The War in Libya

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Recently the events occurred in Northern Africa and Middle East. People started to rebel against
their governments. A civil war began at the result of the events in Libya. Some country interfered
with the decision of the UN. The justification of this interference is human rights and to die Libyans
because of civil war in Libya. It’s interesting that in spite of the events and the human rights
violations in other states, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, and so forth, the UN and as well as the USA didn’t
interfere to these states.

The aim of this military interference is to protect the people from the attacks of the Libyan
government, Kaddafi. It can be thought that this war finish with Kaddafi’s resignation from the
government. But it is not easy. Kaddafi and his arms weren’t influenced from the attacks of the NATO
which were done with the decision of the UN as the author said. And besides, Kaddafi’s arms are
continuing to the attacks against rebellious civil people. If we consider that this war won’t finish with
just air attacks, according to you, does a military operation in the land finish the war? I don’t think so.
In my opinion it’s not a good idea. Because the military operation in the land lead to get bigger the
civil war. This operation can bear two probabilities. According to the first probability, Kaddafi’s
armies can unite with rebels against occupying states and NATO’s armies. This alternative is difficult.
But if rebels start to die, it can be real. Other probability is that innocent people (we say to this,
“civilians” or “rebels”) can stay between two fires; Kaddafi’s armies and occupying states. At every
two situations civilians, maybe children can die! As the last I want to mention something here. The
author wrote in his column that Libyan armies have more superior fire power than rebels which are
supported by NATO’s armies. If so, this war doesn’t finish easily.

In fact, I agree that this war can solve with a political solution instead of military action. I personally
think diplomacy should be used if a solution is really wanted. But it won’t be easy as well. Which
administrator does resign from the government especially if he/she has power to struggle for
protecting his/her status? Why? Ok, why does Kaddafi have to accept this peace plan? In addition to
this, I didn’t understand why the peace meeting is being made in Qatar. Perhaps it would be good if
the author mentioned this.

In conclusion, people started to rebel against their governments in some countries in Northern Africa
and Middle East. These events began damaging civilians. Some countries like Egypt finished the
events because of that the leaders resigned from the administration. But some countries didn’t do
this. In Libya the rebellion firstly transformed the conflicts between Kaddafi’s supporters and people
who want him to resign. Then, this situation transformed a war with the interference of the UN,
NATO and other states like the USA. While everyone criticizes this situation, everybody think that
military interference is not a solution. Because the UN and NATO didn’t interfere other states, maybe
Egypt or Tunisia. Besides, although people die in Palestine, anyone can’t say anything to Israel
especially if we consider that the USA always vote in favor of Israel in Security Council in the UN.
Perhaps, we should ask a question as the last: If the peace plan comes in handy and the war finish,
who will protect the status quo?



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