Impact of Surface Chemistry

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Impact of surface chemistry

Gabor A. Somorjai1 and Yimin Li
Department of Chemistry and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720
Edited by John T. Yates, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, and approved September 1, 2010 (received for review June 30, 2010)

The applications of molecular surface chemistry in heterogeneous catalyst technology, semiconductor-based technology, medical tech-
nology, anticorrosion and lubricant technology, and nanotechnology are highlighted in this perspective. The evolution of surface chemistry
at the molecular level is reviewed, and the key roles of surface instrumentation developments for in situ studies of the gas–solid, liquid–
solid, and solid–solid interfaces under reaction conditions are emphasized.

surface science | nanotechnology | heterogeneous catalysis | in situ techniques | technological application

urfaces and interfaces define a formation processing, heath care, and industry with the development of catalytic
boundary between a material and its material and environmental protection. cracking processes for naphtha refining.
surrounding environment and in- The paramount importance of surface Since then, the applications of zeolites as
fluence interactions with that envi- chemistry is reflected in the tremendous cracking catalysts, the supported metal
ronment. At the molecular level, the economic impact made by these technol- clusters as reforming catalysts, in the pe-
surface atoms have a different chemical ogies. The roles of surface chemistry in troleum industry have allowed large-scale
environment, that is, fewer nearest neigh- several major industrial technologies are production of high quality fuels and
bors, from that in the bulk. As a conse- discussed here (Table S1). The major bulk chemicals (7). These developments
quence, these surface atoms with changed challenges for surface chemistry in have helped to lay out the foundation of
atomic and electronic structures exhibit further technological developments are our current fast-growing, petroleum-based
high chemical reactivity. This property highlighted. economy (10).
makes surfaces and interfaces a favored The development of catalytic processes
medium for chemical and biological Heterogeneous Catalyst Technology. A cata- for pollution control and prevention
processes in nature and in technological lyst is an entity that accelerates a chemical also accompanied the fast-growing econ-
applications (1). reaction without being consumed in the omy. One of many successful examples
Modern surface chemistry is about mo- process. This ability is usually referred to as of pollution control is the three-way cata-
lecular-level understanding and the control the activity of a catalyst. For a chemical lytic converter that reduces the pollutant
of surface chemical reactions. Over the reaction with multiple possible products, emission from automobiles (11, 12). Fig. 1
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past decades, various surface science a catalyst may promote the production shows that, despite a twofold increase in
techniques have been developed and a vast of a specific product, which is referred to the number of automobiles, mobile pol-
amount of knowledge about surface as the selectivity of a catalyst. Heteroge- lutant emissions in the Los Angeles
chemistry has been accumulated (1–6). neous catalytic reactions occur on the area have continuously decreased since
The fundamental knowledge that is accu- surface of solid catalysts and involve ele- the three-way catalytic converter was
mulated provides a foundation for the mentary surface chemical processes such as introduced in 1975.
development of many industrial technolo- adsorption of reactants from a reaction In the 21st century, emphasis shifted to
gies that produce items including chem- mixture, surface diffusion and reaction of catalytic selectivity. It is desired to produce
icals and fuels (7), semiconductor devices adsorbed species, and desorption of re- one specific product out of many other
(8), and biomedical devices (9). Techno- action products. The acceleration of thermodynamically possible compounds
logical advances, in turn, necessitate the a chemical reaction is due to the high that are undesirable waste byproducts
further development of new surface char- reactivity of surface atoms that facilitates (green chemistry) (13, 14). To identify the
acterization techniques with higher bond breaking and bond rearrangement molecular factors that control selectivity, it
spatial, temporal, and energy resolution. of adsorbed molecules. is required to monitor surface chemical
This perspective begins with an overview In the late 1800s, the large-scale processes under reaction conditions (15).
of several applications of surface chemistry synthesis of simple but important bulk Innovations in catalytic processes are
that have an enormous economic impact chemicals, including sulfuric acid, ammo- playing a key role in green chemistry by
on our society. Advances in the funda- nia, and nitric acid, were among the first reducing or eliminating the use and gen-
mental understanding of molecular pro- industrial processes based on heteroge- eration of hazardous substances in chem-
cesses on surfaces over the past decades are neous catalysis (7). After these early suc- ical conversion processes and in the
then reviewed with an emphasis on the cesses, many complex catalytic processes development of renewable energy and
development of the molecular-level surface evolved in the chemical industry. These chemical feedstocks (16, 17). An example
techniques. We highlight new scientific processes include the synthesis of metha- is the commercialization of the hydrogen
insights provided by in situ experimental nol from carbon monoxide and hydrogen, peroxide to propylene oxide process for
and theoretical techniques capable of the oxidation of ethylene to ethylene oxide
characterizing surfaces and interfaces for the manufacture of ethylene glycol Author contributions: G.A.S. designed research; Y.L. per-
under working conditions. antifreeze, the dehydrogenation of butane formed research; and G.A.S. and Y.L. wrote the paper.
to butadiene for the production of syn- The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Selected Technological Applications of thetic rubber, and the polymerization This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
Surface Chemistry of ethylene and propylene to produce 1
To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
Throughout modern industrialization, plastics (7).
surface chemistry plays an indispensable In the middle of the 1900s, the large- This article contains supporting information online at
role in various industrial technologies scale industrial applications of heteroge-
for chemical and energy conversion, in- neous catalysis emerged in the petroleum DCSupplemental. PNAS | January 18, 2011 | vol. 108 | no. 3 | 917–924

semiconductors over silicon include the

mission (103 × ttons per day)

Carbon monoxide following: higher electron mobility and
electron velocity, low noise, and higher
Nitrogen Oxides breakdown voltage, which make them
ideal for radio frequency communication
10 Hydrocarbon devices such as cell phones and wireless
local area network cards (48). However,
8 their compound character often in-
troduces formidable surface chemistry
6 challenges in large-scale manufacturing
processes (8, 49). For example, after
4 nearly 30 y of intensive research, the dis-
Mobile Em

covery of a metal–organic chemical vapor

2 deposition process (MOCVD) for growing
device-quality GaN thin films finally en-
abled the commercialization of the GaN-
based technology (50). In this hetero-
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2008 epitaxial growth process, a thin AlN buffer
Year layer is deposited on the substrate before
the GaN growth. The essential role of
Fig. 1. Annual average of toxic mobile emissions in Los Angeles County from 1975 to 2008. (Source: this buffer layer is to serve as a template
California Environmental Protection Agency, Air Resources Board.
for nucleation and to promote lateral
emssumcat.php, last date access: 08/10/2010.).
growth of the GaN film due to the de-
crease in interfacial free energy between
the film and the substrate.
making propylene oxide, a polyurethane surface. Integrated circuits are in many
raw material (18). In this process, pro- modern electronic devices such as com- Medical Technology. In the late 1940s, along
pylene is oxidized by hydrogen peroxide puters and cell phones. with the development of biomaterials for
over a Ti-silicalite catalyst. The use of Extensive research on the effect of medical implants such as intraocular
toxic reagents, such as chlorine, and the electron surface states led to the creation lenses, hip joint replacement, and blood
production of coproducts, such as chlor– of the first point-contact germanium contact devices, researchers began ex-
alkali complexes, tert-butyl alcohol, or transistor in 1947 (39, 40). After the in- ploring biological reactions at surfaces
styrene, are avoided. vention of transistors, advances in epitax- (51). It was indicated by many ob-
Many challenging catalytic processes ial growth of silicon thin films, chemical servations that the biocompatibility of
are under intensive research and de- vapor deposition, and surface etching
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a material is correlated with the surface

velopment for: (i) efficient water and CO2 techniques made the industrial large-scale properties of the material (52–55). For
splitting to produce fuels by photocatalysts manufacture of silicon-based integrated example, when a foreign material comes
(19–23), (ii) efficient conversion of fuels to circuits possible (41, 42). Since then, the into contact with blood, it will rapidly
electricity by electrochemical fuel cells number of transistor that can be placed adsorb various proteins onto its surface.
(24, 25), (iii) selective conversion of bio- inexpensively on an integrated circuit has This process is usually referred to as
mass to fuels and bulk chemicals (26–31), doubled approximately every 2 y, improv- nonspecific protein adsorption. The ad-
(iv) selective production of fine chemicals ing the performance and lowering the sorbed protein layer determines sub-
and pharmaceutical compounds by het- manufacturing cost of integrated circuits sequent platelet adhesion, which plays
erogeneous catalysts (32), and (v) green- (43). New 18-nm manufacturing processes a major role in thrombogenesis on for-
house gas (e.g., CO2 and CH4) reduction are expected to arrive in 2018. These eign surfaces (56). To prevent thrombo-
and utilization in fuel and chemical syn- processes include the following: the genesis, many surface modification
thesis (32, 33). To achieve the optimal growth and deposition of sub–10-nm thin strategies to achieve protein-resistant
catalytic properties (efficient sunlight and films of low-k insulating materials (for (antifouling) surface have been de-
electrical energy conversion, and high ac- example, SiOC) and high-k gate dielectric veloped (57, 58).
tivity and selectivity for chemical conver- materials (for example, SiOxNy); the con- Surface chemistry processes for pro-
sion), much of this research is heavily formal etching of deposited thin films with ducing antifouling coatings and immobili-
relying on controlling the structure and high aspect ratios; high-spatial-resolution zation of biological recognition elements
composition of catalyst systems on patterning with new lithography techni- are pervasive in many commercialized
a nanometer or molecular scale (nano- ques; the doping of the sub–10-nm medical applications, including implant
catalysis) (34). For example, the catalytic silicon channels; and the deposition of biomaterials, chromatography separations,
activity and selectivity of a transition new wiring materials with low resistance and biosensors (59–60). For example, the
metal nanocatalyst can be tuned by con- and high reliability (for example, Cu) glucose biosensor is one of the most
trolling the size and shape of the nano- (8, 44–46). The development of these commercialized biosensor technologies
catalyst (35–38). new manufacturing processes leads to (9). It is at the heart of the hand-held
a broad range of surface and interface devices used by millions of diabetic pa-
Semiconductor-Based Technology. The tran- chemistry issues. tients for monitoring glucose levels. In
sistor and the integrated circuit shaped the Unlike the silicon semiconductor, com- a glucose biosensor, an enzyme layer of
semiconductor industry and the modern pound semiconductors such as GaAs, GaN, glucose oxidase immobilized on an oxygen
information-driven world. A transistor is and InGaN are optically active materials. electrode selectively catalyzes the oxida-
a semiconductor device used to amplify or Their tunable optical response through tion of glucose in a blood sample (61).
switch an electronic signal, and an in- composition control makes them extremely Then, the concentration of the reaction
tegrated circuit contains millions of tran- useful for optoelectronics applications product, H2O2, is monitored by either an
sistors etched out of a small semiconductor (47). Other advantages of compound electrochemical or an optical transducer

918 | Somorjai and Li

to detect the glucose concentration in the layers with enhanced stability. Several based lubricant is a complex mixture. De-
blood sample (60, 62). One of major current challenges in this field include the tailed understanding of how various com-
challenges in the development of the following: (i) the need for detection tech- ponents function in the lubrication process
new generation of enzyme-based bio- niques with high spatial resolution to in- may assist the discovery of more benign
sensors is to find new enzyme immobili- vestigate protective layers that are a few alternatives. Solid lubricants are usually
zation approaches to maintain the activity nanometers thick and the corrosion pro- more environmentally friendly than fluid-
of the immobilized enzyme for a long cesses that occur locally on the defect sites based lubricants. However, severe perfor-
time period. on the thin layer; and (ii) the development mance degradation in the presence of
At the more fundamental level, a de- of model systems that simulate real cor- humidity or oxygen limits the applications
tailed understanding of how surface rosion processes where the corrosive en- for using solid lubricants exposed to the
properties control the biological activity vironment may evolve as the corrosion Earth’s atmosphere (87, 88). The surface
at biointerfaces is the key to engineering progresses, or where the harsh corrosive chemistry of their degradation is an im-
new biomaterials for advanced biological environments are hard to reproduce in portant research subject for improving
applications. Advances in surface analysis laboratories (73, 74). their chemical stability.
make it possible to characterize the surface Natural joints in humans are the most
chemistry and structure of increasingly Lubricant Technology. A lubricant is a complex and sophisticated lubrication
complex biointerfaces (51, 63, 64). For material confined between two hard sur- systems. Their performance is far superior
example, the PEG-terminated self-assem- faces in relative motion. Its existence helps to any current artificial joint (89). Their
bly monolayers have been studied by using reduce the friction and wear at the inter- working mechanism is poorly understood.
surface-specific optical spectroscopy tech- faces (75). Most of the fluid-base lu- Further tribological investigations on the
niques to unveil the molecular structural bricants consist of viscous base stocks (e.g., molecular level are needed to improve the
origin associated with their antifouling paraffinic-, aromatic-, and naphthenic-hy- performance of artificial joints.
properties (65, 66). drocarbon–type molecules with carbon
number ranging from 14 to 40+) and ad- Surface Chemistry at the Molecular
Anticorrosion Technology. In many practical ditives to enhance performance under Level
applications, high reactivity of surfaces heavy-duty and high temperature con- As many technologies develop, there is
may cause undesirable chemical (corro- ditions (76). This type of lubricant is constant calling for molecular-level
sion) or mechanical (wear and friction) widely used in internal combustion en- understandings of surface chemical pro-
processes, which lead to material and en- gines, vehicle and industrial gear boxes, cesses in complex environments. It took
ergy waste. Depending on the materials compressors, turbines, and hydraulic sys- almost 50 y for surface chemistry to de-
(metal, oxide, and polymer) and the sur- tems. Solid lubricants are layered materi- velop into a molecular-level science, which
rounding environment (gas, corrosive liq- als such as graphite, tungsten disulfide, is now capable of in situ characterization of
uid, temperature, and radiation), there are and molybdenum disulfide (77). These a variety of surface properties and pro-
many surface chemical processes that can solids are used in high-temperature gas viding fundamental understanding to aid in
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lead to the progressive corrosion of ma- turbines and space applications where the design and engineering of large-scale
terial surfaces. On a nonnoble metal sur- fluid-based lubricants are not stable be- chemical processes in technological appli-
face in an oxidative moist environment, cause of vaporization. Other lubricants of cations (90, 91).
severe corrosion usually occurs through an great technological importance include The revolutionary development of sur-
electrochemical process (67). ultra-thin lubricant films coated on a com- face science at the molecular level began in
Anticorrosion technology uses various puter hard disk surface to prevent wear by the 1960s when techniques for preparation
surface chemical processes to coat a ma- the disk head, biocompatible lubricants of clean single crystal surfaces and char-
terial with a protective layer. Most of the used in artificial joints, and organic acterization of surface structure and
protective layers consist of metal oxides monolayer lubricants in microelectro– chemical compositions in ultrahigh vac-
(e.g., chromium oxide on stainless steels) mechanical systems (78–81). uum, such as low energy electron diffrac-
or polymers (e.g., Teflon on pans) that are The terminological introduction of tri- tion (LEED), Auger electron spectroscopy
inert in the environment of their specific bology, the science of friction, wear, and (AES), and X-ray photoelectron spec-
applications. A protective layer usually lubrication, in the late 1960s reflected the troscopy (XPS), became available to the
serves as a kinetic barrier to slow down urgent need for scientific focus on molec- research community (5). Throughout
corrosion process (68–70). The long-term ular mechanisms of lubrication for the the 1960s to the early 1990s, thousands
stability of the protective layers is the development of lubricant technology. In of surface structures were studied. A
major concern in many applications. For past decades, many tribological studies dynamic view of surfaces emerged from
example, due to corrosion, the aluminized- have focused on properties of thin lubri- the many observations of thermal- and
Teflon coating on the Hubble Space cant layers that hold two sliding surfaces chemisorptions-activated surface recon-
Telescope has been severely degraded af- apart (82–86). Now, it is known that, under structions. In many cases, massive re-
ter 19 y of exposure to atomic radicals and low sliding speeds and/or high loading construction on clean surfaces can lead
UV radiation in low Earth orbit (70). conditions, a “boundary lubrication” pro- to a surface structure totally different from
The design of protective layers with cess occurs. In this process, an active lu- that projected from bulk structure (For
enhanced stability requires surface chem- bricant is a thin film only several molecular example, a reconstructed Ir(100) (92, 93)
istry investigations on the structures, layers thick. A strongly adsorbed and ori- is shown in Fig. 2A). Chemisorption can
growth, and breakdown mechanisms of the ented monolayer is formed on each of the lead to not only the restructuring of ad-
protective layers. Many surface analysis slide surfaces, which protects the surfaces sorbates but also a significant reconstruc-
tools are used to elucidate the chemical against wear. The shear plane resides tion of single crystal surfaces [an example
composition and morphology of the pro- within the thin lubricant film, and the low of ethylidyne-chemisorption–induced re-
tective layers, as well as the kinetics of their shear strength between lubricant molecu- construction of Rh(111) (94) is shown
growth and breakdown in various corrosive lar layers reduces the friction. in Fig. 2B].
environments (68, 69, 71, 72). These re- The development of environmentally The next big step taken after surface
search findings have provided useful in- benign lubricants is a major driving force structural techniques became widely
formation for designing new protective for advances in tribology (85). A fluid- available was the establishment of

Somorjai and Li PNAS | January 18, 2011 | vol. 108 | no. 3 | 919
A B H faces (6). Chemsorption bonding trends
H H across the periodic table were recognized
by using the accumulation of data from
adsorption energy measurements (100).
Detailed electronic structures of surface
Side view
Side view chemical bonds were obtained by spec-
troscopic techniques such as ultraviolet
photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray photo-
electron spectroscopy, and X-ray emission
spectroscopy (5). Theoretical techniques,
especially the density functional theory
Top view (DFT)-based computational simulations,
were developed to rationalize the experi-
mental findings and to provide a consis-
tent framework for understanding sur-
Top view
face chemical bonding (101–103). For
Reconstructed Pt(100)
restructuring of Rh111) example, in the d-band model, the surface
bonding strength on transition metal sur-
Fig. 2. (A) The structure of the reconstructed Ir(100) crystal face obtained by low energy electron dif- faces has been correlated with the local
fraction (LEED). The surface layer assumes hexagonal packing that induces bucking (the 5x1 unit cell is electron density in the d-band of the bond
indicated by a red box). The second layer retains its bulk-terminated square unit cell indicated by a light site (104). Along with the experimental
blue box. (B) Ethylidyne-chemisorption–induced restructuring of Rh (111). The red arrows indicate the
data, the d-band model provides answers
expansion of metal atoms around the adsorption sites and the bulking up of metal atoms in the second
layer underneath the adsorption sites.
to fundamental questions such as why
bulk gold is noble while small gold clusters
are not (105, 106) and why surface
correlations between surface structure and arrangements (96). These findings, the defect sites (steps and kinks) are more
chemical properties of technological im- investigations of elementary reaction steps chemically active (107).
portance. Early examples are the studies of (97), and the effects of catalyst supports The detailed molecular-level studies of
ammonia synthesis over various Fe crystal and additives (98, 99) provided the mo- surface elementary processes (adsorption,
surfaces by an experimental apparatus lecular-level understandings for improving diffusion, and reaction of adsorbed spe-
capable of isolating a single crystal from an industrial ammonia synthesis processes. cies) were enabled by molecular beam
ultra-high vacuum system after the surface More importantly, this example high- technique in the early 1970s (108, 109).
is characterized by surface structural lighted that molecular-level studies on well These studies have yielded information
techniques (95). Catalytic activity meas- controlled model systems (the surface about energy transfer in gas-surface colli-
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urements of the isolated crystal surfaces science approach; refs. 1 and 2) are capa- sion processes (110) and helped discern
at high pressures allow the determination ble of extracting the essence of complex the activities of various surface sites for
of structure–activity correlations. It was surface chemical processes in industries, a given reaction (111). For some simple
found that certain Fe crystal faces have which were previously believed impossible surface reactions, it was even possible to
significantly higher catalytic activity for to obtain. obtain the kinetic parameters (e.g., stick-
ammonia synthesis than other Fe crystal The surface structural studies were fol- ing probabilities and activation energies)
faces (Fig. 3) (96). The high catalytic ac- lowed by extensive experimental and the- of elementary surface reaction steps (112).
tivity was attributed to the existence of oretical investigations of the nature of The invention of scanning tunneling mi-
surface active sites with specific atomic chemical bonding at surfaces and inter- croscopy in 1981 and its later development
transformed surface chemistry into a truly
atomic-level science (113, 114). For ex-
Fe(111) Fe(210)
ample, by monitoring an individual ad-
c4 c5 sorbate in motion, the surface diffusion
14 c7 rate of a single molecule or a cluster was
obtained based on statistics of single mo-
T=400 C lecular events (115). By in situ imaging of
20 atm 3:1 H2:N2
Fe(100) the evolution of coadsorbed surface in-
10 termediates under reaction conditions, the
Mol NH3 /cm2 sec x10-9

c8 active sites for many catalytic processes
8 were unveiled (116).
At present, a vast number of experi-
6 mental and theoretical techniques have
Fe(211) Fe(110)
been developed for surface chemistry re-
4 c5 c6
search and are serving as the research and
development and quality-control work-
2 horses in industry. The in situ techniques
are specifically of great importance and are
under intensive development. These tech-
(111) (211) (100) (210) (110) niques (Table 1) feature the capability to
Surface Orientaon access molecular information at complex
The 1st layer The 2nd layer The 3rd layer
gas–solid, liquid–solid, and solid–solid in-
Fig. 3. The activities of ammonia synthesis over different Fe crystal faces (Right) and the structures of terfaces under practical working con-
corresponding crystal faces (Left). It was suggested that the surface atoms with high coordination ditions. Three of these in situ techniques
number (C7 and C8) are the active sites for ammonia synthesis. developed in Berkeley are briefly

920 | Somorjai and Li

Table 1. Commonly used in situ techniques for the molecular-level surface characterization
Techniques Properties characterized

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) Surface/interface structure, the size, shape, and crystallinity
of nanocrystals
X-ray diffraction (XRD) Structure of micro- and mesoporous materials
Surface X-ray diffraction (SXRD) Surface structure
Ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (AP-XPS) Surface chemical composition
Small Angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) Characteristic distances of ordered nanomaterials
X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) Electronic structure of surfaces
Near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) Surface chemical composition
Extended X-ray Absorption fine structure (EXAFS) Chemical composition and bonding environment of nanoparticles
Polarization-modulated reflection–absorption infrared Surface reaction intermediates
spectroscopy (PM–RAIRS)
Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) Surface reaction intermediates
Sum frequency generation spectroscopy (SFG) Surface reaction intermediates
High pressure scanning tunneling microscopy (HP-STM) Surface morphology and electronic structure
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) Surface morphology, tribological properties, and work function

introduced here along with scientific in- (Fig. 4). Under reducing conditions of (128) suggest that, on the catalyst surfaces
sights recently obtained from their appli- a mixture of CO and NO, the Pd surface saturated by various hydrocarbon adsor-
cation in heterogeneous catalysis. concentration increases. The surface bates under high pressures, adsorbate
composition variation of a given metal mobility is crucial for the active sites oc-
Ambient Pressure X-Ray Photoelectron Spec- is up to 20% at 300 °C. These results cupied by inactive species to be continu-
troscopy (AP-XPS). AP-XPS (117, 118) can indicate that the surface active sites on ously released to allow the reactive species
be operated at total reactant pressure up bimetallic nanoparticle catalysts may access to the active sites.
to 10 torr. The key component that makes markedly change under varying reaction The HP-STM studies on catalyst surfa-
this technique different from conventional conditions. ces unveiled many phenomena that were
XPS is the differentially pumped electro- not seen under ultrahigh vacuum con-
static lens system (Fig. S1) that refocuses High Pressure Scanning Tunneling Microscopy ditions. For example, HP-STM, AP-XPS,
the photoelectrons from the sample sur- (HP-STM). Scanning tunneling microscopy and DFT simulations were combined in
face into the object plane of a 1 standard operating under high pressure and high a recent study of CO chemisorption-in-
electron energy analyzer working in temperature conditions offers a promising duced reconstruction of stepped Pt surfa-
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high-vacuum. The kinetic energy of the way to monitor the structure of surfaces ces at elevated pressures. It was found that
photoelectrons can be tuned by varying and adsorbates on the molecular level stepped Pt surfaces can undergo extensive
the energy of the X-ray source. By tuning during surface reactions. Since the first and reversible restructuring when exposed
the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons system (121) was demonstrated in 1992, to carbon monoxide (CO) at pressures
to an appropriate value, the electron several HP-STM systems have been de- >0.1 torr (Fig. 5 A–C). Scanning tunneling
mean free path can be minimized for signed and applied to in situ catalytic re- microscopy and photoelectron spectros-
a given sample surface so that the oxida- action studies (122–125). A recently de- copy studies under gaseous environments
tion state and the composition of the veloped system (126) is shown in Fig. S2. near ambient pressure at room tempera-
surface layer with a thickness of ≈1 nm By integrating a small, high pressure re- ture revealed that as the CO surface cov-
can be determined. actor into the UHV chamber, the new erage approaches 100% (Fig. 5D) under
AP-XPS has been applied to studying the system is capable of imaging surfaces with ≈0.5 torr of CO, the originally flat terraces
oxidation states of Rh nanoparticles with atomic resolution under a wide range of of (557) oriented Pt crystals break up
sizes ranging from 2 to 11 nm during the pressures (from 10−13 bar to several bars) into nanometer-sized clusters and revert
CO oxidation reaction (119). It was found and temperatures (from 300 to 700 K). to the initial morphology after pumping
that the thickness of the surface oxide on The adsorbate mobility, an important
the Rh nanparticles increases with size factor in hydrocarbon conversion reac-
reduction, which is correlated with an in- tions, has been studied by HP-STM. Dur-
crease of the reaction turnover. ing the hydrogenation/dehydrogenation of
The active site on the bimetallic catalyst cyclohexene over the Pt(111) surface, no
surfaces usually consists of an atomic ar- distinguishable feature of the surface
rangement with a specific composition. It can be resolved by STM (Fig. S3) (127).
is of great importance to determine the Given the limited scanning speed of the
surface composition of bimetallic nano- STM tip (typically, 10 nm/ms), the fea-
particle catalysts under reaction con- tureless STM image implies that the ad-
ditions. A recent AP-XPS study (120) of sorbates move at a speed much higher
the surface composition of Rh/Pd and than that of the STM tip. After poisoning
Pd/Pt bimetallic nanoparticles demon- the reaction by a small amount of CO, the
strated that the surface composition of reaction turnover stops. Meanwhile, the
nanoparticles are extremely sensitive to ordered structures emerge on the surface
the ambient chemical environment. For since the coadsorption of strongly bonded Fig. 4. Chemical environment effects on surface
example, under oxidizing conditions of CO limits the mobility of hydrocarbon segregation of the Rh/Pd nanoparticles detected
NO, the Rh atoms are pulled out to adsorbates. These results and similar ob- by AP-XPS. In the experiment, the partial pressure
the surface of the Rh0.5Pd0.5 nanoparticles servations during ethylene hydrogenation of NO or CO is ≈100 mtorr.

Somorjai and Li PNAS | January 18, 2011 | vol. 108 | no. 3 | 921
Summary and Outlook
The huge economic impact of surface
chemistry is manifested by its pervasive
applications in modern industries that
produce chemicals, fuels, microelectronic
and optical devices, and medical devices.
The challenges associated with high-impact
industrial applications provide a major
thrust to the progressive advances in sur-
face chemistry. At present, there are many
technological challenges in surface chem-
istry applications. A few examples include
the development of energy-efficient and
environmentally benign processes for
chemical and energy conversion, further
size reduction of transistors down to sub-10
nm, the development of biocompatible
implant materials with long-term stability
in the human body, and the development of
Fig. 5. STM images of Pt(557) in ultrahigh vacuum (A) and under 1 torr of CO (B). (Scale bars: 5 nm.) (C) biosensors with fast detection time and
An enlarged view of B showing the roughly triangular shape of the nanoclusters formed at 1 torr. (D) multiple-analyte response capabilities.
Coverage of CO on Pt(557) under different pressures as determined by AM-XPS measurements. (E) The Surfaces are involved in many impor-
relatively stable triangular-shaped nanoclusters predicated by DFT calculations, which provides an ex-
tant chemical and biological processes in
planation to the formation of triangular nanoclusters roughly observed in the STM image shown in C.
(Reproduced from ref. 142) nature and in industry largely because
of their high chemical reactivity. Un-
derstanding surface processes at the mo-
out the CO gas. Density functional theory spectra, the C–Hx vibrational modes below lecular level, however, has proven to be
calculations provide a rationale of the ≈3,000 cm−1 can be attributed to the ad- challenging because spatial resolution
observations whereby the creation of in- sorbed n-butylamine. On the Pt(111) sur- down to a few nanometers is a prerequisite
creased concentrations of low-coordination face, the C–H aromatic stretching mode for any useful surface science technique.
Pt edge sites in the formed nanoclusters at 3,105 cm−1 indicates that an intact The advancement of various surface-
relieves the strong CO–CO repulsion in aromatic ring is adsorbed on the surface at specific techniques is the main theme in the
the highly compressed adsorbate film 298 K. Thus, at 298 K, n-butylamine and development of modern surface chemistry.
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(Fig. 5E). This example and many others certain aromatic species are coadsorbed These techniques have been used to in-
highlight the indispensible role of in situ on the Pt(111) surface. The disappearance vestigate surfaces at an unprecedented
techniques in surface chemistry research. of the aromatic stretching mode on spatial, time, and chemical resolution.
the Pt(100) surface at 363 K indicates A recent trend in surface chemistry is to
Sum-Frequency Generation (SFG) Vibrational
n-butylamine is bonded more strongly to study surface reactions at the molecular
Spectroscopy. SFG vibrational spectroscopy
the surface than the aromatic species, level under conditions close to those of the
(129) is a nonlinear spectroscopy tech-
which blocks the sites for the adsorption real applications by using experimental
nique in which two high-energy pulsed
of the aromatic species on the Pt(100) techniques combined with theoretical sim-
laser beams are overlapped spacially and
surface. These findings can be applied to ulations (134). This type of research high-
temporally on an interface of interest.
Because of the properties of the nonlinear understand the shape dependence of se- lights the importance of developing new in
susceptibility tensor, media with inversion lectivity over the nanoparticle catalyst. situ techniques and is expected to directly
symmetry such as isotropic gases or bulk
metal crystals cannot generate a SFG sig-
nal. Thus, the entire signal is generated A H H
at the interface. The infrared visible SFG N + 2H2 N + H2 H2N + H2
process (Fig. S4) can be thought of as an n-butylamine Butane and
infrared excitation followed by an anti- Pyrrole ammonia

Stokes Raman relaxation process, the re-

sult of which is emitted radiation at the B C
sum of the two incoming frequencies. This
technique has been applied in our labo-
ratory to detect surface intermediates of
many catalytic reactions over single crystal
and nanoparticle model catalysts at high
pressures (130, 131).
This technique helps us not only to de-
termine the major reaction intermediates
on the catalyst surfaces but also to un-
Fig. 6. (A) Pyrrole hydrogenation. The major products are the aromatic molecule, pyrrolidine, and the
derstand the competition between inter- ring-opening product, n-butylamine. (B) The SFG spectra of the Pt(111) surface during the pyrrole hy-
mediates for active sites. For example, drogenation reaction at 298 K and 363 K. (C) The SFG spectrum of the Pt(100) surface during the pyrrole
Fig. 6 shows the SFG spectra of the hydrogenation at 298 K. Pyrrole (3 torr) and 30 torr of hydrogen are used in these studies. Note that the
Pt(111) and Pt(100) surfaces during pyr- C–H aromatic peak at 3,105 cm−1 (the red color dash line) shows up on the Pt(111) surface at 298 K, and
role hydrogenation (132, 133). In these that it is missing on the Pt(111) surface at high temperature (363 K) or on the Pt(100) surface at 298 K.

922 | Somorjai and Li

aid in the rational design of surface prop- synthesis, nanostructure assembly, and synthesis and assembly approaches is
erties for technological applications (135). material property characterization (136– a challenging task. Nanomaterials are
During the past decade, studying nano- 140). Advanced applications of nanomate- usually more susceptible to environmental
materials has become a thrust in surface rails in medicine, electronics, biomaterials, changes than the bulk material. Thus,
chemistry. The high surface-volume ratio chemicals, and energy production are un- their thermal and chemical stabilities are
makes surface properties dominant in der intensive investigations. For example, major concerns in many applications (141).
nanomaterials. Because of classical and the catalytic activity and selectivity of Given the rapid molecular-level
quantum confinement effects, a nano- a transition metal nanocatalyst can be advances in surface chemistry and their
material may exhibit novel physical and tuned by controlling the size and shape of intimate roles in the development of
chemical properties not seen in its bulk the nanocatalyst (35–38). A solid lubricant modern technologies, molecular surface
form. These properties can be tailored for made of hollow MoS2 nanoparticles ex-
chemistry has a bright future in the
advanced technological applications hibits superior frictional properties and
21th century.
through contolling the size, shape, compo- chemical stability over the thin film
siton, and assembly structure of nano- MoS2 (88). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This work was supported
materials. Surface science principles and In many potential technological appli- by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Basic
techniques have been extensively applied in cations of nanomaterials, the develop- Energy Sciences, of the US Department of Energy
size- and shape-controlled nanoparticle ment of large-scale yet well-controlled under Contract DE-AC02-05CH11231.

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