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The Place of Avicenna in the History of Medicine

Achimova Liubovi, gruppa 339

Avicenna, Arabic Ibn Sīnā, (born
980, near Bukhara, Iran [now in
Uzbekistan] - died 1037, Hamadan,
Iran), Muslim physician, the most
famous and influential of the
philosopher-scientists of the
medieval Islamic world.
Avicenna used his own methods to treat
spinal traumas and impairments, for example:
- food and drug therapy
- Regimental therapies such as massage
- Phlebotomy (the surgical opening or puncture of a vein in
order to withdraw blood, to introduce a fluid, or (historically)
when letting blood.)
- Cupping (a therapy in which heated glass cups are applied to
the skin along the meridians of the body, creating suction and
believed to stimulate the flow of energy.)
- Dry sauna
- Another surgery

Also, medical terms relating to

the particular disorder symptoms
were described by Avicenna
Symptoms of epilepsy as being a:
- weakness
- forgetfulness
- depression
- nightmare
- yellow tongue
- tongue paresthesia
- anger
- and distress

What did Avicenna write?

Avicenna’s most influential works

were Kitāb al-shifāʾ (Book of the
Cure, or The Cure), an
encyclopaedic exposition of logic,
physics, mathematics, and
metaphysics, and Al-Qānūn fī al-
ṭibb (The Canon of Medicine), one
of the most important texts in the
history of medicine. More than 200
extant works have been attributed to
Avicenna divided his book Canon of Medicine,
into five books
First book describe
The second book explains
different scope of
several plant-, animal-,
medicine, elements,
and mineral-derived
temperaments, senses of
drugs, in alphabetical
humor, physio-
order, with an essay on
logical and anatomical
their properties and side-
principles, and general
therapeutic procedures;

The third The fourth book defines

book describes an organ- general medical
The fifth
based classification of the problems that affect the
book contains numerous
diagnosis and treatment whole body, such as
compound receipts
of obesity, poisonous bites,
different diseases; and fever;

- He achieved wide acclaim for his ability to treat
patients, and often did not require payment for his
- He is known to have written some 450 works in
his lifetime, and about 240 of those works have
- Avicenna is remembered for his enormous
undertaking, The Book of Healing, which served
as a catalog of reference for medicine.
- He also penned The Canon of Medicine, which
provided more of an overall picture of medical
understanding in his day.
- By 997 CE, Avicenna had treated and healed the
emir, Nuh II, from a dangerous disease and was
therefore appointed his personal physician.


In conclusion we can say that Avicenna indicated environmental conditions and specific.
disorders of brain regions, showed the relationship between psyche and somatic state of body
with examples. Avicenna noted about importance, necessity, and benefits of dieting
for the prevention and cure of various diseases. An interesting description of the
prevention of eye diseases: the person cannot strain his eyes for a long time,
sleep on a full stomach for a long time; prolonged insomnia, gluttony, and
drunkenness are harmful. Avicenna mentioned the importance of eyes protec-
tion from dust, smoke, cold, physical exercises for healing, to temper with hot
and cold water, to massage and strengthen muscles, ligaments, and nerves in his


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