
4. Add 3 questions to this category:
- Apparently : "breakfast" -> "churros" ,  "noon" -> "siesta"  , "afternoon" -> "friends"  ,  error: "work",
"pick up floor"
- Tell what answer is correct: "How many time do you sleep in weekend?"  correct:"all i can",
incorrect: "1h" "5h" "8h"
- Complete the phrase: "I like play with my  ____4" Correct:"ps" or "playstation"
- True/false: "Weekend is the best part of week" Correct:"True"
Capture screenshot.
5. Add a category in book of qualifications to this theme
6. Add a questionari to your course with 2 random questions of last category. This questionnaire
has 1 try, 2 minutes and 10 points of maximum note. Assign this questionnaire to last category in book
of qualifications. Student needs 3 points to pass questionnaire. Capture screenshot of this.
7. Add homework. Assign this homework to last category in book of qualifications. Student needs
3 to pass this homework. Capture screenshot.

8. In book of qualifications, questionnaire is 40% and homework 60% of final note. Capture

9. Add a forum where students can comment their problems.

10. Capture screenshot of course.

11. Make 2 groups in this course. GroupA and GroupB.

Password to enrol to GroupA is "HappyA"

Password to enrol to GroupA is "HappyB".
Where do you configure this password?

12. Enrol 3 studens to course, 2 in GroupA and 1 in GroupB. Capture screenshot of this.

13. Each student will make questionnaire and has note of homework. Capture screenshot of
qualifications of all students.

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