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Before I start to comment this article, I want to evaluate something about the word the author used.
When I firstly read, I couldn’t understand the meaning of ‘transformation’. Perhaps the reason of this
is to pass this word without changing. Because, this is an English word. Its meaning in Turkish is
‘dönüşüm, değişim’. Why doesn’t the author use one of these words? Unless I remembered the
word, transformation, I wouldn’t predict to meaning of the word.

NATO founded in Europe in 1946 against the invasion of U.S.S.R. But, although SU (Soviet Union)
collapsed in 1991, NATO maintained its own existence. NATO which established against communism
is started to be considered unnecessary and change began to be important for NATO. The threat
which is the aim of NATO, SU, disappeared; even Russia became a partner of NATO. Perhaps we can
ask regarding to this change that: NATO is an independent organization from states; but what do the
the activities of NATO influence much more? Which state? The USA, or Europe?

Maybe, before I try to answer this question or comment this article, I should learn much more about
NATO. This is my critique about myself. However, this is a fact that the world is changing politically,
economically and technologically. And the interconnectedness among the states and people is
increasing. In a word, globalization is increasing with the problems, threats, and other everything. It’s
required, especially if we consider new threats, new terrorist activities.

In all probability, before September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, everybody thought that NATO
completed its life. But, after these attacks and the improvement and spread of technology, the scale
threats got bigger and bigger. Anymore, the bomb which explodes somewhere isn’t a real threat;
but, together with this, imaginary terrorism on the internet started to be important for the states.
Perhaps, although it isn’t a threat, we can count one site, ‘Wikileas.Org’. The secret documents
regarding to the states which is real or unreal are publishing. And also the economic activities of the
states are working on the computer and internet, anymore. According to a footballer from France,
the protests should do that they draw all their money from the bank instead of doing demonstration
march. Because, according to him, capital system is working on the banks. If all of people
simultaneously drew all of their monies from the bank, the economy of the states would collapse and
the statesmen wouldn’t have other alternatives than doing their demands. Now we consider that the
economic system and military system, even maybe political system (we can remember about this
that the film of Robin Williams called ‘Men of the Year’)* are working on the computer and internet
and the terrorist attacks aim at these systems directly.

Shortly, NATO has to struggle globalized terrorist attacks and also imaginary terrorist attacks. OK,
does NATO have this sufficiency to do this? Or other question is that which state NATO will be
monopoly or influenced under. While NATO goes forward the road to be a world army and if we
consider the five countries which have constant veto rights in the Security Council of UN, these are
important and vital questions. Especially if we consider that big states have its strong and influence
on underdeveloped or developing countries…

*Film tells how a comedian (Robin Williams) wins the election of the presidency in the USA. In the
film the election is being conducted by a company. But there is a problem in the program related to
the election, so false person won the election. This person didn’t elect with the votes of the people.
This situation indicates that how much important and serious a virus or an error in a computer
program will be able to occur political and economical problems in a country. Perhaps real threat is
imaginary terrorism which comes to the second row after clear (open) terrorism.



The Department of International Relations

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