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14 Feb 2022

What Influence has the Covid 19 on our daily lives and the economy?

Covid-19 has come with a vengeance, taking us by surprise. The alarming
death tolls terrify people around the world, causing many countries to have a
lockdown for at least 1 to 2 months. Not only the medical practitioners have to
bear a risk working with the patients, but also the people in the street have to
take a chance when they are out of their houses. It has not only affected our
personal lives but also many worldwide business sectors which are being
threatened by the invisible virus as they do not have enough reserve to counter
the impacts of the disease.
2nd paragraph:

The emergence of the Covid 19 has brought about many

(Topic sentence)

changes in our everyday life.

(supporting 1) Keeping a safe social distancing is a must since the outbreak of the pandemic.
When people must be at least one meter apart, it means many activities cannot be held.
For example, sports events, entertaining shows and gatherings.
(supporting 2) Wearing masks can be a hassle, making breathing difficult…………

(supporting 3) ____________________________________________________________

3rd paragraph:
(Topic sentence)
People live in fear and uncertainties while heavy death tolls were
reported worldwide in the news.
(supporting 1) To avoid being infected, people work from home and study at home, making
lives monotonous. With lesser outdoor activities, many suffer from mental health
Schools were closed for a long time to contain the spread of the pandemic,
(supporting 2 )
meaning students have to study through online platforms. As a result, there was less
interaction between students and teachers.
(supporting 3) _________________________________________________________________________
4th paragraph:
(Topic sentence) As
for the local and worldwide economy, many sectors experience
a massive impact.
(supporting 1) No
doubt, many sectors have already been hit hard over the past
months when the Covid-19 broke out. The flight industry as well as the tourism
industry are the most hit areas as people are afraid of travelling overseas.
(supporting 2 ) Plus, many people have been retrenched over the past months as many
companies do not have enough reserve to counter the influence of the long-term
(supporting 3) __________________________________________________________________________________


With the implementation of the large-scale vaccination

programme, most of us have been vaccinated. This means the whole
world is currently on the path of recovery. There is always a silver
lining. What we have to do is to get ready and to promote ourselves
for the time when the pandemic is over.

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