Islands Cyprus and Atlantis

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In the middle of the Mediterranean Sea an island… In the island two nations… And some people
lighted a fire under the Mediterranean and now the island is boiling now like the water in a saucepan
on the stove. Aristotle tells in his book the story of Atlantis and how Atlantis was sunk by the god,
Poseidon. Now I wonder that if the god does this again for Cyprus and the solution of its problem. A
solution like another story disappeared the all the problems. According to the story, two farmers
bought an ox to use in their farms. Firstly, they agree with each other to use the ox in their farms in
turn. In other word, they will share the ox. But they can’t do this and start a conflict. The conflict gets
bigger and will very nearly transform to a small war. But the ox dies before the war. The ox dies and
the corporation finishes with together the conflicts. Like this, Cyprus sink with its problems like
Atlantis and the problems and conflicts finish.

The general secretary said to the both sides of Cyprus to find a solution until January. If you found a
solution or did anything, this work would finish. The secretary is right. But, firstly, the duty of the UN
is that the peace is to build peace among the states. For this, it must solve their problems and issues.
So the peace provides and friendly relations can be constructed between the states. Because of this,
the UN can’t close the file of Cyprus. Secondly, these problems can’t be solved without forcing. The
UN says to the both sides that if you herd this camel or you go from this land. Thirdly, the situations
which prevent peace process must stop. EU accepted the south side of Cyprus as a member of EU.
However, EU insists on not recognizing the north side of Cyprus as an independent state. This
situation is encoring the south side and it increasingly goes from the solution. While the south side
has the membership of EU, why does it try to solve the issues regarding to Cyprus? To solve a
problem, firstly, it is accepted that there is a problem, then, the problem is defined and lastly, people
or states try to solve the problem. According to the south side, there is no problem in public. Or this
problem doesn’t interest it. Lastly, the problems must be solved by keeping in mind historical facts
and not forgetting the activities EOKA and EOKA B.

In May in Cyprus and in June in Turkey the elections will be done. New governments will start their
official works. So, until the elections, especially the election in May something must be done.
Because, new government means new ideology and new order. Perhaps everything which is done
until now is wasted. But, to do something, firstly, both of sides in Cyprus believes that the solution is
an obligation instead of a needless and secondly, one of sides in Cyprus shouldn’t promoted,
especially like the south side shouldn’t promoted by EU.

OK, what can be done regarding to the problems in Cyprus? How can a solution be brought? In fact, it
is easy to find a solution for the problems in Cyprus. The first solution is that it is accepted by the
world and two societies that there are two states in Cyprus. The second solution is that Cyprus
combines as one state and every people and two societies have equal rights. Two languages, Turkish
and Greek become official languages of Cyprus State and two societies live together like Canada. In
Canada Québec and Canadians live together. But for every solution big states can put pressure on
two both sides. Perhaps, Cypriot Greeks can be thrown out of the membership of EU or Cypriot Turks
can be accepted the membership of EU.
In conclusion, there are problems among two societies in an island in the middle of Mediterranean
Sea and the states or people that promote these problems as if they pour the petrol on the fire. And
as the last, the general secretary of the UN said to both sides that if you find a solution or the duties
related to Cyprus of the UN finish. If a solution really is wanted and there is someone to do this, the
solution is easy. The solution of the problem depends on that states and people encourage solving
the problem, giving up their interests and can put pressure on the two both sides.



The Department of International Relations

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